path: root/extensions/UserProfile/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/UserProfile/')
1 files changed, 549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/UserProfile/ b/extensions/UserProfile/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..673c0c2a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/UserProfile/
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+package Bugzilla::Extension::UserProfile;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(Bugzilla::Extension);
+use Bugzilla::Constants;
+use Bugzilla::Extension::UserProfile::TimeAgo qw(time_ago);
+use Bugzilla::Extension::UserProfile::Util;
+use Bugzilla::Install::Filesystem;
+use Bugzilla::User;
+use Bugzilla::Util qw(datetime_from);
+use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
+our $VERSION = '1';
+# user methods
+ *Bugzilla::User::last_activity_ts = \&_user_last_activity_ts;
+ *Bugzilla::User::set_last_activity_ts = \&_user_set_last_activity_ts;
+ *Bugzilla::User::last_statistics_ts = \&_user_last_statistics_ts;
+ *Bugzilla::User::clear_last_statistics_ts = \&_user_clear_last_statistics_ts;
+sub _user_last_activity_ts { $_[0]->{last_activity_ts} }
+sub _user_last_statistics_ts { $_[0]->{last_statistics_ts} }
+sub _user_set_last_activity_ts {
+ my ($self, $value) = @_;
+ $self->set('last_activity_ts', $_[1]);
+ # we update the database directly to avoid audit_log entries
+ Bugzilla->dbh->do(
+ "UPDATE profiles SET last_activity_ts = ? WHERE userid = ?",
+ undef,
+ $value, $self->id);
+sub _user_clear_last_statistics_ts {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->set('last_statistics_ts', undef);
+ # we update the database directly to avoid audit_log entries
+ Bugzilla->dbh->do(
+ "UPDATE profiles SET last_statistics_ts = NULL WHERE userid = ?",
+ undef,
+ $self->id);
+# hooks
+sub bug_after_create {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ $self->_bug_touched($args);
+sub bug_after_update {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ $self->_bug_touched($args);
+sub _bug_touched {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ my $bug = $args->{bug};
+ my $user = Bugzilla->user;
+ my ($assigned_to, $qa_contact);
+ # bug update
+ if (exists $args->{changes}) {
+ return unless
+ scalar(keys %{ $args->{changes} })
+ || exists $args->{bug}->{added_comments};
+ # if the assignee or qa-contact is changed to someone other than the
+ # current user, update them
+ if (exists $args->{changes}->{assigned_to}
+ && $args->{changes}->{assigned_to}->[1] ne $user->login)
+ {
+ $assigned_to = $bug->assigned_to;
+ }
+ if (exists $args->{changes}->{qa_contact}
+ && ($args->{changes}->{qa_contact}->[1] || '') ne $user->login)
+ {
+ $qa_contact = $bug->qa_contact;
+ }
+ # if the product is changed, we need to recount everyone involved with
+ # this bug
+ if (exists $args->{changes}->{product}) {
+ tag_for_recount_from_bug($bug->id);
+ }
+ }
+ # new bug
+ else {
+ # if the assignee or qa-contact is created set to someone other than
+ # the current user, update them
+ if ($bug->assigned_to->id != $user->id) {
+ $assigned_to = $bug->assigned_to;
+ }
+ if ($bug->qa_contact && $bug->qa_contact->id != $user->id) {
+ $qa_contact = $bug->qa_contact;
+ }
+ }
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
+ $dbh->bz_start_transaction();
+ # update user's last_activity_ts
+ eval {
+ $user->set_last_activity_ts($args->{timestamp});
+ $self->_recalc_remove($user);
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ warn $@;
+ $self->_recalc_insert($user);
+ }
+ # clear the last_statistics_ts for assignee/qa-contact to force a recount
+ # at the next poll
+ if ($assigned_to) {
+ eval {
+ $assigned_to->clear_last_statistics_ts();
+ $self->_recalc_remove($assigned_to);
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ warn $@;
+ $self->_recalc_insert($assigned_to);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($qa_contact) {
+ eval {
+ $qa_contact->clear_last_statistics_ts();
+ $self->_recalc_remove($qa_contact);
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ warn $@;
+ $self->_recalc_insert($qa_contact);
+ }
+ }
+ $dbh->bz_commit_transaction();
+sub _recalc_insert {
+ my ($self, $user) = @_;
+ Bugzilla->dbh->do(
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO profiles_statistics_recalc SET user_id=?",
+ undef, $user->id
+ );
+sub _recalc_remove {
+ my ($self, $user) = @_;
+ Bugzilla->dbh->do(
+ "DELETE FROM profiles_statistics_recalc WHERE user_id=?",
+ undef, $user->id
+ );
+sub object_end_of_create {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ $self->_object_touched($args);
+sub object_end_of_update {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ $self->_object_touched($args);
