path: root/extensions/PhabBugz/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/PhabBugz/lib')
8 files changed, 41 insertions, 1222 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/ b/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
index 754130f0b..f7485e8c4 100644
--- a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
+++ b/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
@@ -16,12 +16,10 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
use constant PHAB_ATTACHMENT_PATTERN => qr/^phabricator-D(\d+)/;
use constant PHAB_AUTOMATION_USER => 'phab-bot@bmo.tld';
use constant PHAB_CONTENT_TYPE => 'text/x-phabricator-request';
-use constant PHAB_POLL_SECONDS => 5;
diff --git a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/ b/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8b4f73af..000000000
--- a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-package Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Daemon;
-use 5.10.1;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Bugzilla::Constants;
-use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Feed;
-use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Logger;
-use Carp qw(confess);
-use Daemon::Generic;
-use File::Basename;
-use File::Spec;
-use Pod::Usage;
-sub start {
- newdaemon();
-# daemon::generic config
-sub gd_preconfig {
- my $self = shift;
- my $pidfile = $self->{gd_args}{pidfile};
- if (!$pidfile) {
- $pidfile = File::Spec->catfile(bz_locations()->{datadir}, $self->{gd_progname} . ".pid");
- }
- return (pidfile => $pidfile);
-sub gd_getopt {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->SUPER::gd_getopt();
- if ($self->{gd_args}{progname}) {
- $self->{gd_progname} = $self->{gd_args}{progname};
- } else {
- $self->{gd_progname} = basename($0);
- }
- $self->{_original_zero} = $0;
- $0 = $self->{gd_progname};
-sub gd_postconfig {
- my $self = shift;
- $0 = delete $self->{_original_zero};
-sub gd_more_opt {
- my $self = shift;
- return (
- 'pidfile=s' => \$self->{gd_args}{pidfile},
- 'n=s' => \$self->{gd_args}{progname},
- );
-sub gd_usage {
- pod2usage({ -verbose => 0, -exitval => 'NOEXIT' });
- return 0;
-sub gd_redirect_output {
- my $self = shift;
- my $filename = File::Spec->catfile(bz_locations()->{datadir}, $self->{gd_progname} . ".log");
- open(STDERR, ">>", $filename) or (print "could not open stderr: $!" && exit(1));
- close(STDOUT);
- open(STDOUT, ">&", STDERR) or die "redirect STDOUT -> STDERR: $!";
- $SIG{HUP} = sub {
- close(STDERR);
- open(STDERR, ">>", $filename) or (print "could not open stderr: $!" && exit(1));
- };
-sub gd_setup_signals {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->SUPER::gd_setup_signals();
- $SIG{TERM} = sub { $self->gd_quit_event(); }
-sub gd_run {
- my $self = shift;
- $::SIG{__DIE__} = \&Carp::confess if $self->{debug};
- my $phabbugz = Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Feed->new();
- $phabbugz->is_daemon(1);
- $phabbugz->logger(
- Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Logger->new(debugging => $self->{debug}));
- $phabbugz->start();
diff --git a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/ b/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index d178f249b..000000000
--- a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-package Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Feed;
-use 5.10.1;
-use List::Util qw(first);
-use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
-use Moo;
-use Bugzilla::Constants;
-use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Constants;
-use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Revision;
-use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Util qw(
- add_security_sync_comments
- create_private_revision_policy
- create_revision_attachment
- edit_revision_policy
- get_bug_role_phids
- get_phab_bmo_ids
- get_security_sync_groups
- is_attachment_phab_revision
- make_revision_public
- request
- set_phab_user
-has 'is_daemon' => ( is => 'rw', default => 0 );
-has 'logger' => ( is => 'rw' );
-sub start {
- my ($self) = @_;
- while (1) {
- my $ok = eval {
- if (Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_enabled}) {
- $self->feed_query();
- Bugzilla->_cleanup();
- }
- 1;
- };
- $self->logger->error( $@ // "unknown exception" ) unless $ok;
- }
-sub feed_query {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
- # Ensure Phabricator syncing is enabled
- if (!Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_enabled}) {
- $self->logger->info("PHABRICATOR SYNC DISABLED");
- return;
- }
- $self->logger->info("FEED: Fetching new transactions");
- my $last_id = $dbh->selectrow_array("
- SELECT value FROM phabbugz WHERE name = 'feed_last_id'");
- $last_id ||= 0;
- $self->logger->debug("QUERY LAST_ID: $last_id");
- # Check for new transctions (stories)
- my $transactions = $self->feed_transactions($last_id);
- if (!@$transactions) {
- $self->logger->info("FEED: No new transactions");
- return;
- }
- # Process each story
- foreach my $story_data (@$transactions) {
- my $skip = 0;
- my $story_id = $story_data->{id};
- my $story_phid = $story_data->{storyPHID};
- my $author_phid = $story_data->{authorPHID};
- my $object_phid = $story_data->{objectPHID};
- my $story_text = $story_data->{text};
- $self->logger->debug("STORY ID: $story_id");
- $self->logger->debug("STORY PHID: $story_phid");
- $self->logger->debug("AUTHOR PHID: $author_phid");
- $self->logger->debug("OBJECT PHID: $object_phid");
- $self->logger->debug("STORY TEXT: $story_text");
- # Only interested in changes to revisions for now.
