path: root/xt/selenium/user_preferences.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xt/selenium/user_preferences.t')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xt/selenium/user_preferences.t b/xt/selenium/user_preferences.t
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d7d87a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xt/selenium/user_preferences.t
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+use 5.10.1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+use lib "$RealBin/../lib";
+use Test::More "no_plan";
+use QA::Util;
+my ($sel, $config) = get_selenium();
+# Update default user preferences.
+log_in($sel, $config, 'admin');
+$sel->click_ok("link=Default Preferences");
+$sel->title_is("Default Preferences");
+$sel->value_is("skin-enabled", "off");
+$sel->select_ok("state_addselfcc", "label=Never");
+$sel->select_ok("post_bug_submit_action", "label=Show the updated bug");
+$sel->select_ok("zoom_textareas", "label=Off");
+$sel->title_is("Default Preferences");
+# Update own user preferences. Some of them are not editable.
+$sel->title_is("General Preferences");
+ok(!$sel->is_editable("skin"), "The 'skin' user preference is not editable");
+$sel->select_ok("state_addselfcc", "label=Site Default (Never)");
+$sel->select_ok("post_bug_submit_action", "label=Site Default (Show the updated bug)");
+ok(!$sel->is_editable("zoom_textareas"), "The 'zoom_textareas' user preference is not editable");
+$sel->title_is("General Preferences");
+# File a bug in the 'TestProduct' product. The form fields must follow user prefs.
+file_bug_in_product($sel, 'TestProduct');
+$sel->value_is("cc", "");
+my $bug_summary = "First bug created";
+$sel->type_ok("short_desc", $bug_summary);
+$sel->type_ok("comment", "I'm not in the CC list.");
+my $bug1_id = create_bug($sel, $bug_summary);
+$sel->value_is("addselfcc", "off");
+$sel->type_ok("tag", "sel-tmp");
+$sel->select_ok("bug_status", "label=IN_PROGRESS");
+edit_bug($sel, $bug1_id, $bug_summary);
+$sel->value_is("short_desc", $bug_summary);
+$sel->value_is("addselfcc", "off");
+# Create a saved search for the 'sel-tmp' tag.
+$sel->type_ok("quicksearch_top", "tag:sel-tmp");
+$sel->title_is("Bug List");
+$sel->type_ok("save_newqueryname", "sel-tmp");
+$sel->title_is("Search created");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("OK, you have a new search named sel-tmp");
+# Leave this page to avoid clicking on the wrong 'sel-tmp' link.
+go_to_home($sel, $config);
+$sel->title_is("Bug List: sel-tmp");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("One bug found");
+# File another bug in the 'TestProduct' product.
+file_bug_in_product($sel, 'TestProduct');
+$sel->value_is("cc", "");
+my $bug_summary2 = "My second bug";
+$sel->type_ok("short_desc", $bug_summary2);
+$sel->type_ok("comment", "Still not in the CC list");
+my $bug2_id = create_bug($sel, $bug_summary2);
+$sel->value_is("addselfcc", "off");
+$sel->type_ok("tag", "sel-tmp");
+edit_bug($sel, $bug2_id, $bug_summary2);
+$sel->title_is("Bug List: sel-tmp");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("2 bugs found");
+$sel->title_like(qr/^$bug1_id /);
+$sel->type_ok("comment", "The next bug I should see is this one.");
+edit_bug($sel, $bug1_id, $bug_summary);
+$sel->value_is("short_desc", "First bug created");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("The next bug I should see is this one.");
+# Remove the saved search. The tag itself still exists.
+$sel->title_is("Bug List: sel-tmp");
+$sel->title_is("Search is gone");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("OK, the sel-tmp search is gone");
+# Remove the tag from bugs.
+$sel->type_ok("quicksearch_top", "tag:sel-tmp");
+$sel->title_is("Bug List");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("2 bugs found");
+# We cannot remove tags from several bugs at once (bug 791584).
+go_to_bug($sel, $bug1_id);
+$sel->type_ok("tag", "");
+edit_bug($sel, $bug1_id, $bug_summary);
+go_to_bug($sel, $bug2_id);
+$sel->type_ok("tag", "");
+edit_bug($sel, $bug2_id, $bug_summary2);
+$sel->type_ok("quicksearch_top", "tag:sel-tmp");
+$sel->title_is("Bug List");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("Zarro Boogs found");
+# Edit own user preferences, now as an unprivileged user.
+log_in($sel, $config, 'unprivileged');
+$sel->title_is("General Preferences");
+ok(!$sel->is_editable("skin"), "The 'skin' user preference is not editable");
+$sel->select_ok("state_addselfcc", "label=Always");
+$sel->select_ok("post_bug_submit_action", "label=Show next bug in my list");
+ok(!$sel->is_editable("zoom_textareas"), "The 'zoom_textareas' user preference is not editable");
+$sel->title_is("General Preferences");
+# Create a new search named 'my_list'.
+$sel->add_selection_ok("product", "TestProduct");
+$sel->select_ok("bug_id_type", "label=only included in");
+$sel->type_ok("bug_id", "$bug1_id , $bug2_id");
+$sel->select_ok("order", "label=Bug Number");
+$sel->title_is("Bug List");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("2 bugs found");
+$sel->type_ok("save_newqueryname", "my_list");
+$sel->title_is("Search created");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("OK, you have a new search named my_list");
+# Editing bugs should follow user preferences.
+$sel->title_is("Bug List: my_list");
+$sel->title_like(qr/^$bug1_id /);
+$sel->value_is("addselfcc", "on");
+$sel->type_ok("comment", "I should be CC'ed and then I should see the next bug.");
+edit_bug($sel, $bug2_id, $bug_summary2);
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("The next bug in your list is bug $bug2_id");
+ok(!$sel->is_text_present("I should see the next bug"), "The updated bug is no longer displayed");
+# The user has no privs, so the short_desc field is not present.
+$sel->is_text_present("short_desc", "My second bug");
+$sel->value_is("addselfcc", "on");
+$sel->title_like(qr/^$bug1_id /);
+$sel->is_text_present("1 user including you");
+# Delete the saved search and log out.
+$sel->title_is("Bug List: my_list");
+$sel->title_is("Search is gone");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("OK, the my_list search is gone");
+# Restore default user preferences.
+log_in($sel, $config, 'admin');
+$sel->click_ok("link=Default Preferences");
+$sel->title_is("Default Preferences");
+$sel->select_ok("post_bug_submit_action", "label=Do Nothing");
+$sel->title_is("Default Preferences");