Comments ======== .. _rest_comments: Get Comments ------------ This allows you to get data about comments, given a bug ID or comment ID. **Request** To get all comments for a particular bug using the bug ID or alias: .. code-block:: text GET /rest/bug/(id_or_alias)/comment To get a specific comment based on the comment ID: .. code-block:: text GET /rest/bug/comment/(comment_id) =============== ======== ====================================================== name type description =============== ======== ====================================================== **id_or_alias** mixed A single integer bug ID or alias. **comment_id** int A single integer comment ID. new_since datetime If specified, the method will only return comments *newer* than this time. This only affects comments returned from the ``ids`` argument. You will always be returned all comments you request in the ``comment_ids`` argument, even if they are older than this date. =============== ======== ====================================================== **Response** .. code-block:: js { "bugs": { "35": { "comments": [ { "time": "2000-07-25T13:50:04Z", "text": "test bug to fix problem in removing from cc list.", "bug_id": 35, "count": 0, "attachment_id": null, "is_private": false, "is_markdown" : true, "tags": [], "creator": "", "creation_time": "2000-07-25T13:50:04Z", "id": 75 } ] } }, "comments": {} } Two items are returned: ``bugs`` This is used for bugs specified in ``ids``. This is an object, where the keys are the numeric IDs of the bugs, and the value is a object with a single key, ``comments``, which is an array of comments. (The format of comments is described below.) Any individual bug will only be returned once, so if you specify an ID multiple times in ``ids``, it will still only be returned once. ``comments`` Each individual comment requested in ``comment_ids`` is returned here, in a object where the numeric comment ID is the key, and the value is the comment. (The format of comments is described below.) A "comment" as described above is a object that contains the following items: ============= ======== ======================================================== name type description ============= ======== ======================================================== id int The globally unique ID for the comment. bug_id int The ID of the bug that this comment is on. attachment_id int If the comment was made on an attachment, this will be the ID of that attachment. Otherwise it will be null. count int The number of the comment local to the bug. The Description is 0, comments start with 1. text string The actual text of the comment. creator string The login name of the comment's author. time datetime The time (in Bugzilla's timezone) that the comment was added. creation_time datetime This is exactly same as the ``time`` key. Use this field instead of ``time`` for consistency with other methods including :ref:`rest_single_bug` and :ref:`rest_attachments`. For compatibility, ``time`` is still usable. However, please note that ``time`` may be deprecated and removed in a future release. is_private boolean ``true`` if this comment is private (only visible to a certain group called the "insidergroup"), ``false`` otherwise. is_markdown boolean ``true`` if this comment needs Markdown processing; ``false`` otherwise. tags array An array of comment tags currently set for the comment. ============= ======== ======================================================== .. _rest_add_comment: Create Comments --------------- This allows you to add a comment to a bug in Bugzilla. **Request** To create a comment on a current bug. .. code-block:: text POST /rest/bug/(id)/comment .. code-block:: js { "ids" : [123,..], "comment" : "This is an additional comment", "is_private" : false, "is_markdown" : true, } ``ids`` is optional in the data example above and can be used to specify adding a comment to more than one bug at the same time. ============ ======= =========================================================== name type description ============ ======= =========================================================== **id** int The ID or alias of the bug to append a comment to. ids array List of integer bug IDs to add the comment to. **comment** string The comment to append to the bug. If this is empty or all whitespace, an error will be thrown saying that you did not set the ``comment`` parameter. comment_tags array An array of strings to add as comment tags for the new comment. is_private boolean If set to ``true``, the comment is private, otherwise it is assumed to be public. is_markdown boolean If set to ``true``, the comment has Markdown structures; otherwise it is normal text. work_time double Adds this many hours to the "Hours Worked" on the bug. If you are not in the time tracking group, this value will be ignored. ============ ======= =========================================================== **Response** .. code-block:: js { "id" : 789 } ==== ==== ================================= name type description ==== ==== ================================= id int ID of the newly-created comment. ==== ==== ================================= .. _rest_search_comment_tags: Search Comment Tags ------------------- Searches for tags which contain the provided substring. **Request** To search for comment tags: .. code-block:: text GET /rest/bug/comment/tags/(query) Example: .. code-block:: text GET /rest/bug/comment/tags/spa ========= ====== ==================================================== name type description ========= ====== ==================================================== **query** string Only tags containg this substring will be returned. limit int If provided will return no more than ``limit`` tags. Defaults to ``10``. ========= ====== ==================================================== **Response** .. code-block:: js [ "spam" ] An array of matching tags. .. _rest_update_comment_tags: Update Comment Tags ------------------- Adds or removes tags from a comment. **Request** To update the tags comments attached to a comment: .. code-block:: text PUT /rest/bug/comment/(comment_id)/tags Example: .. code-block:: js { "comment_id" : 75, "add" : ["spam", "bad"] } ============== ===== ==================================== name type description ============== ===== ==================================== **comment_id** int The ID of the comment to update. add array The tags to attach to the comment. remove array The tags to detach from the comment. ============== ===== ==================================== **Response** .. code-block:: js [ "bad", "spam" ] An array of strings containing the comment's updated tags.