- if ($object_phid !~ /^PHID-DREV/) {
- $self->logger->debug("SKIP: Not a revision change");
- $skip = 1;
- }
- # Skip changes done by phab-bot user
- my $phab_users = get_phab_bmo_ids({ phids => [$author_phid] });
- if (!$skip && @$phab_users) {
- my $user = Bugzilla::User->new({ id => $phab_users->[0]->{id}, cache => 1 });
- $skip = 1 if $user->login eq PHAB_AUTOMATION_USER;
- }
- if (!$skip) {
- my $revision = Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Revision->new({ phids => [$object_phid] });
- $self->process_revision_change($revision, $story_text);
- }
- else {
- $self->logger->info('SKIPPING');
- }
- # Store the largest last key so we can start from there in the next session
- $self->logger->debug("UPDATING FEED_LAST_ID: $story_id");
- $dbh->do("REPLACE INTO phabbugz (name, value) VALUES ('feed_last_id', ?)",
- undef, $story_id);
- }
-sub process_revision_change {
- my ($self, $revision, $story_text) = @_;
- # Pre setup before making changes
- my $old_user = set_phab_user();
- my $is_shadow_db = Bugzilla->is_shadow_db;
- Bugzilla->switch_to_main_db if $is_shadow_db;
- my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
- $dbh->bz_start_transaction;
- my ($timestamp) = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT NOW()");
- my $log_message = sprintf(
- "REVISION CHANGE FOUND: D%d: %s | bug: %d | %s",
- $revision->id,
- $revision->title,
- $revision->bug_id,
- $story_text);
- $self->logger->info($log_message);
- my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->new({ id => $revision->bug_id, cache => 1 });
- # Do not set policy if a custom policy has already been set
- # This keeps from setting new custom policy everytime a change
- # is made.
- unless ($revision->view_policy =~ /^PHID-PLCY/) {
- # If bug is public then remove privacy policy
- if (!@{ $bug->groups_in }) {
- $revision->set_policy('view', 'public');
- $revision->set_policy('edit', 'users');
- }
- # else bug is private
- else {
- my @set_groups = get_security_sync_groups($bug);
- # If bug privacy groups do not have any matching synchronized groups,
- # then leave revision private and it will have be dealt with manually.
- if (!@set_groups) {
- add_security_sync_comments([$revision], $bug);
- }
- my $policy_phid = create_private_revision_policy($bug, \@set_groups);
- my $subscribers = get_bug_role_phids($bug);
- $revision->set_policy('view', $policy_phid);
- $revision->set_policy('edit', $policy_phid);
- $revision->set_subscribers($subscribers);
- }
- }
- my $attachment = create_revision_attachment($bug, $revision->id, $revision->title, $timestamp);
- # fixup attachments on current bug
- my @attachments =
- grep { is_attachment_phab_revision($_) } @{ $bug->attachments() };
- foreach my $attachment (@attachments) {
- my ($attach_revision_id) = ($attachment->filename =~ PHAB_ATTACHMENT_PATTERN);
- next if $attach_revision_id != $revision->id;
- my $make_obsolete = $revision->status eq 'abandoned' ? 1 : 0;
- $attachment->set_is_obsolete($make_obsolete);
- if ($revision->id == $attach_revision_id
- && $revision->title ne $attachment->description) {
- $attachment->set_description($revision->title);
- }
- $attachment->update($timestamp);
- last;
- }
- # fixup attachments with same revision id but on different bugs
- my $other_attachments = Bugzilla::Attachment->match({
- mimetype => PHAB_CONTENT_TYPE,
- filename => 'phabricator-D' . $revision->id . '-url.txt',
- WHERE => { 'bug_id != ? AND NOT isobsolete' => $bug->id }
- });
- foreach my $attachment (@$other_attachments) {
- $attachment->set_is_obsolete(1);
- $attachment->update($timestamp);
- }
