# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Quantum; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious'; # Needed for its exit() overload, must happen early in execution. use CGI::Compile; use utf8; use Encode; use Bugzilla (); use Bugzilla::BugMail (); use Bugzilla::CGI (); use Bugzilla::Constants qw(bz_locations); use Bugzilla::Extension (); use Bugzilla::Install::Requirements (); use Bugzilla::Logging; use Bugzilla::Quantum::CGI; use Bugzilla::Quantum::SES; use Bugzilla::Quantum::Home; use Bugzilla::Quantum::Static; use Mojo::Loader qw( find_modules ); use Module::Runtime qw( require_module ); use Bugzilla::Util (); use Cwd qw(realpath); use MojoX::Log::Log4perl::Tiny; use Bugzilla::WebService::Server::REST; has 'static' => sub { Bugzilla::Quantum::Static->new }; sub startup { my ($self) = @_; DEBUG('Starting up'); $self->plugin('Bugzilla::Quantum::Plugin::Glue'); $self->plugin('Bugzilla::Quantum::Plugin::Hostage') unless $ENV{BUGZILLA_DISABLE_HOSTAGE}; $self->plugin('Bugzilla::Quantum::Plugin::BlockIP'); $self->plugin('Bugzilla::Quantum::Plugin::Helpers'); # hypnotoad is weird and doesn't look for MOJO_LISTEN itself. $self->config( hypnotoad => { proxy => $ENV{MOJO_REVERSE_PROXY} // 1, heartbeat_interval => $ENV{MOJO_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL} // 10, heartbeat_timeout => $ENV{MOJO_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT} // 120, inactivity_timeout => $ENV{MOJO_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT} // 120, workers => $ENV{MOJO_WORKERS} // 15, clients => $ENV{MOJO_CLIENTS} // 10, spare => $ENV{MOJO_SPARE} // 5, listen => [ $ENV{MOJO_LISTEN} // 'http://*:3000' ], }, ); # Make sure each httpd child receives a different random seed (bug 476622). # Bugzilla::RNG has one srand that needs to be called for # every process, and Perl has another. (Various Perl modules still use # the built-in rand(), even though we never use it in Bugzilla itself, # so we need to srand() both of them.) # Also, ping the dbh to force a reconnection. Mojo::IOLoop->next_tick( sub { Bugzilla::RNG::srand(); srand(); eval { Bugzilla->dbh->ping }; } ); Bugzilla::Extension->load_all(); if ( $self->mode ne 'development' ) { Bugzilla->preload_features(); DEBUG('preloading templates'); Bugzilla->preload_templates(); DEBUG('done preloading templates'); require_module($_) for find_modules('Bugzilla::User::Setting'); $self->hook( after_static => sub { my ($c) = @_; $c->res->headers->cache_control('public, max-age=31536000'); } ); } Bugzilla::WebService::Server::REST->preload; $self->setup_routes; Bugzilla::Hook::process( 'app_startup', { app => $self } ); } sub setup_routes { my ($self) = @_; my $r = $self->routes; Bugzilla::Quantum::CGI->load_all($r); Bugzilla::Quantum::CGI->load_one( 'bzapi_cgi', 'extensions/BzAPI/bin/rest.cgi' ); $r->get('/home')->to('Home#index'); $r->any('/')->to('CGI#index_cgi'); $r->any('/bug/')->to('CGI#show_bug_cgi'); $r->any('/')->to('CGI#show_bug_cgi'); $r->get('/testagent.cgi' => sub { my $c = shift; $c->render(text => "OK Mojolicious"); }); $r->any('/rest')->to('CGI#rest_cgi'); $r->any('/rest.cgi/*PATH_INFO')->to( 'CGI#rest_cgi' => { PATH_INFO => '' } ); $r->any('/rest/*PATH_INFO')->to( 'CGI#rest_cgi' => { PATH_INFO => '' } ); $r->any('/extensions/BzAPI/bin/rest.cgi/*PATH_INFO')->to('CGI#bzapi_cgi'); $r->any('/bzapi/*PATH_INFO')->to('CGI#bzapi_cgi'); $r->static_file('/__lbheartbeat__'); $r->static_file('/__version__' => { file => 'version.json', content_type => 'application/json' }); $r->static_file('/version.json', { content_type => 'application/json' }); $r->page('/review', 'splinter.html'); $r->page('/user_profile', 'user_profile.html'); $r->page('/userprofile', 'user_profile.html'); $r->page('/request_defer', 'request_defer.html'); $r->get('/__heartbeat__')->to('CGI#heartbeat_cgi'); $r->get('/robots.txt')->to('CGI#robots_cgi'); $r->any('/login')->to( 'CGI#index_cgi' => { 'GoAheadAndLogIn' => '1' } ); $r->any( '/:new_bug' => [ new_bug => qr{new[-_]bug} ] )->to('CGI#new_bug_cgi'); my $ses_auth = $r->under( '/ses' => sub { my ($c) = @_; my $lc = Bugzilla->localconfig; return $c->basic_auth( 'SES', $lc->{ses_username}, $lc->{ses_password} ); } ); $ses_auth->any('/index.cgi')->to('SES#main'); } 1;