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diff --git a/docs/html/Bugzilla-Guide.html b/docs/html/Bugzilla-Guide.html
index 73987b694..90d42f458 100644
--- a/docs/html/Bugzilla-Guide.html
+++ b/docs/html/Bugzilla-Guide.html
@@ -57,13 +57,16 @@ NAME="AEN9"
>The Bugzilla Team</H3
+>2.17.3 Development Release&nbsp;Edition </P
@@ -78,12 +81,11 @@ NAME="AEN14"
This documentation is maintained in DocBook 4.1.2 XML format.
Changes are best submitted as plain text or SGML diffs, attached
- to a bug filed in
- <A
+ to a bug filed in the <A
->'s Bugzilla</A
+>Bugzilla Documentation</A
+> compontent.
>This is a development version of this guide. Information in it
@@ -198,13 +200,13 @@ HREF="#extraconfig"
>4.3. <A
->Win32 Installation Notes</A
+>OS Specific Installation Notes</A
>4.4. <A
->Mac OS X Installation Notes</A
+>HTTP Server Configuration</A
>4.5. <A
@@ -361,6 +363,75 @@ HREF="#variant-sourceforge"
+>E. <A
+>GNU Free Documentation License</A
+>0. <A
+>1. <A
+>2. <A
+>3. <A
+>4. <A
+>5. <A
+>6. <A
+>7. <A
+>8. <A
+>9. <A
+>10. <A
+>How to use this License for your documents</A
@@ -377,21 +448,11 @@ CLASS="LOT"
>4-1. <A
->Installing ActivePerl ppd Modules on Microsoft
- Windows</A
->4-2. <A
->Installing OpenInteract ppd Modules manually on Microsoft
- Windows</A
->4-3. <A
->Removing encrypt() for Windows NT Bugzilla version 2.12 or
- earlier</A
+> files for Apache</A
>5-1. <A
@@ -426,7 +487,7 @@ NAME="copyright"
>1.1. Copyright Information</H1
@@ -448,7 +509,10 @@ VALIGN="TOP"
License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the
Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no
Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of
- the license is included below.
+ the license is included in <A
+>Appendix E</A
@@ -463,7 +527,7 @@ ALIGN="RIGHT"
->Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Matthew P. Barnson and The Bugzilla Team</SPAN
+>Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Matthew P. Barnson and The Bugzilla Team</SPAN
@@ -475,507 +539,6 @@ WIDTH="10%"
copyright, or publishing this document in non-electronic form,
please contact The Bugzilla Team.
->1.1.1. GNU Free Documentation License</H2
->Version 1.1, March 2000</P
->Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place,
- Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and
- distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is
- not allowed.</P
->The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
- written document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the
- effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying
- it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License
- preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their
- work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by
- others.</P
->This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
- works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It
- complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license
- designed for free software.</P
->We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for
- free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free
- program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the
- software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it
- can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether
- it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally
- for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.</P
->This License applies to any manual or other work that contains a
- notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under
- the terms of this License. The "Document", below, refers to any such
- manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed
- as "you".</P
->A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
- Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
- modifications and/or translated into another language.</P
->A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section
- of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
- publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject
- (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly
- within that overall subject. (For example, if the Document is in part a
- textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any
- mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection
- with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial,
- philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them.</P
->The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose
- titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the
- notice that says that the Document is released under this License.</P
->The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are
- listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says
- that the Document is released under this License.</P
->A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
- represented in a format whose specification is available to the general
- public, whose contents can be viewed and edited directly and
- straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
- pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
- drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for
- automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text
- formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose
- markup has been designed to thwart or discourage subsequent modification
- by readers is not Transparent. A copy that is not "Transparent" is called
- "Opaque".</P
->Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
- ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML or
- XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML
- designed for human modification. Opaque formats include PostScript, PDF,
- proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word
- processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not
- generally available, and the machine-generated HTML produced by some word
- processors for output purposes only.</P
->The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
- plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material
- this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats
- which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means the text
- near the most prominent appearance of the work's title, preceding the
- beginning of the body of the text.</P
->You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
- commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
- copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to
- the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other
- conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical
- measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the
- copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in
- exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies
- you must also follow the conditions in section 3.</P
->You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above,
- and you may publicly display copies.</P
->If you publish printed copies of the Document numbering more than
- 100, and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must
- enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these
- Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts
- on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you
- as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full
- title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may
- add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes
- limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document
- and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other
- respects.</P
->If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
- legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably)
- on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages.</P
->If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document
- numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable
- Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each
- Opaque copy a publicly-accessible computer-network location containing a
- complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material, which
- the general network-using public has access to download anonymously at no
- charge using public-standard network protocols. If you use the latter
- option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin
- distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this
- Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until
- at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy
- (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the
- public.</P
->It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of
- the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to
- give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the
- Document.</P
->You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document
- under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release
- the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified
- Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and
- modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it.
- In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:</P
->Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title
- distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous
- versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History
- section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous
- version if the original publisher of that version gives
- permission.</P
->List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or
- entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the
- Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal
- authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has less
- than five).</P
->State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
- Modified Version, as the publisher.</P
->Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.</P
->Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
- adjacent to the other copyright notices.</P
->Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license
- notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under
- the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum
- below.</P
->Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant
- Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license
- notice.</P
->Include an unaltered copy of this License.</P
->Preserve the section entitled "History", and its title, and add
- to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and
- publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If
- there is no section entitled "History" in the Document, create one
- stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as
- given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified
- Version as stated in the previous sentence.</P
->Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document
- for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise
- the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it
- was based on. These may be placed in the "History" section. You may
- omit a network location for a work that was published at least four
- years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the
- version it refers to gives permission.</P
->In any section entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
- preserve the section's title, and preserve in the section all the
- substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or
- dedications given therein.</P
->Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered
- in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent
- are not considered part of the section titles.</P
->Delete any section entitled "Endorsements". Such a section may
- not be included in the Modified Version.</P
->Do not retitle any existing section as "Endorsements" or to
- conflict in title with any Invariant Section.</P
->If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
- appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material
- copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of
- these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of
- Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice. These titles
- must be distinct from any other section titles.</P
->You may add a section entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
- nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties--for
- example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by
- an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.</P
->You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text,
- and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the
- list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of
- Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through
- arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a
- cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement
- made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add
- another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the
- previous publisher that added the old one.</P
->The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this
- License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert
- or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.</P
->You may combine the Document with other documents released under
- this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified
- versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the
- Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list
- them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license
- notice.</P
->The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
- multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy.
- If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different
- contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end
- of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of
- that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment
- to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license
- notice of the combined work.</P
->In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled
- "History" in the various original documents, forming one section entitled
- "History"; likewise combine any sections entitled "Acknowledgements", and
- any sections entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections
- entitled "Endorsements."</P
->You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other
- documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies
- of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is
- included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this
- License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other
- respects.</P
->You may extract a single document from such a collection, and
- distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy
- of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in
- all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.</P
->A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other
- separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a
- storage or distribution medium, does not as a whole count as a Modified
- Version of the Document, provided no compilation copyright is claimed for
- the compilation. Such a compilation is called an "aggregate", and this
- License does not apply to the other self-contained works thus compiled
- with the Document, on account of their being thus compiled, if they are
- not themselves derivative works of the Document.</P
->If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
- copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one quarter of
- the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on covers
- that surround only the Document within the aggregate. Otherwise they must
- appear on covers around the whole aggregate.</P
->Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
- distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.
- Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
- permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations
- of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of
- these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License
- provided that you also include the original English version of this
- License. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the
- original English version of this License, the original English version
- will prevail.</P
->You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document
- except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to
- copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will
- automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties
- who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not
- have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full
- compliance.</P
->The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of
- the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions
- will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in
- detail to address new problems or concerns. See
- <A
- .</P
->Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version
- number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of
- this License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of
- following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of
- any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free
- Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of
- this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft)
- by the Free Software Foundation.</P
->How to use this License for your documents</H3
->To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy
- of the License in the document and put the following copyright and
- license notices just after the title page:</P
->Copyright (c) YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy,
- distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free
- Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by
- the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being LIST
- THEIR TITLES, with the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the
- Back-Cover Texts being LIST. A copy of the license is included in the
- section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".</P
->If you have no Invariant Sections, write "with no Invariant
- Sections" instead of saying which ones are invariant. If you have no
- Front-Cover Texts, write "no Front-Cover Texts" instead of "Front-Cover
- Texts being LIST"; likewise for Back-Cover Texts.</P
->If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
- recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free
- software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their
- use in free software.</P
@@ -1179,7 +742,7 @@ NAME="conventions"
@@ -2229,7 +1792,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>3.2.1. Autolinkification</H2
@@ -2377,7 +1940,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>3.2.5. Filing Bugs</H2
@@ -2534,17 +2097,17 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.1.1. Introduction</H2
>Bugzilla has been successfully installed under Solaris, Linux,
and Win32. Win32 is not yet officially supported, but many people
have got it working fine.
- Please see the
+ Please see
->Win32 Installation Notes</A
+>Section 4.3.1</A
for further advice on getting Bugzilla to work on Microsoft
@@ -2554,7 +2117,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.1.2. Package List</H2
@@ -2697,7 +2260,7 @@ TARGET="_top"
- (1.2209)
+ (2.1010)
@@ -2707,7 +2270,7 @@ HREF=""
- (1.13)
+ (1.32)
@@ -3316,7 +2879,7 @@ CLASS="section"
> DBI</H3
@@ -3331,7 +2894,7 @@ CLASS="section"
> Data::Dumper</H3
@@ -3345,7 +2908,7 @@ CLASS="section"
> MySQL-related modules</H3
@@ -3371,7 +2934,7 @@ CLASS="section"
> TimeDate modules</H3
@@ -3387,13 +2950,13 @@ CLASS="section"
> GD (optional)</H3
>The GD library was written by Thomas Boutell a long while ago to
programatically generate images in C. Since then it's become the
- defacto standard for programatic image construction. The Perl bindings
+ defacto standard for programmatic image construction. The Perl bindings
to it found in the GD library are used on millions of web pages to
generate graphs on the fly. That's what Bugzilla will be using it for
so you must install it if you want any of the graphing to work.</P
@@ -3442,7 +3005,7 @@ CLASS="section"
> Chart::Base (optional)</H3
@@ -3457,7 +3020,7 @@ CLASS="section"
> Template Toolkit</H3
@@ -3473,19 +3036,25 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.1.6. HTTP Server</H2
->You have a freedom of choice here - Apache, Netscape or any other
- server on UNIX would do. You can run the web server on a
- different machine than MySQL, but need to adjust the MySQL
+>You have freedom of choice here, pretty much any web server that
+ is capable of running <A
- user permissions accordingly.
- <DIV
+ scripts will work. <A
+>Section 4.4</A
+> has more information about
+ configuring web servers to work with Bugzilla.
+ </P
@@ -3514,144 +3083,13 @@ VALIGN="TOP"
- </P
->You'll want to make sure that your web server will <EM
- any file
- with the .cgi extension as a CGI program and not simply display the source
- code. If you're
- using Apache that means uncommenting the following line in the httpd.conf
- file:
->&#13;AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
- </PRE
- </P
->With Apache you'll also want to make sure that within the
- httpd.conf file these lines:
->&#13;Options +ExecCGI
-AllowOverride Limit
- are in the stanza that covers the directories into which you intend to
- put the bugzilla .html and .cgi files.
- <DIV
->AllowOverride Limit allows the use of a Deny statement in the
- .htaccess file generated by</P
->Users of older versions of Apache may find the above lines
- in the srm.conf and access.conf files, respectively.</P
- </P
->There are important files and directories that should not be a
- served by the HTTP server - most files in the
- directory and the
- file. You should configure your HTTP server to not serve
- these files. Failure to do so will expose critical passwords and
- other data. Please see
- <A
->.htaccess files and security</A
- for details on how to do this for Apache; the
- script should create appropriate .htaccess files for you.</P
>4.1.7. Bugzilla</H2
@@ -3691,7 +3129,7 @@ ALIGN="LEFT"
>If you symlink the bugzilla directory into your Apache's HTML
- heirarchy, you may receive
+ hierarchy, you may receive
@@ -3821,7 +3259,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.1.8. Setting Up the MySQL Database</H2
@@ -3994,7 +3432,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.1.9. <TT
@@ -4147,7 +3585,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.1.10. Securing MySQL</H2
@@ -4190,7 +3628,7 @@ BORDER="0"
->This means anyone from anywhere on the internet can not only drop
+>This means anyone from anywhere on the Internet can not only drop
the database with one SQL command, and they can write as root to the
@@ -4425,7 +3863,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.1.11. Configuring Bugzilla</H2
@@ -4451,7 +3889,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.2.1. Dependency Charts</H2
@@ -4507,7 +3945,7 @@ TARGET="_top"
Alternatively, you could set up a webdot server, or use the AT&#38;T
public webdot server (the
default for the webdotbase param). Note that AT&#38;T's server won't work
- if Bugzilla is only accessible using HTTPS.
+ if Bugzilla is only accessible using HARTS.
@@ -4515,7 +3953,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.2.2. Bug Graphs</H2
@@ -4574,7 +4012,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.2.3. The Whining Cron</H2
@@ -5179,174 +4617,109 @@ CLASS="section"
->4.3. Win32 Installation Notes</H1
+>4.3. OS Specific Installation Notes</H1
->This section covers installation on Microsoft Windows.
- Bugzilla has been made to work on Win32 platforms, but the Bugzilla team
- wish to emphasise that The easiest way to install Bugzilla on
- Intel-archiecture machines
- is to install some variant of GNU/Linux, then follow the UNIX
- installation instructions in this Guide. If you have any influence in the
- platform choice for running this system, please choose GNU/Linux instead
- of Microsoft Windows.</P
+>Many aspects of the Bugzilla installation can be affected by the
+ the operating system you choose to install it on. Sometimes it can be made
+ easier and others more difficult. This section will attempt to help you
+ understand both the difficulties of running on specific operating systems
+ and the utilities available to make it easier.
+ </P
+>If you have anything to add or notes for an operating system not
+ covered, please file a bug in <A
+>Bugzilla Documentation</A
+ </P
+>4.3.1. Microsoft Windows</H2
+>Making Bugzilla work on windows is still a very painful processes.
+ The Bugzilla Team is working to make it easier, but that goal is not
+ considered a top priority. If you wish to run Bugzilla, we still
+ recommend doing so on a Unix based system such as GNU/Linux. As of this
+ writing, all members of the Bugzilla team and all known large installations
+ run on Unix based systems.
+ </P
->After that warning, here's the situation for 2.16
- and Windows. It doesn't work at all out of the box.
- You are almost certainly better off getting
- the 2.17 version from CVS (after consultation with the Bugzilla Team to
- make sure you are pulling on a stable day) because we'll be doing a load
- of work to make the Win32 experience more pleasant than it is now.
+>If after hearing all that, you have enough pain tolerance to attempt
+ installing Bugzilla on Win32, here are some pointers.
+ Because this is a development version of the guide, these instructions
+ are subject to change without notice. In fact, the Bugzilla Team hopes
+ they do as we would like to have Bugzilla resonabally close to "out of
+ the box" compatibility by the 2.18 release.
+> Win32 Perl</H3
->&#13; If you still want to try this, to have any hope of getting it to work,
- you'll need to apply the
- <A
+>Perl for Windows can be obtained from <A
->mail patch</A
-> from
- <A
+>. You should be
+ able to find a compiled binary at <A
->bug 124174</A
- After that, you'll need to read the (outdated) installation
- instructions below, some (probably a lot better) <A
- recent ones</A
-> kindly provided by Toms Baugis and Jean-Sebastien
- Guay, and also check the
- <A
->Bugzilla 2.16 Win32 update page
- </A
->. If we get time,
- we'll write some better installation instructions for 2.16 and put
- them up there. But no promises.
- </P
+ </P
->4.3.1. Win32 Installation: Step-by-step</H2
+> Perl Modules on Win32</H3
+>Bugzilla on Windows requires the same perl modules found in
+ <A
+>Section 4.1.2</A
+>. The main difference is that
+ windows uses <B
+> instead of CPAN.
+ </P
->You should be familiar with, and cross-reference, the rest of
- the
- <A
->Bugzilla Installation</A
- section while performing your Win32 installation.</P
->Making Bugzilla work on Microsoft Windows is no picnic. Support
- for Win32 has improved dramatically in the last few releases, but, if
- you choose to proceed, you should be a
- <EM
- skilled Windows Systems Administrator with strong troubleshooting
- abilities, a high tolerance for pain, and moderate perl skills.