- my (@accepted_phids, @denied_phids, @accepted_user_ids, @denied_user_ids);
- foreach my $reviewer (@{ $revision->reviewers }) {
- push(@accepted_phids, $reviewer->phab_phid) if $reviewer->phab_review_status eq 'accepted';
- push(@denied_phids, $reviewer->phab_phid) if $reviewer->phab_review_status eq 'rejected';
- }
- my $phab_users = get_phab_bmo_ids({ phids => \@accepted_phids });
- @accepted_user_ids = map { $_->{id} } @$phab_users;
- $phab_users = get_phab_bmo_ids({ phids => \@denied_phids });
- @denied_user_ids = map { $_->{id} } @$phab_users;
- foreach my $attachment (@attachments) {
- my ($attach_revision_id) = ($attachment->filename =~ PHAB_ATTACHMENT_PATTERN);
- next if $revision->id != $attach_revision_id;
- # Clear old flags if no longer accepted
- my (@denied_flags, @new_flags, @removed_flags, %accepted_done, $flag_type);
- foreach my $flag (@{ $attachment->flags }) {
- next if $flag->type->name ne 'review';
- $flag_type = $flag->type;
- if (any { $flag->setter->id == $_ } @denied_user_ids) {
- push(@denied_flags, { id => $flag->id, setter => $flag->setter, status => 'X' });
- }
- if (any { $flag->setter->id == $_ } @accepted_user_ids) {
- $accepted_done{$flag->setter->id}++;
- }
- if ($flag->status eq '+'
- && !any { $flag->setter->id == $_ } (@accepted_user_ids, @denied_user_ids)) {
- push(@removed_flags, { id => $flag->id, setter => $flag->setter, status => 'X' });
- }
- }
- $flag_type ||= first { $_->name eq 'review' } @{ $attachment->flag_types };
- # Create new flags
- foreach my $user_id (@accepted_user_ids) {
- next if $accepted_done{$user_id};
- my $user = Bugzilla::User->check({ id => $user_id, cache => 1 });
- push(@new_flags, { type_id => $flag_type->id, setter => $user, status => '+' });
- }
- # Also add comment to for attachment update showing the user's name
- # that changed the revision.
- my $comment;
- foreach my $flag_data (@new_flags) {
- $comment .= $flag_data->{setter}->name . " has approved the revision.\n";
- }
- foreach my $flag_data (@denied_flags) {
- $comment .= $flag_data->{setter}->name . " has requested changes to the revision.\n";
- }
- foreach my $flag_data (@removed_flags) {
- $comment .= $flag_data->{setter}->name . " has been removed from the revision.\n";
- }
- if ($comment) {
- $comment .= "\n" . Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_base_uri} . "D" . $revision->id;
- # Add transaction_id as anchor if one present
- # $comment .= "#" . $params->{transaction_id} if $params->{transaction_id};
- $bug->add_comment($comment, {
- isprivate => $attachment->isprivate,
- extra_data => $attachment->id
- });
- }
- $attachment->set_flags([ @denied_flags, @removed_flags ], \@new_flags);
- $attachment->update($timestamp);
- }
- $bug->update($timestamp);
- $revision->update();
- Bugzilla::BugMail::Send($revision->bug_id, { changer => Bugzilla->user });
- $dbh->bz_commit_transaction;
- Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db if $is_shadow_db;
- Bugzilla->set_user($old_user);
- $self->logger->info("SUCCESS");
-sub feed_transactions {
- my ($self, $after) = @_;
- my $data = { view => 'text' };
- $data->{after} = $after if $after;
- my $result = request('feed.query_id', $data);
- # Stupid Conduit. If the feed results are empty it returns
- # an empty list ([]). If there is data it returns it in a
- # hash ({}) so we have adjust to be consistent.
- my $stories = ref $result->{result}{data} eq 'HASH'
- ? $result->{result}{data}
- : {};
- # PHP array retain key order but Perl does not. So we will
- # loop over the data and place the stories into a list instead
- # of a hash. We will then sort the list by id.
