path: root/xt/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xt/lib')
16 files changed, 1041 insertions, 3446 deletions
diff --git a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/ b/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/
deleted file mode 100644
index ca3bba5cf..000000000
--- a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,987 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-# This module tests Bugzilla/ It uses various constants
-# that are in Bugzilla::Test::Search::Constants, in xt/lib/.
-# It does this by:
-# 1) Creating a bunch of field values. Each field value is
-# randomly named and fully unique.
-# 2) Creating a bunch of bugs that use those unique field
-# values. Each bug has different characteristics--see
-# the comment above the NUM_BUGS constant for a description
-# of each bug.
-# 3) Running searches using the combination of every search operator against
-# every field. The tests that we run are described by the TESTS constant.
-# Some of the operator/field combinations are known to be broken--
-# these are listed in the KNOWN_BROKEN constant.
-# 4) For each search, we make sure that certain bugs are contained in
-# the search, and certain other bugs are not contained in the search.
-# The code for the operator/field tests is mostly in
-# Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTest.
-# 5) After testing each operator/field combination's functionality, we
-# do additional tests to make sure that there are no SQL injections
-# possible via any operator/field combination. The code for the
-# SQL Injection tests is in Bugzilla::Test::Search::InjectionTest.
-# Generally, the only way that you should modify the behavior of this
-# script is by modifying the constants.
-package Bugzilla::Test::Search;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Bugzilla::Attachment;
-use Bugzilla::Bug ();
-use Bugzilla::Constants;
-use Bugzilla::Field;
-use Bugzilla::Field::Choice;
-use Bugzilla::FlagType;
-use Bugzilla::Group;
-use Bugzilla::Install ();
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::Constants;
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::CustomTest;
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTestNormal;
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::OperatorTest;
-use Bugzilla::User ();
-use Bugzilla::Util qw(generate_random_password);
-use Carp;
-use DateTime;
-use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
-# Constructor #
-sub new {
- my ($class, $options) = @_;
- return bless { options => $options }, $class;
-# Accessors #
-sub options { return $_[0]->{options} }
-sub option { return $_[0]->{options}->{$_[1]} }
-sub num_tests {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my @top_operators = $self->top_level_operators;
- my @all_operators = $self->all_operators;
- my $top_operator_tests = $self->_total_operator_tests(\@top_operators);
- my $all_operator_tests = $self->_total_operator_tests(\@all_operators);
- my @fields = $self->all_fields;
- # Basically, we run TESTS_PER_RUN tests for each field/operator combination.
- my $top_combinations = $top_operator_tests * scalar(@fields);
- my $all_combinations = $all_operator_tests * scalar(@fields);
- # But we also have ORs, for which we run combinations^2 tests.
- my $join_tests = $self->option('long')
- ? ($top_combinations * $all_combinations) : 0;
- # And AND tests, which means we run 2x $join_tests;
- $join_tests = $join_tests * 2;
- # Also, because of NOT tests and Normal tests, we run 3x $top_combinations.
- my $basic_tests = $top_combinations * 3;
- my $operator_field_tests = ($basic_tests + $join_tests) * TESTS_PER_RUN;
- # Then we test each field/operator combination for SQL injection.
- my @injection_values = INJECTION_TESTS;
- my $sql_injection_tests = scalar(@fields) * scalar(@top_operators)
- * scalar(@injection_values) * NUM_SEARCH_TESTS;
- # This @{ [] } thing is the only reasonable way to get a count out of a
- # constant array.
- my $special_tests = scalar(@{ [SPECIAL_PARAM_TESTS, CUSTOM_SEARCH_TESTS] })
- return $operator_field_tests + $sql_injection_tests + $special_tests;
-sub _total_operator_tests {
- my ($self, $operators) = @_;
- # Some operators have more than one test. Find those ones and add
- # them to the total operator tests
- my $extra_operator_tests;
- foreach my $operator (@$operators) {
- my $tests = TESTS->{$operator};
- next if !$tests;
- my $extra_num = scalar(@$tests) - 1;
- $extra_operator_tests += $extra_num;
- }
- return scalar(@$operators) + $extra_operator_tests;
-sub all_operators {
- my ($self) = @_;
- if (not $self->{all_operators}) {
- my @operators;
- if (my $limit_operators = $self->option('operators')) {
- @operators = split(',', $limit_operators);
- }
- else {
- @operators = sort (keys %{ Bugzilla::Search::OPERATORS() });
- }
- # "substr" is just a backwards-compatibility operator, same as "substring".
- @operators = grep { $_ ne 'substr' } @operators;
- $self->{all_operators} = \@operators;
- }
- return @{ $self->{all_operators} };
-sub all_fields {
- my $self = shift;
- if (not $self->{all_fields}) {
- $self->_create_custom_fields();
- my @fields = @{ Bugzilla->fields };
- @fields = sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @fields;
- $self->{all_fields} = \@fields;
- }
- return @{ $self->{all_fields} };
-sub top_level_operators {
- my ($self) = @_;
- if (!$self->{top_level_operators}) {
- my @operators;
- my $limit_top = $self->option('top-operators');
- if ($limit_top) {
- @operators = split(',', $limit_top);
- }
- else {
- @operators = $self->all_operators;
- }
- $self->{top_level_operators} = \@operators;
- }
- return @{ $self->{top_level_operators} };
-sub text_fields {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my @text_fields = grep { $_->type == FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA
- or $_->type == FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT } $self->all_fields;
- @text_fields = map { $_->name } @text_fields;
- push(@text_fields, qw(short_desc status_whiteboard bug_file_loc see_also));
- return @text_fields;
-sub bugs {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{bugs} ||= [map { $self->_create_one_bug($_) } (1..NUM_BUGS)];
- return @{ $self->{bugs} };
-# Get a numbered bug.
-sub bug {
- my ($self, $number) = @_;
- return ($self->bugs)[$number - 1];
-sub admin {
- my $self = shift;
- if (!$self->{admin_user}) {
- my $admin = create_user("admin");
- Bugzilla::Install::make_admin($admin);
- $self->{admin_user} = $admin;
- }
- # We send back a fresh object every time, to make sure that group
- # memberships are always up-to-date.
- return new Bugzilla::User($self->{admin_user}->id);
-sub nobody {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{nobody} ||= Bugzilla::Group->create({ name => "nobody-" . random(),
- description => "Nobody", isbuggroup => 1 });
- return $self->{nobody};
-sub everybody {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->{everybody} ||= create_group('To The Limit');
- return $self->{everybody};
-sub bug_create_value {
- my ($self, $number, $field) = @_;
- $field = $field->name if blessed($field);
- if ($number == 6 and $field ne 'alias') {
- $number = 1;
- }
- my $extra_values = $self->_extra_bug_create_values->{$number};
- if (exists $extra_values->{$field}) {
- return $extra_values->{$field};
- }
- return $self->_bug_create_values->{$number}->{$field};
-sub bug_update_value {
- my ($self, $number, $field) = @_;
- $field = $field->name if blessed($field);
- if ($number == 6 and $field ne 'alias') {
- $number = 1;
- }
- return $self->_bug_update_values->{$number}->{$field};
-# Values used to create the bugs.
-sub _bug_create_values {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{bug_create_values} if $self->{bug_create_values};
- my %values;
- foreach my $number (1..NUM_BUGS) {
- $values{$number} = $self->_create_field_values($number, 'for create');
- }
- $self->{bug_create_values} = \%values;
- return $self->{bug_create_values};
-# Values as they existed on the bug, at creation time. Used by the
-# changedfrom tests.
-sub _extra_bug_create_values {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{extra_bug_create_values} ||= { map { $_ => {} } (1..NUM_BUGS) };
- return $self->{extra_bug_create_values};
-# Values used to update the bugs after they are created.
-sub _bug_update_values {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{bug_update_values} if $self->{bug_update_values};
- my %values;
- foreach my $number (1..NUM_BUGS) {
- $values{$number} = $self->_create_field_values($number);
- }
- $self->{bug_update_values} = \%values;
- return $self->{bug_update_values};
-# General Helper Subroutines #
-sub random {
- $_[0] ||= FIELD_SIZE;
- generate_random_password(@_);
-# We need to use a custom timestamp for each create() and update(),
-# because the database returns the same value for LOCALTIMESTAMP(0)
-# for the entire transaction, and we need each created bug to have
-# its own creation_ts and delta_ts.
-sub timestamp {
- my ($day, $second) = @_;
- return DateTime->new(
- year => 2037,
- month => 1,
- day => $day,
- hour => 12,
- minute => $second,
- second => 0,
- # We make it floating because the timezone doesn't matter for our uses,
- # and we want totally consistent behavior across all possible machines.
- time_zone => 'floating',
- );
-sub create_keyword {
- my ($number) = @_;
- return Bugzilla::Keyword->create({
- name => "$number-keyword-" . random(),
- description => "Keyword $number" });
-sub create_user {
- my ($prefix) = @_;
- my $user_name = $prefix . '-' . random(15) . "@" . random(12)
- . "." . random(3);
- my $user_realname = $prefix . '-' . random();
- my $user = Bugzilla::User->create({
- login_name => $user_name,
- realname => $user_realname,
- cryptpassword => '*',
- });
- return $user;
-sub create_group {
- my ($prefix) = @_;
- return Bugzilla::Group->create({
- name => "$prefix-group-" . random(), description => "Everybody $prefix",
- userregexp => '.*', isbuggroup => 1 });
-sub create_legal_value {
- my ($field, $number) = @_;
- my $type = Bugzilla::Field::Choice->type($field);
- my $field_name = $field->name;
- return $type->create({ value => "$number-$field_name-" . random(),
- is_open => 0 });
-# Custom Field Creation #
-sub _create_custom_fields {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return if !$self->option('add-custom-fields');
- while (my ($type, $name) = each %{ CUSTOM_FIELDS() }) {
- my $exists = new Bugzilla::Field({ name => $name });
- next if $exists;
- Bugzilla::Field->create({
- name => $name,
- type => $type,
- description => "Search Test Field $name",
- enter_bug => 1,
- custom => 1,
- buglist => 1,
- is_mandatory => 0,
- });
- }
-# Field Value Creation #
-sub _create_field_values {
- my ($self, $number, $for_create) = @_;
- my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
- Bugzilla->set_user($self->admin);
- my @selects = grep { $_->is_select } $self->all_fields;
- my %values;
- foreach my $field (@selects) {
- next if $field->is_abnormal;
- $values{$field->name} = create_legal_value($field, $number)->name;
- }
- my $group = create_group($number);
- $values{groups} = [$group->name];
- $values{'keywords'} = create_keyword($number)->name;
- foreach my $field (qw(assigned_to qa_contact reporter cc)) {
- $values{$field} = create_user("$number-$field")->login;
- }
- my $classification = Bugzilla::Classification->create(
- { name => "$number-classification-" . random() });
- $classification = $classification->name;
- my $version = "$number-version-" . random();
- my $milestone = "$number-tm-" . random(15);
- my $product = Bugzilla::Product->create({
- name => "$number-product-" . random(),
- description => 'Created by t/search.t',
- defaultmilestone => $milestone,
- classification => $classification,
- version => $version,
- allows_unconfirmed => 1,
- });
- foreach my $item ($group, $self->nobody) {
- $product->set_group_controls($item,
- { membercontrol => CONTROLMAPSHOWN,
- othercontrol => CONTROLMAPNA });
- }
- # $product->update() is called lower down.
- my $component = Bugzilla::Component->create({
- product => $product, name => "$number-component-" . random(),
- initialowner => create_user("$number-defaultowner")->login,
- initialqacontact => create_user("$number-defaultqa")->login,
- initial_cc => [create_user("$number-initcc")->login],
- description => "Component $number" });
- $values{'product'} = $product->name;
- $values{'component'} = $component->name;
- $values{'target_milestone'} = $milestone;
- $values{'version'} = $version;
- foreach my $field ($self->text_fields) {
- # We don't add a - after $field for the text fields, because
- # if we do, fulltext searching for short_desc pulls out
- # "short_desc" as a word and matches it in every bug.
- my $value = "$number-$field" . random();
- if ($field eq 'bug_file_loc' or $field eq 'see_also') {
- $value = "http://$value-" . random(3)
- . "/show_bug.cgi?id=$number";
- }
- $values{$field} = $value;
- }
- $values{'tag'} = ["$number-tag-" . random()];
- my @date_fields = grep { $_->type == FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME } $self->all_fields;
- foreach my $field (@date_fields) {
- # We use 03 as the month because that differs from our creation_ts,
- # delta_ts, and deadline. (It's nice to have recognizable values
- # for each field when debugging.)
- my $second = $for_create ? $number : $number + 1;
- $values{$field->name} = "2037-03-0$number 12:34:0$second";
- }
- $values{alias} = "$number-alias-" . random(12);
- # Prefixing the original comment with "description" makes the
- # lesserthan and greaterthan tests behave predictably.
- my $comm_prefix = $for_create ? "description-" : '';
- $values{comment} = "$comm_prefix$number-comment-" . random()
- . ' ' . random();
- my @flags;
- my $setter = create_user("$number-setters.login_name");
- my $requestee = create_user("$number-requestees.login_name");
- $values{set_flags} = _create_flags($number, $setter, $requestee);
- my $month = $for_create ? "12" : "02";
- $values{'deadline'} = "2037-$month-0$number";
- my $estimate_times = $for_create ? 10 : 1;
- $values{estimated_time} = $estimate_times * $number;
- $values{attachment} = _get_attach_values($number, $for_create);
- # Some things only happen on the first bug.
- if ($number == 1) {
- # We use 6 as the prefix for the extra values, because bug 6's values
- # don't otherwise get used (since bug 6 is created as a clone of
- # bug 1). This also makes sure that our greaterthan/lessthan
- # tests work properly.
- my $extra_group = create_group(6);
- $product->set_group_controls($extra_group,
- { membercontrol => CONTROLMAPSHOWN,
- othercontrol => CONTROLMAPNA });
- $values{groups} = [$values{groups}->[0], $extra_group->name];
- my $extra_keyword = create_keyword(6);
- $values{keywords} = [$values{keywords}, $extra_keyword->name];
- my $extra_cc = create_user("6-cc");
- $values{cc} = [$values{cc}, $extra_cc->login];
- my @multi_selects = grep { $_->type == FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT }
- $self->all_fields;
- foreach my $field (@multi_selects) {
- my $new_value = create_legal_value($field, 6);
- my $name = $field->name;
- $values{$name} = [$values{$name}, $new_value->name];
- }
- push(@{ $values{'tag'} }, "6-tag-" . random());
- }
- # On bug 5, any field that *can* be left empty, *is* left empty.
- if ($number == 5) {
- my @set_fields = grep { $_->type == FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT }
- $self->all_fields;
- @set_fields = map { $_->name } @set_fields;
- push(@set_fields, qw(short_desc version reporter));
- foreach my $key (keys %values) {
- delete $values{$key} unless grep { $_ eq $key } @set_fields;
- }
- }
- $product->update();
- return \%values;
-# Flags
-sub _create_flags {
- my ($number, $setter, $requestee) = @_;
- my $flagtypes = _create_flagtypes($number);
- my %flags;
- foreach my $type (qw(a b)) {
- $flags{$type} = _get_flag_values(@_, $flagtypes->{$type});
- }
- return \%flags;
-sub _create_flagtypes {
- my ($number) = @_;
- my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
- my $name = "$number-flag-" . random();
- my $desc = "FlagType $number";
- my %flagtypes;
- foreach my $target (qw(a b)) {
- $dbh->do("INSERT INTO flagtypes
- (name, description, target_type, is_requestable,
- is_requesteeble, is_multiplicable, cc_list)
- VALUES (?,?,?,1,1,1,'')",
- undef, $name, $desc, $target);
- my $id = $dbh->bz_last_key('flagtypes', 'id');
- $dbh->do('INSERT INTO flaginclusions (type_id) VALUES (?)',
- undef, $id);
- my $flagtype = new Bugzilla::FlagType($id);
- $flagtypes{$target} = $flagtype;
- }
- return \%flagtypes;
-sub _get_flag_values {
- my ($number, $setter, $requestee, $flagtype) = @_;
- my @set_flags;
- if ($number <= 2) {
- foreach my $value (qw(? - + ?)) {
- my $flag = { type_id => $flagtype->id, status => $value,
- setter => $setter, flagtype => $flagtype };
- push(@set_flags, $flag);
- }
- $set_flags[0]->{requestee} = $requestee->login;
- }
- else {
- @set_flags = ({ type_id => $flagtype->id, status => '+',
- setter => $setter, flagtype => $flagtype });
- }
- return \@set_flags;
-# Attachments
-sub _get_attach_values {
- my ($number, $for_create) = @_;
- my $boolean = $number == 1 ? 1 : 0;
- if ($for_create) {
- $boolean = !$boolean ? 1 : 0;
- }
- my $ispatch = $for_create ? 'ispatch' : 'is_patch';
- my $isobsolete = $for_create ? 'isobsolete' : 'is_obsolete';
- my $isprivate = $for_create ? 'isprivate' : 'is_private';
- my $mimetype = $for_create ? 'mimetype' : 'content_type';
- my %values = (
- description => "$number-attach_desc-" . random(),
- filename => "$number-filename-" . random(),
- $ispatch => $boolean,
- $isobsolete => $boolean,
- $isprivate => $boolean,
- $mimetype => "text/x-$number-" . random(),
- );
- if ($for_create) {
- $values{data} = "$number-data-" . random() . random();
- }
- return \%values;
-# Bug Creation #
-sub _create_one_bug {
- my ($self, $number) = @_;
- my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
- # We need bug 6 to have a unique alias that is not a clone of bug 1's,
- # so we get the alias separately from the other parameters.
