path: root/contrib/secbugstats/bin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/secbugstats/bin/')
1 files changed, 307 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/secbugstats/bin/ b/contrib/secbugstats/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..32d296533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/secbugstats/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+# Email a summary report of the bug statistics which also embeds the PNG chart
+# generated by
+import sys, os, smtplib, time, MySQLdb, operator
+from datetime import date, timedelta
+from time import strftime
+from string import join, split
+from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
+from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
+from email.MIMEImage import MIMEImage
+from settings import *
+# extra debug output
+if "--debug" in sys.argv: DEBUG = True
+else: DEBUG = False
+# set up database connection
+ db = MySQLdb.connect(host=DB_HOST, user=DB_USER, passwd=DB_PASS, db=DB_NAME)
+ db.autocommit(True)
+ c = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ print " can't connect to database\n"
+ sys.exit()
+# return the most recent date from our data set
+def getThisWeekDate(slashed=False):
+ sql = "select distinct date from secbugs_Details order by date desc limit 1;"
+ c.execute(sql)
+ row = c.fetchone()
+ if slashed:
+ return row["date"].strftime("%m/%d/%y")
+ else:
+ return row["date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+# return the second-most recent date from our data set
+def getLastWeekDate(slashed=False):
+ sql = "select distinct date from secbugs_Details order by date desc limit 1,1;"
+ c.execute(sql)
+ row = c.fetchone()
+ if slashed:
+ return row["date"].strftime("%m/%d/%y")
+ else:
+ return row["date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+# format a number so positive values have a leading "+"
+def getDelta(n):
+ if n > 0:
+ return "+" + str(n)
+ else:
+ return n
+# given two lists of bug numbers, return the set that went away in the latter
+def getCleared(curBugs, lastBugs):
+ cur = split(curBugs, ",")
+ last = split(lastBugs, ",")
+ cleared = []
+ for bug in last:
+ if len(bug) and bug not in cur: cleared.append(bug)
+ return cleared
+# given two lists of bug numbers, return the set that showed up in the latter
+def getAdded(curBugs, lastBugs):
+ cur = split(curBugs, ",")
+ last = split(lastBugs, ",")
+ added = []
+ for bug in cur:
+ if len(bug) and bug not in last: added.append(bug)
+ return added
+# simple object to store and sort data from multiple queries
+class DataRow():
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.numCritical = 0
+ self.critList = ""
+ self.numHigh = 0
+ self.highList = ""
+ self.numModerate = 0
+ self.modList = ""
+ self.numLow = 0
+ self.lowList = ""
+ = 0
+ self.product = ""
+ self.component = ""
+ def dump(self):
+ s = "Critical: "+str(self.numCritical)+", "
+ s += "High: "+str(self.numHigh)+", "
+ s += "Moderate: "+str(self.numModerate)+", "
+ s += "Low: "+str(self.numLow)+", "
+ return s
+# start building email body
+body = "<html>\n<body>\n<head>\n<style type=\"text/css\">.number{text-align:center;}table{margin:0 1em;border:1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse}th{text-align:left;padding:0 .5em}td{padding:0 .5em;border-top:1px solid #000;padding-top:.2em}{border-top:3px double #000}th.header{font-weight:600}th.bright,td.bright{border-right:1px solid #000;font-weight:bold}.small{font-size:70%}.medium{font-size:80%}.gray{background-color:#eee}</style>\n</head>\n"
+body += "<body>\n<p>Hello,</p><p>Here are some statistics regarding Mozilla Client Security Bugs for the week of %s:</p>\n<h2>Open Bugs By Severity</h2>\n<table>\n<tr><th>Category</th><th>Current</th><th>Last</th><th>Delta</th></tr>\n" % (getThisWeekDate(True))
+# keep track of totals for counts
+curTotal = 0
+lastTotal = 0
+totCleared = []
+totAdded = []
+i = 0
+# bug counts
+for cat in [("sg_critical", "Critical"), ("sg_high", "High"), ("sg_moderate", "Moderate"), ("sg_low", "Low")]:
+ # get the stats from this week