- my @story_list;
- foreach my $story_phid (keys %$stories) {
- my $story_data = $stories->{$story_phid};
- $story_data->{storyPHID} = $story_phid;
- push(@story_list, $story_data);
- }
- return [ sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @story_list ];
diff --git a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/ b/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3127b66db..000000000
--- a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-package Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Logger;
-use 5.10.1;
-use Moo;
-use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Constants;
-has 'debugging' => ( is => 'ro' );
-sub info { shift->_log_it('INFO', @_) }
-sub error { shift->_log_it('ERROR', @_) }
-sub debug { shift->_log_it('DEBUG', @_) }
-sub _log_it {
- my ($self, $method, $message) = @_;
- return if $method eq 'DEBUG' && !$self->debugging;
- chomp $message;
- if ($ENV{MOD_PERL}) {
- require Apache2::Log;
- Apache2::ServerRec::warn("FEED $method: $message");
- } elsif ($ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME}) {
- print STDERR "FEED $method: $message\n";
- } else {
- print STDERR '[' . localtime(time) ."] $method: $message\n";
- }
diff --git a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/ b/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ad9558ff..000000000
--- a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-package Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Project;
-use 5.10.1;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Bugzilla::Error;
-use Bugzilla::Util qw(trim);
-use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Util qw(
- request
- get_phab_bmo_ids
-# Initialization #
-sub new {
- my ($class, $params) = @_;
- my $self = $params ? _load($params) : {};
- bless($self, $class);
- return $self;
-sub _load {
- my ($params) = @_;
- my $data = {
- queryKey => 'all',
- attachments => {
- projects => 1,
- reviewers => 1,
- subscribers => 1
- },
- constraints => $params
- };
- my $result = request('', $data);
- if (exists $result->{result}{data} && @{ $result->{result}{data} }) {
- return $result->{result}->{data}->[0];
- }
- return $result;
-# {
-# "data": [
-# {
-# "id": 1,
-# "type": "PROJ",
-# "phid": "PHID-PROJ-pfssn7lndryddv7hbx4i",
-# "fields": {
-# "name": "bmo-core-security",
-# "slug": "bmo-core-security",
-# "milestone": null,
-# "depth": 0,
-# "parent": null,
-# "icon": {
-# "key": "group",
-# "name": "Group",
-# "icon": "fa-users"
-# },
-# "color": {
-# "key": "red",
-# "name": "Red"
-# },
-# "dateCreated": 1500403964,
-# "dateModified": 1505248862,
-# "policy": {
-# "view": "admin",
-# "edit": "admin",
-# "join": "admin"
-# },
-# "description": "BMO Security Group for core-security"
-# },
-# "attachments": {
-# "members": {
-# "members": [
-# {
-# "phid": "PHID-USER-23ia7vewbjgcqahewncu"
-# },
-# {
-# "phid": "PHID-USER-uif2miph2poiehjeqn5q"
-# }
-# ]
-# },
-# "ancestors": {
-# "ancestors": []
-# },
-# "watchers": {
-# "watchers": []
-# }
-# }
-# }
-# ],
-# "maps": {
-# "slugMap": {}
-# },
-# "query": {
-# "queryKey": null
-# },
-# "cursor": {
-# "limit": 100,
-# "after": null,
-# "before": null,
-# "order": null
-# }
-# }
-# Modification #
-sub create {
- my ($class, $params) = @_;
- my $name = trim($params->{name});
- $name || ThrowCodeError('param_required', { param => 'name' });
- my $description = $params->{description} || 'Need description';
- my $view_policy = $params->{view_policy} || 'admin';
- my $edit_policy = $params->{edit_policy} || 'admin';
- my $join_policy = $params->{join_policy} || 'admin';
- my $data = {
- transactions => [
- { type => 'name', value => $name },
- { type => 'description', value => $description },
- { type => 'edit', value => $edit_policy },
- { type => 'join', value => $join_policy },
- { type => 'view', value => $view_policy },
- { type => 'icon', value => 'group' },
- { type => 'color', value => 'red' }
- ]
- };
- my $result = request('project.edit', $data);
- return $class->new({ phids => $result->{result}{object}{phid} });
-sub update {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $data = {
- objectIdentifier => $self->phid,
- transactions => []
- };
- if ($self->{set_name}) {
- push(@{ $data->{transactions} }, {
- type => 'name',
- value => $self->{set_name}
- });
- }
- if ($self->{set_description}) {