- my $alias = $self->bug_create_value($number, 'alias');
- my $update_alias = $self->bug_update_value($number, 'alias');
- # Otherwise, make bug 6 a clone of bug 1.
- my $real_number = $number;
- $number = 1 if $number == 6;
- my $reporter = $self->bug_create_value($number, 'reporter');
- Bugzilla->set_user(Bugzilla::User->check($reporter));
- # We create the bug with one set of values, and then we change it
- # to have different values.
- my %params = %{ $self->_bug_create_values->{$number} };
- $params{alias} = $alias;
- # There are some things in bug_create_values that shouldn't go into
- # create().
- delete @params{qw(attachment set_flags tag)};
- my ($status, $resolution, $see_also) =
- delete @params{qw(bug_status resolution see_also)};
- # All the bugs are created with everconfirmed = 0.
- $params{bug_status} = 'UNCONFIRMED';
- my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->create(\%params);
- # These are necessary for the changedfrom tests.
- my $extra_values = $self->_extra_bug_create_values->{$number};
- foreach my $field (qw(comments remaining_time percentage_complete
- keyword_objects everconfirmed dependson blocked
- groups_in classification actual_time))
- {
- $extra_values->{$field} = $bug->$field;
- }
- $extra_values->{reporter_accessible} = $number == 1 ? 0 : 1;
- $extra_values->{cclist_accessible} = $number == 1 ? 0 : 1;
- if ($number == 5) {
- # Bypass Bugzilla::Bug--we don't want any changes in bugs_activity
- # for bug 5.
- $dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET qa_contact = NULL, reporter_accessible = 0,
- cclist_accessible = 0 WHERE bug_id = ?',
- undef, $bug->id);
- $dbh->do('DELETE FROM cc WHERE bug_id = ?', undef, $bug->id);
- my $ts = '1970-01-01 00:00:00';
- $dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET creation_ts = ?, delta_ts = ?
- WHERE bug_id = ?', undef, $ts, $ts, $bug->id);
- $dbh->do('UPDATE longdescs SET bug_when = ? WHERE bug_id = ?',
- undef, $ts, $bug->id);
- $bug->{creation_ts} = $ts;
- $extra_values->{see_also} = [];
- }
- else {
- # Manually set the creation_ts so that each bug has a different one.
- #
- # Also, manually update the resolution and bug_status, because
- # we want to see both of them change in bugs_activity, so we
- # have to start with values for both (and as of the time when I'm
- # writing this test, Bug->create doesn't support setting resolution).
- #
- # Same for see_also.
- my $timestamp = timestamp($number, $number - 1);
- my $creation_ts = $timestamp->ymd . ' ' . $timestamp->hms;
- $bug->{creation_ts} = $creation_ts;
- $dbh->do('UPDATE longdescs SET bug_when = ? WHERE bug_id = ?',
- undef, $creation_ts, $bug->id);
- $dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET creation_ts = ?, bug_status = ?,
- resolution = ? WHERE bug_id = ?',
- undef, $creation_ts, $status, $resolution, $bug->id);
- $dbh->do('INSERT INTO bug_see_also (bug_id, value, class) VALUES (?,?,?)',
- undef, $bug->id, $see_also, 'Bugzilla::BugUrl::Bugzilla');
- $extra_values->{see_also} = $bug->see_also;
- # All the tags must be created as the admin user, so that the
- # admin user can find them, later.
- my $original_user = Bugzilla->user;
- Bugzilla->set_user($self->admin);
- my $tags = $self->bug_create_value($number, 'tag');
- $bug->add_tag($_) foreach @$tags;
- $extra_values->{tags} = $tags;
- Bugzilla->set_user($original_user);
- if ($number == 1) {
- # Bug 1 needs to start off with reporter_accessible and
- # cclist_accessible being 0, so that when we change them to 1,
- # that change shows up in bugs_activity.
- $dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET reporter_accessible = 0,
- cclist_accessible = 0 WHERE bug_id = ?',
- undef, $bug->id);
- # Bug 1 gets three comments, so that longdescs.count matches it
- # uniquely. The third comment is added in the middle, so that the
- # last comment contains all of the important data, like work_time.
- $bug->add_comment("1-comment-" . random(100));
- }
- my %update_params = %{ $self->_bug_update_values->{$number} };
- my %reverse_map = reverse %{ Bugzilla::Bug->FIELD_MAP };
- foreach my $db_name (keys %reverse_map) {
- next if $db_name eq 'comment';
- next if $db_name eq 'status_whiteboard';
- if (exists $update_params{$db_name}) {
- my $update_name = $reverse_map{$db_name};
- $update_params{$update_name} = delete $update_params{$db_name};
- }
- }
- my ($new_status, $new_res) =
- delete @update_params{qw(status resolution)};
- # Bypass the status workflow.
- $bug->{bug_status} = $new_status;
- $bug->{resolution} = $new_res;
- $bug->{everconfirmed} = 1 if $number == 1;
- # add/remove/set fields.
- $update_params{keywords} = { set => $update_params{keywords} };
- $update_params{groups} = { add => $update_params{groups},
- remove => $bug->groups_in };
- my @cc_remove = map { $_->login } @{ $bug->cc_users };
- my $cc_new = $update_params{cc};
- my @cc_add = ref($cc_new) ? @$cc_new : ($cc_new);
- # We make the admin an explicit CC on bug 1 (but not on bug 6), so
- # that we can test the %user% pronoun properly.
- if ($real_number == 1) {
- push(@cc_add, $self->admin->login);
- }
- $update_params{cc} = { add => \@cc_add, remove => \@cc_remove };
- my $see_also_remove = $bug->see_also;
- my $see_also_add = [$update_params{see_also}];
- $update_params{see_also} = { add => $see_also_add,
- remove => $see_also_remove };
- $update_params{comment} = { body => $update_params{comment} };
- $update_params{work_time} = $number;
- # Setting work_time kills the remaining_time, so we need to
- # preserve that. We add 8 because that produces an integer
- # percentage_complete for bug 1, which is necessary for
- # accurate "equals"-type searching.
- $update_params{remaining_time} = $number + 8;
- $update_params{reporter_accessible} = $number == 1 ? 1 : 0;
- $update_params{cclist_accessible} = $number == 1 ? 1 : 0;
- $update_params{alias} = $update_alias;
- $bug->set_all(\%update_params);
- my $flags = $self->bug_create_value($number, 'set_flags')->{b};
- $bug->set_flags([], $flags);
- $timestamp->set(second => $number);
- $bug->update($timestamp->ymd . ' ' . $timestamp->hms);
- $extra_values->{flags} = $bug->flags;
- # It's not generally safe to do update() multiple times on
- # the same Bug object.
- $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bug->id);
- my $update_flags = $self->bug_update_value($number, 'set_flags')->{b};
- $_->{status} = 'X' foreach @{ $bug->flags };
- $bug->set_flags($bug->flags, $update_flags);
- if ($number == 1) {
- my $comment_id = $bug->comments->[-1]->id;
- $bug->set_comment_is_private({ $comment_id => 1 });
- }
- $bug->update($bug->delta_ts);
- my $attach_create = $self->bug_create_value($number, 'attachment');
- my $attachment = Bugzilla::Attachment->create({
- bug => $bug,
- creation_ts => $creation_ts,
- %$attach_create });
- # Store for the changedfrom tests.
- $extra_values->{attachments} =
- [new Bugzilla::Attachment($attachment->id)];
- my $attach_update = $self->bug_update_value($number, 'attachment');
- $attachment->set_all($attach_update);
- # In order to keep the mimetype on the ispatch attachment,
- # we need to bypass the validator.
- $attachment->{mimetype} = $attach_update->{content_type};
- my $attach_flags = $self->bug_update_value($number, 'set_flags')->{a};
- $attachment->set_flags([], $attach_flags);
- $attachment->update($bug->delta_ts);
- }
- # Values for changedfrom.
- $extra_values->{creation_ts} = $bug->creation_ts;
- $extra_values->{delta_ts} = $bug->creation_ts;
- return new Bugzilla::Bug($bug->id);
-# Test::Builder Memory Efficiency #
-# Test::Builder stores information for each test run, but Test::Harness
-# and TAP::Harness don't actually need this information. When we run 60
-# million tests, the history eats up all our memory. (After about
-# 1 million tests, memory usage is around 1 GB.)
-# The only part of the history that Test::More actually *uses* is the "ok"
-# field, which we store more efficiently, in an array, and then we re-populate
-# the Test_Results in Test::Builder at the end of the test.
-sub clean_test_history {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return if !$self->option('long');
- my $builder = Test::More->builder;
- my $current_test = $builder->current_test;
- # I don't use details() because I don't want to copy the array.
- my $results = $builder->{Test_Results};
- my $check_test = $current_test - 1;
- while (my $result = $results->[$check_test]) {
- last if !$result;
- $self->test_success($check_test, $result->{ok});
- $check_test--;
- }
- # Truncate the test history array, but retain the current test number.
- $builder->{Test_Results} = [];
- $builder->{Curr_Test} = $current_test;
-sub test_success {
- my ($self, $index, $status) = @_;
- $self->{test_success}->[$index] = $status;
- return $self->{test_success};
-sub repopulate_test_results {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return if !$self->option('long');
- $self->clean_test_history();
- # We create only two hashes, for memory efficiency.
- my %ok = ( ok => 1 );
- my %not_ok = ( ok => 0 );
- my @results;
- foreach my $success (@{ $self->{test_success} }) {
- push(@results, $success ? \%ok : \%not_ok);
- }
- my $builder = Test::More->builder;
- $builder->{Test_Results} = \@results;
-# Caches #
-# When doing AND and OR tests, we essentially test the same field/operator
-# combinations over and over. So, if we're going to be running those tests,
-# we cache the translated_value of the FieldTests globally so that we don't
-# have to re-run the value-translation code every time (which can be pretty
-# slow).
-sub value_translation_cache {
- my ($self, $field_test, $value) = @_;
- return if !$self->option('long');
- my $test_name = $field_test->name;
- if (@_ == 3) {
- $self->{value_translation_cache}->{$test_name} = $value;
- }
- return $self->{value_translation_cache}->{$test_name};
-# When doing AND/OR tests, the value for transformed_value_was_equal
-# (see Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTest) won't be recalculated
-# if we pull our values from the value_translation_cache. So we need
-# to also cache the values for transformed_value_was_equal.
-sub was_equal_cache {
- my ($self, $field_test, $number, $value) = @_;
- return if !$self->option('long');
- my $test_name = $field_test->name;
- if (@_ == 4) {
- $self->{tvwe_cache}->{$test_name}->{$number} = $value;
- }
- return $self->{tvwe_cache}->{$test_name}->{$number};
-# Main Test #
-sub run {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
- # We want backtraces on any "die" message or any warning.
- # Otherwise it's hard to trace errors inside of Bugzilla::Search from
- # reading automated test run results.
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck;
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = \&Carp::confess;
- $dbh->bz_start_transaction();
- # Some parameters need to be set in order for the tests to function
- # properly.
- my $everybody = $self->everybody;
- my $params = Bugzilla->params;
- local $params->{'useclassification'} = 1;
- local $params->{'useqacontact'} = 1;
- local $params->{'usetargetmilestone'} = 1;
- local $params->{'mail_delivery_method'} = 'None';
- local $params->{'timetrackinggroup'} = $everybody->name;
- local $params->{'insidergroup'} = $everybody->name;
- $self->_setup_bugs();
- # Even though _setup_bugs set us as an admin, we want to be sure at
- # this point that we have an admin with refreshed group memberships.
- Bugzilla->set_user($self->admin);
- foreach my $test (CUSTOM_SEARCH_TESTS) {
- my $custom_test = new Bugzilla::Test::Search::CustomTest($test, $self);
- $custom_test->run();
- }
- foreach my $test (SPECIAL_PARAM_TESTS) {
- my $operator_test =
- new Bugzilla::Test::Search::OperatorTest($test->{operator}, $self);
- my $field = Bugzilla::Field->check($test->{field});
- my $special_test = new Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTestNormal(
- $operator_test, $field, $test);
- $special_test->run();
- }
- foreach my $operator ($self->top_level_operators) {
- my $operator_test =
- new Bugzilla::Test::Search::OperatorTest($operator, $self);
- $operator_test->run();
- }
- # Rollbacks won't get rid of bugs_fulltext entries, so we do that ourselves.
- my @bug_ids = map { $_->id } $self->bugs;
- my $bug_id_string = join(',', @bug_ids);
- $dbh->do("DELETE FROM bugs_fulltext WHERE bug_id IN ($bug_id_string)");
- $dbh->bz_rollback_transaction();
- $self->repopulate_test_results();
-# This makes a few changes to the bugs after they're created--changes
-# that can only be done after all the bugs have been created.
-sub _setup_bugs {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->_setup_dependencies();
- $self->_set_bug_id_fields();
- $self->_protect_bug_6();
-sub _setup_dependencies {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
- # Set up depedency relationships between the bugs.
- # Bug 1 + 6 depend on bug 2 and block bug 3.
- my $bug2 = $self->bug(2);
- my $bug3 = $self->bug(3);
- foreach my $number (1,6) {
- my $bug = $self->bug($number);
- my @original_delta = ($bug2->delta_ts, $bug3->delta_ts);
- Bugzilla->set_user($bug->reporter);
- $bug->set_dependencies([$bug2->id], [$bug3->id]);
- $bug->update($bug->delta_ts);
- # Setting dependencies changed the delta_ts on bug2 and bug3, so
- # re-set them back to what they were before. However, we leave
- # the correct update times in bugs_activity, so that the changed*
- # searches still work right.
- my $set_delta = $dbh->prepare(
- 'UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = ? WHERE bug_id = ?');
- foreach my $row ([$original_delta[0], $bug2->id],
- [$original_delta[1], $bug3->id])
- {
- $set_delta->execute(@$row);
- }
- }
-sub _set_bug_id_fields {
- my ($self) = @_;
- # BUG_ID fields couldn't be set before, because before we create bug 1,
- # we don't necessarily have any valid bug ids.)
- my @bug_id_fields = grep { $_->type == FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID }
- $self->all_fields;
- foreach my $number (1..NUM_BUGS) {
- my $bug = $self->bug($number);
- $number = 1 if $number == 6;
- next if $number == 5;
- my $other_bug = $self->bug($number + 1);
- Bugzilla->set_user($bug->reporter);
- foreach my $field (@bug_id_fields) {
- $bug->set_custom_field($field, $other_bug->id);
- $bug->update($bug->delta_ts);
- }
- }
-sub _protect_bug_6 {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
- Bugzilla->set_user($self->admin);
- # Put bug6 in the nobody group.
- my $nobody = $self->nobody;
- # We pull it newly from the DB to be sure it's safe to call update()
- # on.
- my $bug6 = new Bugzilla::Bug($self->bug(6)->id);
- $bug6->add_group($nobody);
- $bug6->update($bug6->delta_ts);
- # Remove the admin (and everybody else) from the $nobody group.
- $dbh->do('DELETE FROM group_group_map
- WHERE grantor_id = ? OR member_id = ?', undef,
- $nobody->id, $nobody->id);
diff --git a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/ b/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
deleted file mode 100644
index f34ba1f3a..000000000
--- a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-# This test combines two field/operator combinations using AND in
-# a single boolean chart.
-package Bugzilla::Test::Search::AndTest;
-use parent qw(Bugzilla::Test::Search::OrTest);
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::Constants;
-use List::MoreUtils qw(all);
-use constant type => 'AND';
-# Accessors #
-# In an AND test, bugs ARE supposed to be contained only if they are contained
-# by ALL tests.
