# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Migrate::Flyspray; use 5.14.0; use strict; use warnings; use parent qw(Bugzilla::Migrate); use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Util qw(validate_email_syntax); use Bugzilla::DB; use IO::File; use List::Util qw(first none); use SQL::Abstract; use File::MimeInfo; # FIXME: this is currently broken in Bugzilla::Migrate #use constant REQUIRED_MODULES => [ #{ #package => 'SQL-Abstract', #module => 'SQL::Abstract', #version => 0, #}, #]; use constant FIELD_MAP => { 'BugID' => 'bug_id', 'Category' => 'product', 'Subject' => 'short_desc', 'Responsible' => 'assigned_to', 'State' => 'bug_status', 'Class' => 'cf_type', 'Classification' => '', 'Originator' => 'reporter', 'CreationTS' => 'creation_ts', 'Last-Modified' => 'delta_ts', 'Release' => 'version', 'Severity' => 'bug_severity', 'comment' => 'comment', 'comments' => 'comments', 'history' => 'history', 'attachments' => 'attachments', }; use constant VALUE_MAP => { bug_status => { 'unconfirmed' => 'NEW', 'new' => 'NEW', 'unassigned' => 'NEW', 'assigned' => 'CONFIRMED', 'researching' => 'CONFIRMED', 'waiting on response' => 'WAITING', 'requires testing' => 'WAITING', }, resolution => { 'no response' => 'NORESPONSE', 'upstream' => 'UPSTREAM', 'not a bug' => 'NOTABUG', 'won\'t fix' => 'WONTFIX', 'won\'t implement' => 'WONTFIX', 'works for me' => 'WORKSFORME', 'duplicate' => 'DUPLICATE', 'deferred' => 'DEFERRED', 'fixed' => 'FIXED', 'implemented' => 'FIXED', }, priority => { 0 => "--", 1 => "Low", 2 => "Normal", 3 => "High", 4 => "Highest", 5 => "Immediate", 6 => "Flash", }, bug_severity => { 0 => "--", 1 => "enhancement", 2 => "minor", 3 => "normal", 4 => "major", 5 => "blocker", }, }; use constant FLYSPRAY_CONFIG_VARS => ( { name => 'flyspray_db', default => 'bugzilla_flyspray', desc => < 'flyspray_prefix', default => 'flyspray_', desc => <<'END', # The prefix of the flyspray database tables. END }, { name => 'component_owner', default => 'bluewind@xinu.at', desc => <<'END', # The username of the user that is set as the initial owner for components. END }, { name => 'unknown_user_email', default => 'nobody@localhost.localdomain', desc => <<'END', # The email address for the fallback user if a task is created by/assigned to an unknown user. END }, { name => 'attachment_path', default => './flyspray-attachments', desc => <<'END', # The path of the flyspray attachments directory (or a copy). END }, ); sub CONFIG_VARS { my $self = shift; my @vars = (FLYSPRAY_CONFIG_VARS, $self->SUPER::CONFIG_VARS); my $field_map = first { $_->{name} eq 'translate_fields' } @vars; $field_map->{default} = FIELD_MAP; my $value_map = first { $_->{name} eq 'translate_values' } @vars; $value_map->{default} = VALUE_MAP; return @vars; } use constant NON_COMMENT_FIELDS => qw( ); sub new { my ($class) = @_; my $self = { }; bless $self, $class; $self->{dbh} = Bugzilla->dbh; $self->{sql} = SQL::Abstract->new; return $self; } sub _select_fs { my ($self, $table, $fields, $where) = @_; my @fields = qw(category_name shot_in_list); my $db = $self->config('flyspray_db'); my($stmt, @bind) = $self->{sql}->select( [map { sprintf("%s.%s%s", $self->config('flyspray_db'), $self->config('flyspray_prefix'), $_) } @$table], $fields, $where ); $self->debug($stmt, 2); $self->debug(\@bind, 2); my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare($stmt); $sth->execute(@bind); return $sth; } sub _read_users { my $self = shift; my $sth = $self->_select_fs(["users"], [qw(user_id user_name real_name email_address)]); my @result; while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { if (!validate_email_syntax($row->{email_address})) { $self->debug("Skipping invalid email: ".