- push(@{ $data->{transactions} }, {
- type => 'description',
- value => $self->{set_description}
- });
- }
- if ($self->{set_members}) {
- push(@{ $data->{transactions} }, {
- type => 'members.set',
- value => $self->{set_members}
- });
- }
- else {
- if ($self->{add_members}) {
- push(@{ $data->{transactions} }, {
- type => 'members.add',
- value => $self->{add_members}
- });
- }
- if ($self->{remove_members}) {
- push(@{ $data->{transactions} }, {
- type => 'members.remove',
- value => $self->{remove_members}
- });
- }
- }
- if ($self->{set_policy}) {
- foreach my $name ("view", "edit") {
- next unless $self->{set_policy}->{$name};
- push(@{ $data->{transactions} }, {
- type => $name,
- value => $self->{set_policy}->{$name}
- });
- }
- }
- my $result = request('project.edit', $data);
- return $result;
-# Accessors #
-sub id { return $_[0]->{id}; }
-sub phid { return $_[0]->{phid}; }
-sub type { return $_[0]->{type}; }
-sub name { return $_[0]->{fields}->{name}; }
-sub description { return $_[0]->{fields}->{description}; }
-sub creation_ts { return $_[0]->{fields}->{dateCreated}; }
-sub modification_ts { return $_[0]->{fields}->{dateModified}; }
-sub view_policy { return $_[0]->{fields}->{policy}->{view}; }
-sub edit_policy { return $_[0]->{fields}->{policy}->{edit}; }
-sub join_policy { return $_[0]->{fields}->{policy}->{join}; }
-sub members_raw { return $_[0]->{attachments}->{members}->{members}; }
-sub members {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->{members} if $self->{members};
- my @phids;
- foreach my $member (@{ $self->members_raw }) {
- push(@phids, $member->{phid});
- }
- return [] if !@phids;
- my $users = get_phab_bmo_ids({ phids => \@phids });
- my @members;
- foreach my $user (@$users) {
- my $member = Bugzilla::User->new({ id => $user->{id}, cache => 1});
- $member->{phab_phid} = $user->{phid};
- push(@members, $member);
- }
- return \@members;
-# Mutators #
-sub set_name {
- my ($self, $name) = @_;
- $name = trim($name);
- $self->{set_name} = $name;
-sub set_description {
- my ($self, $description) = @_;
- $description = trim($description);
- $self->{set_description} = $description;
-sub add_member {
- my ($self, $member) = @_;
- $self->{add_members} ||= [];
- my $member_phid = blessed $member ? $member->phab_phid : $member;
- push(@{ $self->{add_members} }, $member_phid);
-sub remove_member {
- my ($self, $member) = @_;
- $self->{remove_members} ||= [];
- my $member_phid = blessed $member ? $member->phab_phid : $member;
- push(@{ $self->{remove_members} }, $member_phid);
-sub set_members {
- my ($self, $members) = @_;
- $self->{set_members} = [ map { $_->phab_phid } @$members ];
-sub set_policy {
- my ($self, $name, $policy) = @_;
- $self->{set_policy} ||= {};
- $self->{set_policy}->{$name} = $policy;
-1; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/ b/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 29d665009..000000000
--- a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is hasject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-package Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Revision;
-use 5.10.1;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Bugzilla::Bug;
-use Bugzilla::Error;
-use Bugzilla::Util qw(trim);
-use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Util qw(
- get_phab_bmo_ids
- request
-use Types::Standard -all;
-my $SearchResult = Dict[
- id => Int,
- type => Str,
- phid => Str,
- fields => Dict[
- title => Str,
- authorPHID => Str,
- dateCreated => Int,
- dateModified => Int,
- policy => Dict[ view => Str, edit => Str ],
- "bugzilla.bug-id" => Int,
- ],
- attachments => Dict[
- reviewers => Dict[
- reviewers => ArrayRef[
- Dict[
- reviewerPHID => Str,
- status => Str,
- isBlocking => Bool,
- actorPHID => Maybe[Str],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- subscribers => Dict[
- subscriberPHIDs => ArrayRef[Str],
- subscriberCount => Int,
- viewerIsSubscribed => Bool,
- ],
- projects => Dict[ projectPHIDs => ArrayRef[Str] ],
- ],
-my $NewParams = Dict[ phids => ArrayRef[Str] ];
-# Initialization #
-sub new {
- my ($class, $params) = @_;
- $NewParams->assert_valid($params);
- my $self = _load($params);
- $SearchResult->assert_valid($self);
- return bless($self, $class);
-sub _load {
- my ($params) = @_;
- my $data = {
- queryKey => 'all',
- attachments => {
- projects => 1,
- reviewers => 1,