-sub bug_is_contained {
- my ($self, $number) = @_;
- return all { $_->bug_is_contained($number) } $self->field_tests;
-sub _bug_will_actually_be_contained {
- my ($self, $number) = @_;
- return all { $_->will_actually_contain_bug($number) } $self->field_tests;
-# Bugzilla::Search arguments #
-sub search_params {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my @all_params = map { $_->search_params } $self->field_tests;
- my %params;
- my $chart = 0;
- foreach my $item (@all_params) {
- $params{"field0-$chart-0"} = $item->{'field0-0-0'};
- $params{"type0-$chart-0"} = $item->{'type0-0-0'};
- $params{"value0-$chart-0"} = $item->{'value0-0-0'};
- $chart++;
- }
- return \%params;
diff --git a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/ b/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d84ec6ff..000000000
--- a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1203 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-# These are constants used by Bugzilla::Test::Search.
-# See the comment at the top of that package for a general overview
-# of how the search test works, and how the constants are used.
-# More detailed information on each constant is available in the comments
-# in this file.
-package Bugzilla::Test::Search::Constants;
-use parent qw(Exporter);
-use Bugzilla::Constants;
-use Bugzilla::Util qw(generate_random_password);
-our @EXPORT = qw(
-# Bug 1 is designed to be found by all the "equals" tests. It has
-# multiple values for several fields where other fields only have
-# one value.
-# Bug 2 and 3 have a dependency relationship with Bug 1,
-# but show up in "not equals" tests. We do use bug 2 in multiple-value
-# tests.
-# Bug 4 should never show up in any equals test, and has no relationship
-# with any other bug. However, it does have all its fields set.
-# Bug 5 only has values set for mandatory fields, to expose problems
-# that happen with "not equals" tests failing to catch bugs that don't
-# have a value set at all.
-# Bug 6 is a clone of Bug 1, but is in a group that the searcher isn't
-# in.
-use constant NUM_BUGS => 6;
-# How many tests there are for each operator/field combination other
-# than the "contains" tests.
-use constant NUM_SEARCH_TESTS => 3;
-# This is how many tests get run for each field/operator.
-# This is how many random characters we generate for most fields' names.
-# (Some fields can't be this long, though, so they have custom lengths
-# in Bugzilla::Test::Search).
-use constant FIELD_SIZE => 30;
-# These are the custom fields that are created if the BZ_MODIFY_DATABASE_TESTS
-# environment variable is set.
-use constant CUSTOM_FIELDS => {
- FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT, 'cf_freetext',
- FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT, 'cf_single_select',
- FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT, 'cf_multi_select',
- FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA, 'cf_textarea',
- FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, 'cf_datetime',
- FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID, 'cf_bugid',
-# This translates fielddefs names into Search column names.
-use constant COLUMN_TRANSLATION => {
- creation_ts => 'opendate',
- delta_ts => 'changeddate',
- work_time => 'actual_time',
-# Make comment field names to their Bugzilla::Comment accessor.
-use constant COMMENT_FIELDS => {
- longdesc => 'body',
- commenter => 'author',
- 'longdescs.isprivate' => 'is_private',
-# Same as above, for Bugzilla::Attachment.
-use constant ATTACHMENT_FIELDS => {
- mimetype => 'contenttype',
- submitter => 'attacher',
- thedata => 'data',
-# Same, for Bugzilla::Flag.
-use constant FLAG_FIELDS => {
- '' => 'name',
- 'setters.login_name' => 'setter',
- 'requestees.login_name' => 'requestee',
-# These are fields that we don't test. Test::More will mark these
-# "TODO & SKIP", and not run tests for them at all.
-# We don't support days_elapsed or owner_idle_time yet.
-use constant SKIP_FIELDS => qw(
- owner_idle_time
- days_elapsed
-# All the fields that represent users.
-use constant USER_FIELDS => qw(
- assigned_to
- cc
- reporter
- qa_contact
- commenter
- attachments.submitter
- setters.login_name
- requestees.login_name
-# For the "substr"-type searches, how short of a substring should
-# we use? The goal is to be shorter than the full string, but
-# long enough to still be globally unique.
-use constant SUBSTR_SIZE => 20;
-# However, for some fields, we use a different size.
-use constant FIELD_SUBSTR_SIZE => {
- alias => 11,
- # Just the month and day.
- deadline => -5,
- creation_ts => -8,
- delta_ts => -8,
- percentage_complete => 1,
- work_time => 3,
- remaining_time => 3,
- target_milestone => 15,
- longdesc => 25,
- # Just the hour and minute.
-# For most fields, we add the length of the name of the field plus
-# the SUBSTR_SIZE specified above to determine how large of a substring
-# we're going to use. However, for some fields, it doesn't make sense to
-# add in their field name this way.
- target_milestone remaining_time percentage_complete work_time
- attachments.mimetype attachments.submitter attachments.filename
- attachments.description
-# Known Broken #
-# See the KNOWN_BROKEN constant for a general description of these
-# "_BROKEN" constants.
-# Shared between greaterthan and greaterthaneq.
-# As with other fields, longdescs greaterthan matches if any comment
-# matches (which might be OK).
-# Same for keywords, and cc. Logically, all of these might
-# be OK, but it makes the operation not the logical reverse of
-# lessthaneq. What we're really saying here by marking these broken
-# is that there ought to be some way of searching "all ccs" vs "any cc"
-# (and same for the other fields).
-use constant GREATERTHAN_BROKEN => (
- cc => { contains => [1] },
-# allwords and allwordssubstr have these broken tests in common.
-use constant ALLWORDS_BROKEN => (
- # allwordssubstr on cc fields matches against a single cc,
- # instead of matching against all ccs on a bug.
- cc => { contains => [1] },
- # bug 828344 changed how these searches operate to revert back to the 4.0
- # behavour, so these tests need to be updated (bug 849117).
- '' => { contains => [1] },
- longdesc => { contains => [1] },
-# Fields that don't generally work at all with changed* searches, but
-# probably should.
-use constant CHANGED_BROKEN => (
- classification => { contains => [1] },
- commenter => { contains => [1] },
- percentage_complete => { contains => [1] },
- 'requestees.login_name' => { contains => [1] },
- 'setters.login_name' => { contains => [1] },
- delta_ts => { contains => [1] },
-# These are additional broken tests that changedfrom and changedto
-# have in common.
-use constant CHANGED_VALUE_BROKEN => (
- bug_group => { contains => [1] },
- cc => { contains => [1] },
- estimated_time => { contains => [1] },
- '' => { contains => [1] },
- keywords => { contains => [1] },
- 'longdescs.count' => { search => 1 },
- FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT, { contains => [1] },
-# Any test listed in KNOWN_BROKEN gets marked TODO by Test::More
-# (using some complex code in Bugzilla::Test::Seach::FieldTest).
-# This means that if you run the test under "prove -v", these tests will
-# still show up as "not ok", but the test suite results won't show them
-# as a failure.
-# This constant contains operators as keys, which point to hashes. The hashes
-# have field names as keys. Each field name points to a hash describing
-# how that field/operator combination is broken. The "contains"
-# array specifies that that particular "contains" test is expected
-# to fail. If "search" is set to 1, then we expect the creation of the
-# Bugzilla::Search object to fail.
-# To allow handling custom fields, you can also use the field type as a key
-# instead of the field name. Specifying explicit field names always overrides
-# specifying a field type.
-# Sometimes the operators have multiple tests, and one of them works
-# while the other fails. In this case, we have a special override for
-# "operator-value", which uniquely identifies tests.
-use constant KNOWN_BROKEN => {
- greaterthan => { GREATERTHAN_BROKEN },
- greaterthaneq => { GREATERTHAN_BROKEN },
- 'allwordssubstr-<1>' => { ALLWORDS_BROKEN },
- 'allwords-<1>' => {
- },
- 'anywords-<1>' => {
- '' => { contains => [1,2,3,4,5] },
- },
- 'anywords-<1> <2>' => {
- '' => { contains => [3,4,5] },
- },
- 'anywordssubstr-<1> <2>' => {
- '' => { contains => [3,4,5] },
- },
- # setters.login_name and requestees.login name aren't tracked individually
- # in bugs_activity, so can't be searched using this method.
- #
- # percentage_complete isn't tracked in bugs_activity (and it would be
- # really hard to track). However, it adds a 0=0 term instead of using
- # the changed* charts or simply denying them.
- #
- # delta_ts changedbefore/after should probably search for bugs based
- # on their delta_ts.
- #
- # creation_ts changedbefore/after should search for bug creation dates.
- #
- # The commenter field changedbefore/after should search for comment
- # creation dates.
- #
- # classification isn't being tracked properly in bugs_activity, I think.
- #
- # attach_data.thedata should search when attachments were created and
- # who they were created by.
- 'changedbefore' => {
- 'attach_data.thedata' => { contains => [1] },
- },
- 'changedafter' => {
- 'attach_data.thedata' => { contains => [2,3,4] },
- classification => { contains => [2,3,4] },
- commenter => { contains => [2,3,4] },
- delta_ts => { contains => [2,3,4] },
- percentage_complete => { contains => [2,3,4] },
- 'requestees.login_name' => { contains => [2,3,4] },
- 'setters.login_name' => { contains => [2,3,4] },
- },
- changedfrom => {
- # All fields should have a way to search for "changing
- # from a blank value" probably.
- blocked => { contains => [3,4,5], no_criteria => 1 },
- dependson => { contains => [2,4,5], no_criteria => 1 },
- work_time => { contains => [1] },
- FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID, { contains => [5], no_criteria => 1 },
- },
- # changeto doesn't find remaining_time changes (possibly due to us not
- # tracking that data properly).
- #
- # multi-valued fields are stored as comma-separated strings, so you
- # can't do changedfrom/to on them.
- #
- # Perhaps commenter can either tell you who the last commenter was,
- # or if somebody commented at a given time (combined with other
- # charts).
- #
- # longdesc changedto/from doesn't do anything; maybe it should.
- # Same for attach_data.thedata.
- changedto => {
- 'attach_data.thedata' => { contains => [1] },
- longdesc => { contains => [1] },
- remaining_time => { contains => [1] },
- },
- changedby => {
- # This should probably search the attacher or anybody who changed
- # anything about an attachment at all.
- 'attach_data.thedata' => { contains => [1] },
- # This should probably search the reporter.
- creation_ts => { contains => [1] },
- },
- notequals => {
- '' => { contains => [1, 5] },
- longdesc => { contains => [1] },
- },
- notregexp => {
- '' => { contains => [1, 5] },
- longdesc => { contains => [1] },
- },
- notsubstring => {
- '' => { contains => [5] },
- longdesc => { contains => [1] },
- },
- nowords => {
- '' => { contains => [1, 5] },
- },
- nowordssubstr => {
- '' => { contains => [5] },
- },
-# Broken NotTests #
-# Common BROKEN_NOT values for the changed* fields.
-use constant CHANGED_BROKEN_NOT => (
- "attach_data.thedata" => { contains => [1] },
- "classification" => { contains => [1] },
- "commenter" => { contains => [1] },
- "delta_ts" => { contains => [1] },
- percentage_complete => { contains => [1] },
- "requestees.login_name" => { contains => [1] },
- "setters.login_name" => { contains => [1] },
-# For changedfrom and changedto.
-use constant CHANGED_FROM_TO_BROKEN_NOT => (
- 'longdescs.count' => { search => 1 },
- "bug_group" => { contains => [1] },
- "cc" => { contains => [1] },
- "estimated_time" => { contains => [1] },
- "" => { contains => [1] },
- "keywords" => { contains => [1] },
- FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT, { contains => [1] },
-# These are field/operator combinations that are broken when run under NOT().
-use constant BROKEN_NOT => {
- allwords => {
- cc => { contains => [1] },
- '' => { contains => [1, 5] },
- longdesc => { contains => [1] },
- },
- 'allwords-<1> <2>' => {
- cc => { },
- },
- allwordssubstr => {
- cc => { contains => [1] },
- '' => { contains => [5, 6] },
- longdesc => { contains => [1] },
- },
- 'allwordssubstr-<1>,<2>' => {
- cc => { },
- longdesc => { contains => [1] },
- },
- anyexact => {
- '' => { contains => [1, 2, 5] },
- },
- 'anywords-<1>' => {
- '' => { contains => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] },
- },
- 'anywords-<1> <2>' => {
- '' => { contains => [3, 4, 5] },
- },
- anywordssubstr => {
- '' => { contains => [5] },
- },
- 'anywordssubstr-<1> <2>' => {
- '' => { contains => [3,4,5] },
- },
- casesubstring => {
- '' => { contains => [5] },
- },
- changedafter => {
- "attach_data.thedata" => { contains => [2, 3, 4] },
- "classification" => { contains => [2, 3, 4] },
- "commenter" => { contains => [2, 3, 4] },
- percentage_complete => { contains => [2, 3, 4] },
- "delta_ts" => { contains => [2, 3, 4] },
- "requestees.login_name" => { contains => [2, 3, 4] },
- "setters.login_name" => { contains => [2, 3, 4] },
- },
- changedbefore => {
- },
- changedby => {
- creation_ts => { contains => [1] },
- work_time => { contains => [1] },
- },
- changedfrom => {
- 'attach_data.thedata' => { },
- blocked => { contains => [1, 2] },
- dependson => { contains => [1, 3] },
- work_time => { contains => [1] },
- FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID, { contains => [1 .. 4] },
- },
- changedto => {
- longdesc => { contains => [1] },
- "remaining_time" => { contains => [1] },
- },
- greaterthan => {
- cc => { contains => [1] },
- '' => { contains => [5] },
- },
- greaterthaneq => {
- cc => { contains => [1] },
- '' => { contains => [2, 5] },
- },
- equals => {
- '' => { contains => [1, 5] },
- },
- notequals => {
- longdesc => { contains => [1] },
- },
- notregexp => {
- longdesc => { contains => [1] },
- },
- notsubstring => {
- longdesc => { contains => [1] },
- },
- 'nowords-<1>' => {
- '' => { contains => [5] },
- },
- 'nowordssubstr-<1>' => {
- '' => { contains => [5] },
- },
- lessthan => {
- '' => { contains => [5] },
- },
- lessthaneq => {
- '' => { contains => [1, 5] },
- },
- regexp => {
- '' => { contains => [1, 5] },
- longdesc => { contains => [1] },
- },
- substring => {
- '' => { contains => [5] },
- longdesc => { contains => [1] },
- },
-# Overrides #
-# These overrides are used in the TESTS constant, below.
-# Regex tests need unique test values for certain fields.
-use constant REGEX_OVERRIDE => {
- 'attachments.mimetype' => { value => '^text/x-1-' },
- bug_file_loc => { value => '^http://1-' },
- see_also => { value => '^http://1-' },
- blocked => { value => '^<1>$' },
- dependson => { value => '^<1>$' },
- bug_id => { value => '^<1>$' },
- 'attachments.isobsolete' => { value => '^1'},
- 'attachments.ispatch' => { value => '^1'},
- 'attachments.isprivate' => { value => '^1' },
- cclist_accessible => { value => '^1' },
- reporter_accessible => { value => '^1' },
- everconfirmed => { value => '^1' },
- 'longdescs.count' => { value => '^3' },
- 'longdescs.isprivate' => { value => '^1' },
- creation_ts => { value => '^2037-01-01' },
- delta_ts => { value => '^2037-01-01' },
- deadline => { value => '^2037-02-01' },
- estimated_time => { value => '^1.0' },
- remaining_time => { value => '^9.0' },
- work_time => { value => '^1.0' },
- longdesc => { value => '^1-' },
- percentage_complete => { value => '^10' },
- FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID, { value => '^<1>$' },
- FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, { value => '^2037-03-01' }
-# Common overrides between lessthan and lessthaneq.
-use constant LESSTHAN_OVERRIDE => (
- alias => { contains => [1,5] },
- estimated_time => { contains => [1,5] },
- qa_contact => { contains => [1,5] },
- resolution => { contains => [1,5] },
- status_whiteboard => { contains => [1,5] },
- FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA, { contains => [1,5] },
- FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT, { contains => [1,5] },
-# The mandatorily-set fields have values higher than <1>,
-# so bug 5 shows up.
-use constant GREATERTHAN_OVERRIDE => (
- classification => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- assigned_to => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- bug_id => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- bug_group => { contains => [1,2,3,4] },
- bug_severity => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- bug_status => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- component => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- commenter => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- # keywords matches if *any* keyword matches
- keywords => { contains => [1,2,3,4] },
- longdesc => { contains => [1,2,3,4] },
- op_sys => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- priority => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- product => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- reporter => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- rep_platform => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- short_desc => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- version => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- tag => { contains => [1,2,3,4] },
- target_milestone => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- # Bug 2 is the only bug besides 1 that has a Requestee set.
- 'requestees.login_name' => { contains => [2] },
- FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT, { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- # Override SINGLE_SELECT for resolution.
- resolution => { contains => [2,3,4] },
- # MULTI_SELECTs match if *any* value matches
- FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT, { contains => [1,2,3,4] },
-# For all positive multi-value types.
