========================= BMO: bugzilla.mozilla.org ========================= BMO is Mozilla's highly customized version of Bugzilla. .. image:: https://circleci.com/gh/mozilla-bteam/bmo/tree/master.svg?style=svg :target: https://circleci.com/gh/mozilla-bteam/bmo/tree/master .. contents:: .. 1 Using Vagrant (For Development) 1.1 Setup Vagrant VMs 1.2 Making Changes and Seeing them 1.3 Technical Details 1.4 Perl Shell (re.pl, repl) 2 Using Docker Compose (For Development) 3 Docker Container 3.1 Container Arguments 3.2 Environmental Variables 3.3 Persistent Data Volume 4. Development Tips 4.1 Testing Emails If you want to contribute to BMO, you can fork this repo and get a local copy of BMO running in a few minutes using Vagrant or Docker. Using Vagrant (For Development) =============================== You will need to install the following software: * Vagrant 1.9.1 or later Doing this on OSX can be accomplished with homebrew: .. code-block:: bash brew cask install vagrant For Ubuntu 16.04, download the vagrant .dpkg directly from https://vagrantup.com. The one that ships with Ubuntu is too old. Setup Vagrant VMs ----------------- From your BMO checkout run the following command: .. code-block:: bash vagrant up Depending on the speed of your computer and your Internet connection, this will take from a few minutes to much longer. If this fails, please file a bug `using this link `__. Otherwise, you should have a working BMO developer machine! To test it, you'll want to add an entry to /etc/hosts for bmo-web.vm pointing to After that, you should be able to visit http://bmo-web.vm/ from your browser. You can login as vagrant@bmo-web.vm with the password "vagrant01!" (without quotes). Making Changes and Seeing them ------------------------------ After editing files in the bmo directory, you will need to run .. code-block:: bash vagrant rsync && vagrant provision --provision-with update to see the changes applied to your vagrant VM. If the above command fails or db is changed, do a full provision: .. code-block:: bash vagrant rsync && vagrant provision Testing Auth delegation ----------------------- For testing auth-delegation there is included an `scripts/auth-test-app` script that runs a webserver and implements the auth delegation protocol. Provided you have `Mojolicious`_ installed: .. code-block:: bash perl auth-test-app daemon Then just browse to `localhost:3000`_ to test creating API keys. .. _`Mojolicious`: https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious .. _`localhost:3000`: http://localhost:3000 Technical Details ----------------- This Vagrant environment is a very complete but scaled-down version of production BMO. It uses roughly the same RPMs (from CentOS 6, versus RHEL 6 in production) and the same perl dependencies (via https://github.com/mozilla-bteam/carton-bundles). It includes a couple example products, some fake users, and some of BMO's real groups. Email is disabled for all users; however, it is safe to enable email as the box is configured to send all email to the 'vagrant' user on the web vm. Most of the cron jobs and the jobqueue daemon are running. It is also configured to use memcached. The push connector is not currently configured, nor is the Pulse publisher. Perl Shell (re.pl, repl) ------------------------ Installed on the vagrant vm is also a program called re.pl. re.pl an interactive perl shell (somtimes called a REPL (short for Read-Eval-Print-Loop)). It loads Bugzilla.pm and you can call Bugzilla internal API methods from it, an example session is reproduced below: .. code-block:: plain re.pl $ my $product = Bugzilla::Product->new({name => "Firefox"}); Took 0.0262260437011719 seconds. $Bugzilla_Product1 = Bugzilla::Product=HASH(0x7e3c950); $ $product->name Took 0.000483036041259766 seconds. Firefox It supports tab completion for file names, method names and so on. For more information see `Devel::REPL`_. You can use the 'p' command (provided by `Data::Printer`_) to inspect variables as well. .. code-block:: plain $ p @INC [ [0] ".", [1] "lib", [2] "local/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi", [3] "local/lib/perl5", [4] "/home/vagrant/perl/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi", [5] "/home/vagrant/perl/lib/perl5", [6] "/vagrant/local/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi", [7] "/vagrant/local/lib/perl5", [8] "/usr/local/lib64/perl5", [9] "/usr/local/share/perl5", [10] "/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl", [11] "/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl", [12] "/usr/lib64/perl5", [13] "/usr/share/perl5", [14] sub { ... } ] .. _`Devel::REPL`: https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::REPL .. _`Data::Printer`: https://metacpan.org/pod/Data::Printer Using Docker (For Development) ============================== While not yet as featureful or complete as the vagrant setup, this