path: root/votes.cgi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'votes.cgi')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/votes.cgi b/votes.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a6a86f426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/votes.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -wT
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# rights and limitations under the License.
+# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
+# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
+# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
+# Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>
+# Stephan Niemz <>
+# Christopher Aillon <>
+# Gervase Markham <>
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use lib ".";
+require "";
+use vars qw($usergroupset);
+# Use global template variables
+use vars qw($template $vars);
+# If the action is show_bug, you need a bug_id.
+# If the action is show_user, you can supply a userid to show the votes for
+# another user, otherwise you see your own.
+# If the action is vote, your votes are set to those encoded in the URL as
+# <bug_id>=<votes>.
+# If no action is defined, we default to show_bug if a bug_id is given,
+# otherwise to show_user.
+my $action = $::FORM{'action'} ||
+ ($::FORM{'bug_id'} ? "show_bug" : "show_user");
+if ($action eq "show_bug" ||
+ ($action eq "show_user" && defined($::FORM{'user'})))
+ quietly_check_login();
+else {
+ confirm_login();
+# Begin Data/Security Validation
+# Make sure the bug ID is a positive integer representing an existing
+# bug that the user is authorized to access.
+if (defined $::FORM{'bug_id'}) {
+ ValidateBugID($::FORM{'bug_id'});
+# End Data/Security Validation
+if ($action eq "show_bug") {
+ show_bug();
+elsif ($action eq "show_user") {
+ show_user();
+elsif ($action eq "vote") {
+ record_votes();
+ show_user();
+else {
+ DisplayError("Unknown action: " . html_quote($action));
+# Display the names of all the people voting for this one bug.
+sub show_bug {
+ my $bug_id = $::FORM{'bug_id'}
+ || DisplayError("Please give a bug ID to show the votes for.")
+ && exit;
+ my $total = 0;
+ my @users;
+ SendSQL("SELECT profiles.login_name, votes.who, votes.count
+ FROM votes, profiles
+ WHERE votes.bug_id = $bug_id
+ AND profiles.userid = votes.who");
+ while (MoreSQLData()) {
+ my ($name, $userid, $count) = (FetchSQLData());
+ push (@users, { name => $name, id => $userid, count => $count });
+ $total += $count;
+ }
+ $vars->{'bug_id'} = $bug_id;
+ $vars->{'users'} = \@users;
+ $vars->{'total'} = $total;
+ print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
+ $template->process("voting/show-bug-votes.html.tmpl", $vars)
+ || DisplayError("Template process failed: " . $template->error())
+ && exit;
+# Display all the votes for a particular user. If it's the user
+# doing the viewing, give them the option to edit them too.
+sub show_user {
+ GetVersionTable();
+ # If a bug_id is given, and we're editing, we'll add it to the votes list.
+ my $bug_id = $::FORM{'bug_id'} || "";
+ my $name = $::FORM{'user'} || $::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'};
+ my $who = DBname_to_id($name);
+ # After DBNameToIdAndCheck is templatised and prints a Content-Type,
+ # the above should revert to a call to that function, and this
+ # special error handling should go away.
+ if (!$who) {
+ DisplayError(html_quote($name) . " is not a valid username.\n");
+ exit;
+ }
+ my $canedit = 1 if ($name eq $::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'});
+ SendSQL("LOCK TABLES bugs READ, products READ, votes WRITE,
+ cc AS selectVisible_cc READ");
+ if ($canedit && $bug_id) {
+ # Make sure there is an entry for this bug
+ # in the vote table, just so that things display right.
+ SendSQL("SELECT votes.count FROM votes
+ WHERE votes.bug_id = $bug_id AND votes.who = $who");
+ if (!FetchOneColumn()) {
+ SendSQL("INSERT INTO votes (who, bug_id, count)
+ VALUES ($who, $bug_id, 0)");
+ }
+ }
+ # Calculate the max votes per bug for each product; doing it here means
+ # we can do it all in one query.
+ my %maxvotesperbug;
+ if($canedit) {
+ SendSQL("SELECT products.product, products.maxvotesperbug
+ FROM products");
+ while (MoreSQLData()) {
+ my ($prod, $max) = FetchSQLData();
+ $maxvotesperbug{$prod} = $max;
+ }
+ }
+ my @products;
+ # Read the votes data for this user for each product
+ foreach my $product (sort(keys(%::prodmaxvotes))) {
+ next if $::prodmaxvotes{$product} <= 0;
+ my @bugs;
+ my $total = 0;
+ my $onevoteonly = 0;
+ SendSQL("SELECT votes.bug_id, votes.count, bugs.short_desc,
+ bugs.bug_status
+ FROM votes, bugs
+ WHERE votes.who = $who
+ AND votes.bug_id = bugs.bug_id
+ AND bugs.product = " . SqlQuote($product) .
+ "ORDER BY votes.bug_id");
+ while (MoreSQLData()) {
+ my ($id, $count, $summary, $status) = FetchSQLData();
+ next if !defined($status);
+ $total += $count;
+ # Next if user can't see this bug. So, the totals will be correct
+ # and they can see there are votes 'missing', but not on what bug
+ # they are. This seems a reasonable compromise; the alternative is
+ # to lie in the totals.
+ next if !CanSeeBug($id, $who, $usergroupset);
+ push (@bugs, { id => $id,
+ summary => $summary,
+ count => $count,
+ opened => IsOpenedState($status) });
+ }
+ $onevoteonly = 1 if (min($::prodmaxvotes{$product},
+ $maxvotesperbug{$product}) == 1);
+ # Only add the product for display if there are any bugs in it.
