installtypes file format: typename:description filetype|location (one blank line to end one installtype and begin the next) You can specify a unix path in location, or 'userdir' to indicate that the user should be prompted and asked which directory they want to install into. Bugzilla will attempt to provide them with a reasonible default. Most packagers will not want to change very many installlayout settings. It is important to ensure that 'res' has the appearence of being in the same directory as cgi and req to the http server, though this can be accomplished through careful configuration of your httpd.conf config files. req and cgi should almost always be in the same directory however. tst can be set to null for systems where the tests are unwanted or unnessicary (they will be run upon installation and upgrading as part of the 'make test' process. tem can be set to any path wanted, the template search/include path in Bugzilla will be set automatically. mod may also be set anywhere, use lib lines will be added to Bugzilla scripts. The doc setting is "magical" in that a third paramater is used to set which types of documentation is installed. This may be set to 'all' and all types of documents will be copied, or to any one of the supported documentation types (with a corresponding directory in bugzilla/docs/) Filetypes: res: resources (images, html, js, etc) cgi: cgi files mod: modules req: something that must be with the other cgi scripts for bugzilla to work null: not needed in the dist, discard tst: tests You MUST add any new files to the filemappings file or it will not be copied into the installed dist. The tests will check for this. Do _not_ include any documentation or templates in the filemappings list, the makefile has special rules written in to accomidate these.