repository now contains a docker-compose file that will create a local bugzilla for testing. To use docker-compose, ensure you have the latest Docker install for your environemnt (Linux, Windows, or Mac OS). If you are using Ubuntu, then you can read the next section to ensure that you have the correct docker setup. .. code-block:: bash docker-compose up --build Then, you must configure your browser to use http://localhost:1091 as an HTTP proxy. For setting a proxy in Firefox, see `Firefox Connection Settings`_. The procecure should be similar for other browsers. .. _`Firefox Connection Settings`: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/connection-settings-firefox After that, you should be able to visit http://bmo-web.vm/ from your browser. You can login as vagrant@bmo-web.vm with the password "vagrant01!" (without quotes). Ensuring your Docker setup on Ubuntu 16.04 ========================================== On Ubuntu, Docker can be installed using apt-get. After installing, you need to do run these commands to ensure that it has installed fine: .. code-block:: bash sudo groupadd docker # add a new group called "docker" sudo gpasswd -a docker # add yourself to "docker" group Log in & log out of your system, so that changes in the above commands will & do this: .. code-block:: bash sudo service docker restart docker run hello-world If the output of last command looks like this. then congrats you have installed docker successfully: .. code-block:: bash Hello from Docker! This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly. Docker Container ================ This repository is also a runnable docker container. Container Arguments ------------------- Currently, the entry point takes a single command argument. This can be **httpd** or **shell**. httpd This will start apache listening for connections on ``$PORT`` shell This will start an interactive shell in the container. Useful for debugging. Environmental Variables ----------------------- PORT This must be a value >= 1024. The httpd will listen on this port for incoming plain-text HTTP connections. Default: 8000 BUGZILLA_UNSAFE_AUTH_DELEGATION This should never be set in production. It allows auth delegation over http. BMO_urlbase The public url for this instance. Note that if this begins with https:// and BMO_inbound_proxies is set to '*' Bugzilla will believe the connection to it is using SSL. BMO_canonical_urlbase The public url for the production instance, if different from urlbase above. BMO_attachment_base This is the url for attachments. When the allow_attachment_display parameter is on, it is possible for a malicious attachment to steal your cookies or perform an attack on Bugzilla using your credentials. If you would like additional security on attachments to avoid this, set this parameter to an alternate URL for your Bugzilla that is not the same as urlbase or sslbase. That is, a different domain name that resolves to this exact same Bugzilla installation. For added security, you can insert %bugid% into the URL, which will be replaced with the ID of the current bug that the attachment is on, when you access an attachment. This will limit attachments to accessing only other attachments on the same bug. Remember, though, that all those possible domain names (such as 1234.your.domain.com) must point to this same Bugzilla instance. BMO_db_driver What SQL database to use. Default is mysql. List of supported databases can be obtained by listing Bugzilla/DB directory - every module corresponds to one supported database and the name of the module (before ".pm") corresponds to a valid value for this variable. BMO_db_host The DNS name or IP address of the host that the database server runs on. BMO_db_name The name of the database. BMO_db_user The database user to connect as. BMO_db_pass The password for the user above. BMO_site_wide_secret This secret key is used by your installation for the creation and validation of encrypted tokens. These tokens are used to implement security features in Bugzilla, to protect against certain types of attacks. It's very important that this key is kept secret. BMO_inbound_proxies This is a list of IP addresses that we expect proxies to come from. This can be '*' if only the load balancer can connect to this container. Setting this to '*' means that BMO will trust the X-Forwarded-For header. BMO_memcached_namespace The global namespace for the memcached servers. BMO_memcached_servers A list of memcached servers (ip addresses or host names). Can be empty. BMO_shadowdb The database name of the read-only database. BMO_shadowdbhost The hotname or ip address of the read-only database. BMO_shadowdbport The port of the read-only database. BMO_apache_size_limit This is the max amount of unshared memory (in kb) that the apache process is allowed to use before Apache::SizeLimit kills it. BMO_mail_delivery_method Usually configured