#!/bin/bash # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. set -e # Output to log file as well as STDOUT/STDERR exec > >(tee /runtests.log) 2>&1 echo "== Retrieving Bugzilla code" echo "Checking out $GITHUB_BASE_GIT $GITHUB_BASE_BRANCH ..." mv $BUGZILLA_HOME "${BUGZILLA_HOME}.back" git clone $GITHUB_BASE_GIT --single-branch --depth 1 --branch $GITHUB_BASE_BRANCH $BUGZILLA_HOME cd $BUGZILLA_HOME if [ "$GITHUB_BASE_REV" != "" ]; then echo "Switching to revision $GITHUB_BASE_REV ..." git checkout -q $GITHUB_BASE_REV fi if [ "$TEST_SUITE" = "sanity" ]; then cd $BUGZILLA_HOME /buildbot_step "Sanity" prove -f -v t/*.t exit $? fi if [ "$TEST_SUITE" = "docs" ]; then export JADE_PUB=/usr/share/sgml export LDP_HOME=/usr/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl-stylesheets-1.79/dtds/decls cd $BUGZILLA_HOME/docs /buildbot_step "Documentation" perl makedocs.pl --with-pdf exit $? fi echo -e "\n== Cloning QA test suite" cd $BUGZILLA_HOME echo "Cloning git repo $GITHUB_QA_GIT branch $GITHUB_BASE_BRANCH ..." git clone $GITHUB_QA_GIT -b $GITHUB_BASE_BRANCH qa echo -e "\n== Starting database" /usr/bin/mysqld_safe & sleep 3 echo -e "\n== Starting memcached" /usr/bin/memcached -u memcached -d sleep 3 echo -e "\n== Updating configuration" sed -e "s?%DB%?$BUGS_DB_DRIVER?g" --in-place qa/config/checksetup_answers.txt sed -e "s?%DB_NAME%?bugs_test?g" --in-place qa/config/checksetup_answers.txt sed -e "s?%USER%?$BUGZILLA_USER?g" --in-place qa/config/checksetup_answers.txt sed -e "s?%TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR%?$BUGZILLA_HOME?g" --in-place qa/config/selenium_test.conf echo "\$answer{'memcached_servers'} = 'localhost:11211';" >> qa/config/checksetup_answers.txt echo -e "\n== Running checksetup" cd $BUGZILLA_HOME ./checksetup.pl qa/config/checksetup_answers.txt ./checksetup.pl qa/config/checksetup_answers.txt echo -e "\n== Generating test data" cd $BUGZILLA_HOME/qa/config perl generate_test_data.pl echo -e "\n== Starting web server" sed -e "s?^#Perl?Perl?" --in-place /etc/httpd/conf.d/bugzilla.conf /usr/sbin/httpd & sleep 3 if [ "$TEST_SUITE" = "selenium" ]; then export DISPLAY=:0 echo -e "\n== Starting virtual frame buffer" Xvfb $DISPLAY -screen 0 1024x768x24 > /dev/null 2>&1 & sleep 5 echo -e "\n== Starting Selenium server" java -jar /selenium-server.jar -log /selenium.log > /dev/null 2>&1 & sleep 5 cd $BUGZILLA_HOME/qa/t /buildbot_step "Selenium" prove -f -v -I$BUGZILLA_HOME/lib test_*.t exit $? fi if [ "$TEST_SUITE" = "webservices" ]; then cd $BUGZILLA_HOME/qa/t /buildbot_step "Webservices" prove -f -v -I$BUGZILLA_HOME/lib webservice_*.t exit $? fi