Upgrading the Database ====================== Run :file:`checksetup.pl`. This will do everything required to convert your existing database and settings to the new version. :command:`cd $BUGZILLA_HOME` :command:`./checksetup.pl` .. warning:: For some upgrades, running :file:`checksetup.pl` on a large installation (75,000 or more bugs) can take a long time, possibly several hours, if e.g. indexes need to be rebuilt. If this length of downtime would be a problem for you, you can determine timings for your particular situation by doing a test upgrade on a development server with the production data. :file:`checksetup.pl` may also tell you that you need some additional Perl modules, or newer versions of the ones you have. You will need to install these, either system-wide or using the :file:`install-module.pl` script that :file:`checksetup.pl` recommends. Finishing The Upgrade ===================== #. Reactivate Bugzilla by clear the text that you put into the :param:`shutdownhtml` parameter. #. Run another :ref:`sanity-check` on your upgraded Bugzilla. It is recommended that you fix any problems you see immediately. Failure to do this may mean that Bugzilla may not work entirely correctly.