- Bugzilla on NT requires hacking source code and implementing some
- advanced utilities. What follows is the recommended installation
- procedure for Win32; additional suggestions are provided in
- <A
->Appendix A</A
+>&#13;C:\perl&#62; <B
+>ppm &#60;module name&#62;</B
- .</P
+ </PRE
- <A
->Apache Web Server</A
- for Windows, and copy the Bugzilla files somewhere Apache can serve
- them. Please follow all the instructions referenced in
- <A
->Bugzilla Installation</A
- regarding your Apache configuration, particularly instructions
- regarding the
- parameter and
- .</P
@@ -5368,75 +4741,22 @@ ALT="Note"></TD
->You may also use Internet Information Server or Personal
- Web Server for this purpose. However, setup is quite different.
- If ActivePerl doesn't seem to handle your file associations
- correctly (for .cgi and .pl files), please consult
- <A
->Appendix A</A
+>The above syntax should work for all modules with the exception
+ of Template Toolkit. The <A
+>Template Toolkit website</A
- .</P
->If you are going to use IIS, if on Windows NT you must be
- updated to at least Service Pack 4. Windows 2000 ships with a
- sufficient version of IIS.</P
+ suggests using the instructions on <A
+>OpenInteract's website</A
+ </P
- <A
- for Windows. Check
- <A
- for a current compiled binary.</P
->Please also check the following links to fully understand the
- status of ActivePerl on Win32:
- <A
->&#13; Perl Porting</A
- , and
- <A
->&#13; Perl on Win32 FAQ</A
- </P
->Use ppm from your perl\bin directory to install the following
- packs: DBI, DBD-Mysql, TimeDate, Chart, Date-Calc, Date-Manip, GD,
- AppConfig, and Template. You may need to extract them from .zip
- format using Winzip or other unzip program first. Most of these
- additional ppm modules can be downloaded from ActiveState, but
- AppConfig and Template should be obtained from OpenInteract using
- <A
- instructions on the Template Toolkit web site</A
- .</P
@@ -5458,358 +4778,73 @@ ALT="Note"></TD
->You can find a list of modules at
- <A
- or
- <A
+>A complete list of modules that can be installed using ppm can
+ be found at <A
- </P
+ </P
->The syntax for ppm is:
- <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
->ppm &#60;modulename&#62;</B
- </TT
- </P
+> Code changes required to run on win32</H3
->Example 4-1. Installing ActivePerl ppd Modules on Microsoft
- Windows</B
->&#13; <TT
- <B
- <TT
- </B
- </P
->Watch your capitalization!</P
->ActiveState's 5.6Plus directory also contains an AppConfig
- ppm, so you might see the following error when trying to install
- the version at OpenInteract:</P
->&#13; <TT
->Error installing package 'AppConfig': Read a PPD
- for 'AppConfig', but it is not intended for this build of Perl
- (MSWin32-x86-multi-thread)</TT
- </P
->If so, download both
- <A
->&#13; the tarball</A
- and
- <A
+>Unfortunately, Bugzilla still doesn't run "out of the box" on
+ Windows. There is work in progress to make this easier, but until that
+ happens code will have to be modified. This section is an attempt to
+ list the required changes. It is an attempt to be all inclusive, but
+ there may be other changes required. If you find something is missing,
+ please file a bug in <A
->&#13; the ppd</A
- directly from OpenInteract, then run ppm from within the same
- directory to which you downloaded those files and install the
- package by referencing the ppd file explicitly via in the install
- command, f.e.:
- <DIV
+>Bugzilla Documentation</A
+ </P
->Example 4-2. Installing OpenInteract ppd Modules manually on Microsoft
- Windows</B
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <B
- <TT
+> Changes to <TT
- </B
- </TT
- </P
- </P
->Install MySQL for NT.
- <DIV
+>In <TT
+>, the line reading:</P
->You can download MySQL for Windows NT from
- <A
- . Some find it helpful to use the WinMySqlAdmin utility, included
- with the download, to set up the database.</P
+>&#13;my $mysql_binaries = `which mysql`;
+ </PRE
- </P
->Setup MySQL</P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
->C:\mysql\bin\mysql -u root mysql</B
- </TT
- </P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
->DELETE FROM user WHERE Host='localhost' AND
- User='';</B
- </TT
- </P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
->UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD ('new_password')
- WHERE user='root';</B
- </TT
- </P
->&#13; <SPAN
- , above, indicates whatever password you wish to use for your
- user.</P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
- ALTER, CREATE, DROP, REFERENCES ON bugs.* to bugs@localhost
- IDENTIFIED BY 'bugs_password';</B
- </TT
- </P
->&#13; <SPAN
- , above, indicates whatever password you wish to use for your
- user.</P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
- </TT
- </P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
->create database bugs;</B
- </TT
- </P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
- </TT
- </P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
->C:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin -u root -p
- reload</B
- </TT
- </P
- <TT
- in your Bugzilla directory. Change this line:</P
->&#13; <TABLE
@@ -5819,18 +4854,15 @@ WIDTH="100%"
->my $webservergid =
- getgrnam($my_webservergroup);</PRE
+>&#13;my $mysql_binaries = "D:\\mysql\\bin\\mysql";
+ </PRE
- </P
->&#13; <TABLE
+>And you'll also need to change:</P
@@ -5840,16 +4872,15 @@ WIDTH="100%"
->my $webservergid =
- $my_webservergroup;</PRE
+>&#13;my $webservergid = getgrnam($my_webservergroup)
+ </PRE
- or the name of the group you wish to own the files explicitly:
@@ -5859,129 +4890,107 @@ WIDTH="100%"
->my $webservergid =
- 'Administrators'</PRE
+>&#13;my $webservergid = '8'
+ </PRE
- </P
- <TT
- from the Bugzilla directory.</P
+> Making mail work</H4
- <TT
- to suit your requirements. Set
- <TT
- to your
- from
- <A
->step 5.d</A
- , and
- <TT
- to
- .</P
+>The easiest way to get mail working is to use the mail patches
+ on <A
+ 124174</A
+>. With any luck, this patch will receive the required
+ reviews and integrated into the main Bugzilla distribution very soon.
+ Until that happens, there's at least one report of this patch working
+ well on Windows.
+ </P
+> System Calls</H4
+>In order to get system calls to work on win32's perl, you need
+ to tell the windows shell what interpreter to use. This is done by
+ changing the <TT
+> calls. You will need to
+ search all of Bugzilla's code for <TT
+> calls.
+ To tell perl your interpreter, it needs to be the first argument to
+ the <TT
+> call. For example, you'll need to
+ change:
+ </P
+>&#13;system("./processmail", $id, $exporter);
+ </PRE
->Not sure on the
- for
- <TT
- above. If it's wrong, please send corrections.</P
+>&#13;system("C:\\perl\\bin\\perl", "processmail", $id, $exporter);
+ </PRE
- <TT
- to suit your requirements. Particularly, set
- <TT
- and
- <TT
->DefParam("urlbase") to match your install.</TT
+>Notice that the <TT
+> is also
+ removed.
@@ -5990,23 +4999,54 @@ WIDTH="25"
->This is yet another step I'm not sure of, since the
- maintainer of this documentation does not maintain Bugzilla on
- NT. If you can confirm or deny that this step is required, please
- let me know.</P
+>The <B
+> command is very helpful in finding
+ these <TT
+> calls, assuming you have the
+> utilities.
+ </P
+> Serving the web pages</H3
+>As is the case on Unix based systems, any web server should be
+ able to handle Bugzilla; however, the Bugzilla Team still recommends
+ Apache whenever asked. No matter what web server you choose, be sure
+ to pay attention to the security notes in <A
+>Section 5.6</A
+ More information on configuring specific web servers can be found in
+ <A
+>Section 4.4</A
+ </P
@@ -6028,154 +5068,244 @@ ALT="Note"></TD
->There are several alternatives to Sendmail that will work
- on Win32. The one mentioned here is a
- <EM
- , not a requirement. Some other mail packages that can work
- include
- <A
+>If using Apache on windows, you can set the <A
- ,
- <A
- ,
- <A
- Sendmail</A
- , and the CPAN Net::SMTP Perl module (available in .ppm). Every
- option requires some hacking of the Perl scripts for Bugzilla to
- make it work. The option here simply requires the least.</P
+ directive in your Apache config, if you don't do this, you'll have
+ to modify the first line of every script to contain your path to
+ perl instead of <TT
+ </P
+>4.3.2. <SPAN
+>Mac OS X</SPAN
->Download NTsendmail, available from
- <A
+>There are a lot of common libraries and utilities out there that
+ Apple did not include with Mac OS X, but which run perfectly well on it.
+ The GD library, which Bugzilla needs to do bug graphs, is one of
+ these.</P
+>The easiest way to get a lot of these is with a program called
+ Fink, which is similar in nature to the CPAN installer, but installs
+ common GNU utilities. Fink is available from
+ <A
+>Follow the instructions for setting up Fink. Once it's installed,
+ you'll want to run the following as root:
+ <B
+>fink install gd</B
- . You must have a "real" mail server which allows you to relay
- off it in your $ENV{"NTsendmail"} (which you should probably
- place in</P
+ </P
->Put into your .\perl\lib directory.</P
+>It will prompt you for a number of dependencies, type 'y' and hit
+ enter to install all of the dependencies. Then watch it work.</P
->Add to</P
-># these settings configure the NTsendmail
- process use NTsendmail;
- $ENV{"NTsendmail"}="";
- $ENV{"NTsendmail_debug"}=1;
- $ENV{"NTsendmail_max_tries"}=5;</PRE
+>To prevent creating conflicts with the software that Apple installs
+ by default, Fink creates its own directory tree at /sw where it installs
+ most of the software that it installs. This means your libraries and
+ headers for libgd will be at /sw/lib and /sw/include instead of /usr/lib
+ and /usr/local/include. Because of these changed locations for the
+ libraries, the Perl GD module will not install directly via CPAN, because it
+ looks for the specific paths instead of getting them from your
+ environment. But there's a way around that :-)</P
+>Instead of typing
+>"install GD"</SPAN
+ at the
+ <TT
+ prompt, type
+ <B
+>look GD</B
+ This should go through the motions of downloading the latest version of
+ the GD module, then it will open a shell and drop you into the build
+ directory. Apply <A
+>this patch</A
+ to the Makefile.PL file (save the
+ patch into a file and use the command
+ <B
+>patch &#60; patchfile</B
+ </P
+>Then, run these commands to finish the installation of the GD
+ module:
+ <P
+>&#13; <B
+>perl Makefile.PL</B
+ </TD
->Some mention to also edit
- <TT
+>&#13; <B
- in
- <TT
+ </TD
+>&#13; <B
+>make test</B
- to be your
+ </TD
+>&#13; <B
+>make install</B
- . Although this may get you around some problem
- authenticating to your database, since is not
- normally restricted by
- <TT
+ </TD
+>And don't forget to run
+ <B
- , your database password is exposed to whoever uses your web
- server.</P
+ to get back to CPAN.</TD
+ </P
+>4.4. HTTP Server Configuration</H1
->Find and comment out all occurences of
- <B
+>The Bugzilla Team recommends Apache when using Bugzilla, however, any web server
+ that can be configured to run <A
+> scripts
+ should be able to handle Bugzilla. No matter what web server you choose, but
+ especially if you choose something other than Apache, you should be sure to read
+ <A
+>Section 5.6</A
+ </P
+>The plan for this section is to eventually document the specifics of how to lock
+ down permissions on individual web servers.
+ </P
+>4.4.1. Apache <SPAN
+>As mentioned above, the Bugzilla Team recommends Apache for use
+ with Bugzilla. You will have to make sure that Apache is properly
+ configured to run the Bugzilla CGI scripts. You also need to make sure
+ that the <TT
+> files created by
+ <B
+> (shown in <A
+>Example 4-1</A
- "</SPAN
+ for the curious) are allowed to override Apache's normal access
+ permissions or else important password information may be exposed to the
+ Internet.
+ </P
+>Many Apache installations are not configured to run scripts
+ anywhere but in the <TT
- in your Bugzilla directory. Then replace them with:
+ directory; however, we recommend that Bugzilla not be installed in the
+ <TT
+>, otherwise the static
+ files such as images and <A
+ will not work correctly. To allow scripts to run in the normal
+ web space, the following changes should be made to your
+ <TT
+> file.
+ </P
+>To allow files with a .cgi extension to be run, make sure the
+ following line exists and is uncommented:</P
@@ -6185,45 +5315,26 @@ WIDTH="100%"
-># new sendmail functionality my $mail=new
- NTsendmail; my $from="bugzilla\"; my
- $to=$login; my $subject=$urlbase;
- $mail-&#62;send($from,$to,$subject,$msg);</PRE
+>&#13;AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
+ </PRE
- </P
->Some have found success using the commercial product,
+>To allow <TT
+> files to override
+ permissions and .cgi files to run in the Bugzilla directory, make sure
+ the following two lines are in a <TT
- . You could try replacing your sendmail calls with:
+ directive that applies to the Bugzilla directory on your system
+ (either the Bugzilla directory or one of its parents).
+ </P
@@ -6233,51 +5344,13 @@ WIDTH="100%"
->open SENDMAIL,
- "|\"C:/General/Web/tools/Windmail 4.0 Beta/windmail\" -t &#62;
- mail.log";</PRE
+>&#13;Options +ExecCGI
+AllowOverride Limit
+ </PRE
- or something to that effect.</P
->Change all references in all files from
- <TT
- to
- <TT
- , and rename
- <TT
- to
- <TT
- .</P
@@ -6299,38 +5372,37 @@ ALT="Note"></TD
->Many think this may be a change we want to make for
- main-tree Bugzilla. It's painless for the UNIX folks, and will
- make the Win32 people happier.</P
+>For more information on Apache and its directives, see the
+ glossary entry on <A
+ </P
+>Example 4-1. <TT
+> files for Apache</B
->Some people have suggested using the Net::SMTP Perl module
- instead of NTsendmail or the other options listed here. You can
- change to make this work.
@@ -6340,28 +5412,26 @@ WIDTH="100%"
-my $smtp = Net::SMTP-&#62;new('&#60;Name of your SMTP server&#62;'); #connect to SMTP server
-$smtp-&#62;mail('&#60;your name&#62;@&#60;you smpt server&#62;');# use the sender's adress here
-$smtp-&#62;to($tolist); # recipient's address
-$smtp-&#62;data(); # Start the mail
-$smtp-&#62;dataend(); # Finish sending the mail
-$smtp-&#62;quit; # Close the SMTP connection
-$logstr = "$logstr; mail sent to $tolist $cclist";
- </PRE
+>&#13;# don't allow people to retrieve non-cgi executable files or our private data
+&#60;FilesMatch ^(.*\.pl|.*localconfig.*|processmail|$&#62;
+ deny from all
+&#60;FilesMatch ^(localconfig.js|localconfig.rdf)$&#62;
+ allow from all
+ </PRE
- here is a test mail program for Net::SMTP:
+ </P
@@ -6371,108 +5441,63 @@ WIDTH="100%"
-use Net::SMTP;
- my $smtp = Net::SMTP-&#62;new('&#60;Name of your SMTP server', Timeout =&#62; 30, Debug
-=&#62; 1, ); # connect to SMTP server
- $smtp-&#62;auth;
- $smtp-&#62;mail('');# use the sender's adress
- $smtp-&#62;to(''); #
-recipient's address
- $smtp-&#62;data(); # Start the mail
- $smtp-&#62;datasend('test');
- $smtp-&#62;dataend(); # Finish sending the mail
- $smtp-&#62;quit; # Close the SMTP connection
- </PRE
+>&#13;# nothing in this directory is retrievable unless overriden by an .htaccess
+# in a subdirectory; the only exception is duplicates.rdf, which is used by
+# duplicates.xul and must be loadable over the web
+deny from all
+&#60;Files duplicates.rdf&#62;
+ allow from all
+ </PRE
- </P
+ </P
->This step is optional if you are using IIS or another web
- server which only decides on an interpreter based upon the file
- extension (.pl), rather than the
+>&#13;# Restrict access to .dot files to the public webdot server at
+# if ever changed their IP, or if you use a different
+# webdot server, you'll need to edit this
+&#60;FilesMatch ^[0-9]+\.dot$&#62;
+ Allow from
+ Deny from all
+# Allow access by a local copy of 'dot' to .png, .gif, .jpg, and
+# .map files
+&#60;FilesMatch ^[0-9]+\.(png|gif|jpg|map)$&#62;
+ Allow from all
- line (#/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl)</P
+# And no directory listings, either.
+Deny from all
+ </PRE
->Modify the path to perl on the first line (#!) of all files
- to point to your Perl installation, and add
- to the beginning of all Perl system calls that use a perl script as
- an argument. This may take you a while. There is a
- utility to speed part of this procedure, available in the
- <A
->Useful Patches and Utilities for Bugzilla</A
- section of The Bugzilla Guide. However, it requires the Cygwin
- GNU-compatible environment for Win32 be set up in order to work.
