package Bugzilla::Quantum::Plugin::Hostage; use 5.10.1; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin'; use Bugzilla::Logging; sub _attachment_root { my ($base) = @_; return undef unless $base; return $base =~ m{^https?://(?:bug)?\%bugid\%\.([a-zA-Z\.-]+)} ? $1 : undef; } sub _attachment_host_regex { my ($base) = @_; return undef unless $base; my $val = $base; $val =~ s{^https?://}{}s; $val =~ s{/$}{}s; my $regex = quotemeta $val; $regex =~ s/\\\%bugid\\\%/\\d+/g; return qr/^$regex$/s; } sub register { my ($self, $app, $conf) = @_; $app->hook(before_routes => \&_before_routes); } sub _before_routes { my ($c) = @_; state $urlbase = Bugzilla->localconfig->{urlbase}; state $urlbase_uri = URI->new($urlbase); state $urlbase_host = $urlbase_uri->host; state $urlbase_host_regex = qr/^bug(\d+)\.\Q$urlbase_host\E$/; state $attachment_base = Bugzilla->localconfig->{attachment_base}; state $attachment_root = _attachment_root($attachment_base); state $attachment_host_regex = _attachment_host_regex($attachment_base); my $stash = $c->stash; my $req = $c->req; my $url = $req->url->to_abs; return if $stash->{'mojo.static'}; my $hostname = $url->host; return if $hostname eq $urlbase_host; my $path = $url->path; return if $path eq '/__lbheartbeat__'; if ($attachment_base && $hostname eq $attachment_root) { DEBUG("redirecting to $urlbase because $hostname is $attachment_root"); $c->redirect_to($urlbase); return; } elsif ($attachment_base && $hostname =~ $attachment_host_regex) { if ($path =~ m{^/attachment\.cgi}s) { return; } else { my $new_uri = $url->clone; $new_uri->scheme($urlbase_uri->scheme); $new_uri->host($urlbase_host); DEBUG( "redirecting to $new_uri because $hostname matches attachment regex"); $c->redirect_to($new_uri); return; } } elsif (my ($id) = $hostname =~ $urlbase_host_regex) { my $new_uri = $urlbase_uri->clone; $new_uri->path('/show_bug.cgi'); $new_uri->query_form(id => $id); DEBUG("redirecting to $new_uri because $hostname includes bug id"); $c->redirect_to($new_uri); return; } else { DEBUG("redirecting to $urlbase because $hostname doesn't make sense"); $c->redirect_to($urlbase); return; } } 1;