$row->{email_address}, 3); next; } my $item = { login_name => $row->{email_address}, realname => $row->{real_name}, cryptpassword => "*", }; push @result, $item; $self->{map_user_id_to_email}->{$row->{user_id}} = $item->{login_name}; } # Remove duplicate users based on email; keep the latest account my %seen; @result = reverse grep { !$seen{$_->{login_name}}++ } reverse @result; # fallback user for cases where the real user can not be # created or has been deleted push @result, { login_name => $self->config("unknown_user_email"), realname => 'Unknown User', cryptpassword => "*", is_enabled => 0, }; $self->{map_user_id_to_email}->{-1} = $self->config("unknown_user_email"); $self->{map_email_to_name}->{$self->config("unknown_user_email")} = 'UnknownUser'; $self->debug(\@result, 3); #$self->debug([grep { $_->{email} eq 'xx@x.com' } @result], 2); $self->debug("Migrating ".(@result+0)." users"); return \@result; } sub _read_products { my $self = shift; my $sth = $self->_select_fs(["projects"], [qw(project_id project_title intro_message)]); my @result; while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { push @result, { name => $row->{project_title}, description => $row->{intro_message} || "N/A", isactive => 1, components => $self->_get_fs_project_components($row->{project_id}), version => "unspecified", }; $self->{map_project_id_to_name}->{$row->{project_id}} = $row->{project_title}; } $self->debug(\@result, 3); $self->debug("Migrating ".(@result+0)." products"); return \@result; } sub _get_fs_project_components { my $self = shift; my $project_id = shift; my $sth = $self->_select_fs(["list_category"], [qw(category_id category_name show_in_list)], {project_id => $project_id}); my @result; while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { push @result, { name => $row->{category_name}, description => "N/A", initialowner => $self->config("component_owner"), isactive => 1, }; $self->{map_component_id_to_name}->{$row->{category_id}} = $row->{category_name}; $self->{project_id_components}->{$project_id}->{$row->{category_name}} = 1; } push @result, { name => "Uncategorized", description => "N/A", initialowner => $self->config("component_owner"), isactive => 1, }; $self->{map_component_id_to_name}->{-1} = "Uncategorized"; $self->debug(\@result, 3); $self->debug("Found ".(@result+0)." components in project $project_id"); return \@result; } sub _read_bugs { my $self = shift; my $fsdb = $self->config("flyspray_db"); my $fsprfx = $self->config("flyspray_prefix"); #my $sth = $self->_select_fs([qw(tasks users)], [qw(task_id product_category project_id item_summary detailed_desc user_name)], {'tasks.opened_by' => \' = users.user_id' }); my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare(" SELECT t.task_id, t.product_category, t.project_id, t.item_summary, t.detailed_desc, t.opened_by, t.task_priority, t.task_severity, t.item_status, t.date_opened, t.last_edited_time, a.user_id assigned_to, ls.status_name, t.is_closed, lr.resolution_name, lv.version_name FROM $fsdb.${fsprfx}tasks t LEFT OUTER JOIN $fsdb.${fsprfx}assigned a ON a.task_id = t.task_id LEFT OUTER JOIN $fsdb.${fsprfx}list_status ls ON ls.status_id = t.item_status LEFT OUTER JOIN $fsdb.${fsprfx}list_resolution lr ON lr.resolution_id = t.resolution_reason LEFT OUTER JOIN $fsdb.${fsprfx}list_version lv ON lv.version_id = t.product_version GROUP BY t.task_id, a.task_id "); $sth->execute(); #WHERE t.task_id IN (21668, 22102, 23845, 23884) my @result; while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { my $bug = { short_desc => $row->{item_summary}, product => $self->{map_project_id_to_name}->{$row->{project_id}}, component => $self->{map_component_id_to_name}->{$row->{product_category}} // $self->{map_component_id_to_name}->{-1}, bug_id => $row->{task_id}, comments => [], history => [], attachments => [], assigned_to => $self->_get_username($row->{assigned_to}), op_sys => "Linux", rep_platform => "PC", bug_status => $row->{status_name} // "Unknown", bug_severity => $row->{task_severity}, priority => $row->{task_priority}, resolution => $row->{is_closed} ? $row->{resolution_name} // 'UNKNOWN' : '', reporter => $self->_get_username($row->{opened_by}), creation_ts => $row->{date_opened}, delta_ts => $row->{last_edited_time}, version => $row->{version_name} // "unspecified", comment => $row->{detailed_desc}, }; $bug->{version} = "unspecified" if $bug->{version} eq "None"; $bug->{resolution} = "UNSPECIFIED" if $bug->{resolution} eq "None"; $bug->{bug_status} = "RESOLVED" if $bug->{resolution} ne ""; $bug->{component} = $self->{map_component_id_to_name}->{-1} if not defined $self->{project_id_components}->{$row->{project_id}}->{$bug->{component}}; # handle initial comment/description if (length($bug->{comment}) > 65535) { $bug->{comment} = "--- The description has been moved to an attachment because it is longer than 65535 characters ---"; unshift @{$bug->{attachments}}, { submitter => $bug->{reporter}, data => $row->{detailed_desc}, description => "Initial bug description", mimetype => "text/plain", filename => "description.txt", creation_ts => $self->parse_date($row->{date_opened}), }; } my $comments = {}; # fetch comments my $comments_sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached(" SELECT comment_id, user_id, date_added, comment_text FROM $fsdb.${fsprfx}comments WHERE task_id = ?"); $comments_sth->execute($row->{task_id}); while (my $comment = $comments_sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { my $comment_item = { who => $self->_get_username($comment->{user_id}), bug_when => $self->parse_date($comment->{date_added}), thetext => $comment->{comment_text}, }; push @{$bug->{comments}}, $comment_item; $comments->{$comment->{comment_id}} = $comment_item; } # get history my $history_sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached(" SELECT user_id, event_type, event_date, field_changed, old_value, new_value, lr.resolution_name, lsn.status_name status_name_new, lso.status_name status_name_old FROM $fsdb.${fsprfx}history LEFT OUTER JOIN $fsdb.${fsprfx}list_resolution lr ON lr.resolution_id = new_value LEFT OUTER JOIN $fsdb.${fsprfx}list_status lsn ON lsn.status_id = new_value LEFT OUTER JOIN $fsdb.${fsprfx}list_status lso ON lso.status_id = old_value WHERE task_id = ?"); $history_sth->execute($row->{task_id}); while (my $history = $history_sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { if ($history->{event_type} == 2) { # type 2 -> closed bug my $closure_comment = $history->{old_value}; if ($closure_comment ne "") { push @{$bug->{comments}}, { who => $self->_get_username($history->{user_id}), bug_when => $self->parse_date($history->{event_date}), thetext => $closure_comment, }; } push @{$bug->{history}}, { who => $self->_get_username($history->{user_id}), bug_when => $self->parse_date($history->{event_date}), field => "resolution", removed => "", added => $history->{resolution_name}, }; if ($self->translate_value('resolution', $history->{resolution_name} // "") eq "DUPLICATE") { if ($self->translate_value('resolution', $bug->{resolution} // "") eq "DUPLICATE" and $closure_comment =~ m/FS#(\d+)/) { $self->{dupes}->{$row->{task_id}} = int($1); } } } elsif ($history->{event_type} == 3) { # type 3 -> field changed if ($history->{field_changed} eq "item_status") { push @{$bug->{history}}, { who => $self->_get_username($history->{user_id}), bug_when => $self->parse_date($history->{event_date}), field => "bug_status", removed => $history->{status_name_old} // "", added => $history->{status_name_new}, }; } # TODO Add more field type mappings } # TODO Add more events? # optional for now: CC changes, assignee changes, milestone/version changes } # TODO get attachments my $attachments_sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached(" SELECT task_id, orig_name, file_name, file_desc, file_type, file_size, added_by, date_added FROM $fsdb.