- See
- <A
- for details on obtaining Cygwin.</P
+ </P
->Modify the invocation of all system() calls in all perl
- scripts in your Bugzilla directory. You should specify the full
- path to perl for each system() call. For instance, change this line
- in processmail:
@@ -6483,12 +5508,9 @@ WIDTH="100%"
-system ("./processmail",@ARGLIST);
- &#60;/programlisting&#62; to
- &#60;programlisting&#62;
-system ("C:\\perl\\bin\\perl", "processmail", @ARGLIST);
+>&#13;# nothing in this directory is retrievable unless overriden by an .htaccess
+# in a subdirectory
+deny from all
@@ -6496,36 +5518,12 @@ system ("C:\\perl\\bin\\perl", "processmail", @ARGLIST);
->If you are using IIS or Personal Web Server, you must add cgi
- relationships to Properties -&#62; Home directory (tab) -&#62;
- Application Settings (section) -&#62; Configuration (button), such
- as:</P
->&#13; <TABLE
@@ -6535,19 +5533,16 @@ WIDTH="100%"
->.cgi to: &#60;perl install directory&#62;\perl.exe %s
- %s .pl to: &#60;perl install directory&#62;\perl.exe %s %s
+>&#13;# nothing in this directory is retrievable unless overriden by an .htaccess
+# in a subdirectory
+deny from all
+ </PRE
- Change the path to Perl to match your install, of course.</P
+ </P
@@ -6555,51 +5550,106 @@ CLASS="section"
->4.3.2. Additional Windows Tips</H2
+>4.4.2. Microsoft <SPAN
+>Internet Information Services</SPAN
+>If you need, or for some reason even want, to use Microsoft's
+>Internet Information Services</SPAN
+> or
+>Personal Web Server</SPAN
+> you should be able
+ to. You will need to configure them to know how to run CGI scripts,
+ however. This is described in Microsoft Knowledge Base article
+ <A
+>Q245225 </A
+ for <SPAN
+>Internet Information Services</SPAN
+> and
+ <A
+ for <SPAN
+>Personal Web Server</SPAN
+ </P
->From Andrew Pearson:
- <A
+>Also, and this can't be stressed enough, make sure that files such as
+ <TT
+> and your <TT
+ directory are secured as described in <A
+>Section 5.6</A
+ </P
+>4.4.3. AOL Server</H2
->You can make Bugzilla work with Personal Web Server for
- Windows 98 and higher, as well as for IIS 4.0. Microsoft has
- information available at
- <A
- </P
+>Ben FrantzDale reported success using AOL Server with Bugzilla. He
+ reported his experience and what appears below is based on that.
+ </P
->Basically you need to add two String Keys in the registry at
- the following location:</P
+>AOL Server will have to be configured to run
+ <A
+> scripts, please consult
+ the documentation that came with your server for more information on
+ how to do this.
+ </P
->&#13; <TABLE
+>Because AOL Server doesn't support <TT
+ files, you'll have to create a <A
+ script. You should create an <TT
+ file (the filename shouldn't matter) with the following contents (change
+ <TT
+> to the web-based path to
+ your Bugzilla installation):
+ </P
@@ -6609,37 +5659,28 @@ WIDTH="100%"
->&#13; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters\ScriptMap</PRE
+>&#13;ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/localconfig filter_deny
+ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/*.pl filter_deny
+ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/localconfig filter_deny
+ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/processmail filter_deny
+ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/syncshadowdb filter_deny
+ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/ filter_deny
+proc filter_deny { why } {
+ ns_log Notice "filter_deny"
+ return "filter_return"
+ </PRE
- </P
->The keys should be called ".pl" and ".cgi", and both should
- have a value something like:
- <B
->c:/perl/bin/perl.exe "%s" "%s"</B
- </P
->The KB article only talks about .pl, but it goes into more
- detail and provides a perl test script.</P
- </P
@@ -6648,73 +5689,38 @@ WIDTH="25"
->If attempting to run Bugzilla 2.12 or older, you will need to
- remove encrypt() calls from the Perl source. This is
- <EM
->not necessary</EM
- for Bugzilla 2.13 and later, which includes the current release,
- Bugzilla &#38;bz-ver;.
- <DIV
->Example 4-3. Removing encrypt() for Windows NT Bugzilla version 2.12 or
- earlier</B
->Replace this:
->SendSQL("SELECT encrypt(" . SqlQuote($enteredpwd) .
- ", " . SQLQuote(substr($realcryptpwd, 0, 2)) . ")"); my
- $enteredcryptpwd = FetchOneColumn();</PRE
- with this:
->my $enteredcryptpwd = $enteredpwd</PRE
- in</P
+>This doesn't appear to account for everything mentioned in
+ <A
+>Section 5.6</A
+>. In particular, it doesn't block access
+ to the <TT
+> or
+ <TT
+> directories. It also
+ doesn't account for the editor backup files that were the topic of
+ <A
+ 186383</A
+>, <A
+>Bugtraq ID 6501</A
+ and a partial cause for the 2.16.2 release.
@@ -6727,131 +5733,6 @@ CLASS="section"
->4.4. Mac OS X Installation Notes</H1
->There are a lot of common libraries and utilities out there that
- Apple did not include with Mac OS X, but which run perfectly well on it.
- The GD library, which Bugzilla needs to do bug graphs, is one of
- these.</P
->The easiest way to get a lot of these is with a program called
- Fink, which is similar in nature to the CPAN installer, but installs
- common GNU utilities. Fink is available from
- &#60;;.</P
->Follow the instructions for setting up Fink. Once it's installed,
- you'll want to run the following as root:
- <B
->fink install gd</B
- </P
->It will prompt you for a number of dependencies, type 'y' and hit
- enter to install all of the dependencies. Then watch it work.</P
->To prevent creating conflicts with the software that Apple installs
- by default, Fink creates its own directory tree at /sw where it installs
- most of the software that it installs. This means your libraries and
- headers for libgd will be at /sw/lib and /sw/include instead of /usr/lib
- and /usr/local/include. Because of these changed locations for the
- libraries, the Perl GD module will not install directly via CPAN, because it
- looks for the specific paths instead of getting them from your
- environment. But there's a way around that :-)</P
->Instead of typing
->"install GD"</SPAN
- at the
- <TT
- prompt, type
- <B
->look GD</B
- This should go through the motions of downloading the latest version of
- the GD module, then it will open a shell and drop you into the build
- directory. Apply <A
->this patch</A
- to the Makefile.PL file (save the
- patch into a file and use the command
- <B
->patch &#60; patchfile</B
- </P
->Then, run these commands to finish the installation of the GD
- module:
- <P
->&#13; <B
->perl Makefile.PL</B
- </TD
->&#13; <B
- </TD
->&#13; <B
->make test</B
- </TD
->&#13; <B
->make install</B
- </TD
->And don't forget to run
- <B
- to get back to CPAN.</TD
- </P
>4.5. Troubleshooting</H1
@@ -6864,7 +5745,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.5.1. Bundle::Bugzilla makes me upgrade to Perl 5.6.1</H2
@@ -6889,7 +5770,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.5.2. DBD::Sponge::db prepare failed</H2
@@ -8561,156 +7442,11 @@ CLASS="filename"
is provided for those that want to know exactly what is created.
->Note the instructions which follow are Apache-specific. If you
+ Note the instructions which follow are Apache-specific. If you
use IIS, Netscape, or other non-Apache web servers, please consult
your system documentation for how to secure these files from being
transmitted to curious users.</P
->&#13;# don't allow people to retrieve non-cgi executable files or our private data
-&#60;FilesMatch ^(.*\.pl|.*localconfig.*|processmail|$&#62;
- deny from all
-&#60;FilesMatch ^(localconfig.js|localconfig.rdf)$&#62;
- allow from all
- </PRE
- </P
->&#13;# nothing in this directory is retrievable unless overriden by an .htaccess
-# in a subdirectory; the only exception is duplicates.rdf, which is used by
-# duplicates.xul and must be loadable over the web
-deny from all
-&#60;Files duplicates.rdf&#62;
- allow from all
- </PRE
- </P
->&#13;# Restrict access to .dot files to the public webdot server at
-# if ever changed their IP, or if you use a different
-# webdot server, you'll need to edit this
-&#60;FilesMatch ^[0-9]+\.dot$&#62;
- Allow from
- Deny from all
-# Allow access by a local copy of 'dot' to .png, .gif, .jpg, and
-# .map files
-&#60;FilesMatch ^[0-9]+\.(png|gif|jpg|map)$&#62;
- Allow from all
-# And no directory listings, either.
-Deny from all
- </PRE
- </P
->&#13;# nothing in this directory is retrievable unless overriden by an .htaccess
-# in a subdirectory
-deny from all
- </PRE
- </P
->&#13;# nothing in this directory is retrievable unless overriden by an .htaccess
-# in a subdirectory
-deny from all
- </PRE
- </P
@@ -8747,7 +7483,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>5.7.1. What to Edit</H2
@@ -8862,7 +7598,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>5.7.2. How To Edit Templates</H2
@@ -8944,7 +7680,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>5.7.3. Template Formats</H2
@@ -9006,7 +7742,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>5.7.4. Particular Templates</H2
@@ -10004,64 +8740,64 @@ HREF="#faq-general"
>A.1.1. <A
>&#13; Where can I find information about Bugzilla?</A
>A.1.2. <A
>&#13; What license is Bugzilla distributed under?
>A.1.3. <A
>&#13; How do I get commercial support for Bugzilla?
>A.1.4. <A
>&#13; What major companies or projects are currently using Bugzilla
for bug-tracking?
>A.1.5. <A
>&#13; Who maintains Bugzilla?
>A.1.6. <A
>&#13; How does Bugzilla stack up against other bug-tracking databases?
>A.1.7. <A
>&#13; Why doesn't Bugzilla offer this or that feature or compatibility
with this other tracking software?
>A.1.8. <A
>&#13; Why MySQL? I'm interested in seeing Bugzilla run on
>A.1.9. <A
>&#13; Why do the scripts say "/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl" instead of
"/usr/bin/perl" or something else?
>A.1.10. <A
>&#13; Is there an easy way to change the Bugzilla cookie name?
@@ -10076,41 +8812,41 @@ HREF="#faq-phb"
>A.2.1. <A
>&#13; Is Bugzilla web-based, or do you have to have specific software or
a specific operating system on your machine?
>A.2.2. <A
>&#13; Can Bugzilla integrate with
Perforce (SCM software)?
>A.2.3. <A
>&#13; Does Bugzilla allow the user to track multiple projects?
>A.2.4. <A
>&#13; If I am on many projects, and search for all bugs assigned to me, will
Bugzilla list them for me and allow me to sort by project, severity etc?
>A.2.5. <A
>&#13; Does Bugzilla allow attachments (text, screenshots, URLs etc)? If yes,
are there any that are NOT allowed?
>A.2.6. <A
>&#13; Does Bugzilla allow us to define our own priorities and levels? Do we
have complete freedom to change the labels of fields and format of them, and
the choice of acceptable values?
@@ -10118,35 +8854,35 @@ HREF="#AEN1927"
>A.2.7. <A
>&#13; Does Bugzilla provide any reporting features, metrics, graphs, etc? You
know, the type of stuff that management likes to see. :)
>A.2.8. <A
>&#13; Is there email notification and if so, what do you see when you get an
>A.2.9. <A
>&#13; Can email notification be set up to send to multiple
people, some on the To List, CC List, BCC List etc?
>A.2.10. <A
>&#13; Do users have to have any particular
type of email application?
>A.2.11. <A
>&#13; Does Bugzilla allow data to be imported and exported? If I had outsiders
write up a bug report using a MS Word bug template, could that template be
imported into "matching" fields? If I wanted to take the results of a query
@@ -10155,28 +8891,28 @@ HREF="#AEN1958"
>A.2.12. <A
>&#13; Has anyone converted Bugzilla to another language to be used in other
countries? Is it localizable?
>A.2.13. <A
>&#13; Can a user create and save reports? Can they do this in Word format?
Excel format?
>A.2.14. <A
>&#13; Does Bugzilla have the ability to search by word, phrase, compound
>A.2.15. <A
>&#13; Does Bugzilla provide record locking when there is simultaneous access
to the same bug? Does the second person get a notice that the bug is in use
or how are they notified?
@@ -10184,19 +8920,19 @@ HREF="#AEN1987"
>A.2.16. <A
>&#13; Are there any backup features provided?
>A.2.17. <A
>&#13; Can users be on the system while a backup is in progress?
>A.2.18. <A
>&#13; What type of human resources are needed to be on staff to install and
maintain Bugzilla? Specifically, what type of skills does the person need to
have? I need to find out if we were to go with Bugzilla, what types of
@@ -10206,7 +8942,7 @@ HREF="#AEN2003"
>A.2.19. <A
>&#13; What time frame are we looking at if we decide to hire people to install
and maintain the Bugzilla? Is this something that takes hours or weeks to
install and a couple of hours per week to maintain and customize or is this
@@ -10216,7 +8952,7 @@ HREF="#AEN2009"
>A.2.20. <A
>&#13; Is there any licensing fee or other fees for using Bugzilla? Any
out-of-pocket cost other than the bodies needed as identified above?
@@ -10232,20 +8968,20 @@ HREF="#faq-security"
>A.3.1. <A
>&#13; How do I completely disable MySQL security if it's giving me problems
(I've followed the instructions in the installation section of this guide)?
>A.3.2. <A
>&#13; Are there any security problems with Bugzilla?
>A.3.3. <A
>&#13; I've implemented the security fixes mentioned in Chris Yeh's security
advisory of 5/10/2000 advising not to run MySQL as root, and am running into
problems with MySQL no longer working correctly.
@@ -10262,48 +8998,48 @@ HREF="#faq-email"
>A.4.1. <A
>&#13; I have a user who doesn't want to receive any more email from Bugzilla.
How do I stop it entirely for this user?
>A.4.2. <A
>&#13; I'm evaluating/testing Bugzilla, and don't want it to send email to
anyone but me. How do I do it?
>A.4.3. <A
>&#13; I want to whine at something more, or other than, only new
bugs. How do I do it?
>A.4.4. <A
>&#13; I don't like/want to use Procmail to hand mail off to
What alternatives do I have?
>A.4.5. <A
>&#13; How do I set up the email interface to submit/change bugs via email?
>A.4.6. <A
>&#13; Email takes FOREVER to reach me from Bugzilla -- it's extremely slow.
What gives?
>A.4.7. <A
>&#13; How come email from Bugzilla changes never reaches me?
@@ -10318,33 +9054,33 @@ HREF="#faq-db"
>A.5.1. <A
>&#13; I've heard Bugzilla can be used with Oracle?
>A.5.2. <A
>&#13; I think my database might be corrupted, or contain invalid entries. What
do I do?
>A.5.3. <A
>&#13; I want to manually edit some entries in my database. How?
>A.5.4. <A
>&#13; I think I've set up MySQL permissions correctly, but Bugzilla still can't
>A.5.5. <A
>&#13; How do I synchronize bug information among multiple different Bugzilla
@@ -10360,26 +9096,26 @@ HREF="#faq-nt"
>A.6.1. <A
>&#13; What is the easiest way to run Bugzilla on Win32 (Win98+/NT/2K)?
>A.6.2. <A
>&#13; Is there a "Bundle::Bugzilla" equivalent for Win32?
>A.6.3. <A
>&#13; CGI's are failing with a "something.cgi is not a valid Windows NT
application" error. Why?
>A.6.4. <A
>&#13; I'm having trouble with the perl modules for NT not being able to talk to
to the database.
@@ -10395,33 +9131,33 @@ HREF="#faq-use"
>A.7.1. <A
>&#13; How do I change my user name (email address) in Bugzilla?
>A.7.2. <A
>&#13; The query page is very confusing. Isn't there a simpler way to query?
>A.7.3. <A
>&#13; I'm confused by the behavior of the "accept" button in the Show Bug form.
Why doesn't it assign the bug to me when I accept it?
>A.7.4. <A
>&#13; I can't upload anything into the database via the "Create Attachment"
link. What am I doing wrong?
>A.7.5. <A
>&#13; How do I change a keyword in Bugzilla, once some bugs are using it?
@@ -10436,26 +9172,26 @@ HREF="#faq-hacking"
>A.8.1. <A
>&#13; What kind of style should I use for templatization?
>A.8.2. <A
>&#13; What bugs are in Bugzilla right now?
>A.8.3. <A
>&#13; How can I change the default priority to a null value? For instance, have the default
priority be "---" instead of "P2"?
>A.8.4. <A
>&#13; What's the best way to submit patches? What guidelines should I follow?