on the MTA section of admin interface, but may be set here for testing purposes. Valid values are None, Test, Sendmail, or SMTP. If set to Test, email will be appended to the /app/data/mailer.testfile. BMO_use_mailer_queue Usually configured on the MTA section of the admin interface, you may change this here for testing purposes. Should be 1 or 0. If 1, the job queue will be used. For testing, only set to 0 if the BMO_mail_delivery_method is None or Test. HTTPD_StartServers Sets the number of child server processes created on startup. As the number of processes is dynamically controlled depending on the load, there is usually little reason to adjust this parameter. Default: 8 HTTPD_MinSpareServers Sets the desired minimum number of idle child server processes. An idle process is one which is not handling a request. If there are fewer than MinSpareServers idle, then the parent process creates new children at a maximum rate of 1 per second. Default: 5 HTTPD_MaxSpareServers Sets the desired maximum number of idle child server processes. An idle process is one which is not handling a request. If there are more than MaxSpareServers idle, then the parent process will kill off the excess processes. Default: 20 HTTPD_MaxClients Sets the maximum number of child processes that will be launched to serve requests. Default: 256 HTTPD_ServerLimit Sets the maximum configured value for MaxClients for the lifetime of the Apache process. Default: 256 HTTPD_MaxRequestsPerChild Sets the limit on the number of requests that an individual child server process will handle. After MaxRequestsPerChild requests, the child process will die. If MaxRequestsPerChild is 0, then the process will never expire. Default: 4000 USE_NYTPROF Write `Devel::NYTProf`_ profiles out for each requests. These will be named /app/data/nytprof.$host.$script.$n.$pid, where $host is the hostname of the container, script is the name of the script (without extension), $n is a number starting from 1 and incrementing for each request to the worker process, and $pid is the worker process id. NYTPROF_DIR Alternative location to store profiles from the above option. LOG4PERL_CONFIG_FILE Filename of `Log::Log4perl`_ config file. It defaults to log4perl-syslog.conf. If the file is given as a relative path, it will belative to the /app/conf/ directory. .. _`Devel::NYTProf`: https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::NYTProf .. _`Log::Log4perl`: https://metacpan.org/pod/Log::Log4perl LOG4PERL_STDERR_DISABLE Boolean. By default log messages are logged as plain text to `STDERR`. Setting this to a true value disables this behavior. Note: For programs that run using the `cereal` log aggregator, this environemnt variable will be ignored. Persistent Data Volume ---------------------- This container expects /app/data to be a persistent, shared, writable directory owned by uid 10001. This must be a shared (NFS/EFS/etc) volume between all nodes. Development Tips ================ Testing Emails -------------- With vagrant have two options to test emails sent by a local bugzilla instance. You can configure which setting you want to use by going to http://bmo-web.vm/editparams.cgi?section=mta and changing the mail_delivery_method to either 'Test' or 'Sendmail'. Afterwards restart bmo with ``vagrant reload``. With docker, only the default 'Test' option is supported. 'Test' option (Default for Docker) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With this option, all mail will be appended to a ``mailer.testfile``. - Using docker, run ``docker-compose run bmo-web.vm cat /app/data/mailer.testfile``. - Using vagrant, run ``vagrant ssh web`` and then naviage to ``/vagrant/data/mailer.testfile``. 'Sendmail' option (Default for Vagrant) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This option is useful if you want to preview email using a real mail client. An imap server is running on bmo-web.vm on port 143 and you can connect to it with the following settings: - host: bmo-web.vm - port: 143 - encryption: No SSL, Plaintext password - username: vagrant - password: anything All email that bmo sends will go to the vagrant user, so there is no need to login with multiple imap accounts. `Thunderbird's`_ wizard to add a new "Existing Mail Account" doesn't work with bmo-web. It fails because it wants to create a mail account with both incoming mail (IMAP) and outgoing mail (SMTP, which bmo-web.vm doesn't provide). To work around this, using a regular email account to first setup, then modify the settings of that account: Right Click the account in the left side bar > Settings > Server Settings. Update the server settings to match those listed above. Afterwards, you may update the account name to be vagrant@bmo-web.vm. Thunderbird will now pull email from bmo. You can try it out by commenting on a bug. .. _`Thunderbird's`: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/