# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Extension::BMO::Data; use strict; use base qw(Exporter); use Tie::IxHash; our @EXPORT = qw( $cf_visible_in_products %group_change_notification $cf_setters @always_fileable_groups %group_auto_cc %product_sec_groups %create_bug_formats @default_named_queries %autodetect_attach_urls ); # Creating an attachment whose contents is a URL matching one of these regexes # will result in the user being redirected to that URL when viewing the # attachment. our %autodetect_attach_urls = ( github_pr => { regex => qr#^https://github\.com/[^/]+/[^/]+/pull/\d+/?$#i, content_type => 'text/x-github-pull-request', }, reviewboard => { regex => qr#^https?://reviewboard(?:-dev)?\.(?:allizom|mozilla)\.org/r/\d+/?#i, content_type => 'text/x-review-board-request', }, google_docs => { regex => qr#^https://docs\.google\.com/(?:document|spreadsheets|presentation)/d/#i, content_type => 'text/x-google-doc', }, ); # Which custom fields are visible in which products and components. # # By default, custom fields are visible in all products. However, if the name # of the field matches any of these regexps, it is only visible if the # product (and component if necessary) is a member of the attached hash. [] # for component means "all". # # IxHash keeps them in insertion order, and so we get regexp priorities right. our $cf_visible_in_products; tie(%$cf_visible_in_products, "Tie::IxHash", qr/^cf_colo_site$/ => { "mozilla.org" => [ "Server Operations", "Server Operations: DCOps", "Server Operations: Projects", "Server Operations: RelEng", "Server Operations: Security", ], "Infrastructure & Operations" => [ "RelOps", "RelOps: Puppet", "DCOps", ], }, qr/^cf_office$/ => { "mozilla.org" => ["Server Operations: Desktop Issues"], }, qr/^cf_crash_signature$/ => { "Add-on SDK" => [], "addons.mozilla.org" => [], "Android Background Services" => [], "Calendar" => [], "Camino" => [], "Composer" => [], "Core" => [], "Directory" => [], "Fennec" => [], "Firefox" => [], "Firefox for Android" => [], "Firefox for Metro" => [], "Firefox OS" => [], "JSS" => [], "MailNews Core" => [], "Mozilla Labs" => [], "Mozilla Localizations" => [], "mozilla.org" => [], "Cloud Services" => [], "NSPR" => [], "NSS" => [], "Other Applications" => [], "Penelope" => [], "Plugins" => [], "Release Engineering" => [], "Rhino" => [], "SeaMonkey" => [], "Tamarin" => [], "Tech Evangelism" => [], "Testing" => [], "Thunderbird" => [], "Toolkit" => [], }, qr/^cf_due_date$/ => { "bugzilla.mozilla.org" => [], "Community Building" => [], "Data & BI Services Team" => [], "Data Compliance" => [], "Developer Engagement" => [], "Infrastructure & Operations" => [], "Marketing" => [], "mozilla.org" => ["Security Assurance: Review Request"], "Mozilla Metrics" => [], "Mozilla PR" => [], "Mozilla Reps" => [], }, qr/^cf_locale$/ => { "Mozilla Localizations" => ['Other'], "www.mozilla.org" => [], }, qr/^cf_mozilla_project$/ => { "Data & BI Services Team" => [], }, qr/^cf_machine_state$/ => { "Release Engineering" => ["Buildduty"], }, qr/^cf_rank$/ => { "Core" => ["WebRTC", "WebRTC: Audio/Video", "WebRTC: Networking", "WebRTC: Signaling"], "Firefox for Android" => [], "Firefox for iOS" => [], "Firefox" => [], "Loop" => [], "Cloud Services" => [], "Toolkit" => [], }, ); # Who to CC on particular bugmails when certain groups are added or removed. our %group_change_notification = ( 'addons-security' => ['amo-editors@mozilla.org'], 'bugzilla-security' => ['security@bugzilla.org'], 'client-services-security' => ['amo-admins@mozilla.org', 'web-security@mozilla.org'], 'core-security' => ['security@mozilla.org'], 'cloud-services-security' => ['web-security@mozilla.org'], 'tamarin-security' => ['tamarinsecurity@adobe.com'], 'websites-security' => ['web-security@mozilla.org'], 'webtools-security' => ['web-security@mozilla.org'], ); # Who can set custom flags (use full field names only, not regex's) our $cf_setters = { 'cf_colo_site' => [ 'infra', 'build' ], 'cf_rank' => [ 'rank-setters' ], }; # Groups in which you can always file a bug, regardless of product or user. our @always_fileable_groups = qw( addons-security bugzilla-security client-services-security consulting core-security finance infra infrasec l20n-security marketing-private mozilla-confidential mozilla-employee-confidential mozilla-foundation-confidential mozilla-engagement mozilla-messaging-confidential partner-confidential payments-confidential tamarin-security websites-security webtools-security ); # Mapping of products to their security bits our %product_sec_groups = ( "addons.mozilla.org" => 'client-services-security', "Air Mozilla" => 'mozilla-employee-confidential', "Android Background Services" => 'cloud-services-security', "Audio/Visual Infrastructure" => 'mozilla-employee-confidential', "AUS" => 'client-services-security', "Bugzilla" => 'bugzilla-security', "bugzilla.mozilla.org" => 'bugzilla-security', "Community Tools" => 'websites-security', "Data & BI Services Team" => 'metrics-private', "Developer Documentation" => 'websites-security', "Developer Ecosystem" => 'client-services-security', "Finance" => 'finance', "Firefox Health Report" => 'cloud-services-security', "Infrastructure & Operations" => 'mozilla-employee-confidential', "Input" => 'websites-security', "Intellego" => 'intellego-team', "Internet Public Policy" => 'mozilla-employee-confidential', "L20n" => 'l20n-security', "Legal" => 'legal', "Recruiting" => 'hr', "Marketing" => 'marketing-private', "Marketplace" => 'client-services-security', "Mozilla Communities" => 'mozilla-communities-security', "Mozilla Corporation" => 'mozilla-employee-confidential', "Mozilla Developer Network" => 'websites-security', "Mozilla Foundation" => 'mozilla-employee-confidential', "Mozilla Grants" => 'grants', "mozillaignite" => 'websites-security', "Mozilla Messaging" => 'mozilla-messaging-confidential', "Mozilla Metrics" => 'metrics-private', "mozilla.org" => 'mozilla-employee-confidential', "Mozilla PR" => 'pr-private', "Mozilla QA" => 'mozilla-employee-confidential', "Mozilla Reps" => 'mozilla-reps', "Cloud Services" => 'cloud-services-security', "Popcorn" => 'websites-security', "Privacy" => 'privacy', "quality.mozilla.org" => 'websites-security', "Release Engineering" => 'mozilla-employee-confidential', "Snippets" => 'websites-security', "Socorro" => 'client-services-security', "support.mozillamessaging.com" => 'websites-security', "support.mozilla.org" => 'websites-security', "Talkback" => 'talkback-private', "Tamarin" => 'tamarin-security', "Testopia" => 'bugzilla-security', "Tree Management" => 'mozilla-employee-confidential', "Web Apps" => 'client-services-security', "Webmaker" => 'websites-security', "Websites" => 'websites-security', "Webtools" => 'webtools-security', "www.mozilla.org" => 'websites-security', "Mozilla Foundation Operations" => 'mozilla-foundation-operations', "_default" => 'core-security' ); # Automatically CC users to bugs filed into configured groups and products our %group_auto_cc = ( 'partner-confidential' => { 'Marketing' => ['jbalaco@mozilla.com'], '_default' => ['mbest@mozilla.com'], }, ); # Force create-bug template by product # Users in 'include' group will be forced into using the form. our %create_bug_formats = ( 'Data Compliance' => { 'format' => 'data-compliance', 'include' => 'everyone', }, 'Mozilla Developer Network' => { 'format' => 'mdn', 'include' => 'everyone', }, 'Legal' => { 'format' => 'legal', 'include' => 'everyone', }, 'Recruiting' => { 'format' => 'recruiting', 'include' => 'everyone', }, 'Internet Public Policy' => { 'format' => 'ipp', 'include' => 'everyone', }, ); # List of named queries which will be added to new users' footer our @default_named_queries = ( { name => 'Bugs Filed Today', query => 'query_format=advanced&chfieldto=Now&chfield=[Bug creation]&chfieldfrom=-24h&order=bug_id', }, ); 1;