+ sql = "select d.count, d.bug_list from secbugs_Details d, secbugs_Stats s where d.sid=s.sid and s.category='%s' and like '%s%%';" % (cat[0], getThisWeekDate())
+ c.execute(sql)
+ thisWkCount = 0
+ thisWkList = ""
+ row = c.fetchone()
+ while row != None:
+ thisWkCount += row["count"]
+ thisWkList += row["bug_list"] if not len(thisWkList) else ","+row["bug_list"]
+ row = c.fetchone()
+ # get the stats from last week
+ sql = "select d.count, d.bug_list from secbugs_Details d, secbugs_Stats s where d.sid=s.sid and s.category='%s' and like '%s%%';" % (cat[0], getLastWeekDate())
+ c.execute(sql)
+ lastWkCount = 0
+ lastWkList = ""
+ row = c.fetchone()
+ while row != None:
+ lastWkCount += row["count"]
+ lastWkList += row["bug_list"] if not len(lastWkList) else ","+row["bug_list"]
+ row = c.fetchone()
+ # find out which bugs were cleared and which were added in the past week
+ cleared = getCleared(thisWkList, lastWkList)
+ added = getAdded(thisWkList, lastWkList)
+ if i%2 == 0: body += "<tr class=\"gray\">\n"
+ else: body += "<tr>\n"
+ # current count
+ if thisWkCount > 0:
+ curLink = "<a href=\"\">%s</a>" % (thisWkList, thisWkCount)
+ else: curLink = "0"
+ # previous count
+ if lastWkCount > 0:
+ prevLink = "<a href=\"\">%s</a>" % (lastWkList, lastWkCount)
+ else: prevLink = "0"
+ body += " <td>%s</td>\n <td class=\"number\">%s</td>\n <td class=\"number\">%s</td>\n <td class=\"number\">%s</td>\n <td class=\"small\">" % (cat[1], curLink, prevLink, getDelta(thisWkCount-lastWkCount))
+ # links to lists of cleared and added bugs
+ if len(cleared) > 0:
+ body += "(<a href=\"\">Cleared %s</a>, " % (join(cleared,","), len(cleared))
+ else: body += "(Cleared 0, "
+ if len(added) > 0:
+ body += "<a href=\"\">Added %s</a>)</td>\n</tr>\n" % (join(added,","), len(added))
+ else: body += "Added 0)</td>\n</tr>\n"
+ curTotal += thisWkCount
+ lastTotal += lastWkCount
+ totCleared += cleared
+ totAdded += added
+ i += 1 # alternate row color
+body += "<tr class=\"gray\">\n <td class=\"total\">&nbsp;</td>\n <td class=\"number total\">%s</td>\n <td class=\"number total\">%s</td>\n <td class=\"number total\">%s</td>\n <td class=\"total small\">" % (curTotal, lastTotal, getDelta(curTotal-lastTotal))
+if len(totCleared) > 0:
+ body += "(<a href=\"\">Cleared %s</a>, " % (join(totCleared,","), len(totCleared))
+else: body += "(Cleared 0, "
+if len(totAdded) > 0:
+ body += "<a href=\"\">Added %s</a>)</td>\n</tr>\n" % (join(totAdded,","), len(totAdded))
+else: body += "Added 0)</td></tr>\n"
+body += "</table>\n"
+# show top teams with security bugs
+i = 0
+curDate = getThisWeekDate()
+# Keep track of how many bugs of each severity each team has open
+teamStats = {}
+# Risk scoring rubric: assigns point value to each severity of bug
+weights = { "sg_critical": 5,
+ "sg_high": 4,
+ "sg_moderate": 2,
+ "sg_low": 1}
+# Figure out how many open bugs (and cummulative risk index) each team has
+for team in TEAMS:
+ teamName = team[0]
+ sql = "SELECT secbugs_Stats.category,, GROUP_CONCAT(secbugs_Details.bug_list) AS bugs FROM secbugs_Details INNER JOIN secbugs_Stats ON secbugs_Details.sid=secbugs_Stats.sid WHERE LIKE '%s%%' AND secbugs_Stats.category IN ('sg_critical','sg_high','sg_moderate','sg_low') AND (%s) GROUP BY category;" % (curDate, team[1])
+ c.execute(sql)
+ rows = c.fetchall()
+ # print "** %s **" % team[0]
+ # Keep track of the list of each category of bugs for each team and the
+ # weighted risk index
+ teamStats[teamName] = {"sg_critical": "", "num_sg_critical": 0,
+ "sg_high": "", "num_sg_high": 0,
+ "sg_moderate": "", "num_sg_moderate": 0,
+ "sg_low": "", "num_sg_low": 0,
+ "score": 0}
+ for row in rows:
+ # print "%s: %d" % (row["category"], len(row["bugs"].split(",")))
+ # Store the list of bugs
+ teamStats[teamName][row["category"]] = row["bugs"]
+ count = len(row["bugs"].split(",")) if len(row["bugs"]) else 0
+ teamStats[teamName]["num_" + row["category"]] += count
+ # Add points to score - critical: 5, high: 4, moderate: 2, low: 1
+ points = weights[row["category"]] * count
+ teamStats[teamName]["score"] += points
+# calculate some totals
+totalRisk = sum([t[1]["score"] for t in teamStats.items()])
+totalCritical = sum([t[1]["num_sg_critical"] for t in teamStats.items()])