-use constant MULTI_BOOLEAN_OVERRIDE => (
- 'attachments.ispatch' => { value => '1,1', contains => [1] },
- 'attachments.isobsolete' => { value => '1,1', contains => [1] },
- 'attachments.isprivate' => { value => '1,1', contains => [1] },
- cclist_accessible => { value => '1,1', contains => [1] },
- reporter_accessible => { value => '1,1', contains => [1] },
- 'longdescs.isprivate' => { value => '1,1', contains => [1] },
- everconfirmed => { value => '1,1', contains => [1] },
-# Same as above, for negative multi-value types.
- 'attachments.ispatch' => { value => '1,1', contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- 'attachments.isobsolete' => { value => '1,1', contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- 'attachments.isprivate' => { value => '1,1', contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- cclist_accessible => { value => '1,1', contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- reporter_accessible => { value => '1,1', contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- 'longdescs.isprivate' => { value => '1,1', contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- everconfirmed => { value => '1,1', contains => [2,3,4,5] },
-# For anyexact and anywordssubstr
-use constant ANY_OVERRIDE => (
- 'longdescs.count' => { contains => [1,2,3,4] },
- 'work_time' => { value => '1.0,2.0' },
- dependson => { value => '<1>,<3>', contains => [1,3] },
-# For all the changed* searches. The ones that have empty contains
-# are fields that never change in value, or will never be rationally
-# tracked in bugs_activity.
-use constant CHANGED_OVERRIDE => (
- 'attachments.submitter' => { contains => [] },
- bug_id => { contains => [] },
- reporter => { contains => [] },
- tag => { contains => [] },
-# Tests #
-# The basic format of this is a hashref, where the keys are operators,
-# and each operator has an arrayref of tests that it runs. The tests
-# are hashrefs, with the following possible keys:
-# contains: This is a list of bug numbers that the search is expected
-# to contain. (This is bug numbers, like 1,2,3, not the bug
-# ids. For a description of each bug number, see NUM_BUGS.)
-# Any bug not listed in "contains" must *not* show up in the
-# search result.
-# value: The value that you're searching for. There are certain special
-# codes that will be replaced with bug values when the tests are
-# run. In these examples below, "#" indicates a bug number:
-# <#> - The field value for this bug.
-# For any operator that has the string "word" in it, this is
-# *all* the values for the current field from the numbered bug,
-# joined by a space.
-# If the operator has the string "substr" in it, then we
-# take a substring of the value (for single-value searches)
-# or we take a substring of each value and join them (for
-# multi-value "word" searches). The length of the substring
-# is determined by the SUBSTR_SIZE constants above.)
-# For other operators, this just becomes the first value from
-# the field for the numbered bug.
-# So, if we were running the "equals" test and checking the
-# cc field, <1> would become the login name of the first cc on
-# Bug 1. If we did an "anywords" search test, it would become
-# a space-separated string of the login names of all the ccs
-# on Bug 1. If we did an "anywordssubstr" search test, it would
-# become a space-separated string of the first few characters
-# of each CC's login name on Bug 1.
-# <#-id> - The bug id of the numbered bug.
-# <#-reporter> - The login name of the numbered bug's reporter.
-# <#-delta> - The delta_ts of the numbered bug.
-# escape: If true, we will call quotemeta() on the value immediately
-# before passing it to
-# transform: A function to call on any field value before inserting
-# it for a <#> replacement. The transformation function
-# gets all of the bug's values for the field as its arguments.
-# if_equal: This allows you to override "contains" for the case where
-# the transformed value (from calling the "transform" function)
-# is equal to the original value.
-# override: This allows you to override "contains" and "values" for
-# certain fields.
-use constant TESTS => {
- equals => [
- { contains => [1], value => '<1>' },
- ],
- notequals => [
- { contains => [2,3,4,5], value => '<1>' },
- ],
- substring => [
- { contains => [1], value => '<1>',
- override => {
- percentage_complete => { contains => [1,2,3] },
- }
- },
- ],
- casesubstring => [
- { contains => [1], value => '<1>',
- override => {
- percentage_complete => { contains => [1,2,3] },
- }
- },
- { contains => [], value => '<1>', transform => sub { lc($_[0]) },
- extra_name => 'lc', if_equal => { contains => [1] },
- override => {
- percentage_complete => { contains => [1,2,3] },
- }
- },
- ],
- notsubstring => [
- { contains => [2,3,4,5], value => '<1>',
- override => {
- percentage_complete => { contains => [4,5] },
- },
- }
- ],
- regexp => [
- { contains => [1], value => '<1>', escape => 1,
- override => {
- percentage_complete => { value => '^10' },
- }
- },
- { contains => [1], value => '^1-', override => REGEX_OVERRIDE },
- ],
- notregexp => [
- { contains => [2,3,4,5], value => '<1>', escape => 1,
- override => {
- percentage_complete => { value => '^10' },
- }
- },
- { contains => [2,3,4,5], value => '^1-', override => REGEX_OVERRIDE },
- ],
- lessthan => [
- { contains => [1], value => 2,
- override => {
- # A lot of these contain bug 5 because an empty value is validly
- # less than the specified value.
- bug_file_loc => { value => 'http://2-', contains => [1,5] },
- see_also => { value => 'http://2-' },
- 'attachments.mimetype' => { value => 'text/x-2-' },
- blocked => { value => '<4-id>', contains => [1,2] },
- dependson => { value => '<3-id>', contains => [1,3] },
- bug_id => { value => '<2-id>' },
- 'attachments.isprivate' => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4] },
- 'attachments.isobsolete' => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4] },
- 'attachments.ispatch' => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4] },
- cclist_accessible => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- reporter_accessible => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- 'longdescs.count' => { value => 3, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- 'longdescs.isprivate' => { value => 1, contains => [1,2,3,4,5] },
- everconfirmed => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- creation_ts => { value => '2037-01-02', contains => [1,5] },
- delta_ts => { value => '2037-01-02', contains => [1,5] },
- deadline => { value => '2037-02-02', contains => [1,5] },
- remaining_time => { value => 10, contains => [1,5] },
- percentage_complete => { value => 11, contains => [1,5] },
- longdesc => { value => '2-', contains => [1,5] },
- work_time => { value => 1, contains => [5] },
- FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID, { value => '<2>', contains => [1,5] },
- FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, { value => '2037-03-02', contains => [1,5] },
- }
- },
- ],
- lessthaneq => [
- { contains => [1], value => '<1>',
- override => {
- 'attachments.isobsolete' => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4] },
- 'attachments.ispatch' => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4] },
- 'attachments.isprivate' => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4] },
- cclist_accessible => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- reporter_accessible => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- 'longdescs.count' => { value => 2, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- 'longdescs.isprivate' => { value => -1, contains => [] },
- everconfirmed => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- bug_file_loc => { contains => [1,5] },
- blocked => { contains => [1,2] },
- deadline => { contains => [1,5] },
- dependson => { contains => [1,3] },
- creation_ts => { contains => [1,5] },
- delta_ts => { contains => [1,5] },
- remaining_time => { contains => [1,5] },
- longdesc => { contains => [1,5] },
- percentage_complete => { contains => [1,5] },
- work_time => { value => 1, contains => [1,5] },
- FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID, { contains => [1,5] },
- FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, { contains => [1,5] },
- },
- },
- ],
- greaterthan => [
- { contains => [2,3,4], value => '<1>',
- override => {
- dependson => { contains => [3] },
- blocked => { contains => [2] },
- 'attachments.ispatch' => { value => 0, contains => [1] },
- 'attachments.isobsolete' => { value => 0, contains => [1] },
- 'attachments.isprivate' => { value => 0, contains => [1] },
- cclist_accessible => { value => 0, contains => [1] },
- reporter_accessible => { value => 0, contains => [1] },
- 'longdescs.count' => { value => 2, contains => [1] },
- 'longdescs.isprivate' => { value => 0, contains => [1] },
- everconfirmed => { value => 0, contains => [1] },
- '' => { value => 2, contains => [2,3,4] },
- },
- },
- ],
- greaterthaneq => [
- { contains => [2,3,4], value => '<2>',
- override => {
- 'attachments.ispatch' => { value => 1, contains => [1] },
- 'attachments.isobsolete' => { value => 1, contains => [1] },
- 'attachments.isprivate' => { value => 1, contains => [1] },
- cclist_accessible => { value => 1, contains => [1] },
- reporter_accessible => { value => 1, contains => [1] },
- 'longdescs.count' => { value => 3, contains => [1] },
- 'longdescs.isprivate' => { value => 1, contains => [1] },
- everconfirmed => { value => 1, contains => [1] },
- dependson => { value => '<3>', contains => [1,3] },
- blocked => { contains => [1,2] },
- }
- },
- ],
- matches => [
- { contains => [1], value => '<1>' },
- ],
- notmatches => [
- { contains => [2,3,4,5], value => '<1>' },
- ],
- anyexact => [
- { contains => [1,2], value => '<1>, <2>',
- override => { ANY_OVERRIDE } },
- ],
- anywordssubstr => [
- { contains => [1,2], value => '<1> <2>',
- override => {
- percentage_complete => { contains => [1,2,3] },
- }
- },
- ],
- allwordssubstr => [
- { contains => [1], value => '<1>',
- override => {
- # We search just the number "1" for percentage_complete,
- # which matches a lot of bugs.
- percentage_complete => { contains => [1,2,3] },
- },
- },
- { contains => [], value => '<1>,<2>',
- override => {
- dependson => { value => '<1-id> <3-id>', contains => [] },
- # bug 3 has the value "21" here, so matches "2,1"
- percentage_complete => { value => '<2>,<3>', contains => [3] },
- # 1 0 matches bug 1, which has both public and private comments.
- 'longdescs.isprivate' => { contains => [1] },
- }
- },
- ],
- nowordssubstr => [
- { contains => [2,3,4,5], value => '<1>',
- override => {
- # longdescs.isprivate translates to "1 0", so no bugs should
- # show up.
- 'longdescs.isprivate' => { contains => [] },
- percentage_complete => { contains => [4,5] },
- work_time => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- }
- },
- ],
- anywords => [
- { contains => [1], value => '<1>',
- override => {
- }
- },
- { contains => [1,2], value => '<1> <2>',
- override => {
- dependson => { value => '<1> <3>', contains => [1,3] },
- 'longdescs.count' => { contains => [1,2,3,4] },
- },
- },
- ],
- allwords => [
- { contains => [1], value => '<1>',
- override => { MULTI_BOOLEAN_OVERRIDE } },
- { contains => [], value => '<1> <2>',
- override => {
- dependson => { contains => [], value => '<2-id> <3-id>' },
- # 1 0 matches bug 1, which has both public and private comments.
- 'longdescs.isprivate' => { contains => [1] },
- }
- },
- ],
- nowords => [
- { contains => [2,3,4,5], value => '<1>',
- override => {
- # longdescs.isprivate translates to "1 0", so no bugs should
- # show up.
- 'longdescs.isprivate' => { contains => [] },
- work_time => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
- }
- },
- ],
- changedbefore => [
- { contains => [1], value => '<1-delta>',
- override => {
- creation_ts => { contains => [1,5] },
- blocked => { contains => [1,2] },
- dependson => { contains => [1,3] },
- longdesc => { contains => [1,5] },
- 'longdescs.count' => { contains => [1,5] },
- }
- },
- ],
- changedafter => [
- { contains => [2,3,4], value => '<2-delta>',
- override => {
- creation_ts => { contains => [3,4] },
- # We only change this for one bug, and it doesn't match.
- 'longdescs.isprivate' => { contains => [] },
- # Same for everconfirmed.
- 'everconfirmed' => { contains => [] },
- # For blocked and dependson, they have the delta_ts of bug1
- # in the bugs_activity table, so they won't ever match.
- blocked => { contains => [] },
- dependson => { contains => [] },
- }
- },
- ],
- changedfrom => [
- { contains => [1], value => '<1>',
- override => {
- # The test never changes an already-set dependency field, but
- # we *can* attempt to test searching against an empty value,
- # which should get us some bugs.
- blocked => { value => '', contains => [1,2] },
- dependson => { value => '', contains => [1,3] },
- FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID, { value => '', contains => [1,2,3,4] },
- # longdesc changedfrom doesn't make any sense.
- longdesc => { contains => [] },
- # Nor does creation_ts changedfrom.
- creation_ts => { contains => [] },
- 'attach_data.thedata' => { contains => [] },
- bug_id => { value => '<1-id>', contains => [] },
- },
- },
- ],
- changedto => [
- { contains => [1], value => '<1>',
- override => {
- # I can't imagine any use for creation_ts changedto.
- creation_ts => { contains => [] },
- }
- },
- ],
- changedby => [
- { contains => [1], value => '<1-reporter>',
- override => {
- blocked => { contains => [1,2] },
- dependson => { contains => [1,3] },
- },
- },
- ],
- # XXX these need tests developed
- isempty => [],
- isnotempty => [],
-# Fields that do not behave as we expect, for InjectionTest.
-# search => 1 means the Bugzilla::Search creation fails.
-# sql_error is a regex that specifies a SQL error that's OK for us to throw.
-# operator_ok overrides the "brokenness" of certain operators, so that they
-# are always OK for that field/operator combination.
-use constant INJECTION_BROKEN_FIELD => {
- # Pg can't run injection tests against integer or date fields. See bug 577557.
- 'attachments.isobsolete' => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- 'attachments.ispatch' => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- 'attachments.isprivate' => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- blocked => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- bug_id => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- cclist_accessible => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- creation_ts => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- days_elapsed => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- dependson => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- deadline => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- delta_ts => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- estimated_time => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- everconfirmed => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- 'longdescs.isprivate' => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- percentage_complete => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- remaining_time => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- reporter_accessible => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- work_time => { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID, { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, { db_skip => ['Pg'] },
- owner_idle_time => { search => 1 },
- 'longdescs.count' => {
- search => 1,
- db_skip => ['Pg'],
- operator_ok => [qw(allwords allwordssubstr anywordssubstr casesubstring
- changedbefore changedafter greaterthan greaterthaneq
- lessthan lessthaneq notregexp notsubstring
- nowordssubstr regexp substring anywords
- notequals nowords equals anyexact)],
- },
-# Operators that do not behave as we expect, for InjectionTest.
-# search => 1 means the Bugzilla::Search creation fails, but
-# field_ok contains fields that it does actually succeed for.
- changedafter => { search => 1, field_ok => ['creation_ts'] },
- changedbefore => { search => 1, field_ok => ['creation_ts'] },
- changedby => { search => 1 },
- isempty => { search => 1 },
- isnotempty => { search => 1 },
-# Tests run by Bugzilla::Test::Search::InjectionTest.
-# We have to make sure the values are all one word or they'll be split
-# up by the multi-word tests.
-use constant INJECTION_TESTS => (
- { value => ';SEMICOLON_TEST' },
- { value => '--COMMENT_TEST' },
- { value => "'QUOTE_TEST" },
- { value => "';QUOTE_SEMICOLON_TEST" },
- { value => '/*STAR_COMMENT_TEST' }
-# Special Tests #
-use constant SPECIAL_PARAM_TESTS => (
- { field => 'bug_status', operator => 'anyexact', value => '__open__',
- contains => [5] },
- { field => 'bug_status', operator => 'anyexact', value => '__closed__',
- contains => [1,2,3,4] },
- { field => 'bug_status', operator => 'anyexact', value => '__all__',
- contains => [1,2,3,4,5] },
- { field => 'resolution', operator => 'anyexact', value => '---',
- contains => [5] },
- # email* query parameters.