- subscribers => 1
- },
- constraints => $params
- };
- my $result = request('', $data);
- if (exists $result->{result}{data} && @{ $result->{result}{data} }) {
- return $result->{result}->{data}->[0];
- }
- return $result;
-# {
-# "data": [
-# {
-# "id": 25,
-# "type": "DREV",
-# "phid": "PHID-DREV-uozm3ggfp7e7uoqegmc3",
-# "fields": {
-# "title": "Added .arcconfig",
-# "authorPHID": "PHID-USER-4wigy3sh5fc5t74vapwm",
-# "dateCreated": 1507666113,
-# "dateModified": 1508514027,
-# "policy": {
-# "view": "public",
-# "edit": "admin"
-# },
-# "bugzilla.bug-id": "1154784"
-# },
-# "attachments": {
-# "reviewers": {
-# "reviewers": [
-# {
-# "reviewerPHID": "PHID-USER-2gjdpu7thmpjxxnp7tjq",
-# "status": "added",
-# "isBlocking": false,
-# "actorPHID": null
-# },
-# {
-# "reviewerPHID": "PHID-USER-o5dnet6dp4dkxkg5b3ox",
-# "status": "rejected",
-# "isBlocking": false,
-# "actorPHID": "PHID-USER-o5dnet6dp4dkxkg5b3ox"
-# }
-# ]
-# },
-# "subscribers": {
-# "subscriberPHIDs": [],
-# "subscriberCount": 0,
-# "viewerIsSubscribed": true
-# },
-# "projects": {
-# "projectPHIDs": []
-# }
-# }
-# }
-# ],
-# "maps": {},
-# "query": {
-# "queryKey": null
-# },
-# "cursor": {
-# "limit": 100,
-# "after": null,
-# "before": null,
-# "order": null
-# }
-# }
-# Modification #
-sub update {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $data = {
- objectIdentifier => $self->phid,
- transactions => []
- };
- if ($self->{added_comments}) {
- foreach my $comment (@{ $self->{added_comments} }) {
- push(@{ $data->{transactions} }, {
- type => 'comment',
- value => $comment
- });
- }
- }
- if ($self->{set_subscribers}) {
- push(@{ $data->{transactions} }, {
- type => 'subscribers.set',
- value => $self->{set_subscribers}
- });
- }
- if ($self->{add_subscribers}) {
- push(@{ $data->{transactions} }, {
- type => 'subscribers.add',
- value => $self->{add_subscribers}
- });
- }
- if ($self->{remove_subscribers}) {
- push(@{ $data->{transactions} }, {
- type => 'subscribers.remove',
- value => $self->{remove_subscribers}
- });
- }
- if ($self->{set_reviewers}) {
- push(@{ $data->{transactions} }, {
- type => 'reviewers.set',
- value => $self->{set_reviewers}
- });
- }
- if ($self->{add_reviewers}) {
- push(@{ $data->{transactions} }, {
- type => 'reviewers.add',
- value => $self->{add_reviewers}
- });
- }
- if ($self->{remove_reviewers}) {
- push(@{ $data->{transactions} }, {
- type => 'reviewers.remove',
- value => $self->{remove_reviewers}
- });
- }
- if ($self->{set_policy}) {
- foreach my $name ("view", "edit") {
- next unless $self->{set_policy}->{$name};
- push(@{ $data->{transactions} }, {
- type => $name,
- value => $self->{set_policy}->{$name}
- });
- }
- }
- my $result = request('differential.revision.edit', $data);
- return $result;
-# Accessors #
-sub id { $_[0]->{id}; }
-sub phid { $_[0]->{phid}; }
-sub title { $_[0]->{fields}->{title}; }
-sub status { $_[0]->{fields}->{status}->{value}; }
-sub creation_ts { $_[0]->{fields}->{dateCreated}; }
-sub modification_ts { $_[0]->{fields}->{dateModified}; }
-sub author_phid { $_[0]->{fields}->{authorPHID}; }
-sub bug_id { $_[0]->{fields}->{'bugzilla.bug-id'}; }
-sub view_policy { $_[0]->{fields}->{policy}->{view}; }
-sub edit_policy { $_[0]->{fields}->{policy}->{edit}; }
-sub reviewers_raw { $_[0]->{attachments}->{reviewers}->{reviewers}; }
-sub subscribers_raw { $_[0]->{attachments}->{subscribers}; }
-sub projects_raw { $_[0]->{attachments}->{projects}; }
-sub subscriber_count { $_[0]->{attachments}->{subscribers}->{subscriberCount}; }
-sub bug {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->{bug} ||= Bugzilla::Bug->new({ id => $self->bug_id, cache => 1 });
-sub author {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->{author} if $self->{author};
- my $users = get_phab_bmo_ids({ phids => [$self->author_phid] });
- if (@$users) {
- $self->{author} = new Bugzilla::User({ id => $users->[0]->{id}, cache => 1 });
- $self->{author}->{phab_phid} = $self->author_phid;
- return $self->{author};
- }
- return undef;
-sub reviewers {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->{reviewers} if $self->{reviewers};
- my @phids;
- foreach my $reviewer (@{ $self->reviewers_raw }) {
- push(@phids, $reviewer->{reviewerPHID});
- }
- return [] if !@phids;
- my $users = get_phab_bmo_ids({ phids => \@phids });
- my @reviewers;
- foreach my $user (@$users) {
