.. _compiling-documentation: Compiling The Documentation ########################### To compile the documentation, you need the Sphinx software and the :command:`rst2pdf` tool. You should have both already if you followed the installation process. .. note:: PDF generation does not work currently with ``python3-sphinx`` package. You can test that you are able to compile the docs by running the following command in the :file:`docs/` directory: :command:`./makedocs.pl` This will generate the English documentation files in HTML, PDF and plain text formats in the :file:`docs/en` directory and its subdirectories. If all is running fine, you can then copy your localized directory in the :file:`docs/` directory. You should have then three directories: .. code-block: text |-- docs | |-- ab-CD | |-- en | |-- lib You should now customize the file :file:`docs/ab-CD/rst/conf.py`. Here are the sections you should edit: .. raw:: html
# General information about the project. project = u'Bugzilla' copyright = u'2014, The Bugzilla Team'.. raw:: html
latex_documents = [ ('index', 'Bugzilla.tex', u'Bugzilla Documentation', u'The Bugzilla Team', 'manual'), ].. raw:: html
man_pages = [ ('index', 'bugzilla', u'Bugzilla Documentation', [u'The Bugzilla Team'], 1) ].. raw:: html
texinfo_documents = [ ('index', 'Bugzilla', u'Bugzilla Documentation', u'The Bugzilla Team', 'Bugzilla', 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous'), ].. raw:: html
pdf_documents = [ ('index', u'Bugzilla', u'Bugzilla Documentation', u'The Bugzilla Team'), ].. raw:: html
rst_epilog = u""" ---------- This documentation undoubtedly has bugs; if you find some, please file them `here <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Bugzilla&component=Documentation>`_. """For this last section, pay attention to the letter ``u`` added before the three double quotes: it is not present in the English version of this file. This letter indicates that the text following will contain non-ASCII characters and your language will probably needs non-ASCII characters. If you omit to add this letter and that your localization contains non-ASCII characters, the compilation of the documentation will not work. The multiple dashes are here for formatting purposes and will render as a line in the HTML version. Another section you will want to edit is the following one: .. code-block:: text # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. #language = None If your locale is available for Sphinx (to find out, consult the `Sphinx documentation
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. language = 'fr'If your locale is not available for Sphinx, then the labels for navigation elements -- next, previous, search box, etc. -- will not be localized.