+sub _object_touched {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ my $object = $args->{object}
+ or return;
+ return if exists $args->{changes} && !scalar(keys %{ $args->{changes} });
+ if ($object->isa('Bugzilla::Attachment')) {
+ # if an attachment is created or updated, that counts as user activity
+ my $user = Bugzilla->user;
+ my $timestamp = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP(0)');
+ eval {
+ $user->set_last_activity_ts($timestamp);
+ $self->_recalc_remove($user);
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ warn $@;
+ $self->_recalc_insert($user);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($object->isa('Bugzilla::Product') && exists $args->{changes}->{name}) {
+ # if a product is renamed by an admin, rename in the
+ # profiles_statistics_products table
+ Bugzilla->dbh->do(
+ "UPDATE profiles_statistics_products SET product=? where product=?",
+ undef,
+ $args->{changes}->{name}->[1], $args->{changes}->{name}->[0],
+ );
+ }
+sub reorg_move_bugs {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ my $bug_ids = $args->{bug_ids};
+ printf "Touching user profile data for %s bugs.\n", scalar(@$bug_ids);
+ my $count = 0;
+ foreach my $bug_id (@$bug_ids) {
+ $count += tag_for_recount_from_bug($bug_id);
+ }
+ print "Updated $count users.\n";
+sub merge_users_before {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ my ($old_id, $new_id) = @$args{qw(old_id new_id)};
+ # when users are merged, we have to delete all the statistics for both users
+ # we'll recalcuate the stats after the merge
+ print "deleting user profile statistics for $old_id and $new_id\n";
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
+ foreach my $table (qw( profiles_statistics profiles_statistics_status profiles_statistics_products )) {
+ $dbh->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE " . $dbh->sql_in('user_id', [ $old_id, $new_id ]));
+ }
+sub merge_users_after {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ my $new_id = $args->{new_id};
+ print "generating user profile statistics $new_id\n";
+ update_statistics_by_user($new_id);
+sub webservice_user_get {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ my ($service, $users) = @$args{qw(webservice users)};
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
+ my $ids = [
+ map { blessed($_->{id}) ? $_->{id}->value : $_->{id} }
+ grep { exists $_->{id} }
+ @$users
+ ];
+ return unless @$ids;
+ my $timestamps = $dbh->selectall_hashref(
+ "SELECT userid,last_activity_ts FROM profiles WHERE " . $dbh->sql_in('userid', $ids),
+ 'userid',
+ );
+ foreach my $user (@$users) {
+ my $id = blessed($user->{id}) ? $user->{id}->value : $user->{id};
+ $user->{last_activity} = $service->type('dateTime', $timestamps->{$id}->{last_activity_ts});
+ }
+sub template_before_create {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ $args->{config}->{FILTERS}->{timeago} = sub {
+ my ($time_str) = @_;
+ return time_ago(datetime_from($time_str, 'UTC'));
+ };
+sub page_before_template {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ my ($vars, $page) = @$args{qw(vars page_id)};
+ return unless $page eq 'user_profile.html';
+ my $user = Bugzilla->user;
+ # determine user to display
+ my ($target, $login);
+ my $input = Bugzilla->input_params;
+ if (my $user_id = $input->{user_id}) {
+ # load from user_id
+ $user_id = 0 if $user_id =~ /\D/;
+ $target = Bugzilla::User->check({ id => $user_id });
+ } else {
+ # loading from login name requires authentication
+ Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED);
+ $login = $input->{login};
+ if (!$login) {
+ # show current user's profile by default
+ $target = $user;
+ } else {
+ my $limit = Bugzilla->params->{'maxusermatches'} + 1;
+ my $users = Bugzilla::User::match($login, $limit, 1);
+ if (scalar(@$users) == 1) {
+ # always allow singular matches without confirmation
+ $target = $users->[0];
+ } else {
+ Bugzilla::User::match_field({ 'login' => {'type' => 'single'} });
+ $target = Bugzilla::User->check($login);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $login ||= $target->login;
+ # load statistics into $vars
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db;
+ my $stats = $dbh->selectall_hashref(
+ "SELECT name, count
+ FROM profiles_statistics
+ WHERE user_id = ?",
+ "name",
+ undef,
+ $target->id,
+ );
+ map { $stats->{$_} = $stats->{$_}->{count} } keys %$stats;
+ my $statuses = $dbh->selectall_hashref(
+ "SELECT status, count
+ FROM profiles_statistics_status
+ WHERE user_id = ?",
+ "status",
+ undef,
+ $target->id,
+ );
+ map { $statuses->{$_} = $statuses->{$_}->{count} } keys %$statuses;
+ my $products = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+ "SELECT product, count
+ FROM profiles_statistics_products
+ WHERE user_id = ?
