package Bugzilla::PatchReader::FixPatchRoot; use Bugzilla::PatchReader::FilterPatch; use Bugzilla::PatchReader::CVSClient; use strict; @Bugzilla::PatchReader::FixPatchRoot::ISA = qw(Bugzilla::PatchReader::FilterPatch); sub new { my $class = shift; $class = ref($class) || $class; my $this = $class->SUPER::new(); bless $this, $class; my %parsed = Bugzilla::PatchReader::CVSClient::parse_cvsroot($_[0]); $this->{REPOSITORY_ROOT} = $parsed{rootdir}; $this->{REPOSITORY_ROOT} .= "/" if substr($this->{REPOSITORY_ROOT}, -1) ne "/"; return $this; } sub diff_root { my $this = shift; if (@_) { $this->{DIFF_ROOT} = $_[0]; } else { return $this->{DIFF_ROOT}; } } sub flush_delayed_commands { my $this = shift; return if ! $this->{DELAYED_COMMANDS}; my $commands = $this->{DELAYED_COMMANDS}; delete $this->{DELAYED_COMMANDS}; $this->{FORCE_COMMANDS} = 1; foreach my $command_arr (@{$commands}) { my $command = $command_arr->[0]; my $arg = $command_arr->[1]; if ($command eq "start_file") { $this->start_file($arg); } elsif ($command eq "end_file") { $this->end_file($arg); } elsif ($command eq "section") { $this->next_section($arg); } } } sub end_patch { my $this = shift; $this->flush_delayed_commands(); $this->{TARGET}->end_patch(@_) if $this->{TARGET}; } sub start_file { my $this = shift; my ($file) = @_; # If the file is new, it will not have a filename that fits the repository # root and therefore needs to be fixed up to have the same root as everyone # else. At the same time we need to fix DIFF_ROOT too. if (exists($this->{DIFF_ROOT})) { # XXX Return error if there are multiple roots in the patch by verifying # that the DIFF_ROOT is not different from the calculated diff root on this # filename $file->{filename} = $this->{DIFF_ROOT} . $file->{filename}; $file->{canonical} = 1; } elsif ($file->{rcs_filename} && substr($file->{rcs_filename}, 0, length($this->{REPOSITORY_ROOT})) eq $this->{REPOSITORY_ROOT}) { # Since we know the repository we can determine where the user was in the # repository when they did the diff by chopping off the repository root # from the rcs filename $this->{DIFF_ROOT} = substr($file->{rcs_filename}, length($this->{REPOSITORY_ROOT})); $this->{DIFF_ROOT} =~ s/,v$//; # If the RCS file exists in the Attic then we need to correct for # this, stripping off the '/Attic' suffix in order to reduce the name # to just the CVS root. if ($this->{DIFF_ROOT} =~ m/Attic/) { $this->{DIFF_ROOT} = substr($this->{DIFF_ROOT}, 0, -6); } # XXX More error checking--that filename exists and that it is in fact # part of the rcs filename $this->{DIFF_ROOT} = substr($this->{DIFF_ROOT}, 0, -length($file->{filename})); $this->flush_delayed_commands(); $file->{filename} = $this->{DIFF_ROOT} . $file->{filename}; $file->{canonical} = 1; } else { # DANGER Will Robinson. The first file in the patch is new. We will try # "delayed command mode" # # (if force commands is on we are already in delayed command mode, and sadly # this means the entire patch was unintelligible to us, so we just output # whatever the hell was in the patch) if (!$this->{FORCE_COMMANDS}) { push @{$this->{DELAYED_COMMANDS}}, [ "start_file", { %{$file} } ]; return; } } $this->{TARGET}->start_file($file) if $this->{TARGET}; } sub end_file { my $this = shift; if (exists($this->{DELAYED_COMMANDS})) { push @{$this->{DELAYED_COMMANDS}}, [ "end_file", { %{$_[0]} } ]; } else { $this->{TARGET}->end_file(@_) if $this->{TARGET}; } } sub next_section { my $this = shift; if (exists($this->{DELAYED_COMMANDS})) { push @{$this->{DELAYED_COMMANDS}}, [ "section", { %{$_[0]} } ]; } else { $this->{TARGET}->next_section(@_) if $this->{TARGET}; } } 1