@@ -10475,7 +9211,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.1. </B
@@ -10503,7 +9239,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.2. </B
@@ -10532,7 +9268,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.3. </B
@@ -10578,7 +9314,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.4. </B
@@ -10684,7 +9420,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.5. </B
@@ -10714,7 +9450,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.6. </B
@@ -10752,7 +9488,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.7. </B
@@ -10792,7 +9528,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.8. </B
@@ -10837,7 +9573,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.9. </B
@@ -10870,7 +9606,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.10. </B
@@ -10932,7 +9668,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.1. </B
@@ -10958,7 +9694,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.2. </B
@@ -10984,7 +9720,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.3. </B
@@ -11009,7 +9745,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.4. </B
@@ -11034,7 +9770,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.5. </B
@@ -11063,7 +9799,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.6. </B
@@ -11100,7 +9836,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.7. </B
@@ -11138,7 +9874,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.8. </B
@@ -11165,7 +9901,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.9. </B
@@ -11190,7 +9926,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.10. </B
@@ -11249,7 +9985,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.11. </B
@@ -11311,7 +10047,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.12. </B
@@ -11349,7 +10085,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.13. </B
@@ -11374,7 +10110,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.14. </B
@@ -11400,7 +10136,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.15. </B
@@ -11427,7 +10163,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.16. </B
@@ -11457,7 +10193,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.17. </B
@@ -11483,7 +10219,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.18. </B
@@ -11518,7 +10254,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.19. </B
@@ -11551,7 +10287,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.20. </B
@@ -11585,7 +10321,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.3.1. </B
@@ -11614,7 +10350,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.3.2. </B
@@ -11642,7 +10378,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.3.3. </B
@@ -11678,7 +10414,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.4.1. </B
@@ -11708,7 +10444,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.4.2. </B
@@ -11734,7 +10470,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.4.3. </B
@@ -11766,7 +10502,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.4.4. </B
@@ -11784,7 +10520,7 @@ CLASS="answer"
You can call directly from your aliases file, with
an entry like this:
@@ -11805,7 +10541,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.4.5. </B
@@ -11830,7 +10566,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.4.6. </B
@@ -11865,7 +10601,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.4.7. </B
@@ -11905,7 +10641,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.5.1. </B
@@ -11933,7 +10669,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.5.2. </B
@@ -11980,7 +10716,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.5.3. </B
@@ -12021,7 +10757,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.5.4. </B
@@ -12082,7 +10818,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.5.5. </B
@@ -12128,7 +10864,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.6.1. </B
@@ -12153,7 +10889,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.6.2. </B
@@ -12179,7 +10915,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.6.3. </B
@@ -12202,7 +10938,7 @@ CLASS="answer"
>&#13; Microsoft has some advice on this matter, as well:
@@ -12227,7 +10963,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.6.4. </B
@@ -12304,7 +11040,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.7.1. </B
@@ -12329,7 +11065,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.7.2. </B
@@ -12355,7 +11091,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.7.3. </B
@@ -12410,7 +11146,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.7.4. </B
@@ -12437,7 +11173,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.7.5. </B
@@ -12471,7 +11207,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.8.1. </B
@@ -12530,7 +11266,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.8.2. </B
@@ -12576,7 +11312,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.8.3. </B
@@ -12608,7 +11344,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.8.4. </B
@@ -12832,7 +11568,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>B.2.1. Bugzilla Database Basics</H2
@@ -12948,7 +11684,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>B.2.1.1. Bugzilla Database Tables</H3
@@ -13443,7 +12179,7 @@ NAME="variant-scarab"
>D.4. Scarab</H1
>Scarab is a new open source bug-tracking system built using Java
- Serlet technology. It is currently at version 1.0 beta 8.</P
+ Servlet technology. It is currently at version 1.0 beta 13.</P
@@ -13453,7 +12189,7 @@ TARGET="_top"
->This section last updated 27 Jul 2002</P
+>This section last updated 18 Jan 2003</P
@@ -13507,6 +12243,506 @@ TARGET="_top"
+>Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License</H1
+>Version 1.1, March 2000</P
+>Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place,
+ Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and
+ distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is
+ not allowed.</P
+>The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
+ written document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the
+ effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying
+ it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License
+ preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their
+ work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by
+ others.</P
+>This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
+ works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It
+ complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license
+ designed for free software.</P
+>We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for
+ free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free
+ program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the
+ software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it
+ can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether
+ it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally
+ for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.</P
+>This License applies to any manual or other work that contains a
+ notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under
+ the terms of this License. The "Document", below, refers to any such
+ manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed
+ as "you".</P
+>A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
+ Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
+ modifications and/or translated into another language.</P
+>A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section
+ of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
+ publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject
+ (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly
+ within that overall subject. (For example, if the Document is in part a
+ textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any
+ mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection
+ with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial,
+ philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them.</P
+>The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose
+ titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the
+ notice that says that the Document is released under this License.</P
+>The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are
+ listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says
+ that the Document is released under this License.</P
+>A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
+ represented in a format whose specification is available to the general
+ public, whose contents can be viewed and edited directly and
+ straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
+ pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
+ drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for
+ automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text
+ formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose
+ markup has been designed to thwart or discourage subsequent modification
+ by readers is not Transparent. A copy that is not "Transparent" is called
+ "Opaque".</P
+>Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
+ ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML or
+ XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML
+ designed for human modification. Opaque formats include PostScript, PDF,
+ proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word
+ processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not
+ generally available, and the machine-generated HTML produced by some word
+ processors for output purposes only.</P
+>The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
+ plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material
+ this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats
+ which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means the text
+ near the most prominent appearance of the work's title, preceding the
+ beginning of the body of the text.</P
+>You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
+ commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
+ copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to
+ the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other
+ conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical
+ measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the
+ copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in
+ exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies
+ you must also follow the conditions in section 3.</P
+>You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above,
+ and you may publicly display copies.</P
+>If you publish printed copies of the Document numbering more than
+ 100, and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must
+ enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these
+ Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts
+ on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you
+ as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full
+ title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may
+ add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes
+ limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document
+ and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other
+ respects.</P
+>If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
+ legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably)
+ on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages.</P
+>If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document
+ numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable
+ Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each
+ Opaque copy a publicly-accessible computer-network location containing a
+ complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material, which
+ the general network-using public has access to download anonymously at no
+ charge using public-standard network protocols. If you use the latter
+ option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin
+ distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this
+ Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until
+ at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy
+ (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the
+ public.</P
+>It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of
+ the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to
+ give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the
+ Document.</P
+>You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document
+ under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release
+ the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified
+ Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and
+ modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it.
+ In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:</P
+>Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title
+ distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous
+ versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History
+ section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous
+ version if the original publisher of that version gives
+ permission.</P
+>List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or
+ entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the
+ Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal
+ authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has less
+ than five).</P
+>State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
+ Modified Version, as the publisher.</P
+>Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.</P
+>Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
+ adjacent to the other copyright notices.</P
+>Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license
+ notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under
+ the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum
+ below.</P
+>Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant
+ Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license
+ notice.</P
+>Include an unaltered copy of this License.</P
+>Preserve the section entitled "History", and its title, and add
+ to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and
+ publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If
+ there is no section entitled "History" in the Document, create one
+ stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as
+ given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified
+ Version as stated in the previous sentence.</P
+>Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document
+ for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise
+ the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it
+ was based on. These may be placed in the "History" section. You may
+ omit a network location for a work that was published at least four
+ years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the
+ version it refers to gives permission.</P
+>In any section entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
+ preserve the section's title, and preserve in the section all the
+ substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or
+ dedications given therein.</P
+>Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered
+ in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent
+ are not considered part of the section titles.</P
+>Delete any section entitled "Endorsements". Such a section may
+ not be included in the Modified Version.</P
+>Do not retitle any existing section as "Endorsements" or to
+ conflict in title with any Invariant Section.</P
+>If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
+ appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material
+ copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of
+ these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of
+ Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice. These titles
+ must be distinct from any other section titles.</P
+>You may add a section entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
+ nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties--for
+ example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by
+ an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.</P
+>You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text,
+ and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the
+ list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of
+ Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through
+ arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a
+ cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement
+ made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add
+ another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the
+ previous publisher that added the old one.</P
+>The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this
+ License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert
+ or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.</P
+>You may combine the Document with other documents released under
+ this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified
+ versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the
+ Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list
+ them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license
+ notice.</P
+>The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
+ multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy.
+ If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different
+ contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end
+ of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of
+ that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment
+ to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license
+ notice of the combined work.</P
+>In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled
+ "History" in the various original documents, forming one section entitled
+ "History"; likewise combine any sections entitled "Acknowledgements", and
+ any sections entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections
+ entitled "Endorsements."</P
+>You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other
+ documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies
+ of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is
+ included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this
+ License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other
+ respects.</P
+>You may extract a single document from such a collection, and
+ distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy
+ of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in
+ all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.</P
+>A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other
+ separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a
+ storage or distribution medium, does not as a whole count as a Modified
+ Version of the Document, provided no compilation copyright is claimed for
+ the compilation. Such a compilation is called an "aggregate", and this
+ License does not apply to the other self-contained works thus compiled
+ with the Document, on account of their being thus compiled, if they are
+ not themselves derivative works of the Document.</P
+>If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
+ copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one quarter of
+ the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on covers
+ that surround only the Document within the aggregate. Otherwise they must
+ appear on covers around the whole aggregate.</P
+>Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
+ distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.
+ Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
+ permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations
+ of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of
+ these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License
+ provided that you also include the original English version of this
+ License. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the
+ original English version of this License, the original English version
+ will prevail.</P
+>You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document
+ except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to
+ copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will
+ automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties
+ who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not
+ have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full
+ compliance.</P
+>The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of
+ the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions
+ will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in
+ detail to address new problems or concerns. See
+ <A
+ .</P
+>Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version
+ number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of
+ this License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of
+ following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of
+ any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free
+ Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of
+ this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft)
+ by the Free Software Foundation.</P
+>How to use this License for your documents</H1
+>To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy
+ of the License in the document and put the following copyright and
+ license notices just after the title page:</P
+>Copyright (c) YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy,
+ distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free
+ Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being LIST
+ THEIR TITLES, with the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the
+ Back-Cover Texts being LIST. A copy of the license is included in the
+ section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".</P
+>If you have no Invariant Sections, write "with no Invariant
+ Sections" instead of saying which ones are invariant. If you have no
+ Front-Cover Texts, write "no Front-Cover Texts" instead of "Front-Cover
+ Texts being LIST"; likewise for Back-Cover Texts.</P
+>If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
+ recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free
+ software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their
+ use in free software.</P
@@ -13518,7 +12754,7 @@ CLASS="glossdiv"
>0-9, high ascii</H1
@@ -13557,18 +12793,16 @@ NAME="gloss-a"
>In this context, Apache is the web server most commonly used
- for serving up
- <I
+ for serving up Bugzilla
pages. Contrary to popular belief, the apache web server has nothing
to do with the ancient and noble Native American tribe, but instead
derived its name from the fact that it was
@@ -13576,14 +12810,123 @@ CLASS="glossterm"
>"a patchy"</SPAN
version of the original
world-wide-web server.</P
+>Useful Directives when configuring Bugzilla</B
+>Tell Apache that it's OK to run CGI scripts.</P
+>, <TT
+>These directives are used to tell Apache many things about
+ the directory they apply to. For Bugzilla's purposes, we need
+ them to allow script execution and <TT
+ overrides.
+ </P
+>Used to tell Apache what files are indexes. If you can
+ not add <TT
+> to the list of valid files,
+ you'll need to set <TT
+> to
+ 1 in <TT
+> so
+ <B
+> will create an
+ <TT
+> that redirects to
+ <TT
+ </P
+>Used when running Apache on windows so the shebang line
+ doesn't have to be changed in every Bugzilla script.
+ </P
+>For more information about how to configure Apache for Bugzilla,
+ see <A
+>Section 4.4.1</A
+ </P
@@ -13654,6 +12997,26 @@ NAME="gloss-c"
+>Common Gateway Interface</B
+> (CGI)<DD
+> is an acronym for Common Gateway Interface. This is
+ a standard for interfacing an external application with a web server. Bugzilla
+ is an example of a <SPAN
+> application.
+ </P
@@ -13737,9 +13100,12 @@ CLASS="glossdiv"
@@ -13772,6 +13138,29 @@ CLASS="glossdiv"
+>JavaScript is cool, we should talk about it.
+ </P
@@ -13990,6 +13379,21 @@ CLASS="QUOTE"
giving you the ability to declare by which milestone a bug will be
fixed, or an enhancement will be implemented.</P
+>Tool Command Language</B
+> (TCL)<DD
+>TCL is an open source scripting language available for Windows,
+ Macintosh, and Unix based systems. Bugzilla 1.0 was written in TCL but
+ never released. The first release of Bugzilla was 2.0, which was when
+ it was ported to perl.
+ </P
diff --git a/docs/html/administration.html b/docs/html/administration.html
index 58bf99ef2..adf33ef25 100644
--- a/docs/html/administration.html
+++ b/docs/html/administration.html
@@ -156,22 +156,22 @@ HREF="cust-templates.html"
>5.7.1. <A
>What to Edit</A
>5.7.2. <A
>How To Edit Templates</A
>5.7.3. <A
>Template Formats</A
>5.7.4. <A
>Particular Templates</A
diff --git a/docs/html/conventions.html b/docs/html/conventions.html
index a25642333..c87467b57 100644
--- a/docs/html/conventions.html
+++ b/docs/html/conventions.html
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ NAME="conventions"
diff --git a/docs/html/copyright.html b/docs/html/copyright.html
index 8135d13b0..259332335 100644
--- a/docs/html/copyright.html
+++ b/docs/html/copyright.html
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ NAME="copyright"
>1.1. Copyright Information</H1
@@ -99,7 +99,10 @@ VALIGN="TOP"
License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the
Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no
Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of
- the license is included below.
+ the license is included in <A
+>Appendix E</A
@@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ ALIGN="RIGHT"
->Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Matthew P. Barnson and The Bugzilla Team</SPAN
+>Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Matthew P. Barnson and The Bugzilla Team</SPAN
@@ -126,507 +129,6 @@ WIDTH="10%"
copyright, or publishing this document in non-electronic form,
please contact The Bugzilla Team.
->1.1.1. GNU Free Documentation License</H2
->Version 1.1, March 2000</P
->Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place,
- Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and
- distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is
- not allowed.</P
->The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
- written document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the
- effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying
- it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License
- preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their
- work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by
- others.</P
->This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
- works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It
- complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license
- designed for free software.</P
->We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for
- free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free
- program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the
- software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it
- can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether
- it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally
- for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.</P
->This License applies to any manual or other work that contains a
- notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under
- the terms of this License. The "Document", below, refers to any such
- manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed
- as "you".</P
->A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
- Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
- modifications and/or translated into another language.</P
->A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section
- of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
- publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject
- (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly
- within that overall subject. (For example, if the Document is in part a
- textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any
- mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection
- with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial,
- philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them.</P
->The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose
- titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the
- notice that says that the Document is released under this License.</P
->The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are
- listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says
- that the Document is released under this License.</P
->A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
- represented in a format whose specification is available to the general
- public, whose contents can be viewed and edited directly and
- straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
- pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
- drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for
- automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text
- formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose
- markup has been designed to thwart or discourage subsequent modification
- by readers is not Transparent. A copy that is not "Transparent" is called
- "Opaque".</P
->Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
- ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML or
- XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML
- designed for human modification. Opaque formats include PostScript, PDF,
- proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word
- processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not
- generally available, and the machine-generated HTML produced by some word
- processors for output purposes only.</P
->The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
- plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material
- this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats
- which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means the text
- near the most prominent appearance of the work's title, preceding the
- beginning of the body of the text.</P
->You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
- commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
- copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to
- the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other
- conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical
- measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the
- copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in
- exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies
- you must also follow the conditions in section 3.</P
->You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above,
- and you may publicly display copies.</P
->If you publish printed copies of the Document numbering more than
- 100, and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must
- enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these
- Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts
- on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you
- as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full
- title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may
- add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes
- limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document
- and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other
- respects.</P
->If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
- legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably)
- on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages.</P
->If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document
- numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable
- Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each
- Opaque copy a publicly-accessible computer-network location containing a
- complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material, which
- the general network-using public has access to download anonymously at no
- charge using public-standard network protocols. If you use the latter
- option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin
- distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this
- Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until
- at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy
- (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the
- public.</P
->It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of
- the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to
- give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the
- Document.</P
->You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document
- under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release
- the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified
- Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and
- modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it.
