#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # This is a script to edit the target milestones. It is largely a copy of # the editversions.cgi script, since the two fields were set up in a # very similar fashion. # # (basically replace each occurance of 'milestone' with 'version', and # you'll have the original script) # # Matt Masson # use strict; use lib "."; require "CGI.pl"; require "globals.pl"; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Config qw(:DEFAULT $datadir); # TestProduct: just returns if the specified product does exists # CheckProduct: same check, optionally emit an error text # TestMilestone: just returns if the specified product/version combination exists # CheckMilestone: same check, optionally emit an error text sub TestProduct ($) { my $prod = shift; # does the product exist? SendSQL("SELECT name FROM products WHERE name=" . SqlQuote($prod)); return FetchOneColumn(); } sub CheckProduct ($) { my $prod = shift; # do we have a product? unless ($prod) { print "Sorry, you haven't specified a product."; PutTrailer(); exit; } unless (TestProduct $prod) { print "Sorry, product '$prod' does not exist."; PutTrailer(); exit; } } sub TestMilestone ($$) { my ($prod,$mile) = @_; # does the product exist? SendSQL("SELECT products.name, value FROM milestones, products WHERE milestones.product_id=products.id AND products.name=" . SqlQuote($prod) . " and value=" . SqlQuote($mile)); return FetchOneColumn(); } sub CheckMilestone ($$) { my ($prod,$mile) = @_; # do we have the milestone? unless ($mile) { print "Sorry, you haven't specified a milestone."; PutTrailer(); exit; } CheckProduct($prod); unless (TestMilestone $prod,$mile) { print "Sorry, milestone '$mile' for product '$prod' does not exist."; PutTrailer(); exit; } } # # Displays the form to edit a milestone # sub EmitFormElements ($$$) { my ($product, $milestone, $sortkey) = @_; print " Milestone:\n"; print " \n"; print "\n"; print " Sortkey:\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; } # # Displays a text like "a.", "a or b.", "a, b or c.", "a, b, c or d." # sub PutTrailer (@) { my (@links) = ("Back to the query page", @_); my $count = $#links; my $num = 0; print "

\n"; foreach (@links) { print $_; if ($num == $count) { print ".\n"; } elsif ($num == $count-1) { print " or "; } else { print ", "; } $num++; } PutFooter(); } # # Preliminary checks: # Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED); print Bugzilla->cgi->header(); unless (UserInGroup("editcomponents")) { PutHeader("Not allowed"); print "Sorry, you aren't a member of the 'editcomponents' group.\n"; print "And so, you aren't allowed to add, modify or delete milestones.\n"; PutTrailer(); exit; } # # often used variables # my $product = trim($::FORM{product} || ''); my $milestone = trim($::FORM{milestone} || ''); my $sortkey = trim($::FORM{sortkey} || '0'); my $action = trim($::FORM{action} || ''); my $localtrailer; if ($milestone) { $localtrailer = "edit more milestones"; } else { $localtrailer = "edit more milestones"; } # # product = '' -> Show nice list of milestones # unless ($product) { PutHeader("Select product"); SendSQL("SELECT products.name,products.description FROM products GROUP BY products.name ORDER BY products.name"); print "\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print ""; while ( MoreSQLData() ) { my ($product, $description) = FetchSQLData(); $description ||= "missing"; print "\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; } print "
Edit milestones of ...Description
\n"; PutTrailer(); exit; } # # action='' -> Show nice list of milestones # unless ($action) { PutHeader("Select milestone for $product"); CheckProduct($product); my $product_id = get_product_id($product); SendSQL("SELECT value,sortkey FROM milestones WHERE product_id=$product_id ORDER BY sortkey,value"); print "\n"; print " \n"; #print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print ""; while ( MoreSQLData() ) { my ($milestone,$sortkey,$bugs) = FetchSQLData(); $bugs ||= 'none'; print "\n"; print " \n"; #print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print ""; } print "\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print "
Edit milestone ...BugsSortkeyAction
Add a new milestoneAdd
\n"; PutTrailer(); exit; } # # action='add' -> present form for parameters for new milestone # # (next action will be 'new') # if ($action eq 'add') { PutHeader("Add milestone for $product"); CheckProduct($product); my $product_id = get_product_id($product); #print "This page lets you add a new milestone to a $::bugzilla_name tracked product.\n"; print "

\n"; print "\n"; EmitFormElements($product, $milestone, 0); print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
"; my $other = $localtrailer; $other =~ s/more/other/; PutTrailer($other); exit; } # # action='new' -> add milestone entered in the 'action=add' screen # if ($action eq 'new') { PutHeader("Adding new milestone for $product"); CheckProduct($product); my $product_id = get_product_id($product); # Cleanups and valididy checks unless ($milestone) { print "You must enter a text for the new milestone. Please press\n"; print "Back and try again.\n"; PutTrailer($localtrailer); exit; } if (!detaint_natural($sortkey)) { print "The sortkey for a milestone must be a number. Please press\n"; print "Back and try again.\n"; PutTrailer($localtrailer); exit; } if (TestMilestone($product,$milestone)) { print "The milestone '$milestone' already exists. Please press\n"; print "Back and try again.\n"; PutTrailer($localtrailer); exit; } # Add the new milestone SendSQL("INSERT INTO milestones ( " . "value, product_id, sortkey" . " ) VALUES ( " . SqlQuote($milestone) . ", $product_id, $sortkey)"); # Make versioncache flush unlink "$datadir/versioncache"; print "OK, done.

