path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
1999-05-04Create a summary report for "-All-" bugs. Default links on. Switch sense ofbryce-mozilla%nextbus.com1-2/+9
1999-03-06Fixed bug 3365 -- was generating wrong statistics if there were no NEWterry%netscape.com1-7/+3
1999-03-06Reformated all the code to match the rest of Bugzilla.terry%netscape.com1-58/+47
1998-11-10Patch by Sam Ziegler <> -- cope with productterry%netscape.com1-1/+2
1998-10-27all products get stats collected now, not just a hardcoded list.harrison%netscape.com1-5/+4
1998-10-27run me out of cron, i collect stats for the report graphs.harrison%netscape.com1-0/+107