+ ORDER BY product = '', count DESC",
+ { Slice => {} },
+ $target->id,
+ );
+ # ensure there's always an "other" product entry
+ my ($other_product) = grep { $_->{product} eq '' } @$products;
+ if (!$other_product) {
+ $other_product = { product => '', count => 0 };
+ push @$products, $other_product;
+ }
+ # load product objects and validate product visibility
+ foreach my $product (@$products) {
+ next if $product->{product} eq '';
+ my $product_obj = Bugzilla::Product->new({ name => $product->{product} });
+ if (!$product_obj || !$user->can_see_product($product_obj->name)) {
+ # products not accessible to current user are moved into "other"
+ $other_product->{count} += $product->{count};
+ $product->{count} = 0;
+ } else {
+ $product->{product} = $product_obj;
+ }
+ }
+ # set other's name, and remove empty products
+ $other_product->{product} = { name => 'Other' };
+ $products = [ grep { $_->{count} } @$products ];
+ $vars->{stats} = $stats;
+ $vars->{statuses} = $statuses;
+ $vars->{products} = $products;
+ $vars->{login} = $login;
+ $vars->{target} = $target;
+sub object_columns {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ my ($class, $columns) = @$args{qw(class columns)};
+ if ($class->isa('Bugzilla::User')) {
+ push(@$columns, qw(last_activity_ts last_statistics_ts));
+ }
+sub object_update_columns {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ my ($object, $columns) = @$args{qw(object columns)};
+ if ($object->isa('Bugzilla::User')) {
+ push(@$columns, qw(last_activity_ts last_statistics_ts));
+ }
+# installation
+sub db_schema_abstract_schema {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ $args->{'schema'}->{'profiles_statistics'} = {
+ FIELDS => [
+ id => {
+ NOTNULL => 1,
+ },
+ user_id => {
+ TYPE => 'INT3',
+ NOTNULL => 1,
+ TABLE => 'profiles',
+ COLUMN => 'userid',
+ }
+ },
+ name => {
+ TYPE => 'VARCHAR(30)',
+ NOTNULL => 1,
+ },
+ count => {
+ TYPE => 'INT',
+ NOTNULL => 1,
+ },
+ ],
+ INDEXES => [
+ profiles_statistics_name_idx => {
+ FIELDS => [ 'user_id', 'name' ],
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ $args->{'schema'}->{'profiles_statistics_status'} = {
+ FIELDS => [
+ id => {
+ NOTNULL => 1,
+ },
+ user_id => {
+ TYPE => 'INT3',
+ NOTNULL => 1,
+ TABLE => 'profiles',
+ COLUMN => 'userid',
+ }
+ },
+ status => {
+ TYPE => 'VARCHAR(64)',
+ NOTNULL => 1,
+ },
+ count => {
+ TYPE => 'INT',
+ NOTNULL => 1,
+ },
+ ],
+ INDEXES => [
+ profiles_statistics_status_idx => {
+ FIELDS => [ 'user_id', 'status' ],
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ $args->{'schema'}->{'profiles_statistics_products'} = {
+ FIELDS => [
+ id => {
+ NOTNULL => 1,
+ },
+ user_id => {
+ TYPE => 'INT3',
+ NOTNULL => 1,
+ TABLE => 'profiles',
+ COLUMN => 'userid',
+ }
+ },
+ product => {
+ TYPE => 'VARCHAR(64)',
+ NOTNULL => 1,
+ },
+ count => {
+ TYPE => 'INT',
+ NOTNULL => 1,
+ },
+ ],
+ INDEXES => [
+ profiles_statistics_products_idx => {
+ FIELDS => [ 'user_id', 'product' ],
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ $args->{'schema'}->{'profiles_statistics_recalc'} = {
+ FIELDS => [
+ user_id => {
+ TYPE => 'INT3',
+ NOTNULL => 1,
+ TABLE => 'profiles',
+ COLUMN => 'userid',
+ }
+ },
+ ],
+ INDEXES => [
+ profiles_statistics_recalc_idx => {
+ FIELDS => [ 'user_id' ],
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ $args->{'schema'}->{'profiles_statistics_recalc'} = {
+ FIELDS => [
+ user_id => {
+ TYPE => 'INT3',
+ NOTNULL => 1,
+ TABLE => 'profiles',
+ COLUMN => 'userid',
+ }
+ },
+ ],
+ INDEXES => [
+ profiles_statistics_recalc_idx => {
+ FIELDS => [ 'user_id' ],
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+sub install_update_db {
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
+ $dbh->bz_add_column('profiles', 'last_activity_ts', { TYPE => 'DATETIME' });
+ $dbh->bz_add_column('profiles', 'last_statistics_ts', { TYPE => 'DATETIME' });
+sub install_filesystem {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ my $files = $args->{'files'};
+ my $extensions_dir = bz_locations()->{'extensionsdir'};
+ my $script_name = $extensions_dir . "/" . __PACKAGE__->NAME . "/bin/";
+ $files->{$script_name} = {
+ perms => Bugzilla::Install::Filesystem::WS_EXECUTE
+ };
+ $script_name = $extensions_dir . "/" . __PACKAGE__->NAME . "/bin/";
+ $files->{$script_name} = {
+ perms => Bugzilla::Install::Filesystem::OWNER_EXECUTE
+ };