+ if ($#bugs > -1) {
+ push (@products, { name => $product,
+ bugs => \@bugs,
+ onevoteonly => $onevoteonly,
+ total => $total,
+ maxvotes => $::prodmaxvotes{$product},
+ maxperbug => $maxvotesperbug{$product} });
+ }
+ }
+ SendSQL("DELETE FROM votes WHERE count <= 0");
+ $vars->{'user'} = { canedit => $canedit, name => $name, id => $who };
+ $vars->{'products'} = \@products;
+ print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
+ $template->process("voting/show-user-votes.html.tmpl", $vars)
+ || DisplayError("Template process failed: " . $template->error())
+ && exit;
+# Update the user's votes in the database.
+sub record_votes {
+ ############################################################################
+ # Begin Data/Security Validation
+ ############################################################################
+ # Build a list of bug IDs for which votes have been submitted. Votes
+ # are submitted in form fields in which the field names are the bug
+ # IDs and the field values are the number of votes.
+ my @buglist = grep {/^[1-9][0-9]*$/} keys(%::FORM);
+ # If no bugs are in the buglist, let's make sure the user gets notified
+ # that their votes will get nuked if they continue.
+ if (scalar(@buglist) == 0) {
+ if (!defined($::FORM{'delete_all_votes'})) {
+ print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
+ $template->process("voting/delete-all-votes.html.tmpl", $vars)
+ || DisplayError("Template process failed: " . $template->error());
+ exit();
+ }
+ elsif ($::FORM{'delete_all_votes'} == 0) {
+ print "Location: votes.cgi\n\n";
+ exit();
+ }
+ }
+ # Call ValidateBugID on each bug ID to make sure it is a positive
+ # integer representing an existing bug that the user is authorized
+ # to access, and make sure the number of votes submitted is also
+ # a non-negative integer (a series of digits not preceded by a
+ # minus sign).
+ foreach my $id (@buglist) {
+ ValidateBugID($id);
+ detaint_natural($::FORM{$id})
+ || DisplayError("Only use non-negative numbers for your bug votes.")
+ && exit;
+ }
+ ############################################################################
+ # End Data/Security Validation
+ ############################################################################
+ GetVersionTable();
+ my $who = DBNameToIdAndCheck($::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'});
+ # If the user is voting for bugs, make sure they aren't overstuffing
+ # the ballot box.
+ if (scalar(@buglist)) {
+ SendSQL("SELECT bugs.bug_id, bugs.product, products.maxvotesperbug
+ FROM bugs, products
+ WHERE products.product = bugs.product
+ AND bugs.bug_id IN (" . join(", ", @buglist) . ")");
+ my %prodcount;
+ while (MoreSQLData()) {
+ my ($id, $prod, $max) = FetchSQLData();
+ $prodcount{$prod} ||= 0;
+ $prodcount{$prod} += $::FORM{$id};
+ # Make sure we haven't broken the votes-per-bug limit
+ if ($::FORM{$id} > $max) {
+ $prod = html_quote($prod);
+ my $votes = html_quote($::FORM{$id});
+ DisplayError("You may only use at most $max votes for a single
+ bug in the <tt>$prod</tt> product, but you are
+ trying to use $votes.", "Illegal vote");
+ exit();
+ }
+ }
+ # Make sure we haven't broken the votes-per-product limit
+ foreach my $prod (keys(%prodcount)) {
+ if ($prodcount{$prod} > $::prodmaxvotes{$prod}) {
+ $prod = html_quote($prod);
+ DisplayError("You may only use at most $::prodmaxvotes{$prod}
+ votes for bugs in the <tt>$prod</tt> product,
+ but you are trying to use $prodcount{$prod}.",
+ "Illegal vote");
+ exit();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Update the user's votes in the database. If the user did not submit
+ # any votes, they may be using a form with checkboxes to remove all their
+ # votes (checkboxes are not submitted along with other form data when
+ # they are not checked, and Bugzilla uses them to represent single votes
+ # for products that only allow one vote per bug). In that case, we still
+ # need to clear the user's votes from the database.
+ my %affected;
+ SendSQL("LOCK TABLES bugs write, votes write, products read");
+ # Take note of, and delete the user's old votes from the database.
+ SendSQL("SELECT bug_id FROM votes WHERE who = $who");
+ while (MoreSQLData()) {
+ my $id = FetchOneColumn();
+ $affected{$id} = 1;
+ }
+ SendSQL("DELETE FROM votes WHERE who = $who");
+ # Insert the new values in their place
+ foreach my $id (@buglist) {
+ if ($::FORM{$id} > 0) {
+ SendSQL("INSERT INTO votes (who, bug_id, count)
+ VALUES ($who, $id, $::FORM{$id})");
+ }
+ $affected{$id} = 1;
+ }
+ # Update the cached values in the bugs table
+ foreach my $id (keys %affected) {
+ SendSQL("SELECT sum(count) FROM votes WHERE bug_id = $id");
+ my $v = FetchOneColumn();
+ $v ||= 0;
+ SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET votes = $v, delta_ts=delta_ts
+ WHERE bug_id = $id");
+ CheckIfVotedConfirmed($id, $who);
+ }
+ $vars->{'votes_recorded'} = 1;