- In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:</P
->Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title
- distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous
- versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History
- section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous
- version if the original publisher of that version gives
- permission.</P
->List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or
- entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the
- Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal
- authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has less
- than five).</P
->State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
- Modified Version, as the publisher.</P
->Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.</P
->Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
- adjacent to the other copyright notices.</P
->Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license
- notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under
- the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum
- below.</P
->Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant
- Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license
- notice.</P
->Include an unaltered copy of this License.</P
->Preserve the section entitled "History", and its title, and add
- to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and
- publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If
- there is no section entitled "History" in the Document, create one
- stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as
- given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified
- Version as stated in the previous sentence.</P
->Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document
- for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise
- the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it
- was based on. These may be placed in the "History" section. You may
- omit a network location for a work that was published at least four
- years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the
- version it refers to gives permission.</P
->In any section entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
- preserve the section's title, and preserve in the section all the
- substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or
- dedications given therein.</P
->Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered
- in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent
- are not considered part of the section titles.</P
->Delete any section entitled "Endorsements". Such a section may
- not be included in the Modified Version.</P
->Do not retitle any existing section as "Endorsements" or to
- conflict in title with any Invariant Section.</P
->If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
- appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material
- copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of
- these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of
- Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice. These titles
- must be distinct from any other section titles.</P
->You may add a section entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
- nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties--for
- example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by
- an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.</P
->You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text,
- and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the
- list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of
- Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through
- arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a
- cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement
- made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add
- another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the
- previous publisher that added the old one.</P
->The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this
- License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert
- or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.</P
->You may combine the Document with other documents released under
- this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified
- versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the
- Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list
- them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license
- notice.</P
->The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
- multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy.
- If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different
- contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end
- of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of
- that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment
- to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license
- notice of the combined work.</P
->In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled
- "History" in the various original documents, forming one section entitled
- "History"; likewise combine any sections entitled "Acknowledgements", and
- any sections entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections
- entitled "Endorsements."</P
->You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other
- documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies
- of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is
- included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this
- License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other
- respects.</P
->You may extract a single document from such a collection, and
- distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy
- of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in
- all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.</P
->A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other
- separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a
- storage or distribution medium, does not as a whole count as a Modified
- Version of the Document, provided no compilation copyright is claimed for
- the compilation. Such a compilation is called an "aggregate", and this
- License does not apply to the other self-contained works thus compiled
- with the Document, on account of their being thus compiled, if they are
- not themselves derivative works of the Document.</P
->If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
- copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one quarter of
- the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on covers
- that surround only the Document within the aggregate. Otherwise they must
- appear on covers around the whole aggregate.</P
->Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
- distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.
- Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
- permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations
- of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of
- these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License
- provided that you also include the original English version of this
- License. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the
- original English version of this License, the original English version
- will prevail.</P
->You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document
- except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to
- copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will
- automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties
- who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not
- have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full
- compliance.</P
->The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of
- the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions
- will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in
- detail to address new problems or concerns. See
- <A
- .</P
->Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version
- number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of
- this License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of
- following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of
- any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free
- Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of
- this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft)
- by the Free Software Foundation.</P
->How to use this License for your documents</H3
->To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy
- of the License in the document and put the following copyright and
- license notices just after the title page:</P
->Copyright (c) YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy,
- distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free
- Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by
- the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being LIST
- THEIR TITLES, with the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the
- Back-Cover Texts being LIST. A copy of the license is included in the
- section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".</P
->If you have no Invariant Sections, write "with no Invariant
- Sections" instead of saying which ones are invariant. If you have no
- Front-Cover Texts, write "no Front-Cover Texts" instead of "Front-Cover
- Texts being LIST"; likewise for Back-Cover Texts.</P
->If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
- recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free
- software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their
- use in free software.</P
diff --git a/docs/html/cust-templates.html b/docs/html/cust-templates.html
index 993bc0eb9..d0c2dffcb 100644
--- a/docs/html/cust-templates.html
+++ b/docs/html/cust-templates.html
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>5.7.1. What to Edit</H2
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>5.7.2. How To Edit Templates</H2
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>5.7.3. Template Formats</H2
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>5.7.4. Particular Templates</H2
diff --git a/docs/html/dbdoc.html b/docs/html/dbdoc.html
index 85ea7b735..fdbf91734 100644
--- a/docs/html/dbdoc.html
+++ b/docs/html/dbdoc.html
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>B.2.1. Bugzilla Database Basics</H2
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>B.2.1.1. Bugzilla Database Tables</H3
diff --git a/docs/html/extraconfig.html b/docs/html/extraconfig.html
index 8a6cdd4b7..b68815a38 100644
--- a/docs/html/extraconfig.html
+++ b/docs/html/extraconfig.html
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ REL="PREVIOUS"
TITLE="Step-by-step Install"
-TITLE="Win32 Installation Notes"
+TITLE="OS Specific Installation Notes"
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ WIDTH="10%"
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.2.1. Dependency Charts</H2
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ TARGET="_top"
Alternatively, you could set up a webdot server, or use the AT&#38;T
public webdot server (the
default for the webdotbase param). Note that AT&#38;T's server won't work
- if Bugzilla is only accessible using HTTPS.
+ if Bugzilla is only accessible using HARTS.
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.2.2. Bug Graphs</H2
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.2.3. The Whining Cron</H2
@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ WIDTH="33%"
@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ ACCESSKEY="U"
->Win32 Installation Notes</TD
+>OS Specific Installation Notes</TD
diff --git a/docs/html/faq.html b/docs/html/faq.html
index f038311c6..7dc95eff4 100644
--- a/docs/html/faq.html
+++ b/docs/html/faq.html
@@ -87,64 +87,64 @@ HREF="faq.html#faq-general"
>A.1.1. <A
>&#13; Where can I find information about Bugzilla?</A
>A.1.2. <A
>&#13; What license is Bugzilla distributed under?
>A.1.3. <A
>&#13; How do I get commercial support for Bugzilla?
>A.1.4. <A
>&#13; What major companies or projects are currently using Bugzilla
for bug-tracking?
>A.1.5. <A
>&#13; Who maintains Bugzilla?
>A.1.6. <A
>&#13; How does Bugzilla stack up against other bug-tracking databases?
>A.1.7. <A
>&#13; Why doesn't Bugzilla offer this or that feature or compatibility
with this other tracking software?
>A.1.8. <A
>&#13; Why MySQL? I'm interested in seeing Bugzilla run on
>A.1.9. <A
>&#13; Why do the scripts say "/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl" instead of
"/usr/bin/perl" or something else?
>A.1.10. <A
>&#13; Is there an easy way to change the Bugzilla cookie name?
@@ -159,41 +159,41 @@ HREF="faq.html#faq-phb"
>A.2.1. <A
>&#13; Is Bugzilla web-based, or do you have to have specific software or
a specific operating system on your machine?
>A.2.2. <A
>&#13; Can Bugzilla integrate with
Perforce (SCM software)?
>A.2.3. <A
>&#13; Does Bugzilla allow the user to track multiple projects?
>A.2.4. <A
>&#13; If I am on many projects, and search for all bugs assigned to me, will
Bugzilla list them for me and allow me to sort by project, severity etc?
>A.2.5. <A
>&#13; Does Bugzilla allow attachments (text, screenshots, URLs etc)? If yes,
are there any that are NOT allowed?
>A.2.6. <A
>&#13; Does Bugzilla allow us to define our own priorities and levels? Do we
have complete freedom to change the labels of fields and format of them, and
the choice of acceptable values?
@@ -201,35 +201,35 @@ HREF="faq.html#AEN1927"
>A.2.7. <A
>&#13; Does Bugzilla provide any reporting features, metrics, graphs, etc? You
know, the type of stuff that management likes to see. :)
>A.2.8. <A
>&#13; Is there email notification and if so, what do you see when you get an
>A.2.9. <A
>&#13; Can email notification be set up to send to multiple
people, some on the To List, CC List, BCC List etc?
>A.2.10. <A
>&#13; Do users have to have any particular
type of email application?
>A.2.11. <A
>&#13; Does Bugzilla allow data to be imported and exported? If I had outsiders
write up a bug report using a MS Word bug template, could that template be
imported into "matching" fields? If I wanted to take the results of a query
@@ -238,28 +238,28 @@ HREF="faq.html#AEN1958"
>A.2.12. <A
>&#13; Has anyone converted Bugzilla to another language to be used in other
countries? Is it localizable?
>A.2.13. <A
>&#13; Can a user create and save reports? Can they do this in Word format?
Excel format?
>A.2.14. <A
>&#13; Does Bugzilla have the ability to search by word, phrase, compound
>A.2.15. <A
>&#13; Does Bugzilla provide record locking when there is simultaneous access
to the same bug? Does the second person get a notice that the bug is in use
or how are they notified?
@@ -267,19 +267,19 @@ HREF="faq.html#AEN1987"
>A.2.16. <A
>&#13; Are there any backup features provided?
>A.2.17. <A
>&#13; Can users be on the system while a backup is in progress?
>A.2.18. <A
>&#13; What type of human resources are needed to be on staff to install and
maintain Bugzilla? Specifically, what type of skills does the person need to
have? I need to find out if we were to go with Bugzilla, what types of
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ HREF="faq.html#AEN2003"
>A.2.19. <A
>&#13; What time frame are we looking at if we decide to hire people to install
and maintain the Bugzilla? Is this something that takes hours or weeks to
install and a couple of hours per week to maintain and customize or is this
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ HREF="faq.html#AEN2009"
>A.2.20. <A
>&#13; Is there any licensing fee or other fees for using Bugzilla? Any
out-of-pocket cost other than the bodies needed as identified above?
@@ -315,20 +315,20 @@ HREF="faq.html#faq-security"
>A.3.1. <A
>&#13; How do I completely disable MySQL security if it's giving me problems
(I've followed the instructions in the installation section of this guide)?
>A.3.2. <A
>&#13; Are there any security problems with Bugzilla?
>A.3.3. <A
>&#13; I've implemented the security fixes mentioned in Chris Yeh's security
advisory of 5/10/2000 advising not to run MySQL as root, and am running into
problems with MySQL no longer working correctly.
@@ -345,48 +345,48 @@ HREF="faq.html#faq-email"
>A.4.1. <A
>&#13; I have a user who doesn't want to receive any more email from Bugzilla.
How do I stop it entirely for this user?
>A.4.2. <A
>&#13; I'm evaluating/testing Bugzilla, and don't want it to send email to
anyone but me. How do I do it?
>A.4.3. <A
>&#13; I want to whine at something more, or other than, only new
bugs. How do I do it?
>A.4.4. <A
>&#13; I don't like/want to use Procmail to hand mail off to
What alternatives do I have?
>A.4.5. <A
>&#13; How do I set up the email interface to submit/change bugs via email?
>A.4.6. <A
>&#13; Email takes FOREVER to reach me from Bugzilla -- it's extremely slow.
What gives?
>A.4.7. <A
>&#13; How come email from Bugzilla changes never reaches me?
@@ -401,33 +401,33 @@ HREF="faq.html#faq-db"
>A.5.1. <A
>&#13; I've heard Bugzilla can be used with Oracle?
>A.5.2. <A
>&#13; I think my database might be corrupted, or contain invalid entries. What
do I do?
>A.5.3. <A
>&#13; I want to manually edit some entries in my database. How?
>A.5.4. <A
>&#13; I think I've set up MySQL permissions correctly, but Bugzilla still can't
>A.5.5. <A
>&#13; How do I synchronize bug information among multiple different Bugzilla
@@ -443,26 +443,26 @@ HREF="faq.html#faq-nt"
>A.6.1. <A
>&#13; What is the easiest way to run Bugzilla on Win32 (Win98+/NT/2K)?
>A.6.2. <A
>&#13; Is there a "Bundle::Bugzilla" equivalent for Win32?
>A.6.3. <A
>&#13; CGI's are failing with a "something.cgi is not a valid Windows NT
application" error. Why?
>A.6.4. <A
>&#13; I'm having trouble with the perl modules for NT not being able to talk to
to the database.
@@ -478,33 +478,33 @@ HREF="faq.html#faq-use"
>A.7.1. <A
>&#13; How do I change my user name (email address) in Bugzilla?
>A.7.2. <A
>&#13; The query page is very confusing. Isn't there a simpler way to query?
>A.7.3. <A
>&#13; I'm confused by the behavior of the "accept" button in the Show Bug form.
Why doesn't it assign the bug to me when I accept it?
>A.7.4. <A
>&#13; I can't upload anything into the database via the "Create Attachment"
link. What am I doing wrong?
>A.7.5. <A
>&#13; How do I change a keyword in Bugzilla, once some bugs are using it?
@@ -519,26 +519,26 @@ HREF="faq.html#faq-hacking"
>A.8.1. <A
>&#13; What kind of style should I use for templatization?
>A.8.2. <A
>&#13; What bugs are in Bugzilla right now?
>A.8.3. <A
>&#13; How can I change the default priority to a null value? For instance, have the default
priority be "---" instead of "P2"?
>A.8.4. <A
>&#13; What's the best way to submit patches? What guidelines should I follow?
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.1. </B
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.2. </B
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.3. </B
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.4. </B
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.5. </B
@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.6. </B
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.7. </B
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.8. </B
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.9. </B
@@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.1.10. </B
@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.1. </B
@@ -1041,7 +1041,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.2. </B
@@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.3. </B
@@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.4. </B
@@ -1117,7 +1117,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.5. </B
@@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.6. </B
@@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.7. </B
@@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.8. </B
@@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.9. </B
@@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.10. </B
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.11. </B
@@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.12. </B
@@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.13. </B
@@ -1457,7 +1457,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.14. </B
@@ -1483,7 +1483,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.15. </B
@@ -1510,7 +1510,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.16. </B
@@ -1540,7 +1540,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.17. </B
@@ -1566,7 +1566,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.18. </B
@@ -1601,7 +1601,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.19. </B
@@ -1634,7 +1634,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.2.20. </B
@@ -1668,7 +1668,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.3.1. </B
@@ -1697,7 +1697,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.3.2. </B
@@ -1725,7 +1725,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.3.3. </B
@@ -1761,7 +1761,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.4.1. </B
@@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.4.2. </B
@@ -1817,7 +1817,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.4.3. </B
@@ -1849,7 +1849,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.4.4. </B
@@ -1867,7 +1867,7 @@ CLASS="answer"
You can call directly from your aliases file, with
an entry like this:
@@ -1888,7 +1888,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.4.5. </B
@@ -1913,7 +1913,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.4.6. </B
@@ -1948,7 +1948,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.4.7. </B
@@ -1988,7 +1988,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.5.1. </B
@@ -2016,7 +2016,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.5.2. </B
@@ -2063,7 +2063,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.5.3. </B
@@ -2104,7 +2104,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.5.4. </B
@@ -2165,7 +2165,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.5.5. </B
@@ -2211,7 +2211,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.6.1. </B
@@ -2236,7 +2236,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.6.2. </B
@@ -2262,7 +2262,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.6.3. </B
@@ -2285,7 +2285,7 @@ CLASS="answer"
>&#13; Microsoft has some advice on this matter, as well:
@@ -2310,7 +2310,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.6.4. </B
@@ -2387,7 +2387,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.7.1. </B
@@ -2412,7 +2412,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.7.2. </B
@@ -2438,7 +2438,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.7.3. </B
@@ -2493,7 +2493,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.7.4. </B
@@ -2520,7 +2520,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.7.5. </B
@@ -2554,7 +2554,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.8.1. </B
@@ -2613,7 +2613,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.8.2. </B
@@ -2659,7 +2659,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.8.3. </B
@@ -2691,7 +2691,7 @@ CLASS="qandaentry"
>A.8.4. </B
diff --git a/docs/html/gfdl-0.html b/docs/html/gfdl-0.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d99d3bd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/gfdl-0.html
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+TITLE="GNU Free Documentation License"
+TITLE="GNU Free Documentation License"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>The Bugzilla Guide</TH
+>Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License</TD
+>The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
+ written document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the
+ effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying
+ it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License
+ preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their
+ work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by
+ others.</P
+>This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
+ works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It
+ complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license
+ designed for free software.</P
+>We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for
+ free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free
+ program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the
+ software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it
+ can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether
+ it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally
+ for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.</P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+>GNU Free Documentation License</TD
+> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/html/gfdl-1.html b/docs/html/gfdl-1.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d91dc313e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/gfdl-1.html
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+TITLE="GNU Free Documentation License"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>The Bugzilla Guide</TH
+>Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License</TD
+>This License applies to any manual or other work that contains a
+ notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under
+ the terms of this License. The "Document", below, refers to any such
+ manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed
+ as "you".</P
+>A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
+ Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
+ modifications and/or translated into another language.</P
+>A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section
+ of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
+ publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject
+ (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly
+ within that overall subject. (For example, if the Document is in part a
+ textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any
+ mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection
+ with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial,
+ philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them.</P
+>The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose
+ titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the
+ notice that says that the Document is released under this License.</P
+>The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are
+ listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says
+ that the Document is released under this License.</P
+>A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
+ represented in a format whose specification is available to the general
+ public, whose contents can be viewed and edited directly and
+ straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
+ pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
+ drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for
+ automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text
+ formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose
+ markup has been designed to thwart or discourage subsequent modification
+ by readers is not Transparent. A copy that is not "Transparent" is called
+ "Opaque".</P
+>Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
+ ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML or
+ XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML
+ designed for human modification. Opaque formats include PostScript, PDF,
+ proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word
+ processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not
+ generally available, and the machine-generated HTML produced by some word
+ processors for output purposes only.</P
+>The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
+ plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material
+ this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats
+ which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means the text
+ near the most prominent appearance of the work's title, preceding the
+ beginning of the body of the text.</P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+> \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3c1677e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/gfdl-10.html
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+TITLE="GNU Free Documentation License"
+TITLE="How to use this License for your documents"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>The Bugzilla Guide</TH
+>Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License</TD
+>The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of
+ the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions
+ will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in
+ detail to address new problems or concerns. See
+ <A
+ .</P
+>Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version
+ number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of
+ this License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of
+ following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of
+ any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free
+ Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of
+ this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft)
+ by the Free Software Foundation.</P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+>How to use this License for your documents</TD
+> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/html/gfdl-2.html b/docs/html/gfdl-2.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3903c670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/gfdl-2.html
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+TITLE="GNU Free Documentation License"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>The Bugzilla Guide</TH
+>Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License</TD
+>You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
+ commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
+ copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to
+ the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other
+ conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical
+ measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the
+ copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in
+ exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies
+ you must also follow the conditions in section 3.</P
+>You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above,
+ and you may publicly display copies.</P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/html/gfdl-3.html b/docs/html/gfdl-3.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08bbedb9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/gfdl-3.html
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+TITLE="GNU Free Documentation License"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>The Bugzilla Guide</TH
+>Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License</TD
+>If you publish printed copies of the Document numbering more than
+ 100, and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must
+ enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these
+ Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts
+ on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you
+ as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full
+ title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may
+ add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes
+ limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document
+ and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other
+ respects.</P
+>If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
+ legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably)
+ on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages.</P
+>If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document
+ numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable
+ Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each
+ Opaque copy a publicly-accessible computer-network location containing a
+ complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material, which
+ the general network-using public has access to download anonymously at no
+ charge using public-standard network protocols. If you use the latter
+ option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin
+ distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this
+ Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until
+ at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy
+ (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the
+ public.</P
+>It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of
+ the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to
+ give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the
+ Document.</P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+> \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a67a24604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/gfdl-4.html
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+TITLE="GNU Free Documentation License"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>The Bugzilla Guide</TH
+>Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License</TD
+>You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document
+ under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release
+ the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified
+ Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and
+ modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it.
