path: root/t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/bugzilla-objects-def.t b/t/bugzilla-objects-def.t
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ba33f450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/bugzilla-objects-def.t
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+use 5.10.1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use autodie;
+use lib qw(. lib local/lib/perl5);
+use constant HAVE_DATABASE => 0;
+use if HAVE_DATABASE, 'Bugzilla';
+ Bugzilla->extensions
+ }
+use Bugzilla::DB::Schema;
+use Module::Runtime qw(require_module);
+use Test::More;
+# These are all subclasses of Bugzilla::Object
+my @packages = qw(
+ Bugzilla::Attachment
+ Bugzilla::Bug
+ Bugzilla::BugUrl
+ Bugzilla::BugUserLastVisit
+ Bugzilla::Classification
+ Bugzilla::Comment
+ Bugzilla::Comment::TagWeights
+ Bugzilla::Component
+ Bugzilla::Extension::BugmailFilter::Filter
+ Bugzilla::Extension::MyDashboard::BugInterest
+ Bugzilla::Extension::Push::BacklogMessage
+ Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Backoff
+ Bugzilla::Extension::Push::LogEntry
+ Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Message
+ Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Option
+ Bugzilla::Extension::Review::FlagStateActivity
+ Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag
+ Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag::Bug
+ Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag::Value
+ Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag::Visibility
+ Bugzilla::Field
+ Bugzilla::Field::Choice
+ Bugzilla::Flag
+ Bugzilla::FlagType
+ Bugzilla::Group
+ Bugzilla::Keyword
+ Bugzilla::Milestone
+ Bugzilla::Product
+ Bugzilla::Search::Recent
+ Bugzilla::Search::Saved
+ Bugzilla::User
+ Bugzilla::User::APIKey
+ Bugzilla::User::Session
+ Bugzilla::Version
+ Bugzilla::Whine
+ Bugzilla::Whine::Query
+ Bugzilla::Whine::Schedule
+# some of the subclasses have things to skip.
+# 'name' means skip checking the name() method
+# 'id' means skip checking the id() method
+# 'db_name' means NAME_FIELD isn't a database field.
+my %skip = (
+ 'Bugzilla::Attachment' => { db_name => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::Comment' => { db_name => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::Extension::BugmailFilter::Filter' => { db_name => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::Extension::Push::BacklogMessage' => { db_name => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Backoff' => { db_name => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Message' => { db_name => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Option' => { name => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::Extension::Review::FlagStateActivity' => { db_name => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag' => { id => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag::Bug' => { db_name => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag::Value' => { name => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag::Visibility' => { db_name => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::Flag' => { name => 1, id => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::Search::Recent' => { db_name => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::User' => { name => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::Whine' => { db_name => 1 },
+ 'Bugzilla::Whine::Query' => { name => 1 },
+# this is kind of evil, but I want a copy
+# of the schema without accessing a real DB.
+my $schema = Bugzilla::DB::Schema::ABSTRACT_SCHEMA;
+ Bugzilla::Hook::process( 'db_schema_abstract_schema', { schema => $schema } );
+foreach my $package (@packages) {
+ next if $package =~ /^Bugzilla::Extension::/ && !HAVE_DATABASE;
+ require_module($package);
+ isa_ok($package, 'Bugzilla::Object');
+ can_ok($package, qw( id name ID_FIELD NAME_FIELD));
+ my $fake = bless {}, $package;
+ unless ($skip{$package}{id}) {
+ $ID_FIELD = $package->ID_FIELD;
+ $fake->{ $package->ID_FIELD } = 42;
+ my $ok = eval {
+ is($fake->id, 42, "$package->id is ID_FIELD");
+ 1;
+ };
+ ok($ok, "$package->id is not a fatal error");
+ }
+ unless ($skip{$package}{name}) {
+ $NAME_FIELD = $package->NAME_FIELD;
+ $fake->{ $package->NAME_FIELD } = 'camel';
+ my $ok = eval {
+ is($fake->name, 'camel', "$package->name is NAME_FIELD");
+ 1;
+ };
+ ok($ok, "$package->name is not a fatal error");
+ }
+ if ($package->can('DB_TABLE')) {
+ my $table = $package->DB_TABLE;
+ my $table_def = $schema->{$table};
+ my %fields = @{ $table_def->{FIELDS} };
+ ok($table_def, "$package has a table definition");
+ if ($ID_FIELD and not $skip{$package}{db_id}) {
+ ok($fields{ $ID_FIELD }, "$package table $table has column named by $ID_FIELD");
+ }
+ if ($NAME_FIELD and not $skip{$package}{db_name}) {
+ ok($fields{ $NAME_FIELD }, "$package table $table has column named $NAME_FIELD");
+ }
+ }