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diff --git a/docs/en/rst/installing/nginx.rst b/docs/en/rst/installing/nginx.rst
index 9f78d1305..47c26ee20 100644
--- a/docs/en/rst/installing/nginx.rst
+++ b/docs/en/rst/installing/nginx.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,83 @@
-Nginx can run Bugzilla as a PSGI application using Plack.
+Note: Running with nginx requires much more setup and a fair bit of knowledge
+about web server configuration. Most users will want to use Apache instead.
-.. todo:: Give an example of how to configure Nginx and Plack.
- Work tracked in `bug 645282 <>`_.
+You can run Bugzilla under nginx using the traditional CGI emulation method
+with fcgiwrap, as a PSGI application using Plack's FCGI handler, or via proxy
+to a server directly supporting CGI or PSGI. The last method is not recommended
+and will not be discussed further here.
+If using fcgiwrap, configure that in the normal way.
+If using Plack, install that, then arrange for the following command to be run
+on startup:
+ plackup -s FCGI --listen /run/bugzilla.sock /srv/bugzilla/app.psgi
+For any configuration:
+It is highly recommended that you configure a system user specifically for
+Bugzilla and set the ``$use_suexec`` variable in localconfig to 1. Either way,
+make sure that ``$webservergroup`` is set to the user that is actually running
+Use the following server block, adjusting to taste. Angle brackets are placed
+around the strings that must be changed.
+ server {
+ server_name <>;
+ root </srv/bugzilla>;
+ # optional if you don't have the autoindex module or have it off already
+ autoindex off;
+ # these do not conflict. see nginx's "location" documentation for more
+ # information.
+ location /attachments { return 403; }
+ location /Bugzilla { return 403; }
+ location /lib { return 403; }
+ location /template { return 403; }
+ location /contrib { return 403; }
+ location /t { return 403; }
+ location /xt { return 403; }
+ location /data { return 403; }
+ location /graphs { return 403; }
+ location /rest {
+ rewrite ^/rest/(.*)$ rest.cgi/$1 last;
+ }
+ location ~ (\.pm|\.pl|\.psgi|\.tmpl|localconfig.*|cpanfile)$ { return 403; }
+ # if you are using webdot. adjust the IP to point to your webdot server.
+ #location ~ ^/data/webdot/[^/]*\.dot$ { allow; deny all; }
+ location ~ ^/data/webdot/[^/]*\.png$ { }
+ location ~ ^/graphs/[^/]*\.(png|gif) { }
+ location ~ \.(css|js)$ {
+ expires 1y;
+ add_header Cache-Control public;
+ }
+ location ~ \.cgi$ {
+ location ~ ^/(json|xml)rpc\.cgi {
+ # authenticated queries contain plain text passwords in the
+ # query string, so we replace $request with $uri. adjust if you
+ # aren't using "combined" log format.
+ access_log </var/log/nginx/bugzilla.log>
+ '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
+ '"$uri" $status $body_bytes_sent '
+ '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';
+ }
+ include fastcgi_params;
+ # omit the following two lines if using fcgiwrap
+ fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME '';
+ fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $uri;
+ fastcgi_param BZ_CACHE_CONTROL 1;
+ fastcgi_pass <unix:/run/bugzilla.sock>;
+ }
+ # optional but highly recommended due to the large sizes of these files
+ gzip on;
+ # add whatever global types you have specified; this option does not stack.
+ gzip_types text/xml application/rdf+xml;
+ }