+ In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:</P
+>Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title
+ distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous
+ versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History
+ section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous
+ version if the original publisher of that version gives
+ permission.</P
+>List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or
+ entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the
+ Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal
+ authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has less
+ than five).</P
+>State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
+ Modified Version, as the publisher.</P
+>Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.</P
+>Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
+ adjacent to the other copyright notices.</P
+>Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license
+ notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under
+ the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum
+ below.</P
+>Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant
+ Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license
+ notice.</P
+>Include an unaltered copy of this License.</P
+>Preserve the section entitled "History", and its title, and add
+ to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and
+ publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If
+ there is no section entitled "History" in the Document, create one
+ stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as
+ given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified
+ Version as stated in the previous sentence.</P
+>Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document
+ for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise
+ the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it
+ was based on. These may be placed in the "History" section. You may
+ omit a network location for a work that was published at least four
+ years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the
+ version it refers to gives permission.</P
+>In any section entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
+ preserve the section's title, and preserve in the section all the
+ substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or
+ dedications given therein.</P
+>Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered
+ in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent
+ are not considered part of the section titles.</P
+>Delete any section entitled "Endorsements". Such a section may
+ not be included in the Modified Version.</P
+>Do not retitle any existing section as "Endorsements" or to
+ conflict in title with any Invariant Section.</P
+>If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
+ appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material
+ copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of
+ these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of
+ Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice. These titles
+ must be distinct from any other section titles.</P
+>You may add a section entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
+ nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties--for
+ example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by
+ an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.</P
+>You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text,
+ and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the
+ list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of
+ Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through
+ arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a
+ cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement
+ made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add
+ another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the
+ previous publisher that added the old one.</P
+>The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this
+ License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert
+ or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.</P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+> \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1702c2b91
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+++ b/docs/html/gfdl-5.html
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+TITLE="GNU Free Documentation License"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>The Bugzilla Guide</TH
+>Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License</TD
+>You may combine the Document with other documents released under
+ this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified
+ versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the
+ Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list
+ them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license
+ notice.</P
+>The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
+ multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy.
+ If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different
+ contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end
+ of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of
+ that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment
+ to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license
+ notice of the combined work.</P
+>In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled
+ "History" in the various original documents, forming one section entitled
+ "History"; likewise combine any sections entitled "Acknowledgements", and
+ any sections entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections
+ entitled "Endorsements."</P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+> \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e2583c2b
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+++ b/docs/html/gfdl-6.html
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+TITLE="GNU Free Documentation License"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>The Bugzilla Guide</TH
+>Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License</TD
+>You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other
+ documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies
+ of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is
+ included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this
+ License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other
+ respects.</P
+>You may extract a single document from such a collection, and
+ distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy
+ of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in
+ all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.</P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/html/gfdl-7.html b/docs/html/gfdl-7.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c08a7e018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/gfdl-7.html
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+TITLE="GNU Free Documentation License"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>The Bugzilla Guide</TH
+>Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License</TD
+>A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other
+ separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a
+ storage or distribution medium, does not as a whole count as a Modified
+ Version of the Document, provided no compilation copyright is claimed for
+ the compilation. Such a compilation is called an "aggregate", and this
+ License does not apply to the other self-contained works thus compiled
+ with the Document, on account of their being thus compiled, if they are
+ not themselves derivative works of the Document.</P
+>If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
+ copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one quarter of
+ the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on covers
+ that surround only the Document within the aggregate. Otherwise they must
+ appear on covers around the whole aggregate.</P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+> \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc721637f
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+++ b/docs/html/gfdl-8.html
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+TITLE="GNU Free Documentation License"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>The Bugzilla Guide</TH
+>Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License</TD
+>Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
+ distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.
+ Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
+ permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations
+ of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of
+ these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License
+ provided that you also include the original English version of this
+ License. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the
+ original English version of this License, the original English version
+ will prevail.</P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+> \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81e8904d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/gfdl-9.html
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+TITLE="GNU Free Documentation License"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>The Bugzilla Guide</TH
+>Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License</TD
+>You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document
+ except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to
+ copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will
+ automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties
+ who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not
+ have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full
+ compliance.</P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+> \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/html/gfdl-howto.html
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+>How to use this License for your documents</TITLE
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+TITLE="GNU Free Documentation License"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>The Bugzilla Guide</TH
+>Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License</TD
+>How to use this License for your documents</H1
+>To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy
+ of the License in the document and put the following copyright and
+ license notices just after the title page:</P
+>Copyright (c) YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy,
+ distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free
+ Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being LIST
+ THEIR TITLES, with the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the
+ Back-Cover Texts being LIST. A copy of the license is included in the
+ section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".</P
+>If you have no Invariant Sections, write "with no Invariant
+ Sections" instead of saying which ones are invariant. If you have no
+ Front-Cover Texts, write "no Front-Cover Texts" instead of "Front-Cover
+ Texts being LIST"; likewise for Back-Cover Texts.</P
+>If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
+ recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free
+ software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their
+ use in free software.</P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+> \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/html/gfdl.html
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+>GNU Free Documentation License</TITLE
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>The Bugzilla Guide</TH
+>Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License</H1
+>Table of Contents</B
+>0. <A
+>1. <A
+>2. <A
+>3. <A
+>4. <A
+>5. <A
+>6. <A
+>7. <A
+>8. <A
+>9. <A
+>10. <A
+>How to use this License for your documents</A
+>Version 1.1, March 2000</P
+>Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place,
+ Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and
+ distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is
+ not allowed.</P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/html/glossary.html b/docs/html/glossary.html
index ccf315815..d795b1fc8 100644
--- a/docs/html/glossary.html
+++ b/docs/html/glossary.html
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ REL="HOME"
TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+TITLE="How to use this License for your documents"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ WIDTH="10%"
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ CLASS="glossdiv"
>0-9, high ascii</H1
@@ -109,18 +109,16 @@ NAME="gloss-a"
>In this context, Apache is the web server most commonly used
- for serving up
- <I
+ for serving up Bugzilla
pages. Contrary to popular belief, the apache web server has nothing
to do with the ancient and noble Native American tribe, but instead
derived its name from the fact that it was
@@ -128,14 +126,123 @@ CLASS="glossterm"
>"a patchy"</SPAN
version of the original
world-wide-web server.</P
+>Useful Directives when configuring Bugzilla</B
+>Tell Apache that it's OK to run CGI scripts.</P
+>, <TT
+>These directives are used to tell Apache many things about
+ the directory they apply to. For Bugzilla's purposes, we need
+ them to allow script execution and <TT
+ overrides.
+ </P
+>Used to tell Apache what files are indexes. If you can
+ not add <TT
+> to the list of valid files,
+ you'll need to set <TT
+> to
+ 1 in <TT
+> so
+ <B
+> will create an
+ <TT
+> that redirects to
+ <TT
+ </P
+>Used when running Apache on windows so the shebang line
+ doesn't have to be changed in every Bugzilla script.
+ </P
+>For more information about how to configure Apache for Bugzilla,
+ see <A
+>Section 4.4.1</A
+ </P
@@ -206,6 +313,26 @@ NAME="gloss-c"
+>Common Gateway Interface</B
+> (CGI)<DD
+> is an acronym for Common Gateway Interface. This is
+ a standard for interfacing an external application with a web server. Bugzilla
+ is an example of a <SPAN
+> application.
+ </P
@@ -289,9 +416,12 @@ CLASS="glossdiv"
@@ -324,6 +454,29 @@ CLASS="glossdiv"
+>JavaScript is cool, we should talk about it.
+ </P
@@ -542,6 +695,21 @@ CLASS="QUOTE"
giving you the ability to declare by which milestone a bug will be
fixed, or an enhancement will be implemented.</P
+>Tool Command Language</B
+> (TCL)<DD
+>TCL is an open source scripting language available for Windows,
+ Macintosh, and Unix based systems. Bugzilla 1.0 was written in TCL but
+ never released. The first release of Bugzilla was 2.0, which was when
+ it was ported to perl.
+ </P
@@ -585,7 +753,7 @@ WIDTH="33%"
@@ -609,7 +777,7 @@ VALIGN="top"
+>How to use this License for your documents</TD
diff --git a/docs/html/hintsandtips.html b/docs/html/hintsandtips.html
index 2256e47ea..413c28087 100644
--- a/docs/html/hintsandtips.html
+++ b/docs/html/hintsandtips.html
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>3.2.1. Autolinkification</H2
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>3.2.5. Filing Bugs</H2
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/http.html
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+>HTTP Server Configuration</TITLE
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+TITLE="OS Specific Installation Notes"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>The Bugzilla Guide</TH
+>Chapter 4. Installation</TD
+>4.4. HTTP Server Configuration</H1
+>The Bugzilla Team recommends Apache when using Bugzilla, however, any web server
+ that can be configured to run <A
+> scripts
+ should be able to handle Bugzilla. No matter what web server you choose, but
+ especially if you choose something other than Apache, you should be sure to read
+ <A
+>Section 5.6</A
+ </P
+>The plan for this section is to eventually document the specifics of how to lock
+ down permissions on individual web servers.
+ </P
+>4.4.1. Apache <SPAN
+>As mentioned above, the Bugzilla Team recommends Apache for use
+ with Bugzilla. You will have to make sure that Apache is properly
+ configured to run the Bugzilla CGI scripts. You also need to make sure
+ that the <TT
+> files created by
+ <B
+> (shown in <A
+>Example 4-1</A
+ for the curious) are allowed to override Apache's normal access
+ permissions or else important password information may be exposed to the
+ Internet.
+ </P
+>Many Apache installations are not configured to run scripts
+ anywhere but in the <TT
+ directory; however, we recommend that Bugzilla not be installed in the
+ <TT
+>, otherwise the static
+ files such as images and <A
+ will not work correctly. To allow scripts to run in the normal
+ web space, the following changes should be made to your
+ <TT
+> file.
+ </P
+>To allow files with a .cgi extension to be run, make sure the
+ following line exists and is uncommented:</P
+>&#13;AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
+ </PRE
+>To allow <TT
+> files to override
+ permissions and .cgi files to run in the Bugzilla directory, make sure
+ the following two lines are in a <TT
+ directive that applies to the Bugzilla directory on your system
+ (either the Bugzilla directory or one of its parents).
+ </P
+>&#13;Options +ExecCGI
+AllowOverride Limit
+ </PRE
+>For more information on Apache and its directives, see the
+ glossary entry on <A
+ </P
+>Example 4-1. <TT
+> files for Apache</B
+>&#13;# don't allow people to retrieve non-cgi executable files or our private data
+&#60;FilesMatch ^(.*\.pl|.*localconfig.*|processmail|$&#62;
+ deny from all
+&#60;FilesMatch ^(localconfig.js|localconfig.rdf)$&#62;
+ allow from all
+ </PRE
+ </P
+>&#13;# nothing in this directory is retrievable unless overriden by an .htaccess
+# in a subdirectory; the only exception is duplicates.rdf, which is used by
+# duplicates.xul and must be loadable over the web
+deny from all
+&#60;Files duplicates.rdf&#62;
+ allow from all
+ </PRE
+ </P
+>&#13;# Restrict access to .dot files to the public webdot server at
+# if ever changed their IP, or if you use a different
+# webdot server, you'll need to edit this
+&#60;FilesMatch ^[0-9]+\.dot$&#62;
+ Allow from
+ Deny from all
+# Allow access by a local copy of 'dot' to .png, .gif, .jpg, and
+# .map files
+&#60;FilesMatch ^[0-9]+\.(png|gif|jpg|map)$&#62;
+ Allow from all
+# And no directory listings, either.
+Deny from all
+ </PRE
+ </P
+>&#13;# nothing in this directory is retrievable unless overriden by an .htaccess
+# in a subdirectory
+deny from all
+ </PRE
+ </P
+>&#13;# nothing in this directory is retrievable unless overriden by an .htaccess
+# in a subdirectory
+deny from all
+ </PRE
+ </P
+>4.4.2. Microsoft <SPAN
+>Internet Information Services</SPAN
+>If you need, or for some reason even want, to use Microsoft's
+>Internet Information Services</SPAN
+> or
+>Personal Web Server</SPAN
+> you should be able
+ to. You will need to configure them to know how to run CGI scripts,
+ however. This is described in Microsoft Knowledge Base article
+ <A
+>Q245225 </A
+ for <SPAN
+>Internet Information Services</SPAN
+> and
+ <A
+ for <SPAN
+>Personal Web Server</SPAN
+ </P
+>Also, and this can't be stressed enough, make sure that files such as
+ <TT
+> and your <TT
+ directory are secured as described in <A
+>Section 5.6</A
+ </P
+>4.4.3. AOL Server</H2
+>Ben FrantzDale reported success using AOL Server with Bugzilla. He
+ reported his experience and what appears below is based on that.
+ </P
+>AOL Server will have to be configured to run
+ <A
+> scripts, please consult
+ the documentation that came with your server for more information on
+ how to do this.
+ </P
+>Because AOL Server doesn't support <TT
+ files, you'll have to create a <A
+ script. You should create an <TT
+ file (the filename shouldn't matter) with the following contents (change
+ <TT
+> to the web-based path to
+ your Bugzilla installation):
+ </P
+>&#13;ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/localconfig filter_deny
+ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/*.pl filter_deny
+ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/localconfig filter_deny
+ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/processmail filter_deny
+ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/syncshadowdb filter_deny
+ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/ filter_deny
+proc filter_deny { why } {
+ ns_log Notice "filter_deny"
+ return "filter_return"
+ </PRE
+>This doesn't appear to account for everything mentioned in
+ <A
+>Section 5.6</A
+>. In particular, it doesn't block access
+ to the <TT
+> or
+ <TT
+> directories. It also
+ doesn't account for the editor backup files that were the topic of
+ <A
+ 186383</A
+>, <A
+>Bugtraq ID 6501</A
+ and a partial cause for the 2.16.2 release.
