# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Sentry; use 5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw( sentry_handle_error sentry_should_notify ); use Carp; use DateTime; use File::Temp; use JSON (); use List::MoreUtils qw( any ); use LWP::UserAgent; use Sys::Hostname; use URI; use URI::QueryParam; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::RNG qw(irand); use Bugzilla::Util; use Bugzilla::WebService::Constants; use constant CONFIG => { # 'codes' lists the code-errors which are sent to sentry codes => [qw( bug_error chart_datafile_corrupt chart_dir_nonexistent chart_file_open_fail illegal_content_type_method jobqueue_insert_failed ldap_bind_failed mail_send_error template_error token_generation_error param_must_be_numeric )], # any error/warning messages matching these regex's will not be logged or # sent to sentry ignore => [ qr/^compiled template :\s*$/, qr/^Use of uninitialized value \$compiled in concatenation \(\.\) or string/, ], # any error/warning messages matching these regex's will be logged but not # sent to sentry sentry_ignore => [ qr/Software caused connection abort/, qr/Could not check out .*\/cvsroot/, qr/Unicode character \S+ is illegal/, qr/Lost connection to MySQL server during query/, qr/Call me again when you have some data to chart/, qr/relative paths are not allowed/, qr/Illegal mix of collations for operation/, ], # (ab)use the logger to classify error/warning types logger => [ { match => [ qr/DBD::mysql/, qr/Can't connect to the database/, ], logger => 'database_error', }, { match => [ qr/PatchReader/ ], logger => 'patchreader', }, { match => [ qr/Use of uninitialized value/ ], logger => 'uninitialized_warning', }, ], }; sub sentry_generate_id { return sprintf('%04x%04x%04x%04x%04x%04x%04x%04x', irand(0xffff), irand(0xffff), irand(0xffff), irand(0x0fff) | 0x4000, irand(0x3fff) | 0x8000, irand(0xffff), irand(0xffff), irand(0xffff) ); } sub sentry_should_notify { my $code_error = shift; return grep { $_ eq $code_error } @{ CONFIG->{codes} }; } sub sentry_handle_error { my $level = shift; my @message = split(/\n/, shift); my $id = sentry_generate_id(); my $is_error = $level eq 'error'; if ($level ne 'error' && $level ne 'warning') { # it's a code-error return 0 unless sentry_should_notify($level); $is_error = 1; $level = 'error'; } # build traceback my $traceback; { # for now don't show function arguments, in case they contain # confidential data. waiting on bug 700683 #local $Carp::MaxArgLen = 256; #local $Carp::MaxArgNums = 0; local $Carp::MaxArgNums = -1; local $Carp::CarpInternal{'CGI::Carp'} = 1; local $Carp::CarpInternal{'Bugzilla::Error'} = 1; local $Carp::CarpInternal{'Bugzilla::Sentry'} = 1; $traceback = trim(Carp::longmess()); } # strip timestamp foreach my $line (@message) { $line =~ s/^\[[^\]]+\] //; } my $message = join(" ", map { trim($_) } grep { $_ ne '' } @message); # message content filtering foreach my $re (@{ CONFIG->{ignore} }) { return 0 if $message =~ $re; } # determine logger my $logger; foreach my $config (@{ CONFIG->{logger} }) { foreach my $re (@{ $config->{match} }) { if ($message =~ $re) { $logger = $config->{logger}; last; } } last if $logger; } $logger ||= $level; # don't send to sentry unless configured my $send_to_sentry = Bugzilla->params->{sentry_uri} ? 1 : 0; # web service filtering if ($send_to_sentry && (Bugzilla->error_mode == ERROR_MODE_DIE_SOAP_FAULT || Bugzilla->error_mode == ERROR_MODE_JSON_RPC)) { my ($code) = $message =~ /^(-?\d+): /; if ($code && !($code == ERROR_UNKNOWN_FATAL || $code == ERROR_UNKNOWN_TRANSIENT)) { $send_to_sentry = 0; } } # message content filtering if ($send_to_sentry) { foreach my $re (@{ CONFIG->{sentry_ignore} }) { if ($message =~ $re) { $send_to_sentry = 0; last; } } } # invalid boolean search errors need special handling if ($message =~ /selectcol_arrayref failed: syntax error/ && $message =~ /IN BOOLEAN MODE/ && $message =~ /Bugzilla\/Search\.pm/) { $send_to_sentry = 0; } # for now, don't send patchreader errors to sentry $send_to_sentry = 0 if $logger eq 'patchreader'; # log to apache's error_log if ($send_to_sentry) { _write_to_error_log("$message [#$id]", $is_error); } else { $traceback =~ s/\n/ /g; _write_to_error_log("$message $traceback", $is_error); } return 0 unless $send_to_sentry; my $user_data = undef; eval { my $user = Bugzilla->user; if ($user->id) { $user_data = { id => $user->login, name => $user->name, }; } }; my $uri = URI->new(Bugzilla->cgi->self_url); $uri->query(undef); # sanitise # sanitise these query-string params # names are checked as-is as well as prefixed by BUGZILLA_ my @sanitise_params = qw( PASSWORD TOKEN API_KEY ); # remove these ENV vars my @sanitise_vars = qw( HTTP_COOKIE HTTP_X_BUGZILLA_PASSWORD HTTP_X_BUGZILLA_API_KEY HTTP_X_BUGZILLA_TOKEN ); foreach my $var (qw( QUERY_STRING REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING )) { next unless exists $ENV{$var}; my @pairs = split('&', $ENV{$var}); foreach my $pair (@pairs) { next unless $pair =~ /^([^=]+)=(.+)$/; my ($param, $value) = ($1, $2); if (any { uc($param) eq $_ || uc($param) eq "BUGZILLA_$_" } @sanitise_params) { $value = '*'; } $pair = $param . '=' . $value; } $ENV{$var} = join('&', @pairs); } foreach my $var (qw( REQUEST_URI HTTP_REFERER )) { next unless exists $ENV{$var}; my $uri = URI->new($ENV{$var}); foreach my $param ($uri->query_param) { if (any { uc($param) eq $_ || uc($param) eq "BUGZILLA_$_" } @sanitise_params) { $uri->query_param($param, '*'); } } $ENV{$var} = $uri->as_string; } foreach my $var (@sanitise_vars) { delete $ENV{$var}; } my $now = DateTime->now(); my $data = { event_id => $id, message => $message, timestamp => $now->iso8601(), level => $level, platform => 'Other', logger => $logger, server_name => hostname(), 'sentry.interfaces.User' => $user_data, 'sentry.interfaces.Http' => { url => $uri->as_string, method => $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}, query_string => $ENV{QUERY_STRING}, env => \%ENV, }, extra => { stacktrace => $traceback, }, }; my $fh = File::Temp->new( DIR => bz_locations()->{error_reports}, TEMPLATE => $now->ymd('') . $now->hms('') . '-XXXX', SUFFIX => '.dump', UNLINK => 0, ); if (!$fh) { warn "Failed to create dump file: $!\n"; return; } print $fh JSON->new->utf8(1)->pretty(0)->allow_nonref(1)->encode($data); close($fh); return 1; } sub _write_to_error_log { my ($message, $is_error) = @_; if ($ENV{MOD_PERL}) { require Apache2::Log; if ($is_error) { Apache2::ServerRec::log_error($message); } else { Apache2::ServerRec::warn($message); } } else { print STDERR $message, "\n"; } } # lifted from Bugzilla::Error sub _in_eval { my $in_eval = 0; for (my $stack = 1; my $sub = (caller($stack))[3]; $stack++) { last if $sub =~ /^ModPerl/; last if $sub =~ /^Bugzilla::Template/; $in_eval = 1 if $sub =~ /^\(eval\)/; } return $in_eval; } sub _sentry_die_handler { my $message = shift; $message =~ s/^undef error - //; # avoid recursion, and check for CGI::Carp::die failures my $in_cgi_carp_die = 0; for (my $stack = 1; my $sub = (caller($stack))[3]; $stack++) { return if $sub =~ /:_sentry_die_handler$/; $in_cgi_carp_die = 1 if $sub =~ /CGI::Carp::die$/; } return if $Bugzilla::Template::is_processing; return if _in_eval(); # mod_perl overrides exit to call die with this string exit if $message =~ /\bModPerl::Util::exit\b/; my $nested_error = ''; my $is_compilation_failure = $message =~ /\bcompilation (aborted|failed)\b/i; # if we are called via CGI::Carp::die chances are something is seriously # wrong, so skip trying to use ThrowTemplateError if (!$in_cgi_carp_die && !$is_compilation_failure) { eval { my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi; $cgi->close_standby_message('text/html', 'inline', 'error', 'html'); Bugzilla::Error::ThrowTemplateError($message); print $cgi->multipart_final() if $cgi->{_multipart_in_progress}; }; $nested_error = $@ if $@; } if ($is_compilation_failure || $in_cgi_carp_die || ($nested_error && $nested_error !~ /\bModPerl::Util::exit\b/) ) { sentry_handle_error('error', $message); # and call the normal error management # (ISE for web pages, error response for web services, etc) CORE::die($message); } exit; } sub install_sentry_handler { require CGI::Carp; CGI::Carp::set_die_handler(\&_sentry_die_handler); $main::SIG{__WARN__} = sub { return if _in_eval(); sentry_handle_error('warning', shift); }; } BEGIN { if ($ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} || $ENV{MOD_PERL}) { install_sentry_handler(); } } 1;