- my $reviewer = Bugzilla::User->new({ id => $user->{id}, cache => 1});
- $reviewer->{phab_phid} = $user->{phid};
- foreach my $reviewer_data (@{ $self->reviewers_raw }) {
- if ($reviewer_data->{reviewerPHID} eq $user->{phid}) {
- $reviewer->{phab_review_status} = $reviewer_data->{status};
- last;
- }
- }
- push(@reviewers, $reviewer);
- }
- return \@reviewers;
-sub subscribers {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->{subscribers} if $self->{subscribers};
- my @phids;
- foreach my $phid (@{ $self->subscribers_raw->{subscriberPHIDs} }) {
- push(@phids, $phid);
- }
- my $users = get_phab_bmo_ids({ phids => \@phids });
- return [] if !@phids;
- my @subscribers;
- foreach my $user (@$users) {
- my $subscriber = Bugzilla::User->new({ id => $user->{id}, cache => 1});
- $subscriber->{phab_phid} = $user->{phid};
- push(@subscribers, $subscriber);
- }
- return \@subscribers;
-# Mutators #
-sub add_comment {
- my ($self, $comment) = @_;
- $comment = trim($comment);
- $self->{added_comments} ||= [];
- push(@{ $self->{added_comments} }, $comment);
-sub add_reviewer {
- my ($self, $reviewer) = @_;
- $self->{add_reviewers} ||= [];
- my $reviewer_phid = blessed $reviewer ? $reviewer->phab_phid : $reviewer;
- push(@{ $self->{add_reviewers} }, $reviewer_phid);
-sub remove_reviewer {
- my ($self, $reviewer) = @_;
- $self->{remove_reviewers} ||= [];
- my $reviewer_phid = blessed $reviewer ? $reviewer->phab_phid : $reviewer;
- push(@{ $self->{remove_reviewers} }, $reviewer_phid);
-sub set_reviewers {
- my ($self, $reviewers) = @_;
- $self->{set_reviewers} = [ map { $_->phab_phid } @$reviewers ];
-sub add_subscriber {
- my ($self, $subscriber) = @_;
- $self->{add_subscribers} ||= [];
- my $subscriber_phid = blessed $subscriber ? $subscriber->phab_phid : $subscriber;
- push(@{ $self->{add_subscribers} }, $subscriber_phid);
-sub remove_subscriber {
- my ($self, $subscriber) = @_;
- $self->{remove_subscribers} ||= [];
- my $subscriber_phid = blessed $subscriber ? $subscriber->phab_phid : $subscriber;
- push(@{ $self->{remove_subscribers} }, $subscriber_phid);
-sub set_subscribers {
- my ($self, $subscribers) = @_;
- $self->{set_subscribers} = $subscribers;
-sub set_policy {
- my ($self, $name, $policy) = @_;
- $self->{set_policy} ||= {};
- $self->{set_policy}->{$name} = $policy;
-1; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/ b/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
index a00e20551..95b2b1598 100644
--- a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
+++ b/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
@@ -34,38 +34,26 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
- get_members_by_phid
- get_phab_bmo_ids
- get_revisions_by_phids
- set_phab_user
sub get_revisions_by_ids {
my ($ids) = @_;
- return _get_revisions({ ids => $ids });
-sub get_revisions_by_phids {
- my ($phids) = @_;
- return _get_revisions({ phids => $phids });
-sub _get_revisions {
- my ($constraints) = @_;
my $data = {
- queryKey => 'all',
- constraints => $constraints
+ queryKey => 'all',
+ constraints => {
+ ids => $ids
+ }
my $result = request('', $data);
@@ -73,11 +61,11 @@ sub _get_revisions {
unless (exists $result->{result}{data} && @{ $result->{result}{data} });
- return $result->{result}{data};
+ return @{$result->{result}{data}};
sub create_revision_attachment {
- my ( $bug, $revision_id, $revision_title, $timestamp ) = @_;
+ my ( $bug, $revision_id, $revision_title ) = @_;
my $phab_base_uri = Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_base_uri};
ThrowUserError('invalid_phabricator_uri') unless $phab_base_uri;
@@ -92,10 +80,16 @@ sub create_revision_attachment {
return $review_attachment if defined $review_attachment;
# No attachment is present, so we can now create new one
+ my $is_shadow_db = Bugzilla->is_shadow_db;
+ Bugzilla->switch_to_main_db if $is_shadow_db;
- if (!$timestamp) {
- ($timestamp) = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT NOW()");
- }
+ my $old_user = Bugzilla->user;
+ _set_phab_user();
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
+ $dbh->bz_start_transaction;
+ my ($timestamp) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT NOW()");
my $attachment = Bugzilla::Attachment->create(
@@ -110,9 +104,13 @@ sub create_revision_attachment {
- # Insert a comment about the new attachment into the database.