- { field => 'assigned_to', operator => 'anyexact',
- value => '<1>, <2-reporter>', contains => [1,2],
- extra_params => { emailreporter1 => 1 } },
- { field => 'assigned_to', operator => 'equals',
- value => '<1>', extra_name => 'email2', contains => [],
- extra_params => {
- email2 => generate_random_password(100), emaillongdesc2 => 1,
- },
- },
- # standard pronouns
- { field => 'assigned_to', operator => 'equals', value => '%assignee%',
- contains => [1,2,3,4,5] },
- { field => 'reporter', operator => 'equals', value => '%reporter%',
- contains => [1,2,3,4,5] },
- { field => 'qa_contact', operator => 'equals', value => '%qacontact%',
- contains => [1,2,3,4,5] },
- { field => 'cc', operator => 'equals', value => '%user%',
- contains => [1] },
- # group pronouns
- { field => 'reporter', operator => 'equals',
- value => '%group.<1-bug_group>%', contains => [1,2,3,4,5] },
- { field => 'assigned_to', operator => 'equals',
- value => '%group.<1-bug_group>%', contains => [1,2,3,4,5] },
- { field => 'qa_contact', operator => 'equals',
- value => '%group.<1-bug_group>%', contains => [1,2,3,4] },
- { field => 'cc', operator => 'equals',
- value => '%group.<1-bug_group>%', contains => [1,2,3,4] },
- { field => 'commenter', operator => 'equals',
- value => '%group.<1-bug_group>%', contains => [1,2,3,4,5] },
-use constant CUSTOM_SEARCH_TESTS => (
- { name => 'OP without CP', contains => [1],
- params => [
- { f => 'OP' },
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- ]
- },
- { name => 'Empty OP/CP pair before criteria', contains => [1],
- params => [
- { f => 'OP' }, { f => 'CP' },
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- ]
- },
- { name => 'Empty OP/CP pair after criteria', contains => [1],
- params => [
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- { f => 'OP' }, { f => 'CP' },
- ]
- },
- { name => 'empty OP/CP mid criteria', contains => [1],
- columns => ['assigned_to'],
- params => [
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- { f => 'OP' }, { f => 'CP' },
- { f => 'assigned_to', o => 'substr', v => '@' },
- ]
- },
- { name => 'bug_id = 1 AND assigned_to contains @', contains => [1],
- columns => ['assigned_to'],
- params => [
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- { f => 'assigned_to', o => 'substr', v => '@' },
- ]
- },
- { name => 'NOT(bug_id = 1) AND NOT(assigned_to = 2)',
- contains => [3,4,5],
- columns => ['assigned_to'],
- params => [
- { n => 1, f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- { n => 1, f => 'assigned_to', o => 'equals', v => '<2>' },
- ]
- },
- { name => 'bug_id = 1 OR assigned_to = 2', contains => [1,2],
- columns => ['assigned_to'], top_params => { j_top => 'OR' },
- params => [
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- { f => 'assigned_to', o => 'equals', v => '<2>' },
- ]
- },
- { name => 'NOT(bug_id = 1 AND assigned_to = 1)', contains => [2,3,4,5],
- columns => ['assigned_to'],
- params => [
- { f => 'OP', n => 1 },
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- { f => 'assigned_to', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- { f => 'CP' },
- ]
- },
- { name => '(bug_id = 1 AND assigned_to contains @) '
- . ' OR (bug_id = 2 AND assigned_to contains @)',
- contains => [1,2], columns => ['assigned_to'],
- top_params => { j_top => 'OR' },
- params => [
- { f => 'OP' },
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- { f => 'assigned_to', o => 'substr', v => '@' },
- { f => 'CP' },
- { f => 'OP' },
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<2>' },
- { f => 'assigned_to', o => 'substr', v => '@' },
- { f => 'CP' },
- ]
- },
- { name => '(bug_id = 1 OR assigned_to = 2) '
- . ' AND (bug_id = 2 OR assigned_to = 1)',
- contains => [1,2], columns => ['assigned_to'],
- params => [
- { f => 'OP', j => 'OR' },
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- { f => 'assigned_to', o => 'equals', v => '<2>' },
- { f => 'CP' },
- { f => 'OP', j => 'OR' },
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<2>' },
- { f => 'assigned_to', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- { f => 'CP' },
- ]
- },
- { name => 'bug_id = 3 OR ( (bug_id = 1 OR assigned_to = 2) '
- . ' AND (bug_id = 2 OR assigned_to = 1) )',
- contains => [1,2,3], columns => ['assigned_to'],
- top_params => { j_top => 'OR' },
- params => [
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<3>' },
- { f => 'OP' },
- { f => 'OP', j => 'OR' },
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- { f => 'assigned_to', o => 'equals', v => '<2>' },
- { f => 'CP' },
- { f => 'OP', j => 'OR' },
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<2>' },
- { f => 'assigned_to', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- { f => 'CP' },
- { f => 'CP' },
- ]
- },
- { name => 'bug_id = 3 OR ( (bug_id = 1 OR assigned_to = 2) '
- . ' AND (bug_id = 2 OR assigned_to = 1) ) OR bug_id = 4',
- contains => [1,2,3,4], columns => ['assigned_to'],
- top_params => { j_top => 'OR' },
- params => [
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<3>' },
- { f => 'OP' },
- { f => 'OP', j => 'OR' },
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- { f => 'assigned_to', o => 'equals', v => '<2>' },
- { f => 'CP' },
- { f => 'OP', j => 'OR' },
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<2>' },
- { f => 'assigned_to', o => 'equals', v => '<1>' },
- { f => 'CP' },
- { f => 'CP' },
- { f => 'bug_id', o => 'equals', v => '<4>' },
- ]
- },
diff --git a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/ b/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
deleted file mode 100644
index 132e5ac40..000000000
--- a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-# This module represents a test with custom URL parameters.
-# Tests like this are specified in CUSTOM_SEARCH_TESTS in
-# Bugzilla::Test::Search::Constants.
-package Bugzilla::Test::Search::CustomTest;
-use parent qw(Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTest);
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTest;
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::OperatorTest;
-use Storable qw(dclone);
-# Constructor #
-sub new {
- my ($class, $test, $search_test) = @_;
- bless { raw_test => dclone($test), search_test => $search_test }, $class;
-# Accessors #
-sub search_test { return $_[0]->{search_test} }
-sub name { return 'Custom: ' . $_[0]->test->{name} }
-sub test { return $_[0]->{raw_test} }
-sub operator_test { die "unimplemented" }
-sub field_object { die "unimplemented" }
-sub main_value { die "unimplenmented" }
-sub test_value { die "unimplemented" }
-# Custom tests don't use transforms.
-sub transformed_value_was_equal { 0 }
-sub debug_value {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $string = '';
- my $params = $self->search_params;
- foreach my $param (keys %$params) {
- $string .= $param . "=" . $params->{$param} . '&';
- }
- chop($string);
- return $string;
-# The tests we know are broken for this operator/field combination.
-sub _known_broken { return {} }
-sub contains_known_broken { return undef }
-sub search_known_broken { return undef }
-sub field_not_yet_implemented { return undef }
-sub invalid_field_operator_combination { return undef }
-# Accessors: Bugzilla::Search Arguments #
-# Converts the f, o, v rows into f0, o0, v0, etc. and translates
-# the values appropriately.
-sub search_params {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my %params = %{ $self->test->{top_params} || {} };
- my $counter = 0;
- foreach my $row (@{ $self->test->{params} }) {
- $row->{v} = $self->translate_value($row) if exists $row->{v};
- foreach my $key (keys %$row) {
- $params{"${key}$counter"} = $row->{$key};
- }
- $counter++;
- }
- return \%params;
-sub translate_value {
- my ($self, $row) = @_;
- my $as_test = { field => $row->{f}, operator => $row->{o},
- value => $row->{v} };
- my $operator_test = new Bugzilla::Test::Search::OperatorTest($row->{o},
- $self->search_test);
- my $field = Bugzilla::Field->check($row->{f});
- my $field_test = new Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTest($operator_test,
- $field, $as_test);
- return $field_test->translated_value;
-sub search_columns {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return ['bug_id', @{ $self->test->{columns} || [] }];
diff --git a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/ b/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e86d92e2..000000000
--- a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,617 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-# This module represents the tests that get run on a single
-# operator/field combination for Bugzilla::Test::Search.
-# This is where all the actual testing happens.
-package Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTest;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Bugzilla::Search;
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::Constants;
-use Bugzilla::Util qw(trim);
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
-use Test::More;
-use Test::Exception;
-# Constructor #
-sub new {
- my ($class, $operator_test, $field, $test) = @_;
- return bless { operator_test => $operator_test,
- field_object => $field,
- raw_test => $test }, $class;
-# Accessors #
-sub num_tests { return TESTS_PER_RUN }
-# The Bugzilla::Test::Search::OperatorTest that this is a child of.
-sub operator_test { return $_[0]->{operator_test} }
-# The Bugzilla::Field being tested.
-sub field_object { return $_[0]->{field_object} }
-# The name of the field being tested, which we need much more often
-# than we need the object.
-sub field {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->{field_name} ||= $self->field_object->name;
- return $self->{field_name};
-# The Bugzilla::Test::Search object that this is a child of.
-sub search_test { return $_[0]->operator_test->search_test }
-# The operator being tested
-sub operator { return $_[0]->operator_test->operator }
-# The bugs currently being tested by Bugzilla::Test::Search.
-sub bugs { return $_[0]->search_test->bugs }
-sub bug {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->search_test->bug(@_);
-sub number {
- my ($self, $id) = @_;
- foreach my $number (1..NUM_BUGS) {
- return $number if $self->search_test->bug($number)->id == $id;
- }
- return 0;
-# The name displayed for this test by Test::More. Used in test descriptions.
-sub name {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $field = $self->field;
- my $operator = $self->operator;
- my $value = $self->main_value;
- my $name = "$field-$operator-$value";
- if (my $extra_name = $self->test->{extra_name}) {
- $name .= "-$extra_name";
- }
- return $name;
-# The appropriate value from the TESTS constant for this test, taking
-# into account overrides.
-sub test {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{test} if $self->{test};
- my %test = %{ $self->{raw_test} };
- # We have field name overrides...
- my $override = $test{override}->{$self->field};
- # And also field type overrides.
- if (!$override) {
- $override = $test{override}->{$self->field_object->type} || {};
- }
- foreach my $key (%$override) {
- $test{$key} = $override->{$key};
- }
- $self->{test} = \%test;
- return $self->{test};
-# All the values for all the bugs for this field.
-sub _field_values {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->{field_values} if $self->{field_values};
- my %field_values;
- foreach my $number (1..NUM_BUGS) {
- $field_values{$number} = $self->_field_values_for_bug($number);
- }
- $self->{field_values} = \%field_values;
- return $self->{field_values};
-# The values for this field for the numbered bug.
-sub bug_values {
- my ($self, $number) = @_;
- return @{ $self->_field_values->{$number} };
-# The untranslated, non-overriden value--used in the name of the test
-# and other places.
-sub main_value { return $_[0]->{raw_test}->{value} }
-# The untranslated test value, taking into account overrides.
-sub test_value { return $_[0]->test->{value} };
-# The value translated appropriately for passing to Bugzilla::Search.
-sub translated_value {
- my $self = shift;
- if (!exists $self->{translated_value}) {
- my $value = $self->search_test->value_translation_cache($self);
- if (!defined $value) {
- $value = $self->_translate_value();
- $self->search_test->value_translation_cache($self, $value);
- }
- $self->{translated_value} = $value;
- }
- return $self->{translated_value};
-# Used in failure diagnostic messages.
-sub debug_fail {
- my ($self, $number, $results, $sql) = @_;
- my @expected = @{ $self->test->{contains} };
- my @results = sort
- map { $self->number($_) }
- map { $_->[0] }
- @$results;
- return
- " Value: '" . $self->translated_value . "'\n" .
- "Expected: [" . join(',', @expected) . "]\n" .
- " Results: [" . join(',', @results) . "]\n" .
- trim($sql) . "\n";
-# True for a bug if we ran the "transform" function on it and the
-# result was equal to its first value.
-sub transformed_value_was_equal {
- my ($self, $number, $value) = @_;
- if (@_ > 2) {
- $self->{transformed_value_was_equal}->{$number} = $value;
- $self->search_test->was_equal_cache($self, $number, $value);
- }
- my $cached = $self->search_test->was_equal_cache($self, $number);
- return $cached if defined $cached;
- return $self->{transformed_value_was_equal}->{$number};
-# True if this test is supposed to contain the numbered bug.
-sub bug_is_contained {
- my ($self, $number) = @_;
- my $contains = $self->test->{contains};
- if ($self->transformed_value_was_equal($number)
- and !$self->test->{override}->{$self->field}->{contains})
- {
- $contains = $self->test->{if_equal}->{contains};
- }
- return grep($_ == $number, @$contains) ? 1 : 0;
-# Accessors: Ways of doing SKIP and TODO on tests #
-# The tests we know are broken for this operator/field combination.
-sub _known_broken {
- my ($self, $constant, $skip_pg_check) = @_;
- $constant ||= KNOWN_BROKEN;
- my $field = $self->field;
- my $type = $self->field_object->type;
- my $operator = $self->operator;
- my $value = $self->main_value;
- my $value_name = "$operator-$value";
- if (my $extra_name = $self->test->{extra_name}) {
- $value_name .= "-$extra_name";
- }
- my $value_broken = $constant->{$value_name}->{$field};
- $value_broken ||= $constant->{$value_name}->{$type};
- return $value_broken if $value_broken;
- my $operator_broken = $constant->{$operator}->{$field};
- $operator_broken ||= $constant->{$operator}->{$type};
- return $operator_broken if $operator_broken;
- return {};
-# True if the "contains" search for the numbered bug is broken.
-# That is, either the result is supposed to contain it and doesn't,
-# or the result is not supposed to contain it and does.
-sub contains_known_broken {
- my ($self, $number) = @_;
- my $field = $self->field;
- my $operator = $self->operator;
- my $contains_broken = $self->_known_broken->{contains} || [];
- if (grep($_ == $number, @$contains_broken)) {
- return "$field $operator contains $number is known to be broken";
- }
- return undef;
-# Used by subclasses. Checks both bug_is_contained and contains_known_broken
-# to tell you whether or not the bug will *actually* be found by the test.
-sub will_actually_contain_bug {
- my ($self, $number) = @_;
- my $is_contained = $self->bug_is_contained($number) ? 1 : 0;
- my $is_broken = $self->contains_known_broken($number) ? 1 : 0;
- # If the test is supposed to contain the bug and *isn't* broken,
- # then the test will contain the bug.
- return 1 if ($is_contained and !$is_broken);
- # If this test is *not* supposed to contain the bug, but that test is
- # broken, then this test *will* contain the bug.
- return 1 if (!$is_contained and $is_broken);
- return 0;
-# Returns a string if creating a Bugzilla::Search object throws an error,
-# with this field/operator/value combination.
-sub search_known_broken {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $field = $self->field;
- my $operator = $self->operator;
- if ($self->_known_broken->{search}) {
- return "Bugzilla::Search for $field $operator is known to be broken";
- }
- return undef;
-# Returns a string if we haven't yet implemented the tests for this field,
-# but we plan to in the future.
-sub field_not_yet_implemented {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $skip_this_field = grep { $_ eq $self->field } SKIP_FIELDS;
- if ($skip_this_field) {
- my $field = $self->field;
- return "$field testing not yet implemented";
- }
- return undef;
-# Returns a message if this field/operator combination can't ever be run.
-# At no time in the future will this field/operator combination ever work.
-sub invalid_field_operator_combination {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $field = $self->field;
- my $operator = $self->operator;
- if ($field eq 'content' && $operator !~ /matches/) {
- return "content field does not support $operator";
- }
- elsif ($operator =~ /matches/ && $field ne 'content') {
- return "matches operator does not support fields other than content";
- }
- return undef;
-# True if this field is broken in an OR combination.
-sub join_broken {
- my ($self, $or_broken_map) = @_;
- my $or_broken = $or_broken_map->{$self->field . '-' . $self->operator};
- if (!$or_broken) {
- # See if this is a comment field, and in that case, if there's
- # a generic entry for all comment fields.
- my $is_comment_field = COMMENT_FIELDS->{$self->field};
- if ($is_comment_field) {
- $or_broken = $or_broken_map->{'longdescs.-' . $self->operator};
- }
- }
- return $or_broken;
-# Accessors: Bugzilla::Search Arguments #
-# The data that will get passed to Bugzilla::Search as its arguments.
-sub search_params {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->{search_params} if $self->{search_params};
- my %params = (
- "field0-0-0" => $self->field,
- "type0-0-0" => $self->operator,
- "value0-0-0" => $self->translated_value,
- );
- $self->{search_params} = \%params;
- return $self->{search_params};
-sub search_columns {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $field = $self->field;
- my @search_fields = qw(bug_id);
- if ($self->field_object->buglist) {
- my $col_name = COLUMN_TRANSLATION->{$field} || $field;
- push(@search_fields, $col_name);
- }
- return \@search_fields;
-# Field Values #
-sub _field_values_for_bug {
- my ($self, $number) = @_;
- my $field = $self->field;
- my @values;
- if ($field =~ /^attach.+\.(.+)$/ ) {
- my $attach_field = $1;
- $attach_field = ATTACHMENT_FIELDS->{$attach_field} || $attach_field;
- @values = $self->_values_for($number, 'attachments', $attach_field);
- }
- elsif (my $flag_field = FLAG_FIELDS->{$field}) {
- @values = $self->_values_for($number, 'flags', $flag_field);
- }
- elsif (my $translation = COMMENT_FIELDS->{$field}) {
- @values = $self->_values_for($number, 'comments', $translation);
- # We want the last value to come first, so that single-value
- # searches use the last comment.