+ </P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+>OS Specific Installation Notes</TD
+> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/html/index.html b/docs/html/index.html
index 57c05dbf2..4dfd2a8df 100644
--- a/docs/html/index.html
+++ b/docs/html/index.html
@@ -60,13 +60,16 @@ NAME="AEN9"
>The Bugzilla Team</H3
+>2.17.3 Development Release&nbsp;Edition </P
@@ -81,12 +84,11 @@ NAME="AEN14"
This documentation is maintained in DocBook 4.1.2 XML format.
Changes are best submitted as plain text or SGML diffs, attached
- to a bug filed in
- <A
+ to a bug filed in the <A
->'s Bugzilla</A
+>Bugzilla Documentation</A
+> compontent.
>This is a development version of this guide. Information in it
@@ -201,13 +203,13 @@ HREF="extraconfig.html"
>4.3. <A
->Win32 Installation Notes</A
+>OS Specific Installation Notes</A
>4.4. <A
->Mac OS X Installation Notes</A
+>HTTP Server Configuration</A
>4.5. <A
@@ -364,6 +366,75 @@ HREF="variant-sourceforge.html"
+>E. <A
+>GNU Free Documentation License</A
+>0. <A
+>1. <A
+>2. <A
+>3. <A
+>4. <A
+>5. <A
+>6. <A
+>7. <A
+>8. <A
+>9. <A
+>10. <A
+>How to use this License for your documents</A
@@ -380,21 +451,11 @@ CLASS="LOT"
>4-1. <A
->Installing ActivePerl ppd Modules on Microsoft
- Windows</A
->4-2. <A
->Installing OpenInteract ppd Modules manually on Microsoft
- Windows</A
->4-3. <A
->Removing encrypt() for Windows NT Bugzilla version 2.12 or
- earlier</A
+> files for Apache</A
>5-1. <A
diff --git a/docs/html/installation.html b/docs/html/installation.html
index 558ae920b..13bcd6c3b 100644
--- a/docs/html/installation.html
+++ b/docs/html/installation.html
@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ HREF="stepbystep.html"
>4.1.1. <A
>4.1.2. <A
>Package List</A
@@ -113,22 +113,22 @@ HREF="stepbystep.html#perl-modules"
>4.1.6. <A
>HTTP Server</A
>4.1.7. <A
>4.1.8. <A
>Setting Up the MySQL Database</A
>4.1.9. <A
@@ -136,12 +136,12 @@ CLASS="filename"
>4.1.10. <A
>Securing MySQL</A
>4.1.11. <A
>Configuring Bugzilla</A
@@ -155,17 +155,17 @@ HREF="extraconfig.html"
>4.2.1. <A
>Dependency Charts</A
>4.2.2. <A
>Bug Graphs</A
>4.2.3. <A
>The Whining Cron</A
@@ -218,28 +218,56 @@ CLASS="filename"
>4.3. <A
->Win32 Installation Notes</A
+>OS Specific Installation Notes</A
>4.3.1. <A
->Win32 Installation: Step-by-step</A
+>Microsoft Windows</A
>4.3.2. <A
->Additional Windows Tips</A
+>Mac OS X</SPAN
>4.4. <A
->Mac OS X Installation Notes</A
+>HTTP Server Configuration</A
+>4.4.1. <A
+>Apache <SPAN
+>4.4.2. <A
+>Microsoft <SPAN
+>Internet Information Services</SPAN
+>4.4.3. <A
+>AOL Server</A
>4.5. <A
@@ -249,12 +277,12 @@ HREF="troubleshooting.html"
>4.5.1. <A
>Bundle::Bugzilla makes me upgrade to Perl 5.6.1</A
>4.5.2. <A
>DBD::Sponge::db prepare failed</A
diff --git a/docs/html/os-specific.html b/docs/html/os-specific.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96f7157cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/os-specific.html
@@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
+>OS Specific Installation Notes</TITLE
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
+TITLE="Optional Additional Configuration"
+TITLE="HTTP Server Configuration"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>The Bugzilla Guide</TH
+>Chapter 4. Installation</TD
+>4.3. OS Specific Installation Notes</H1
+>Many aspects of the Bugzilla installation can be affected by the
+ the operating system you choose to install it on. Sometimes it can be made
+ easier and others more difficult. This section will attempt to help you
+ understand both the difficulties of running on specific operating systems
+ and the utilities available to make it easier.
+ </P
+>If you have anything to add or notes for an operating system not
+ covered, please file a bug in <A
+>Bugzilla Documentation</A
+ </P
+>4.3.1. Microsoft Windows</H2
+>Making Bugzilla work on windows is still a very painful processes.
+ The Bugzilla Team is working to make it easier, but that goal is not
+ considered a top priority. If you wish to run Bugzilla, we still
+ recommend doing so on a Unix based system such as GNU/Linux. As of this
+ writing, all members of the Bugzilla team and all known large installations
+ run on Unix based systems.
+ </P
+>If after hearing all that, you have enough pain tolerance to attempt
+ installing Bugzilla on Win32, here are some pointers.
+ Because this is a development version of the guide, these instructions
+ are subject to change without notice. In fact, the Bugzilla Team hopes
+ they do as we would like to have Bugzilla resonabally close to "out of
+ the box" compatibility by the 2.18 release.
+ </P
+> Win32 Perl</H3
+>Perl for Windows can be obtained from <A
+>. You should be
+ able to find a compiled binary at <A
+ </P
+> Perl Modules on Win32</H3
+>Bugzilla on Windows requires the same perl modules found in
+ <A
+>Section 4.1.2</A
+>. The main difference is that
+ windows uses <B
+> instead of CPAN.
+ </P
+>&#13;C:\perl&#62; <B
+>ppm &#60;module name&#62;</B
+ </PRE
+>The above syntax should work for all modules with the exception
+ of Template Toolkit. The <A
+>Template Toolkit website</A
+ suggests using the instructions on <A
+>OpenInteract's website</A
+ </P
+>A complete list of modules that can be installed using ppm can
+ be found at <A
+ </P
+> Code changes required to run on win32</H3
+>Unfortunately, Bugzilla still doesn't run "out of the box" on
+ Windows. There is work in progress to make this easier, but until that
+ happens code will have to be modified. This section is an attempt to
+ list the required changes. It is an attempt to be all inclusive, but
+ there may be other changes required. If you find something is missing,
+ please file a bug in <A
+>Bugzilla Documentation</A
+ </P
+> Changes to <TT
+>In <TT
+>, the line reading:</P
+>&#13;my $mysql_binaries = `which mysql`;
+ </PRE
+>&#13;my $mysql_binaries = "D:\\mysql\\bin\\mysql";
+ </PRE
+>And you'll also need to change:</P
+>&#13;my $webservergid = getgrnam($my_webservergroup)
+ </PRE
+>&#13;my $webservergid = '8'
+ </PRE
+> Making mail work</H4
+>The easiest way to get mail working is to use the mail patches
+ on <A
+ 124174</A
+>. With any luck, this patch will receive the required
+ reviews and integrated into the main Bugzilla distribution very soon.
+ Until that happens, there's at least one report of this patch working
+ well on Windows.
+ </P
+> System Calls</H4
+>In order to get system calls to work on win32's perl, you need
+ to tell the windows shell what interpreter to use. This is done by
+ changing the <TT
+> calls. You will need to
+ search all of Bugzilla's code for <TT
+> calls.
+ To tell perl your interpreter, it needs to be the first argument to
+ the <TT
+> call. For example, you'll need to
+ change:
+ </P
+>&#13;system("./processmail", $id, $exporter);
+ </PRE
+>&#13;system("C:\\perl\\bin\\perl", "processmail", $id, $exporter);
+ </PRE
+>Notice that the <TT
+> is also
+ removed.
+ </P
+>The <B
+> command is very helpful in finding
+ these <TT
+> calls, assuming you have the
+> utilities.
+ </P
+> Serving the web pages</H3
+>As is the case on Unix based systems, any web server should be
+ able to handle Bugzilla; however, the Bugzilla Team still recommends
+ Apache whenever asked. No matter what web server you choose, be sure
+ to pay attention to the security notes in <A
+>Section 5.6</A
+ More information on configuring specific web servers can be found in
+ <A
+>Section 4.4</A
+ </P
+>If using Apache on windows, you can set the <A
+ directive in your Apache config, if you don't do this, you'll have
+ to modify the first line of every script to contain your path to
+ perl instead of <TT
+ </P
+>4.3.2. <SPAN
+>Mac OS X</SPAN
+>There are a lot of common libraries and utilities out there that
+ Apple did not include with Mac OS X, but which run perfectly well on it.
+ The GD library, which Bugzilla needs to do bug graphs, is one of
+ these.</P
+>The easiest way to get a lot of these is with a program called
+ Fink, which is similar in nature to the CPAN installer, but installs
+ common GNU utilities. Fink is available from
+ <A
+>Follow the instructions for setting up Fink. Once it's installed,
+ you'll want to run the following as root:
+ <B
+>fink install gd</B
+ </P
+>It will prompt you for a number of dependencies, type 'y' and hit
+ enter to install all of the dependencies. Then watch it work.</P
+>To prevent creating conflicts with the software that Apple installs
+ by default, Fink creates its own directory tree at /sw where it installs
+ most of the software that it installs. This means your libraries and
+ headers for libgd will be at /sw/lib and /sw/include instead of /usr/lib
+ and /usr/local/include. Because of these changed locations for the
+ libraries, the Perl GD module will not install directly via CPAN, because it
+ looks for the specific paths instead of getting them from your
+ environment. But there's a way around that :-)</P
+>Instead of typing
+>"install GD"</SPAN
+ at the
+ <TT
+ prompt, type
+ <B
+>look GD</B
+ This should go through the motions of downloading the latest version of
+ the GD module, then it will open a shell and drop you into the build
+ directory. Apply <A
+>this patch</A
+ to the Makefile.PL file (save the
+ patch into a file and use the command
+ <B
+>patch &#60; patchfile</B
+ </P
+>Then, run these commands to finish the installation of the GD
+ module:
+ <P
+>&#13; <B
+>perl Makefile.PL</B
+ </TD
+>&#13; <B
+ </TD
+>&#13; <B
+>make test</B
+ </TD
+>&#13; <B
+>make install</B
+ </TD
+>And don't forget to run
+ <B
+ to get back to CPAN.</TD
+ </P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+>Optional Additional Configuration</TD
+>HTTP Server Configuration</TD
+> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/html/osx.html b/docs/html/osx.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 664dea1da..000000000
--- a/docs/html/osx.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
->Mac OS X Installation Notes</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
-TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
-TITLE="Win32 Installation Notes"
-SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
->The Bugzilla Guide</TH
->Chapter 4. Installation</TD
->4.4. Mac OS X Installation Notes</H1
->There are a lot of common libraries and utilities out there that
- Apple did not include with Mac OS X, but which run perfectly well on it.
- The GD library, which Bugzilla needs to do bug graphs, is one of
- these.</P
->The easiest way to get a lot of these is with a program called
- Fink, which is similar in nature to the CPAN installer, but installs
- common GNU utilities. Fink is available from
- &#60;;.</P
->Follow the instructions for setting up Fink. Once it's installed,
- you'll want to run the following as root:
- <B
->fink install gd</B
- </P
->It will prompt you for a number of dependencies, type 'y' and hit
- enter to install all of the dependencies. Then watch it work.</P
->To prevent creating conflicts with the software that Apple installs
- by default, Fink creates its own directory tree at /sw where it installs
- most of the software that it installs. This means your libraries and
- headers for libgd will be at /sw/lib and /sw/include instead of /usr/lib
- and /usr/local/include. Because of these changed locations for the
- libraries, the Perl GD module will not install directly via CPAN, because it
- looks for the specific paths instead of getting them from your
- environment. But there's a way around that :-)</P
->Instead of typing
->"install GD"</SPAN
- at the
- <TT
- prompt, type
- <B
->look GD</B
- This should go through the motions of downloading the latest version of
- the GD module, then it will open a shell and drop you into the build
- directory. Apply <A
->this patch</A
- to the Makefile.PL file (save the
- patch into a file and use the command
- <B
->patch &#60; patchfile</B
- </P
->Then, run these commands to finish the installation of the GD
- module:
- <P
->&#13; <B
->perl Makefile.PL</B
- </TD
->&#13; <B
- </TD
->&#13; <B
->make test</B
- </TD
->&#13; <B
->make install</B
- </TD
->And don't forget to run
- <B
- to get back to CPAN.</TD
- </P
-SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
->Win32 Installation Notes</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/html/security.html b/docs/html/security.html
index dc4b5b7c4..8d1b047d0 100644
--- a/docs/html/security.html
+++ b/docs/html/security.html
@@ -446,156 +446,11 @@ CLASS="filename"
is provided for those that want to know exactly what is created.
->Note the instructions which follow are Apache-specific. If you
+ Note the instructions which follow are Apache-specific. If you
use IIS, Netscape, or other non-Apache web servers, please consult
your system documentation for how to secure these files from being
transmitted to curious users.</P
->&#13;# don't allow people to retrieve non-cgi executable files or our private data
-&#60;FilesMatch ^(.*\.pl|.*localconfig.*|processmail|$&#62;
- deny from all
-&#60;FilesMatch ^(localconfig.js|localconfig.rdf)$&#62;
- allow from all
- </PRE
- </P
->&#13;# nothing in this directory is retrievable unless overriden by an .htaccess
-# in a subdirectory; the only exception is duplicates.rdf, which is used by
-# duplicates.xul and must be loadable over the web
-deny from all
-&#60;Files duplicates.rdf&#62;
- allow from all
- </PRE
- </P
->&#13;# Restrict access to .dot files to the public webdot server at
-# if ever changed their IP, or if you use a different
-# webdot server, you'll need to edit this
-&#60;FilesMatch ^[0-9]+\.dot$&#62;
- Allow from
- Deny from all
-# Allow access by a local copy of 'dot' to .png, .gif, .jpg, and
-# .map files
-&#60;FilesMatch ^[0-9]+\.(png|gif|jpg|map)$&#62;
- Allow from all
-# And no directory listings, either.
-Deny from all
- </PRE
- </P
->&#13;# nothing in this directory is retrievable unless overriden by an .htaccess
-# in a subdirectory
-deny from all
- </PRE
- </P
->&#13;# nothing in this directory is retrievable unless overriden by an .htaccess
-# in a subdirectory
-deny from all
- </PRE
- </P
diff --git a/docs/html/stepbystep.html b/docs/html/stepbystep.html
index 27870e9ae..d925b25cb 100644
--- a/docs/html/stepbystep.html
+++ b/docs/html/stepbystep.html
@@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.1.1. Introduction</H2
>Bugzilla has been successfully installed under Solaris, Linux,
and Win32. Win32 is not yet officially supported, but many people
have got it working fine.
- Please see the
+ Please see
->Win32 Installation Notes</A
+>Section 4.3.1</A
for further advice on getting Bugzilla to work on Microsoft
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.1.2. Package List</H2
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ TARGET="_top"
- (1.2209)
+ (2.1010)
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ HREF=""
- (1.13)
+ (1.32)
@@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ CLASS="section"
> DBI</H3
@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ CLASS="section"
> Data::Dumper</H3
@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ CLASS="section"
> MySQL-related modules</H3
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ CLASS="section"
> TimeDate modules</H3
@@ -934,13 +934,13 @@ CLASS="section"
> GD (optional)</H3
>The GD library was written by Thomas Boutell a long while ago to
programatically generate images in C. Since then it's become the
- defacto standard for programatic image construction. The Perl bindings
+ defacto standard for programmatic image construction. The Perl bindings
to it found in the GD library are used on millions of web pages to
generate graphs on the fly. That's what Bugzilla will be using it for
so you must install it if you want any of the graphing to work.</P
@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ CLASS="section"
> Chart::Base (optional)</H3
@@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@ CLASS="section"
> Template Toolkit</H3
@@ -1020,19 +1020,25 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.1.6. HTTP Server</H2
->You have a freedom of choice here - Apache, Netscape or any other
- server on UNIX would do. You can run the web server on a
- different machine than MySQL, but need to adjust the MySQL
+>You have freedom of choice here, pretty much any web server that
+ is capable of running <A
- user permissions accordingly.
- <DIV
+ scripts will work. <A
+>Section 4.4</A
+> has more information about
+ configuring web servers to work with Bugzilla.
