# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. # XXX In order to support Windows, we have to make gd_redirect_output # use Log4Perl or something instead of calling "logger". We probably # also need to use Win32::Daemon or something like that to daemonize. package Bugzilla::JobQueue::Runner; use 5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; use autodie qw(open close unlink system); use Bugzilla::Logging; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::DaemonControl qw(:utils); use Bugzilla::JobQueue::Worker; use Bugzilla::JobQueue; use Bugzilla::Util qw(get_text); use Cwd qw(abs_path); use English qw(-no_match_vars $PROGRAM_NAME $EXECUTABLE_NAME); use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); use Future; use IO::Async::Loop; use IO::Async::Process; use IO::Async::Signal; use Pod::Usage; use parent qw(Daemon::Generic); our $VERSION = 2; # Info we need to install/uninstall the daemon. our $chkconfig = '/sbin/chkconfig'; our $initd = '/etc/init.d'; our $initscript = 'bugzilla-queue'; # The Daemon::Generic docs say that it uses all sorts of # things from gd_preconfig, but in fact it does not. The # only thing it uses from gd_preconfig is the "pidfile" # config parameter. sub gd_preconfig { my $self = shift; my $pidfile = $self->{gd_args}{pidfile}; if ( !$pidfile ) { $pidfile = bz_locations()->{datadir} . '/' . $self->{gd_progname} . '.pid'; } return ( pidfile => $pidfile ); } # All config other than the pidfile has to be done in gd_getopt # in order for it to be set up early enough. sub gd_getopt { my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::gd_getopt(); if ( $self->{gd_args}{progname} ) { $self->{gd_progname} = $self->{gd_args}{progname}; } else { $self->{gd_progname} = basename($PROGRAM_NAME); } # There are places that Daemon Generic's new() uses $PROGRAM_NAME instead of # gd_progname, which it really shouldn't, but this hack fixes it. $self->{_original_program_name} = $PROGRAM_NAME; ## no critic (Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars) $PROGRAM_NAME = $self->{gd_progname}; ## use critic } sub gd_postconfig { my $self = shift; # See the hack above in gd_getopt. This just reverses it # in case anything else needs the accurate $0. ## no critic (Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars) $PROGRAM_NAME = delete $self->{_original_program_name}; ## use critic } sub gd_more_opt { my $self = shift; return ( 'pidfile=s' => \$self->{gd_args}{pidfile}, 'n=s' => \$self->{gd_args}{progname}, ); } sub gd_usage { pod2usage( { -verbose => 0, -exitval => 'NOEXIT' } ); return 0; } sub gd_can_install { my $self = shift; my $source_file = "scripts/$initscript.rhel"; my $dest_file = "$initd/$initscript"; my $sysconfig = '/etc/sysconfig'; my $config_file = "$sysconfig/$initscript"; if ( !-x $chkconfig || !-d $initd ) { return $self->SUPER::gd_can_install(@_); } return sub { if ( !-w $initd ) { print "You must run the 'install' command as root.\n"; return; } if ( -e $dest_file ) { print "$initscript already in $initd.\n"; } else { copy( $source_file, $dest_file ) or die "Could not copy $source_file to $dest_file: $!"; chmod 0755, $dest_file or die "Could not change permissions on $dest_file: $!"; } system $chkconfig, '--add', $initscript; print "$initscript installed.", " To start the daemon, do \"$dest_file start\" as root.\n"; if ( -d $sysconfig and -w $sysconfig ) { if ( -e $config_file ) { print "$config_file already exists.\n"; return; } open my $config_fh, '>', $config_file; my $directory = abs_path( dirname( $self->{_original_program_name} ) ); my $owner_id = ( stat $self->{_original_program_name} )[4]; my $owner = getpwuid $owner_id; print $config_fh <<"END"; #!/bin/sh BUGZILLA="$directory" USER=$owner END close $config_fh; } else { print "Please edit $dest_file to configure the daemon.\n"; } } } sub gd_can_uninstall { my $self = shift; if ( -x $chkconfig and -d $initd ) { return sub { if ( !-e "$initd/$initscript" ) { print "$initscript not installed.\n"; return; } system $chkconfig, '--del', $initscript; print "$initscript disabled.", " To stop it, run: $initd/$initscript stop\n"; } } return $self->SUPER::gd_can_install(@_); } sub gd_check { my $self = shift; # Get a count of all the jobs currently in the queue. my $jq = Bugzilla->job_queue(); my @dbs = $jq->bz_databases(); my $count = 0; foreach my $driver (@dbs) { $count += $driver->select_one( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ts_job', [] ); } print get_text( 'job_queue_depth', { count => $count } ) . "\n"; } # override this to use IO::Async. sub gd_setup_signals { my $self = shift; my @signals = qw( INT HUP TERM ); $self->{_signal_future} = Future->wait_any( map { catch_signal( $_, $_ ) } @signals ); } sub gd_other_cmd { my ($self) = shift; if ( $ARGV[0] eq 'once' ) { Bugzilla::JobQueue::Worker->run('work_once'); exit; } $self->SUPER::gd_other_cmd(); } sub gd_quit_event { FATAL('gd_quit_event() should never be called') } sub gd_reconfig_event { FATAL('gd_reconfig_event() should never be called') } sub gd_run { my $self = shift; # This is so the process shows up in (h)top in a useful way. local $PROGRAM_NAME = "$self->{gd_progname} [supervisor]"; my $code = $self->run_worker('work')->get; unlink $self->{gd_pidfile}; exit $code; } # This executes the script "jobqueue-worker.pl" # $EXECUTABLE_NAME is the name of the perl interpreter. sub run_worker { my ( $self, $fn ) = @_; my $script = catfile( bz_locations->{cgi_path}, 'jobqueue-worker.pl' ); my @command = ( $EXECUTABLE_NAME, $script, '--function' => $fn ); if ( $self->{gd_args}{progname} ) { push @command, '--name' => "$self->{gd_args}{progname} [worker]"; } my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new; my $exit_f = $loop->new_future; my $worker = IO::Async::Process->new( command => \@command, on_finish => on_finish($exit_f), on_exception => on_exception( 'jobqueue worker', $exit_f ) ); $exit_f->on_cancel( sub { DEBUG('terminate worker'); $worker->kill('TERM'); } ); $loop->add($worker); return $exit_f; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Bugzilla::JobQueue::Runner - A class representing the daemon that runs the job queue. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bugzilla::JobQueue::Runner; Bugzilla::JobQueue::Runner->new(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a subclass of L that is used by L to run the Bugzilla job queue.