#!/bin/bash cd $BUGZILLA_ROOT # Install Perl dependencies CPANM="cpanm --quiet --notest --skip-satisfied" # Force version due to problem with CentOS ImageMagick-devel $CPANM Image::Magick@6.77 perl checksetup.pl --cpanfile $CPANM --installdeps --with-recommends --with-all-features \ --without-feature oracle --without-feature sqlite --without-feature pg . # These are not picked up by cpanm --with-all-features for some reason $CPANM Template::Plugin::GD::Image $CPANM MIME::Parser $CPANM SOAP::Lite $CPANM JSON::RPC $CPANM Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper $CPANM TheSchwartz $CPANM XMLRPC::Lite # For testing support $CPANM File::Copy::Recursive $CPANM Test::WWW::Selenium $CPANM Pod::Coverage $CPANM Pod::Checker # Remove CPAN build files to minimize disk usage rm -rf /root/.cpanm