+totalHigh = sum([t[1]["num_sg_high"] for t in teamStats.items()])
+totalModerate = sum([t[1]["num_sg_moderate"] for t in teamStats.items()])
+totalLow = sum([t[1]["num_sg_low"] for t in teamStats.items()])
+# Sort the list of teams by their risk index
+sortedTeams = sorted(teamStats.items(), key = lambda k: k[1]["score"],
+ reverse = True)
+# "Risk Index By Team" table
+body += "<h2>Risk Index By Team</h2>\n<table>\n<tr><th>Rank</th><th>Team</th></th><th>Risk Index</th><th>Critical</th><th>High</th><th>Moderate</th><th>Low</th></tr>\n"
+i = 0
+# Add a table row for each team
+for s in sortedTeams:
+ # ('GFX', {'score': 13, 'sg_critical': '',
+ # 'sg_low': '563740,566209,455573,322708,351800,103454,563838,304123',
+ # 'sg_moderate': '', 'sg_high': '575294'})
+ if i%2 == 0: body += "<tr class=\"gray\">\n"
+ else: body += "<tr>\n"
+ # rank, team, score
+ body += " <td class=\"number\">%d</td><td>%s</td><td class=\"number\">%d</td>" % \
+ (i+1, s[0], s[1]["score"])
+ # critical
+ numCritical = len(s[1]["sg_critical"].split(",")) if len(s[1]["sg_critical"]) else 0
+ if numCritical > 0:
+ body += "<td class=\"number\"><a href=\"\">%s</a></td>" % (s[1]["sg_critical"], numCritical)
+ else:
+ body += "<td class=\"number\">0</td>"
+ # high
+ numHigh = len(s[1]["sg_high"].split(",")) if len(s[1]["sg_high"]) else 0
+ if numHigh > 0:
+ body += "<td class=\"number\"><a href=\"\">%s</a></td>" % (s[1]["sg_high"], numHigh)
+ else:
+ body += "<td class=\"number\">0</td>"
+ # moderate
+ numModerate = len(s[1]["sg_moderate"].split(",")) if len(s[1]["sg_moderate"]) else 0
+ if numModerate > 0:
+ body += "<td class=\"number\"><a href=\"\">%s</a></td>" % (s[1]["sg_moderate"], numModerate)
+ else:
+ body += "<td class=\"number\">0</td>"
+ # low
+ numLow = len(s[1]["sg_low"].split(",")) if len(s[1]["sg_low"]) else 0
+ if numLow > 0:
+ body += "<td class=\"number\"><a href=\"\">%s</a></td>" % (s[1]["sg_low"], numLow)
+ else:
+ body += "<td class=\"number\">0</td></tr>\n"
+ i += 1
+# add totals to bottom
+if i%2 == 0: body += "<tr class=\"gray\">\n"
+else: body += "<tr>\n"
+body += "<td class=\"total\">&nbsp;</td><td class=\"total\">&nbsp;</td><td class=\"total number\">%d</td><td class=\"total number\">%d</td><td class=\"total number\">%d</td><td class=\"total number\">%d</td><td class=\"total number\">%d</td></tr>\n" % (totalRisk, totalCritical, totalHigh, totalModerate, totalLow)
+# finish up Team rank table and scoring rubric
+body += "</table>\n<br>\n"
+body += """<table class="medium">
+<tr><th rowspan="2" class="bright">Scoring</th><td class="bright">Severity</td><td>Critical</td><td>High</td><td>Moderate</td><td>Low</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="bright">Weight</td><td class="number">5</td><td class="number">4</td><td class="number">2</td><td class="number">1</td></tr>
+# embed chart of historic risk index
+body += "<h2>Historic Risk Index by Team</h2><img src=\"cid:image1\"><br>\n"
+# finish up the email message
+body += "</body>\n</html>"
+# set up multipart email message
+msgRoot = MIMEMultipart("related")
+msgRoot["Subject"] = "Weekly Client Security Bug secbugs_Stats Report"
+msgRoot["From"] = EMAIL_FROM
+msgRoot["To"] = ",".join(EMAIL_TO)
+msgRoot.preamble = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format."
+# Plaintext body
+msgAlternative = MIMEMultipart("alternative")
+msgText = MIMEText("Plain text alternative not supported.")
+# HTML body
+msgText = MIMEText(body, "html")
+# image attachment
+files = os.popen("find %s -name '*.png'" % JSONLOCATION)
+img = files.readline().strip()
+if img:
+ fp = open(img, "rb")
+ msgImage = MIMEImage(
+ fp.close()
+ msgImage.add_header("Content-ID", "<image1>")
+ msgRoot.attach(msgImage)
+# if console is chosen, print only to the console
+if "--console" in sys.argv:
+ print "\n", msgRoot.as_string()
+# print out only HTML body
+elif "--html" in sys.argv:
+ print "\n", body
+# send out the mail
+ s = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT)
+ # s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT)
+ # s.login(LDAP_USER, LDAP_PASS)
+ s.sendmail(EMAIL_FROM, EMAIL_TO, msgRoot.as_string())