+ </P
@@ -1061,144 +1067,13 @@ VALIGN="TOP"
- </P
->You'll want to make sure that your web server will <EM
- any file
- with the .cgi extension as a CGI program and not simply display the source
- code. If you're
- using Apache that means uncommenting the following line in the httpd.conf
- file:
->&#13;AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
- </PRE
- </P
->With Apache you'll also want to make sure that within the
- httpd.conf file these lines:
->&#13;Options +ExecCGI
-AllowOverride Limit
- are in the stanza that covers the directories into which you intend to
- put the bugzilla .html and .cgi files.
- <DIV
->AllowOverride Limit allows the use of a Deny statement in the
- .htaccess file generated by</P
->Users of older versions of Apache may find the above lines
- in the srm.conf and access.conf files, respectively.</P
- </P
->There are important files and directories that should not be a
- served by the HTTP server - most files in the
- directory and the
- file. You should configure your HTTP server to not serve
- these files. Failure to do so will expose critical passwords and
- other data. Please see
- <A
->.htaccess files and security</A
- for details on how to do this for Apache; the
- script should create appropriate .htaccess files for you.</P
>4.1.7. Bugzilla</H2
@@ -1238,7 +1113,7 @@ ALIGN="LEFT"
>If you symlink the bugzilla directory into your Apache's HTML
- heirarchy, you may receive
+ hierarchy, you may receive
@@ -1368,7 +1243,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.1.8. Setting Up the MySQL Database</H2
@@ -1541,7 +1416,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.1.9. <TT
@@ -1694,7 +1569,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.1.10. Securing MySQL</H2
@@ -1737,7 +1612,7 @@ BORDER="0"
->This means anyone from anywhere on the internet can not only drop
+>This means anyone from anywhere on the Internet can not only drop
the database with one SQL command, and they can write as root to the
@@ -1972,7 +1847,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.1.11. Configuring Bugzilla</H2
diff --git a/docs/html/troubleshooting.html b/docs/html/troubleshooting.html
index d899953c3..c97cce857 100644
--- a/docs/html/troubleshooting.html
+++ b/docs/html/troubleshooting.html
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ REL="UP"
-TITLE="Mac OS X Installation Notes"
+TITLE="HTTP Server Configuration"
TITLE="Administering Bugzilla"
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ WIDTH="10%"
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.5.1. Bundle::Bugzilla makes me upgrade to Perl 5.6.1</H2
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ CLASS="section"
>4.5.2. DBD::Sponge::db prepare failed</H2
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ WIDTH="33%"
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ ACCESSKEY="N"
->Mac OS X Installation Notes</TD
+>HTTP Server Configuration</TD
diff --git a/docs/html/using.html b/docs/html/using.html
index 6056e87fc..9da8345b4 100644
--- a/docs/html/using.html
+++ b/docs/html/using.html
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ HREF="hintsandtips.html"
>3.2.1. <A
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ HREF="hintsandtips.html#attachments"
>3.2.5. <A
>Filing Bugs</A
diff --git a/docs/html/variant-scarab.html b/docs/html/variant-scarab.html
index c777d7248..b5840e3de 100644
--- a/docs/html/variant-scarab.html
+++ b/docs/html/variant-scarab.html
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ NAME="variant-scarab"
>D.4. Scarab</H1
>Scarab is a new open source bug-tracking system built using Java
- Serlet technology. It is currently at version 1.0 beta 8.</P
+ Servlet technology. It is currently at version 1.0 beta 13.</P
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ TARGET="_top"
->This section last updated 27 Jul 2002</P
+>This section last updated 18 Jan 2003</P
diff --git a/docs/html/variant-sourceforge.html b/docs/html/variant-sourceforge.html
index 80d2fd55d..068bfe6c4 100644
--- a/docs/html/variant-sourceforge.html
+++ b/docs/html/variant-sourceforge.html
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ REL="PREVIOUS"
TITLE="Perforce SCM"
+TITLE="GNU Free Documentation License"
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ WIDTH="10%"
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ WIDTH="33%"
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ ACCESSKEY="U"
+>GNU Free Documentation License</TD
diff --git a/docs/html/win32.html b/docs/html/win32.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c7e1eb88a..000000000
--- a/docs/html/win32.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1683 +0,0 @@
->Win32 Installation Notes</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
-TITLE="The Bugzilla Guide"
-TITLE="Optional Additional Configuration"
-TITLE="Mac OS X Installation Notes"
-SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
->The Bugzilla Guide</TH
->Chapter 4. Installation</TD
->4.3. Win32 Installation Notes</H1
->This section covers installation on Microsoft Windows.
- Bugzilla has been made to work on Win32 platforms, but the Bugzilla team
- wish to emphasise that The easiest way to install Bugzilla on
- Intel-archiecture machines
- is to install some variant of GNU/Linux, then follow the UNIX
- installation instructions in this Guide. If you have any influence in the
- platform choice for running this system, please choose GNU/Linux instead
- of Microsoft Windows.</P
->After that warning, here's the situation for 2.16
- and Windows. It doesn't work at all out of the box.
- You are almost certainly better off getting
- the 2.17 version from CVS (after consultation with the Bugzilla Team to
- make sure you are pulling on a stable day) because we'll be doing a load
- of work to make the Win32 experience more pleasant than it is now.
- </P
->&#13; If you still want to try this, to have any hope of getting it to work,
- you'll need to apply the
- <A
->mail patch</A
-> from
- <A
->bug 124174</A
- After that, you'll need to read the (outdated) installation
- instructions below, some (probably a lot better) <A
- recent ones</A
-> kindly provided by Toms Baugis and Jean-Sebastien
- Guay, and also check the
- <A
->Bugzilla 2.16 Win32 update page
- </A
->. If we get time,
- we'll write some better installation instructions for 2.16 and put
- them up there. But no promises.
- </P
->4.3.1. Win32 Installation: Step-by-step</H2
->You should be familiar with, and cross-reference, the rest of
- the
- <A
->Bugzilla Installation</A
- section while performing your Win32 installation.</P
->Making Bugzilla work on Microsoft Windows is no picnic. Support
- for Win32 has improved dramatically in the last few releases, but, if
- you choose to proceed, you should be a
- <EM
- skilled Windows Systems Administrator with strong troubleshooting
- abilities, a high tolerance for pain, and moderate perl skills.
- Bugzilla on NT requires hacking source code and implementing some
- advanced utilities. What follows is the recommended installation
- procedure for Win32; additional suggestions are provided in
- <A
->Appendix A</A
- .</P
- <A
->Apache Web Server</A
- for Windows, and copy the Bugzilla files somewhere Apache can serve
- them. Please follow all the instructions referenced in
- <A
->Bugzilla Installation</A
- regarding your Apache configuration, particularly instructions
- regarding the
- parameter and
- .</P
->You may also use Internet Information Server or Personal
- Web Server for this purpose. However, setup is quite different.
- If ActivePerl doesn't seem to handle your file associations
- correctly (for .cgi and .pl files), please consult
- <A
->Appendix A</A
- .</P
->If you are going to use IIS, if on Windows NT you must be
- updated to at least Service Pack 4. Windows 2000 ships with a
- sufficient version of IIS.</P
- <A
- for Windows. Check
- <A
- for a current compiled binary.</P
->Please also check the following links to fully understand the
- status of ActivePerl on Win32:
- <A
->&#13; Perl Porting</A
- , and
- <A
->&#13; Perl on Win32 FAQ</A
- </P
->Use ppm from your perl\bin directory to install the following
- packs: DBI, DBD-Mysql, TimeDate, Chart, Date-Calc, Date-Manip, GD,
- AppConfig, and Template. You may need to extract them from .zip
- format using Winzip or other unzip program first. Most of these
- additional ppm modules can be downloaded from ActiveState, but
- AppConfig and Template should be obtained from OpenInteract using
- <A
- instructions on the Template Toolkit web site</A
- .</P
->You can find a list of modules at
- <A
- or
- <A
- </P
->The syntax for ppm is:
- <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
->ppm &#60;modulename&#62;</B
- </TT
- </P
->Example 4-1. Installing ActivePerl ppd Modules on Microsoft
- Windows</B
->&#13; <TT
- <B
- <TT
- </B
- </P
->Watch your capitalization!</P
->ActiveState's 5.6Plus directory also contains an AppConfig
- ppm, so you might see the following error when trying to install
- the version at OpenInteract:</P
->&#13; <TT
->Error installing package 'AppConfig': Read a PPD
- for 'AppConfig', but it is not intended for this build of Perl
- (MSWin32-x86-multi-thread)</TT
- </P
->If so, download both
- <A
->&#13; the tarball</A
- and
- <A
->&#13; the ppd</A
- directly from OpenInteract, then run ppm from within the same
- directory to which you downloaded those files and install the
- package by referencing the ppd file explicitly via in the install
- command, f.e.:
- <DIV
->Example 4-2. Installing OpenInteract ppd Modules manually on Microsoft
- Windows</B
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <B
- <TT
- </B
- </TT
- </P
- </P
->Install MySQL for NT.
- <DIV
->You can download MySQL for Windows NT from
- <A
- . Some find it helpful to use the WinMySqlAdmin utility, included
- with the download, to set up the database.</P
- </P
->Setup MySQL</P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
->C:\mysql\bin\mysql -u root mysql</B
- </TT
- </P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
->DELETE FROM user WHERE Host='localhost' AND
- User='';</B
- </TT
- </P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
->UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD ('new_password')
- WHERE user='root';</B
- </TT
- </P
->&#13; <SPAN
- , above, indicates whatever password you wish to use for your
- user.</P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
- ALTER, CREATE, DROP, REFERENCES ON bugs.* to bugs@localhost
- IDENTIFIED BY 'bugs_password';</B
- </TT
- </P
->&#13; <SPAN
- , above, indicates whatever password you wish to use for your
- user.</P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
- </TT
- </P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
->create database bugs;</B
- </TT
- </P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
- </TT
- </P
->&#13; <TT
->&#13; <TT
- <B
->C:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin -u root -p
- reload</B
- </TT
- </P
- <TT
- in your Bugzilla directory. Change this line:</P
->&#13; <TABLE
->my $webservergid =
- getgrnam($my_webservergroup);</PRE
- </P
->&#13; <TABLE
->my $webservergid =
- $my_webservergroup;</PRE
- or the name of the group you wish to own the files explicitly:
->my $webservergid =
- 'Administrators'</PRE
- </P
- <TT
- from the Bugzilla directory.</P
- <TT
- to suit your requirements. Set
- <TT
- to your
- from
- <A
->step 5.d</A
- , and
- <TT
- to
- .</P
->Not sure on the
- for
- <TT
- above. If it's wrong, please send corrections.</P
- <TT
- to suit your requirements. Particularly, set
- <TT
- and
- <TT
->DefParam("urlbase") to match your install.</TT
- </P
->This is yet another step I'm not sure of, since the
- maintainer of this documentation does not maintain Bugzilla on
- NT. If you can confirm or deny that this step is required, please
- let me know.</P
->There are several alternatives to Sendmail that will work
- on Win32. The one mentioned here is a
- <EM
- , not a requirement. Some other mail packages that can work
- include
- <A
- ,
- <A
- ,
- <A
- Sendmail</A
- , and the CPAN Net::SMTP Perl module (available in .ppm). Every
- option requires some hacking of the Perl scripts for Bugzilla to
- make it work. The option here simply requires the least.</P
->Download NTsendmail, available from
- <A
- . You must have a "real" mail server which allows you to relay
- off it in your $ENV{"NTsendmail"} (which you should probably
- place in</P
->Put into your .\perl\lib directory.</P
->Add to</P
-># these settings configure the NTsendmail
- process use NTsendmail;
- $ENV{"NTsendmail"}="";
- $ENV{"NTsendmail_debug"}=1;
- $ENV{"NTsendmail_max_tries"}=5;</PRE
->Some mention to also edit
- <TT
- in
- <TT
- to be your
- . Although this may get you around some problem
- authenticating to your database, since is not
- normally restricted by
- <TT
- , your database password is exposed to whoever uses your web
- server.</P
->Find and comment out all occurences of
- <B
- "</SPAN
- in your Bugzilla directory. Then replace them with:
-># new sendmail functionality my $mail=new
- NTsendmail; my $from="bugzilla\"; my
- $to=$login; my $subject=$urlbase;
- $mail-&#62;send($from,$to,$subject,$msg);</PRE
- </P
->Some have found success using the commercial product,
- . You could try replacing your sendmail calls with:
->open SENDMAIL,
- "|\"C:/General/Web/tools/Windmail 4.0 Beta/windmail\" -t &#62;
- mail.log";</PRE
- or something to that effect.</P
->Change all references in all files from
- <TT
- to
- <TT
- , and rename
- <TT
- to
- <TT
- .</P
->Many think this may be a change we want to make for
- main-tree Bugzilla. It's painless for the UNIX folks, and will
- make the Win32 people happier.</P
->Some people have suggested using the Net::SMTP Perl module
- instead of NTsendmail or the other options listed here. You can
- change to make this work.
-my $smtp = Net::SMTP-&#62;new('&#60;Name of your SMTP server&#62;'); #connect to SMTP server
-$smtp-&#62;mail('&#60;your name&#62;@&#60;you smpt server&#62;');# use the sender's adress here
-$smtp-&#62;to($tolist); # recipient's address
-$smtp-&#62;data(); # Start the mail
-$smtp-&#62;dataend(); # Finish sending the mail
-$smtp-&#62;quit; # Close the SMTP connection
-$logstr = "$logstr; mail sent to $tolist $cclist";
- </PRE
- here is a test mail program for Net::SMTP:
-use Net::SMTP;
- my $smtp = Net::SMTP-&#62;new('&#60;Name of your SMTP server', Timeout =&#62; 30, Debug
-=&#62; 1, ); # connect to SMTP server
- $smtp-&#62;auth;
- $smtp-&#62;mail('');# use the sender's adress
- $smtp-&#62;to(''); #
-recipient's address
- $smtp-&#62;data(); # Start the mail
- $smtp-&#62;datasend('test');
- $smtp-&#62;dataend(); # Finish sending the mail
- $smtp-&#62;quit; # Close the SMTP connection
- </PRE
- </P
->This step is optional if you are using IIS or another web
- server which only decides on an interpreter based upon the file
- extension (.pl), rather than the
- line (#/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl)</P
->Modify the path to perl on the first line (#!) of all files
- to point to your Perl installation, and add
- to the beginning of all Perl system calls that use a perl script as
- an argument. This may take you a while. There is a
- utility to speed part of this procedure, available in the
- <A
->Useful Patches and Utilities for Bugzilla</A
- section of The Bugzilla Guide. However, it requires the Cygwin
- GNU-compatible environment for Win32 be set up in order to work.
- See
- <A
- for details on obtaining Cygwin.</P
->Modify the invocation of all system() calls in all perl
- scripts in your Bugzilla directory. You should specify the full
- path to perl for each system() call. For instance, change this line
- in processmail:
-system ("./processmail",@ARGLIST);
- &#60;/programlisting&#62; to
- &#60;programlisting&#62;
-system ("C:\\perl\\bin\\perl", "processmail", @ARGLIST);
- </PRE
- </P
->If you are using IIS or Personal Web Server, you must add cgi
- relationships to Properties -&#62; Home directory (tab) -&#62;
- Application Settings (section) -&#62; Configuration (button), such
- as:</P
->&#13; <TABLE
->.cgi to: &#60;perl install directory&#62;\perl.exe %s
- %s .pl to: &#60;perl install directory&#62;\perl.exe %s %s
- Change the path to Perl to match your install, of course.</P
->4.3.2. Additional Windows Tips</H2
->From Andrew Pearson:
- <A
->You can make Bugzilla work with Personal Web Server for
- Windows 98 and higher, as well as for IIS 4.0. Microsoft has
- information available at
- <A
- </P
->Basically you need to add two String Keys in the registry at
- the following location:</P
->&#13; <TABLE
->&#13; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters\ScriptMap</PRE
- </P
->The keys should be called ".pl" and ".cgi", and both should
- have a value something like:
- <B
->c:/perl/bin/perl.exe "%s" "%s"</B
- </P
->The KB article only talks about .pl, but it goes into more
- detail and provides a perl test script.</P
- </P
->If attempting to run Bugzilla 2.12 or older, you will need to
- remove encrypt() calls from the Perl source. This is
- <EM
->not necessary</EM
- for Bugzilla 2.13 and later, which includes the current release,
- Bugzilla &#38;bz-ver;.
- <DIV
->Example 4-3. Removing encrypt() for Windows NT Bugzilla version 2.12 or
- earlier</B
->Replace this:
->SendSQL("SELECT encrypt(" . SqlQuote($enteredpwd) .
- ", " . SQLQuote(substr($realcryptpwd, 0, 2)) . ")"); my
- $enteredcryptpwd = FetchOneColumn();</PRE
- with this:
->my $enteredcryptpwd = $enteredpwd</PRE
- in</P
- </P
-SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
->Optional Additional Configuration</TD
->Mac OS X Installation Notes</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file