\n"; PutTrailer("add another milestone or $localtrailer"); exit; } # # action='del' -> ask if user really wants to delete # # (next action would be 'delete') # if ($action eq 'del') { PutHeader("Delete milestone of $product"); CheckMilestone($product, $milestone); my $product_id = get_product_id($product); SendSQL("SELECT count(bug_id), product_id, target_milestone FROM bugs GROUP BY product_id, target_milestone HAVING product_id=$product_id AND target_milestone=" . SqlQuote($milestone)); my $bugs = FetchOneColumn(); SendSQL("SELECT defaultmilestone FROM products " . "WHERE id=$product_id"); my $defaultmilestone = FetchOneColumn(); print "\n"; print "\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print "\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print "\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print "\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print "
Bugs:", $bugs || 'none' , "
\n"; print "


\n"; if ($bugs) { if (!Param("allowbugdeletion")) { print "Sorry, there are $bugs bugs outstanding for this milestone. You must reassign those bugs to another milestone before you can delete this one."; PutTrailer($localtrailer); exit; } print "
\n", "There are bugs entered for this milestone! When you delete this ", "milestone, all stored bugs will be deleted, too. ", "You could not even see the bug history for this milestone anymore!\n", "
\n"; } if ($defaultmilestone eq $milestone) { print "Sorry; this is the default milestone for this product, and " . "so it can not be deleted."; PutTrailer($localtrailer); exit; } print "

Do you really want to delete this milestone?

\n"; print "

\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
"; PutTrailer($localtrailer); exit; } # # action='delete' -> really delete the milestone # if ($action eq 'delete') { PutHeader("Deleting milestone of $product"); CheckMilestone($product,$milestone); my $product_id = get_product_id($product); # lock the tables before we start to change everything: SendSQL("LOCK TABLES attachments WRITE, bugs WRITE, bugs_activity WRITE, milestones WRITE, dependencies WRITE"); # According to MySQL doc I cannot do a DELETE x.* FROM x JOIN Y, # so I have to iterate over bugs and delete all the indivial entries # in bugs_activies and attachments. if (Param("allowbugdeletion")) { SendSQL("SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE product_id=$product_id AND target_milestone=" . SqlQuote($milestone)); while (MoreSQLData()) { my $bugid = FetchOneColumn(); PushGlobalSQLState(); SendSQL("DELETE FROM attachments WHERE bug_id=$bugid"); SendSQL("DELETE FROM bugs_activity WHERE bug_id=$bugid"); SendSQL("DELETE FROM dependencies WHERE blocked=$bugid"); PopGlobalSQLState(); } print "Attachments, bug activity and dependencies deleted.
\n"; # Deleting the rest is easier: SendSQL("DELETE FROM bugs WHERE product_id=$product_id AND target_milestone=" . SqlQuote($milestone)); print "Bugs deleted.
\n"; } SendSQL("DELETE FROM milestones WHERE product_id=$product_id AND value=" . SqlQuote($milestone)); print "Milestone deleted.

\n"; SendSQL("UNLOCK TABLES"); unlink "$datadir/versioncache"; PutTrailer($localtrailer); exit; } # # action='edit' -> present the edit milestone form # # (next action would be 'update') # if ($action eq 'edit') { PutHeader("Edit milestone of $product"); CheckMilestone($product,$milestone); my $product_id = get_product_id($product); SendSQL("SELECT sortkey FROM milestones WHERE product_id=$product_id " . " AND value = " . SqlQuote($milestone)); my $sortkey = FetchOneColumn(); print "

\n"; print "\n"; EmitFormElements($product, $milestone, $sortkey); print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
"; my $other = $localtrailer; $other =~ s/more/other/; PutTrailer($other); exit; } # # action='update' -> update the milestone # if ($action eq 'update') { PutHeader("Update milestone of $product"); my $milestoneold = trim($::FORM{milestoneold} || ''); my $sortkeyold = trim($::FORM{sortkeyold} || '0'); CheckMilestone($product,$milestoneold); my $product_id = get_product_id($product); SendSQL("LOCK TABLES bugs WRITE, milestones WRITE, products WRITE"); if ($sortkey != $sortkeyold) { SendSQL("UPDATE milestones SET sortkey=$sortkey WHERE product_id=" . $product_id . " AND value=" . SqlQuote($milestoneold)); unlink "$datadir/versioncache"; print "Updated sortkey.
\n"; } if ($milestone ne $milestoneold) { unless ($milestone) { print "Sorry, I can't delete the milestone text."; PutTrailer($localtrailer); SendSQL("UNLOCK TABLES"); exit; } if (TestMilestone($product,$milestone)) { print "Sorry, milestone '$milestone' is already in use."; PutTrailer($localtrailer); SendSQL("UNLOCK TABLES"); exit; } SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET target_milestone=" . SqlQuote($milestone) . ", delta_ts=delta_ts WHERE target_milestone=" . SqlQuote($milestoneold) . " AND product_id=$product_id"); SendSQL("UPDATE milestones SET value=" . SqlQuote($milestone) . " WHERE product_id=$product_id AND value=" . SqlQuote($milestoneold)); SendSQL("UPDATE products " . "SET defaultmilestone = " . SqlQuote($milestone) . " WHERE id = $product_id" . " AND defaultmilestone = " . SqlQuote($milestoneold)); unlink "$datadir/versioncache"; print "Updated milestone.
\n"; } SendSQL("UNLOCK TABLES"); PutTrailer($localtrailer); exit; } # # No valid action found # PutHeader("Error"); print "I don't have a clue what you want.