${fsprfx}attachments WHERE task_id = ? "); $attachments_sth->execute($row->{task_id}); my $attpath = $self->config("attachment_path"); while (my $attachment = $attachments_sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { my $path = $attpath.'/'.$attachment->{file_name}; next unless -f $path; next unless -s $path; my $attachment_item = { submitter => $self->_get_username($attachment->{added_by}), creation_ts => $attachment->{date_added}, description => $attachment->{file_desc} || $attachment->{orig_name}, filename => $attachment->{orig_name}, #mimetype => $attachment->{file_type}, ispatch => $attachment->{file_type} =~ m/^text\/x-diff/ ? 1 : 0, data_path => $path, }; #$attachment_item->{mimetype} = mimetype($path) if $attachment_item->{mimetype} eq "" or $attachment_item->{mimetype} !~ m/.+\/.+/; $attachment_item->{mimetype} = mimetype($path); # TODO: set extra_data and type of comment when attachment is part of a comment. # problem: how to get attachment id? not yet in db # change _insert_attachments/_insert_comments? push @{$bug->{attachments}}, $attachment_item; #$self->debug($bug); #die if $attachment->{date_added} == 1110715864; } push @result, $bug; } #$self->debug(\@result, 3); #@result = grep { $_->{bug_id} == 56677 } @result; #$self->debug([grep { $_->{bug_id} == 56677 } @result], 2); #$self->debug([keys %{{map { $_->{version} => 1 } @result}}], 2); #die; $self->debug("Migrating ".(@result+0)." bugs"); # Ensure bug IDs are kept by preventing the validator from unsetting them my $orig_validator = \&Bugzilla::Bug::run_create_validators; *{Bugzilla::Bug::run_create_validators} = sub { my ($class, $params) = @_; my $bug_id = $params->{bug_id}; my $ret = $orig_validator->(@_); $ret->{bug_id} = $bug_id; return $ret; }; # insert_create_data is not implemented in Bugzilla::Bug #my $orig_create = \&Bugzilla::Bug::insert_create_data; my $orig_create = \&Bugzilla::Object::insert_create_data; *{Bugzilla::Bug::insert_create_data} = sub { my ($class, $params) = @_; my $bug_id = $params->{bug_id}; $orig_create->(@_); # XXX: The next lines are copied from Bugzilla::Bug::insert_create_data and may need to be adjusted in the future! # XXX: They also trigger hooks/audit again which is not really nice my $object = $class->new($bug_id); Bugzilla::Hook::process('object_end_of_create', { class => $class, object => $object }); $object->audit_log(AUDIT_CREATE) if $object->AUDIT_CREATES; return $object; }; return \@result; } sub _get_username { my ($self, $userid) = @_; my $email = $self->{map_user_id_to_email}->{$userid // -1} // $self->{map_user_id_to_email}->{-1}; $self->{email_to_keep}->{$email} = 1; return $email; } sub translate_bug { my ($self, $fields) = @_; my ($bug, $other_fields) = $self->SUPER::translate_bug($fields); #TODO remove this function if not used return wantarray ? ($bug, $other_fields) : $bug; } sub after_read { my ($self) = @_; # only migrate users that have comments/attachments/are used somewhere $self->{users} = [grep { defined $self->{email_to_keep}->{$_->{login_name}}} @{$self->{users}}]; } sub after_insert { my ($self) = @_; for my $dupe (keys %{$self->{dupes}}) { my $dupe_of = $self->{dupes}->{$dupe}; my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->new($dupe_of); $self->{dbh}->do("INSERT INTO duplicates (dupe_of, dupe) VALUES (?, ?)", undef, $dupe_of, $dupe) unless defined $bug->{error}; } } # Timestamps from flyspray are unix timestamps which Date::Parse # can't parse so the original parse_date() sub will just die sub parse_date { my ($self, $date) = @_; my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $date ); $dt->set_time_zone(Bugzilla->local_timezone); return $dt->iso8601; } 1;