- @values = reverse @values;
- }
- elsif ($field eq 'longdescs.count') {
- @values = scalar(@{ $self->bug($number)->comments });
- }
- elsif ($field eq 'work_time') {
- @values = $self->_values_for($number, 'actual_time');
- }
- elsif ($field eq 'bug_group') {
- @values = $self->_values_for($number, 'groups_in', 'name');
- }
- elsif ($field eq 'keywords') {
- @values = $self->_values_for($number, 'keyword_objects', 'name');
- }
- elsif ($field eq 'content') {
- @values = $self->_values_for($number, 'short_desc');
- }
- elsif ($field eq 'see_also') {
- @values = $self->_values_for($number, 'see_also', 'name');
- }
- elsif ($field eq 'tag') {
- @values = $self->_values_for($number, 'tags');
- }
- # Bugzilla::Bug truncates creation_ts, but we need the full value
- # from the database. This has no special value for changedfrom,
- # because it never changes.
- elsif ($field eq 'creation_ts') {
- my $bug = $self->bug($number);
- my $creation_ts = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array(
- 'SELECT creation_ts FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = ?',
- undef, $bug->id);
- @values = ($creation_ts);
- }
- else {
- @values = $self->_values_for($number, $field);
- }
- # We convert user objects to their login name, here, all in one
- # block for simplicity.
- if (grep { $_ eq $field } USER_FIELDS) {
- # requestees.login_name is empty for most bugs (but checking
- # blessed(undef) handles that.
- # Values that come from %original_values aren't User objects.
- @values = map { blessed($_) ? $_->login : $_ } @values;
- @values = grep { defined $_ } @values;
- }
- return \@values;
-sub _values_for {
- my ($self, $number, $bug_field, $item_field) = @_;
- my $item;
- if ($self->operator eq 'changedfrom') {
- $item = $self->search_test->bug_create_value($number, $bug_field);
- }
- else {
- my $bug = $self->bug($number);
- $item = $bug->$bug_field;
- }
- if ($item_field) {
- if ($bug_field eq 'flags' and $item_field eq 'name') {
- return (map { $_->name . $_->status } @$item);
- }
- return (map { $self->_get_item($_, $item_field) } @$item);
- }
- return @$item if ref($item) eq 'ARRAY';
- return $item if defined $item;
- return ();
-sub _get_item {
- my ($self, $from, $field) = @_;
- if (blessed($from)) {
- return $from->$field;
- }
- return $from->{$field};
-# Value Translation #
-# This function translates the "value" specified in TESTS into an actual
-# search value to pass to This means that we get the value
-# from the current bug (or, in the case of changedfrom, from %original_values)
-# and then we insert it as required into the "value" from TESTS. (For example,
-# <1> becomes the value for the field from bug 1.)
-sub _translate_value {
- my $self = shift;
- my $value = $self->test_value;
- foreach my $number (1..NUM_BUGS) {
- $value = $self->_translate_value_for_bug($number, $value);
- }
- # Sanity check to make sure that none of the <> stuff was left in.
- if ($value =~ /<\d/) {
- die $self->name . ": value untranslated: $value\n";
- }
- return $value;
-sub _translate_value_for_bug {
- my ($self, $number, $value) = @_;
- my $bug = $self->bug($number);
- my $bug_id = $bug->id;
- $value =~ s/<$number-id>/$bug_id/g;
- my $bug_delta = $bug->delta_ts;
- $value =~ s/<$number-delta>/$bug_delta/g;
- my $reporter = $bug->reporter->login;
- $value =~ s/<$number-reporter>/$reporter/g;
- if ($value =~ /<$number-bug_group>/) {
- my @bug_groups = map { $_->name } @{ $bug->groups_in };
- @bug_groups = grep { $_ =~ /^\d+-group-/ } @bug_groups;
- my $group = $bug_groups[0];
- $value =~ s/<$number-bug_group>/$group/g;
- }
- my @bug_values = $self->bug_values($number);
- return $value if !@bug_values;
- if ($self->operator =~ /substr/) {
- @bug_values = map { $self->_substr_value($_) } @bug_values;
- }
- my $string_value = $bug_values[0];
- if ($self->operator =~ /word/) {
- $string_value = join(' ', @bug_values);
- }
- if (my $func = $self->test->{transform}) {
- my $transformed = $func->(@bug_values);
- my $is_equal = $transformed eq $bug_values[0] ? 1 : 0;
- $self->transformed_value_was_equal($number, $is_equal);
- $string_value = $transformed;
- }
- if ($self->test->{escape}) {
- $string_value = quotemeta($string_value);
- }
- $value =~ s/<$number>/$string_value/g;
- return $value;
-sub _substr_value {
- my ($self, $value) = @_;
- my $field = $self->field;
- my $type = $self->field_object->type;
- my $substr_size = SUBSTR_SIZE;
- if (exists FIELD_SUBSTR_SIZE->{$field}) {
- $substr_size = FIELD_SUBSTR_SIZE->{$field};
- }
- elsif (exists FIELD_SUBSTR_SIZE->{$type}) {
- $substr_size = FIELD_SUBSTR_SIZE->{$type};
- }
- if ($substr_size > 0) {
- # The field name is included in every field value, and if it's
- # long, it might take up the whole substring, and we don't want that.
- if (!grep { $_ eq $field or $_ eq $type } SUBSTR_NO_FIELD_ADD) {
- $substr_size += length($field);
- }
- my $string = substr($value, 0, $substr_size);
- return $string;
- }
- return substr($value, $substr_size);
-# Main Test Methods #
-sub run {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $invalid_combination = $self->invalid_field_operator_combination;
- my $field_not_implemented = $self->field_not_yet_implemented;
- SKIP: {
- skip($invalid_combination, $self->num_tests) if $invalid_combination;
- TODO: {
- todo_skip ($field_not_implemented, $self->num_tests) if $field_not_implemented;
- $self->do_tests();
- }
- }
-sub do_tests {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $name = $self->name;
- my $search_broken = $self->search_known_broken;
- my $search = $self->_test_search_object_creation();
- my $sql;
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = $search_broken if $search_broken;
- lives_ok { $sql = $search->_sql } "$name: generate SQL";
- }
- my $results;
- SKIP: {
- skip "Can't run SQL without any SQL", 1 if !defined $sql;
- $results = $self->_test_sql($search);
- }
- $self->_test_content($results, $sql);
-sub _test_search_object_creation {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $name = $self->name;
- my @args = (fields => $self->search_columns, params => $self->search_params);
- my $search;
- lives_ok { $search = new Bugzilla::Search(@args) }
- "$name: create search object";
- return $search;
-sub _test_sql {
- my ($self, $search) = @_;
- my $name = $self->name;
- my $results;
- lives_ok { $results = $search->data } "$name: Run SQL Query"
- or diag($search->_sql);
- return $results;
-sub _test_content {
- my ($self, $results, $sql) = @_;
- SKIP: {
- skip "Without results we can't test them", NUM_BUGS if !$results;
- foreach my $number (1..NUM_BUGS) {
- $self->_test_content_for_bug($number, $results, $sql);
- }
- }
-sub _test_content_for_bug {
- my ($self, $number, $results, $sql) = @_;
- my $name = $self->name;
- my $contains_known_broken = $self->contains_known_broken($number);
- my %result_ids = map { $_->[0] => 1 } @$results;
- my $bug_id = $self->bug($number)->id;
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = $contains_known_broken if $contains_known_broken;
- if ($self->bug_is_contained($number)) {
- ok($result_ids{$bug_id},
- "$name: contains bug $number ($bug_id)")
- or diag $self->debug_fail($number, $results, $sql);
- }
- else {
- ok(!$result_ids{$bug_id},
- "$name: does not contain bug $number ($bug_id)")
- or diag $self->debug_fail($number, $results, $sql);
- }
- }
diff --git a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/ b/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
deleted file mode 100644
index 888e7eb13..000000000
--- a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-# This is the same as a FieldTest, except that it uses normal URL
-# parameters instead of Boolean Charts.
-package Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTestNormal;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use parent qw(Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTest);
-use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
-use constant CH_OPERATOR => {
- changedafter => 'chfieldfrom',
- changedbefore => 'chfieldto',
- changedto => 'chfieldvalue',
-use constant EMAIL_FIELDS => qw(assigned_to qa_contact cc reporter commenter);
-# Normally, we just clone a FieldTest because that's the best for performance,
-# overall--that way we don't have to translate the value again. However,
-# sometimes (like in Bugzilla::Test::Search's direct code) we just want
-# to create a FieldTestNormal.
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my ($first_arg) = @_;
- if (blessed $first_arg
- and $first_arg->isa('Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTest'))
- {
- my $self = { %$first_arg };
- return bless $self, $class;
- }
- return $class->SUPER::new(@_);
-sub name {
- my $self = shift;
- my $name = $self->SUPER::name(@_);
- return "$name (Normal Params)";
-sub search_columns {
- my $self = shift;
- my $field = $self->field;
- # For the assigned_to, qa_contact, and reporter fields, have the
- # "Normal Params" test check that the _realname columns work
- # all by themselves.
- if (grep($_ eq $field, EMAIL_FIELDS) && $self->field_object->buglist) {
- return ['bug_id', "${field}_realname"]
- }
- return $self->SUPER::search_columns(@_);
-sub search_params {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $field = $self->field;
- my $operator = $self->operator;
- my $value = $self->translated_value;
- if ($operator eq 'anyexact') {
- $value = [split ',', $value];
- }
- if (my $ch_param = CH_OPERATOR->{$operator}) {
- if ($field eq 'creation_ts') {
- $field = '[Bug creation]';
- }
- return { chfield => $field, $ch_param => $value };
- }
- if ($field eq 'delta_ts' and $operator eq 'greaterthaneq') {
- return { chfieldfrom => $value };
- }
- if ($field eq 'delta_ts' and $operator eq 'lessthaneq') {
- return { chfieldto => $value };
- }
- if ($field eq 'deadline' and $operator eq 'greaterthaneq') {
- return { deadlinefrom => $value };
- }
- if ($field eq 'deadline' and $operator eq 'lessthaneq') {
- return { deadlineto => $value };
- }
- if (grep { $_ eq $field } EMAIL_FIELDS) {
- $field = 'longdesc' if $field eq 'commenter';
- return {
- email1 => $value,
- "email${field}1" => 1,
- emailtype1 => $operator,
- # Used to do extra tests on special sorts of email* combinations.
- %{ $self->test->{extra_params} || {} },
- };
- }
- $field =~ s/\./_/g;
- return { $field => $value, "${field}_type" => $operator };
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deleted file mode 100644
index 90eaabc78..000000000
--- a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-# This module represents the SQL Injection tests that get run on a single
-# operator/field combination for Bugzilla::Test::Search.
-package Bugzilla::Test::Search::InjectionTest;
-use parent qw(Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTest);
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::Constants;
-use Test::Exception;
-sub num_tests { return NUM_SEARCH_TESTS }
-sub _known_broken {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $operator_broken = INJECTION_BROKEN_OPERATOR->{$self->operator};
- # We don't want to auto-vivify $operator_broken and thus make it true.
- my @field_ok = $operator_broken ? @{ $operator_broken->{field_ok} || [] }
- : ();
- $operator_broken = undef if grep { $_ eq $self->field } @field_ok;
- my $field_broken = INJECTION_BROKEN_FIELD->{$self->field}
- || INJECTION_BROKEN_FIELD->{$self->field_object->type};
- # We don't want to auto-vivify $field_broken and thus make it true.
- my @operator_ok = $field_broken ? @{ $field_broken->{operator_ok} || [] }
- : ();
- $field_broken = undef if grep { $_ eq $self->operator } @operator_ok;
- return $operator_broken || $field_broken || {};
-sub sql_error_ok { return $_[0]->_known_broken->{sql_error} }
-# Injection tests only skip fields on certain dbs.
-sub field_not_yet_implemented {
- my ($self) = @_;
- # We use the constant directly because we don't want operator_ok
- # or field_ok to stop us.
- my $broken = INJECTION_BROKEN_FIELD->{$self->field}
- || INJECTION_BROKEN_FIELD->{$self->field_object->type};
- my $skip_for_dbs = $broken->{db_skip};
- return undef if !$skip_for_dbs;
- my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
- if (my ($skip) = grep { $dbh->isa("Bugzilla::DB::$_") } @$skip_for_dbs) {
- my $field = $self->field;
- return "$field injection testing is not supported with $skip";
- }
- return undef;
-# Injection tests don't do translation.
-sub translated_value { $_[0]->test_value }
-sub name { return "injection-" . $_[0]->SUPER::name; }
-# Injection tests don't check content.
-sub _test_content {}
-sub _test_sql {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($sql) = @_;
- my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
- my $name = $self->name;
- if (my $error_ok = $self->sql_error_ok) {
- throws_ok { $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql) } $error_ok,
- "$name: SQL query dies, as we expect";
- return;
- }
- return $self->SUPER::_test_sql(@_);
diff --git a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/ b/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
deleted file mode 100644
index 190b8567b..000000000
--- a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-# This module runs tests just like a normal FieldTest, AndTest,
-# or OrTest, but in a NOT chart instead of a normal chart.
-# Logically this should be a mixin of some sort so that we can apply
-# it to OrTest and AndTest, but without Moose there isn't much of an
-# easy way to do that.
-package Bugzilla::Test::Search::NotTest;
-use parent qw(Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTest);
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::Constants;
-# We just clone a FieldTest because that's the best for performance,
-# overall--that way we don't have to translate the value again.
-sub new {
- my ($class, $field_test) = @_;
- my $self = { %$field_test };
- return bless $self, $class;
-# Accessors #
-sub name {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return "NOT(" . $self->SUPER::name . ")";
-# True if this test is supposed to contain the numbered bug. Reversed for
-# NOT tests.
-sub bug_is_contained {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($number) = @_;
- # No search ever returns bug 6, because it's protected by security groups
- # that the searcher isn't a member of.
- return 0 if $number == 6;
- return $self->SUPER::bug_is_contained(@_) ? 0 : 1;
-# NOT tests have their own constant for tracking broken-ness.
-sub _known_broken {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->SUPER::_known_broken(BROKEN_NOT, 'skip pg check');
-sub search_params {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my %params = %{ $self->SUPER::search_params() };
- $params{negate0} = 1;
- return \%params;
diff --git a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/ b/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ab502dfc..000000000
--- a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-# This module represents the tests that get run on a single operator
-# from the TESTS constant in Bugzilla::Search::Test::Constants.
-package Bugzilla::Test::Search::OperatorTest;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::Constants;
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTest;
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTestNormal;
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::InjectionTest;
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::OrTest;
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::AndTest;
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::NotTest;
-# Constructor #
-sub new {
- my ($invocant, $operator, $search_test) = @_;
- $search_test ||= $invocant->search_test;
- my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
- return bless { search_test => $search_test, operator => $operator }, $class;
-# Accessors #
-# The Bugzilla::Test::Search object that this is a child of.
-sub search_test { return $_[0]->{search_test} }
-# The operator being tested
-sub operator { return $_[0]->{operator} }
-# The tests that we're going to run on this operator.
-sub tests { return @{ TESTS->{$_[0]->operator } } }
-# The fields we're going to test for this operator.
-sub test_fields { return $_[0]->search_test->all_fields }
-sub run {
- my ($self) = @_;
- foreach my $field ($self->test_fields) {
- foreach my $test ($self->tests) {
- my $field_test =
- new Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTest($self, $field, $test);
- $field_test->run();
- my $normal_test =
- new Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTestNormal($field_test);
- $normal_test->run();
- my $not_test = new Bugzilla::Test::Search::NotTest($field_test);
- $not_test->run();
- next if !$self->search_test->option('long');
- # Run the OR tests. This tests every other operator (including
- # this operator itself) in combination with every other field,
- # in an OR with this operator and field.
- foreach my $other_operator ($self->search_test->all_operators) {
- $self->run_join_tests($field_test, $other_operator);
- }
- }
- foreach my $test (INJECTION_TESTS) {
- my $injection_test =
- new Bugzilla::Test::Search::InjectionTest($self, $field, $test);
- $injection_test->run();
- }
- }
-sub run_join_tests {
- my ($self, $field_test, $other_operator) = @_;
- my $other_operator_test = $self->new($other_operator);
- foreach my $other_test ($other_operator_test->tests) {
- foreach my $other_field ($self->test_fields) {
- $self->_run_one_join_test($field_test, $other_operator_test,
- $other_field, $other_test);
- $self->search_test->clean_test_history();
- }
- }
-sub _run_one_join_test {
- my ($self, $field_test, $other_operator_test, $other_field, $other_test) = @_;
- my $other_field_test =
- new Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTest($other_operator_test,
- $other_field, $other_test);
- my $or_test = new Bugzilla::Test::Search::OrTest($field_test,
- $other_field_test);
- $or_test->run();
- my $and_test = new Bugzilla::Test::Search::AndTest($field_test,
- $other_field_test);
- $and_test->run();
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1b948f38d..000000000
--- a/xt/lib/Bugzilla/Test/Search/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-# This test combines two field/operator combinations using OR in
-# a single boolean chart.