- $bug->add_comment('', { type => CMT_ATTACHMENT_CREATED,
- extra_data => $attachment->id });
+ $bug->update($timestamp);
+ $attachment->update($timestamp);
+ $dbh->bz_commit_transaction;
+ Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db if $is_shadow_db;
+ Bugzilla->set_user($old_user);
return $attachment;
@@ -324,7 +322,12 @@ sub set_project_members {
sub get_members_by_bmo_id {
my $users = shift;
- my $result = get_phab_bmo_ids({ ids => [ map { $_->id } @$users ] });
+ my $data = {
+ accountids => [ map { $_->id } @$users ]
+ };
+ my $result = request('', $data);
+ return [] if (!$result->{result});
my @phab_ids;
foreach my $user (@{ $result->{result} }) {
@@ -335,73 +338,10 @@ sub get_members_by_bmo_id {
return \@phab_ids;
-sub get_members_by_phid {
- my $phids = shift;
- my $result = get_phab_bmo_ids({ phids => $phids });
- my @bmo_ids;
- foreach my $user (@{ $result->{result} }) {
- push(@bmo_ids, $user->{id})
- if ($user->{phid} && $user->{phid} =~ /^PHID-USER/);
- }
- return \@bmo_ids;
-sub get_phab_bmo_ids {
- my ($params) = @_;
- my $memcache = Bugzilla->memcached;
- # Try to find the values in memcache first
- my @results;
- if ($params->{ids}) {
- my @bmo_ids = @{ $params->{ids} };
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @bmo_ids; $i++) {
- my $phid = $memcache->get({ key => "phab_user_bmo_id_" . $bmo_ids[$i] });
- if ($phid) {
- push(@results, {
- id => $bmo_ids[$i],
- phid => $phid
- });
- splice(@bmo_ids, $i, 1);
- }
- }
- $params->{ids} = \@bmo_ids;
- }
- if ($params->{phids}) {
- my @phids = @{ $params->{phids} };
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @phids; $i++) {
- my $bmo_id = $memcache->get({ key => "phab_user_phid_" . $phids[$i] });
- if ($bmo_id) {
- push(@results, {
- id => $bmo_id,
- phid => $phids[$i]
- });
- splice(@phids, $i, 1);
- }
- }
- $params->{phids} = \@phids;
- }
- my $result = request('', $params);
- # Store new values in memcache for later retrieval
- foreach my $user (@{ $result->{result} }) {
- $memcache->set({ key => "phab_user_bmo_id_" . $user->{id},
- value => $user->{phid} });
- $memcache->set({ key => "phab_user_phid_" . $user->{phid},
- value => $user->{id} });
- push(@results, $user);
- }
- return \@results;
sub is_attachment_phab_revision {
- my ($attachment) = @_;
+ my ($attachment, $include_obsolete) = @_;
return ($attachment->contenttype eq PHAB_CONTENT_TYPE
+ && ($include_obsolete || !$attachment->isobsolete)
&& $attachment->attacher->login eq PHAB_AUTOMATION_USER) ? 1 : 0;
@@ -460,12 +400,10 @@ sub request {
my $result;
my $result_ok = eval { $result = decode_json( $response->content); 1 };
- if (!$result_ok || $result->{error_code}) {
- ThrowCodeError('phabricator_api_error',
- { reason => 'JSON decode failure' }) if !$result_ok;
- ThrowCodeError('phabricator_api_error',
- { code => $result->{error_code},
- reason => $result->{error_info} }) if $result->{error_code};
+ if ( !$result_ok ) {
+ ThrowCodeError(
+ 'phabricator_api_error',
+ { reason => 'JSON decode failure' } );
return $result;
@@ -486,12 +424,10 @@ sub get_security_sync_groups {
return @set_groups;
-sub set_phab_user {
- my $old_user = Bugzilla->user;
+sub _set_phab_user {
my $user = Bugzilla::User->new( { name => PHAB_AUTOMATION_USER } );
$user->{groups} = [ Bugzilla::Group->get_all ];
- return $old_user;
sub add_security_sync_comments {
@@ -510,10 +446,14 @@ sub add_security_sync_comments {
: 'One revision was' )
. ' made private due to unknown Bugzilla groups.';
- my $old_user = set_phab_user();
+ my $old_user = Bugzilla->user;
+ _set_phab_user();
$bug->add_comment( $bmo_error_message, { isprivate => 0 } );
+ my $bug_changes = $bug->update();
+ $bug->send_changes($bug_changes);
diff --git a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/ b/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
index b552e5656..738077880 100644
--- a/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
+++ b/extensions/PhabBugz/lib/
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ sub obsolete_attachments {
my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->check($bug_id);
my @attachments =
- grep { is_attachment_phab_revision($_) } @{ $bug->attachments() };
+ grep { is_attachment_phab_revision($_, 1) } @{ $bug->attachments() };
return { result => [] } if !@attachments;