# This is a config file for Reply, # which is a cpan distribution. You can install it with "cpan Reply" or "cpanm Reply". # To use this config file, either copy as ~/.replyrc or run the following command: # reply --cfg `pwd`/contrib/replyrc script_line1 = use strict; script_line2 = use warnings; script_line3 = use v5.10; script_line4 = use Bugzilla; script_line5 = Bugzilla->extensions; 1; script_line6 = sub filter { Bugzilla->template->{SERVICE}->{CONTEXT}->{CONFIG}->{FILTERS}->{$_[0]} } script_line7 = sub b { Bugzilla::Bug->new(@_) } script_line8 = sub u { Bugzilla::User->new(@_) } script_line9 = sub f { Bugzilla::Field->new(@_) } [Interrupt] [FancyPrompt] [DataDumper] [Colors] [ReadLine] [Hints] [Packages] [LexicalPersistence] [ResultCache] [Autocomplete::Packages] [Autocomplete::Lexicals] [Autocomplete::Functions] [Autocomplete::Globals] [Autocomplete::Methods] [Autocomplete::Commands]