-package Bugzilla::Test::Search::OrTest;
-use parent qw(Bugzilla::Test::Search::FieldTest);
-use Bugzilla::Test::Search::Constants;
-use List::MoreUtils qw(all any uniq);
-use constant type => 'OR';
-# Constructor #
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = { field_tests => [@_] };
- return bless $self, $class;
-# Accessors #
-sub field_tests { return @{ $_[0]->{field_tests} } }
-sub search_test { ($_[0]->field_tests)[0]->search_test }
-sub name {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my @names = map { $_->name } $self->field_tests;
- return join('-' . $self->type . '-', @names);
-# In an OR test, bugs ARE supposed to be contained if they are contained
-# by ANY test.
-sub bug_is_contained {
- my ($self, $number) = @_;
- return any { $_->bug_is_contained($number) } $self->field_tests;
-# Needed only for failure messages
-sub debug_value {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my @values = map { $_->field . ' ' . $_->debug_value } $self->field_tests;
- return join(' ' . $self->type . ' ', @values);
-# SKIP & TODO Messages #
-sub field_not_yet_implemented {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->_join_messages('field_not_yet_implemented');
-sub invalid_field_operator_combination {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->_join_messages('invalid_field_operator_combination');
-sub search_known_broken {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->_join_messages('search_known_broken');
-sub _join_messages {
- my ($self, $message_method) = @_;
- my @messages = map { $_->$message_method } $self->field_tests;
- @messages = grep { $_ } @messages;
- return join(' AND ', @messages);
-sub _bug_will_actually_be_contained {
- my ($self, $number) = @_;
- foreach my $test ($self->field_tests) {
- # Some tests are broken in such a way that they actually
- # generate no criteria in the SQL. In this case, the only way
- # the test contains the bug is if *another* test contains it.
- next if $test->_known_broken->{no_criteria};
- return 1 if $test->will_actually_contain_bug($number);
- }
- return 0;
-sub contains_known_broken {
- my ($self, $number) = @_;
- if ( ( $self->bug_is_contained($number)
- and !$self->_bug_will_actually_be_contained($number) )
- or ( !$self->bug_is_contained($number)
- and $self->_bug_will_actually_be_contained($number) ) )
- {
- my @messages = map { $_->contains_known_broken($number) }
- $self->field_tests;
- @messages = grep { $_ } @messages;
- # Sometimes, with things that break because of no_criteria, there won't
- # be anything in @messages even though we need to print out a message.
- if (!@messages) {
- my @no_criteria = grep { $_->_known_broken->{no_criteria} }
- $self->field_tests;
- @messages = map { "No criteria generated by " . $_->name }
- @no_criteria;
- }
- die "broken test with no message" if !@messages;
- return join(' AND ', @messages);
- }
- return undef;
-# Bugzilla::Search arguments #
-sub search_columns {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my @columns = map { @{ $_->search_columns } } $self->field_tests;
- return [uniq @columns];
-sub search_params {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my @all_params = map { $_->search_params } $self->field_tests;
- my %params;
- my $chart = 0;
- foreach my $item (@all_params) {
- $params{"field0-0-$chart"} = $item->{'field0-0-0'};
- $params{"type0-0-$chart"} = $item->{'type0-0-0'};
- $params{"value0-0-$chart"} = $item->{'value0-0-0'};
- $chart++;
- }
- return \%params;
diff --git a/xt/lib/QA/ b/xt/lib/QA/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4de985668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xt/lib/QA/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+package QA::REST;
+use 5.10.1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+use lib "$RealBin/../../lib", "$RealBin/../../../local/lib/perl5";
+use autodie;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use JSON;
+use QA::Util;
+use parent qw(LWP::UserAgent Exporter);
+@QA::REST::EXPORT = qw(
+ get_rest_client
+use constant MUST_FAIL => 1;
+sub get_rest_client {
+ my $rest_client = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0 } );
+ bless($rest_client, 'QA::REST');
+ my $config = $rest_client->{bz_config} = get_config();
+ $rest_client->{bz_url} = $config->{browser_url} . '/' . $config->{bugzilla_installation} . '/rest/';
+ $rest_client->{bz_default_headers} = {'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'};
+ return $rest_client;
+sub bz_config { return $_[0]->{bz_config}; }
+sub call {
+ my ($self, $method, $data, $http_verb, $expect_to_fail) = @_;
+ $http_verb = lc($http_verb || 'GET');
+ $data //= {};
+ my %args = %{ $self->{bz_default_headers} };
+ # We do not pass the API key in the URL, so that it's not logged by the web server.
+ if ($http_verb eq 'get' && $data->{api_key}) {
+ $args{'X-BUGZILLA-API-KEY'} = $data->{api_key};
+ }
+ elsif ($http_verb ne 'get') {
+ $args{Content} = encode_json($data);
+ }
+ my $response = $self->$http_verb($self->{bz_url} . $method, %args);
+ my $res = decode_json($response->decoded_content);
+ if ($response->is_success xor $expect_to_fail) {
+ return $res;
+ }
+ else {
+ die 'error ' . $res->{code} . ': ' . $res->{message} . "\n";
+ }
diff --git a/xt/lib/QA/ b/xt/lib/QA/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63a7d9503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xt/lib/QA/
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+package QA::RPC;
+use 5.10.1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+use lib "$RealBin/../../lib", "$RealBin/../../../local/lib/perl5";
+use Data::Dumper;
+use QA::Util;
+use QA::Tests qw(PRIVATE_BUG_USER create_bug_fields);
+use Storable qw(dclone);
+use Test::More;
+sub bz_config {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{bz_config} ||= QA::Util::get_config();
+ return $self->{bz_config};
+# True if we're doing calls over GET instead of POST.
+sub bz_get_mode { return 0 }
+# When doing bz_log_in over GET, we can't actually call User.login,
+# we just store credentials here and then pass them as Bugzilla_login
+# and Bugzilla_password with every future call until User.logout is called
+# (which actually just calls _bz_clear_credentials, under GET).
+sub _bz_credentials {
+ my ($self, $user, $pass) = @_;
+ if (@_ == 3) {
+ $self->{_bz_credentials}->{user} = $user;
+ $self->{_bz_credentials}->{pass} = $pass;
+ }
+ return $self->{_bz_credentials};
+sub _bz_clear_credentials { delete $_[0]->{_bz_credentials} }
+# Helpers for RPC test scripts #
+sub bz_log_in {
+ my ($self, $user) = @_;
+ my $username = $self->bz_config->{"${user}_user_login"};
+ my $password = $self->bz_config->{"${user}_user_passwd"};
+ if ($self->bz_get_mode) {
+ $self->_bz_credentials($username, $password);
+ return;
+ }
+ my $call = $self->bz_call_success(
+ 'User.login', { login => $username, password => $password });
+ cmp_ok($call->result->{id}, 'gt', 0, $self->TYPE . ": Logged in as $user");
+ $self->{_bz_credentials}->{token} = $call->result->{token};
+sub bz_call_success {
+ my ($self, $method, $orig_args, $test_name) = @_;
+ my $args = $orig_args ? dclone($orig_args) : {};
+ if ($self->bz_get_mode and $method eq 'User.logout') {
+ $self->_bz_clear_credentials();
+ return;
+ }
+ my $call;
+ # Under XMLRPC::Lite, if we pass undef as the second argument,
+ # it sends a single param <value />, which shows up as an
+ # empty string on the Bugzilla side.
+ if ($self->{_bz_credentials}->{token}) {
+ $args->{Bugzilla_token} = $self->{_bz_credentials}->{token};
+ }
+ if (scalar keys %$args) {
+ $call = $self->call($method, $args);
+ }
+ else {
+ $call = $self->call($method);
+ }
+ $test_name ||= "$method returned successfully";
+ $self->_handle_undef_response($test_name) if !$call;
+ ok(!$call->fault, $self->TYPE . ": $test_name")
+ or diag($call->faultstring);
+ if ($method eq 'User.logout') {
+ delete $self->{_bz_credentials}->{token};
+ }
+ return $call;
+sub bz_call_fail {
+ my ($self, $method, $orig_args, $faultstring, $test_name) = @_;
+ my $args = $orig_args ? dclone($orig_args) : {};
+ if ($self->{_bz_credentials}->{token}) {
+ $args->{Bugzilla_token} = $self->{_bz_credentials}->{token};
+ }
+ $test_name ||= "$method failed (as intended)";
+ my $call = $self->call($method, $args);
+ $self->_handle_undef_response($test_name) if !$call;
+ ok($call->fault, $self->TYPE . ": $test_name")
+ or diag("Returned: " . Dumper($call->result));
+ if (defined $faultstring) {
+ cmp_ok(trim($call->faultstring), '=~', $faultstring,
+ $self->TYPE . ": Got correct fault for $method");
+ }
+ ok($call->faultcode
+ && (($call->faultcode < 32000 && $call->faultcode > -32000)
+ # Fault codes 32610 and above are OK because they are errors
+ # that we expect and test for sometimes.
+ || $call->faultcode >= 32610),
+ $self->TYPE . ': Fault code is set properly')
+ or diag("Code: " . $call->faultcode
+ . " Message: " . $call->faultstring);
+ return $call;
+sub _handle_undef_response {
+ my ($self, $test_name) = @_;
+ my $response = $self->transport->http_response;
+ die "$test_name:\n", $response->as_string;
+sub bz_get_products {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->bz_log_in('QA_Selenium_TEST');
+ my $accessible = $self->bz_call_success('Product.get_accessible_products');
+ my $prod_call = $self->bz_call_success('Product.get', $accessible->result);
+ my %products;
+ foreach my $prod (@{ $prod_call->result->{products} }) {
+ $products{$prod->{name}} = $prod->{id};
+ }
+ $self->bz_call_success('User.logout');
+ return \%products;
+sub _string_array { map { random_string() } (1..$_[0]) }
+sub bz_create_test_bugs {
+ my ($self, $second_private) = @_;
+ my $config = $self->bz_config;
+ my @whiteboard_strings = _string_array(3);
+ my @summary_strings = _string_array(3);
+ my $public_bug = create_bug_fields($config);
+ $public_bug->{whiteboard} = join(' ', @whiteboard_strings);
+ $public_bug->{summary} = join(' ', @summary_strings);
+ my $private_bug = dclone($public_bug);
+ if ($second_private) {
+ $private_bug->{product} = 'QA-Selenium-TEST';
+ $private_bug->{component} = 'QA-Selenium-TEST';
+ $private_bug->{target_milestone} = 'QAMilestone';
+ $private_bug->{version} = 'QAVersion';
+ # Although we don't directly use this, this helps some tests that
+ # depend on the values in $private_bug.
+ $private_bug->{creator} = $config->{PRIVATE_BUG_USER . '_user_login'};
+ }
+ my @create_bugs = (
+ { user => 'editbugs',
+ args => $public_bug,
+ test => 'Create a public bug' },
+ { user => $second_private ? PRIVATE_BUG_USER : 'editbugs',
+ args => $private_bug,
+ test => $second_private ? 'Create a private bug'
+ : 'Create a second public bug' },
+ );
+ my $post_success = sub {
+ my ($call, $t) = @_;
+ my $id = $call->result->{id};
+ $t->{args}->{id} = $id;
+ };
+ # Creating the bugs isn't really a test, it's just preliminary work
+ # for the tests. So we just run it with one of the RPC clients.
+ $self->bz_run_tests(tests => \@create_bugs, method => 'Bug.create',
+ post_success => $post_success);
+ return ($public_bug, $private_bug);
+sub bz_run_tests {
+ my ($self, %params) = @_;
+ # Required params
+ my $config = $self->bz_config;
+ my $tests = $params{tests};
+ my $method = $params{method};
+ # Optional params
+ my $post_success = $params{post_success};
+ my $pre_call = $params{pre_call};
+ my $former_user = '';
+ foreach my $t (@$tests) {
+ # Only logout/login if the user has changed since the last test
+ # (this saves us LOTS of needless logins).
+ my $user = $t->{user} || '';
+ if ($former_user ne $user) {
+ $self->bz_call_success('User.logout') if $former_user;
+ $self->bz_log_in($user) if $user;
+ $former_user = $user;
+ }
+ $pre_call->($t, $self) if $pre_call;
+ if ($t->{error}) {
+ $self->bz_call_fail($method, $t->{args}, $t->{error}, $t->{test});
+ }
+ else {
+ my $call = $self->bz_call_success($method, $t->{args}, $t->{test});
+ if ($call->result && $post_success) {
+ $post_success->($call, $t, $self);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->bz_call_success('User.logout') if $former_user;
+sub bz_test_bug {
+ my ($self, $fields, $bug, $expect, $t, $creation_time) = @_;
+ foreach my $field (sort @$fields) {
+ # "description" is used by Bug.create but comments are not returned
+ # by Bug.get or
+ next if $field eq 'description';
+ my @include = @{ $t->{args}->{include_fields} || [] };
+ my @exclude = @{ $t->{args}->{exclude_fields} || [] };
+ if ( (@include and !grep($_ eq $field, @include))
+ or (@exclude and grep($_ eq $field, @exclude)) )
+ {
+ ok(!exists $bug->{$field}, "$field is not included")
+ or diag Dumper($bug);
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($field =~ /^is_/) {
+ ok(defined $bug->{$field}, $self->TYPE . ": $field is not null");
+ is($bug->{$field} ? 1 : 0, $expect->{$field} ? 1 : 0,
+ $self->TYPE . ": $field has the right boolean value");
+ }
+ elsif ($field eq 'cc') {
+ foreach my $cc_item (@{ $expect->{cc} || [] }) {
+ ok(grep($_ eq $cc_item, @{ $bug->{cc} }),
+ $self->TYPE . ": $field contains $cc_item");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($field eq 'creation_time' or $field eq 'last_change_time') {
+ my $creation_day;
+ # XML-RPC and JSON-RPC have different date formats.
+ if ($self->isa('QA::RPC::XMLRPC')) {
+ $creation_day = $creation_time->ymd('');
+ }
+ else {
+ $creation_day = $creation_time->ymd;
+ }
+ like($bug->{$field}, qr/^\Q${creation_day}\ET\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/,
+ $self->TYPE . ": $field has the right format");
+ }
+ else {
+ is_deeply($bug->{$field}, $expect->{$field},
+ $self->TYPE . ": $field value is correct");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xt/lib/QA/RPC/ b/xt/lib/QA/RPC/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a085e026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xt/lib/QA/RPC/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+package QA::RPC::JSONRPC;
+use 5.10.1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+use lib "$RealBin/../../../lib", "$RealBin/../../../../local/lib/perl5";
+use QA::RPC;
+ our @ISA = qw(QA::RPC);
+ if (eval { require JSON::RPC::Client }) {
+ push(@ISA, 'JSON::RPC::Client');
+ }
+ else {
+ require JSON::RPC::Legacy::Client;
+ push(@ISA, 'JSON::RPC::Legacy::Client');
+ }
+use URI::Escape;
+use constant DATETIME_REGEX => qr/^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ$/;
+sub TYPE {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->bz_get_mode ? 'JSON-RPC GET' : 'JSON-RPC';
+# Consistency with XMLRPC::Lite #
+sub ua {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self->{ua} and not $self->{ua}->isa('QA::RPC::UserAgent')) {
+ bless $self->{ua}, 'QA::RPC::UserAgent';
+ }
+ return $self->SUPER::ua(@_);
+sub transport { $_[0]->ua }
+sub bz_get_mode {
+ my ($self, $value) = @_;
+ $self->{bz_get_mode} = $value if @_ > 1;
+ return $self->{bz_get_mode};
+sub _bz_callback {
+ my ($self, $value) = @_;
+ $self->{bz_callback} = $value if @_ > 1;
+ return $self->{bz_callback};
+sub call {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($method, $args) = @_;
+ my %params = ( method => $method );
+ $params{params} = $args ? [$args] : [];
+ my $config = $self->bz_config;
+ my $url = $config->{browser_url} . "/"
+ . $config->{bugzilla_installation} . "/jsonrpc.cgi";
+ my $result;
+ if ($self->bz_get_mode) {
+ my $method_escaped = uri_escape($method);
+ $url .= "?method=$method_escaped";
+ if (my $cred = $self->_bz_credentials) {
+ $args->{Bugzilla_login} = $cred->{user}
+ if !exists $args->{Bugzilla_login};
+ $args->{Bugzilla_password} = $cred->{pass}
+ if !exists $args->{Bugzilla_password};
+ }
+ if ($args) {
+ my $params_json = $self->json->encode($args);
+ my $params_escaped = uri_escape($params_json);
+ $url .= "&params=$params_escaped";
+ }
+ if ($self->version eq '1.1') {
+ $url .= "&version=1.1";
+ }
+ my $callback = delete $args->{callback};
+ if (defined $callback) {
+ $self->_bz_callback($callback);
+ $url .= "&callback=" . uri_escape($callback);
+ }
+ $result = $self->SUPER::call($url);
+ }
+ else {
+ $result = $self->SUPER::call($url, \%params);
+ }
+ if ($result) {
+ bless $result, 'QA::RPC::JSONRPC::ReturnObject';
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub _get {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $result = $self->SUPER::_get(@_);
+ # Simple JSONP support for tests. We just remove the callback from
+ # the return value.
+ my $callback = $self->_bz_callback;
+ if (defined $callback and $result->is_success) {
+ my $content = $result->content;
+ $content =~ s/^(?:\/\*\*\/)?\Q$callback(\E(.*)\)$/$1/s;
+ $result->content($content);
+ # We don't need this anymore, and we don't want it to affect
+ # future calls.
+ delete $self->{bz_callback};
+ }
+ return $result;
+package QA::RPC::JSONRPC::ReturnObject;
+use strict;
+ if (eval { require JSON::RPC::Client }) {
+ our @ISA = qw(JSON::RPC::ReturnObject);
+ }
+ else {
+ require JSON::RPC::Legacy::Client;
+ our @ISA = qw(JSON::RPC::Legacy::ReturnObject);
+ }
+# Consistency with XMLRPC::Lite #
+sub faultstring { $_[0]->{content}->{error}->{message} }
+sub faultcode { $_[0]->{content}->{error}->{code} }
+sub fault { $_[0]->is_error }
+package QA::RPC::UserAgent;
+use strict;
+use base qw(LWP::UserAgent);
+# Consistency with XMLRPC::Lite's ->ua #
+sub send_request {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $response = $self->SUPER::send_request(@_);
+ $self->http_response($response);
+ # JSON::RPC::Client can't handle 500 responses, even though
+ # they're required by the JSON-RPC spec.
+ $response->code(200);
+ return $response;
+# Copied directly from SOAP::Lite::Transport::HTTP.
+sub http_response {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_) { $self->{'_http_response'} = shift; return $self }
+ return $self->{'_http_response'};
diff --git a/xt/lib/QA/RPC/ b/xt/lib/QA/RPC/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb227fa9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xt/lib/QA/RPC/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+package QA::RPC::XMLRPC;
+use 5.10.1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+use lib "$RealBin/../../../lib", "$RealBin/../../../../local/lib/perl5";
+use base qw(QA::RPC XMLRPC::Lite);
+use constant TYPE => 'XML-RPC';
+use constant DATETIME_REGEX => qr/^\d{8}T\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$/;
diff --git a/xt/lib/QA/ b/xt/lib/QA/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe5f2d067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xt/lib/QA/
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+package QA::Tests;
+use 5.10.1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+use lib "$RealBin/../../lib", "$RealBin/../../../local/lib/perl5";
+use base qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
+ bug_tests
+ create_bug_fields
+use constant INVALID_BUG_ID => -1;
+use constant INVALID_BUG_ALIAS => 'aaaaaaa12345';
+use constant PRIVATE_BUG_USER => 'QA_Selenium_TEST';
+use constant CREATE_BUG => {
+ 'priority' => 'Highest',
+ 'status' => 'CONFIRMED',
+ 'version' => 'unspecified',
+ 'creator' => 'editbugs',
+ 'description' => '-- Comment Created By Bugzilla XML-RPC Tests --',
+ 'cc' => ['unprivileged'],
+ 'component' => 'c1',
+ 'platform' => 'PC',
+ # It's necessary to assign the bug to somebody who isn't in the
+ # timetracking group, for the Bug.update tests.
+ 'assigned_to' => PRIVATE_BUG_USER,
+ 'summary' => 'WebService Test Bug',
+ 'product' => 'Another Product',
+ 'op_sys' => 'Linux',
+ 'severity' => 'normal',
+ 'qa_contact' => 'canconfirm',
+ version => 'Another1',
+ url => '',
+ target_milestone => 'AnotherMS1',
+sub create_bug_fields {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ my %bug = %{ CREATE_BUG() };
+ foreach my $field (qw(creator assigned_to qa_contact)) {
+ my $value = $bug{$field};
+ $bug{$field} = $config->{"${value}_user_login"};
+ }
+ $bug{cc} = [map { $config->{$_ . "_user_login"} } @{ $bug{cc} }];
+ return \%bug;
+sub bug_tests {
+ my ($public_id, $private_id) = @_;
+ return [
+ { args => { ids => [$private_id] },
+ error => "You are not authorized to access",
+ test => 'Logged-out user cannot access a private bug',
+ },
+ { args => { ids => [$public_id] },
+ test => 'Logged-out user can access a public bug.',
+ },
+ { args => { ids => [INVALID_BUG_ID] },
+ error => "not a valid bug number",
+ test => 'Passing invalid bug id returns error "Invalid Bug ID"',
+ },
+ { args => { ids => [undef] },
+ error => "You must enter a valid bug number",
+ test => 'Passing undef as bug id param returns error "Invalid Bug ID"',
+ },
+ { args => { ids => [INVALID_BUG_ALIAS] },
+ error => "nor an alias to a bug",
+ test => 'Passing invalid bug alias returns error "Invalid Bug Alias"',
+ },
+ { user => 'editbugs',
+ args => { ids => [$private_id] },
+ error => "You are not authorized to access",
+ test => 'Access to a private bug is denied to a user without privs',
+ },
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => { ids => [$public_id] },
+ test => 'User without privs can access a public bug',
+ },
+ { user => 'admin',
+ args => { ids => [$public_id] },
+ test => 'Admin can access a public bug.',
+ },
+ { user => PRIVATE_BUG_USER,
+ args => { ids => [$private_id] },
+ test => 'User with privs can successfully access a private bug',
+ },
+ # This helps webservice_bug_attachment get private attachment ids
+ # from the public bug, and doesn't hurt for the other tests.
+ { user => PRIVATE_BUG_USER,
+ args => { ids => [$public_id] },
+ test => 'User with privs can also access the public bug',
+ },
+ ];
+use constant STANDARD_BUG_TESTS => bug_tests('public_bug', 'private_bug');
diff --git a/xt/lib/QA/ b/xt/lib/QA/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e122e41db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xt/lib/QA/
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+package QA::Util;
+use 5.10.1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+use lib "$RealBin/../../lib", "$RealBin/../../../local/lib/perl5";
+use autodie;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Test::More;
+use parent qw(Exporter);
+@QA::Util::EXPORT = qw(
+ trim
+ url_quote
+ random_string
+ log_in
+ logout
+ file_bug_in_product
+ create_bug
+ edit_bug
+ edit_bug_and_return
+ go_to_bug
+ go_to_home
+ go_to_admin
+ edit_product
+ add_product
+ open_advanced_search_page
+ set_parameters
+ get_selenium
+ get_rpc_clients
+ get_config
+# How long we wait for pages to load.
+use constant WAIT_TIME => 60000;
+use constant CONF_FILE => "$RealBin/../config/selenium_test.conf";
+use constant CHROME_MODE => 1;
+use constant NDASH => chr(0x2013);
+# Utility Functions #
+sub random_string {
+ my $size = shift || 30; # default to 30 chars if nothing specified
+ return join("", map{ ('0'..'9','a'..'z','A'..'Z')[rand 62] } (1..$size));
+# Remove consecutive as well as leading and trailing whitespaces.
+sub trim {
+ my ($str) = @_;
+ if ($str) {
+ $str =~ s/[\r\n\t\s]+/ /g;
+ $str =~ s/^\s+//g;
+ $str =~ s/\s+$//g;
+ }
+ return $str;
+# This originally came from, by Lincoln D. Stein
+sub url_quote {
+ my ($toencode) = (@_);
+ $toencode =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;
+ return $toencode;
+# Setup Functions #
+sub get_config {
+ # read the test configuration file
+ my $conf_file = CONF_FILE;
+ my $config = do($conf_file)
+ or die "can't read configuration '$conf_file': $!$@";
+ return $config;
+sub get_selenium {
+ my $chrome_mode = shift;
+ my $config = get_config();
+ require Test::WWW::Selenium;
+ require WWW::Selenium::Util;
+ if (!WWW::Selenium::Util::server_is_running()) {
+ die "Selenium Server isn't running!";
+ }
+ my $sel = Test::WWW::Selenium->new(
+ host => $config->{host},
+ port => $config->{port},
+ browser => $chrome_mode ? $config->{experimental_browser_launcher} : $config->{browser},
+ browser_url => $config->{browser_url}
+ );
+ return ($sel, $config);
+sub get_xmlrpc_client {
+ my $config = get_config();
+ my $xmlrpc_url = $config->{browser_url} . "/" .
+ $config->{bugzilla_installation} . "/xmlrpc.cgi";
+ require QA::RPC::XMLRPC;
+ my $rpc = QA::RPC::XMLRPC->new(proxy => $xmlrpc_url);
+ return ($rpc, $config);
+sub get_jsonrpc_client {
+ my ($get_mode) = @_;
+ require QA::RPC::JSONRPC;
+ my $rpc = QA::RPC::JSONRPC->new();
+ # If we don't set a long timeout, then the Bug.add_comment test
+ # where we add a too-large comment fails.
+ $rpc->transport->timeout(180);
+ $rpc->version($get_mode ? '1.1' : '1.0');
+ $rpc->bz_get_mode($get_mode);
+ return $rpc;
+sub get_rpc_clients {
+ my ($xmlrpc, $config) = get_xmlrpc_client();
+ my $jsonrpc = get_jsonrpc_client();
+ my $jsonrpc_get = get_jsonrpc_client('GET');
+ return ($config, $xmlrpc, $jsonrpc, $jsonrpc_get);
+# Helpers for Selenium Scripts #
+sub go_to_home {
+ my ($sel, $config) = @_;
+ $sel->open_ok("/$config->{bugzilla_installation}/", undef, "Go to the home page");
+ $sel->title_is("Bugzilla Main Page");
+# Go to the home/login page and log in.
+sub log_in {
+ my ($sel, $config, $user) = @_;
+ go_to_home($sel, $config);
+ $sel->type_ok("Bugzilla_login_top", $config->{"${user}_user_login"}, "Enter $user login name");
+ $sel->type_ok("Bugzilla_password_top", $config->{"${user}_user_passwd"}, "Enter $user password");
+ $sel->click_ok("log_in_top", undef, "Submit credentials");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME);
+ $sel->title_is("Bugzilla Main Page", "User is logged in");
+# Log out. Will fail if you are not logged in.
+sub logout {
+ my $sel = shift;
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Log out", undef, "Logout");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok(WAIT_TIME);
+ $sel->title_is("Logged Out");
+# Display the bug form to enter a bug in the given product.
+sub file_bug_in_product {
+ my ($sel, $product, $classification) = @_;
+ $classification ||= "Unclassified";
+ $sel->click_ok("link=New", undef, "Go create a new bug");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME);
+ my $title = $sel->get_title();
+ if ($sel->is_text_present("Select Classification")) {
+ ok(1, "More than one enterable classification available. Display them in a list");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=$classification", undef, "Choose $classification");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME);
+ $title = $sel->get_title();
+ }
+ if ($title eq "Enter Bug") {
+ ok(1, "Display the list of enterable products");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=$product", undef, "Choose $product");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME);
+ }
+ else {
+ ok(1, "Only one product available in $classification. Skipping the 'Choose product' page.")
+ }
+ $sel->title_is("Enter Bug: $product", "Display form to enter bug data");
+sub create_bug {
+ my ($sel, $bug_summary) = @_;
+ my $ndash = NDASH;
+ $sel->click_ok('commit');
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok(WAIT_TIME);
+ my $bug_id = $sel->get_value('//input[@name="id" and @type="hidden"]');
+ $sel->title_like(qr/$bug_id $ndash( \(.*\))? $bug_summary/, "Bug $bug_id created with summary '$bug_summary'");
+ return $bug_id;
+sub edit_bug {
+ my ($sel, $bug_id, $bug_summary, $options) = @_;
+ my $ndash = NDASH;
+ my $btn_id = $options ? $options->{id} : 'commit';
+ $sel->click_ok($btn_id);
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok(WAIT_TIME);
+ $sel->title_is("$bug_id $ndash $bug_summary", "Changes submitted to bug $bug_id");
+ # If the web browser doesn't support history.ReplaceState or has it turned off,
+ # "Bug FIXME processed" is displayed instead (as in Bugzilla 4.0 and older).
+ # $sel->title_is("Bug $bug_id processed", "Changes submitted to bug $bug_id");
+sub edit_bug_and_return {
+ my ($sel, $bug_id, $bug_summary, $options) = @_;
+ my $ndash = NDASH;
+ edit_bug($sel, $bug_id, $bug_summary, $options);
+ $sel->click_ok("//a[contains(\@href, 'show_bug.cgi?id=$bug_id')]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok(WAIT_TIME);
+ $sel->title_is("$bug_id $ndash $bug_summary", "Returning back to bug $bug_id");
+# Go to show_bug.cgi.
+sub go_to_bug {
+ my ($sel, $bug_id) = @_;
+ $sel->type_ok("quicksearch_top", $bug_id);
+ $sel->click_ok("find_top", undef, "Go to bug $bug_id");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok(WAIT_TIME);
+ my $bug_title = $sel->get_title();
+ utf8::encode($bug_title) if utf8::is_utf8($bug_title);
+ $sel->title_like(qr/^$bug_id /, $bug_title);
+# Go to admin.cgi.
+sub go_to_admin {
+ my $sel = shift;
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Administration", undef, "Go to the Admin page");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME);
+ $sel->title_like(qr/^Administer your installation/, "Display admin.cgi");
+# Go to editproducts.cgi and display the given product.
+sub edit_product {
+ my ($sel, $product, $classification) = @_;
+ $classification ||= "Unclassified";
+ go_to_admin($sel);
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Products", undef, "Go to the Products page");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME);
+ my $title = $sel->get_title();
+ if ($title eq "Select Classification") {
+ ok(1, "More than one enterable classification available. Display them in a list");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=$classification", undef, "Choose $classification");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME);
+ }
+ else {
+ $sel->title_is("Select product", "Display the list of enterable products");
+ }
+ $sel->click_ok("link=$product", undef, "Choose $product");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME);
+ $sel->title_is("Edit Product '$product'", "Display properties of $product");
+sub add_product {
+ my ($sel, $classification) = @_;
+ $classification ||= "Unclassified";
+ go_to_admin($sel);
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Products", undef, "Go to the Products page");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME);
+ my $title = $sel->get_title();
+ if ($title eq "Select Classification") {
+ ok(1, "More than one enterable classification available. Display them in a list");
+ $sel->click_ok("//a[contains(\@href, 'editproducts.cgi?action=add&classification=$classification')]",
+ undef, "Add product to $classification");
+ }
+ else {
+ $sel->title_is("Select product", "Display the list of enterable products");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Add", undef, "Add a new product");
+ }
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME);
+ $sel->title_is("Add Product", "Display the new product form");
+sub open_advanced_search_page {
+ my $sel = shift;
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Search");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME);
+ my $title = $sel->get_title();
+ if ($title eq "Simple Search") {
+ ok(1, "Display the simple search form");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Advanced Search");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME);
+ }
+ $sel->title_is("Search for bugs", "Display the Advanced search form");
+# $params is a hashref of the form:
+# {section1 => { param1 => {type => '(text|select)', value => 'foo'},
+# param2 => {type => '(text|select)', value => 'bar'},
+# param3 => undef },
+# section2 => { param4 => ...},
+# }
+# section1, section2, ... is the name of the section
+# param1, param2, ... is the name of the parameter (which must belong to the given section)
+# type => 'text' is for text fields
+# type => 'select' is for drop-down select fields
+# undef is for radio buttons (in which case the parameter must be the ID of the radio button)
+# value => 'foo' is the value of the parameter (either text or label)
+sub set_parameters {
+ my ($sel, $params) = @_;
+ go_to_admin($sel);
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Parameters", undef, "Go to the Config Parameters page");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME);
+ $sel->title_is("Configuration: Required Settings");
+ my $last_section = "Required Settings";
+ foreach my $section (keys %$params) {
+ if ($section ne $last_section) {
+ $sel->click_ok("link=$section");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok(WAIT_TIME);
+ $sel->title_is("Configuration: $section");
+ $last_section = $section;
+ }
+ my $param_list = $params->{$section};
+ foreach my $param (keys %$param_list) {
+ my $data = $param_list->{$param};
+ if (defined $data) {
+ my $type = $data->{type};
+ my $value = $data->{value};
+ if ($type eq 'text') {
+ $sel->type_ok($param, $value);
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'select') {
+ $sel->select_ok($param, "label=$value");
+ }
+ else {
+ ok(0, "Unknown parameter type: $type");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # If the value is undefined, then the param name is
+ # the ID of the radio button.
+ $sel->click_ok($param);
+ }
+ }
+ $sel->click_ok('//input[@type="submit" and @value="Save Changes"]', undef, "Save Changes");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok(WAIT_TIME);
+ $sel->title_is("Parameters Updated");
+ }