# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Extension::BMO::Reports::Triage; use 5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; use Bugzilla::Component; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Product; use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::Util qw(detaint_natural trim url_quote); use Date::Parse; use JSON::XS; use List::MoreUtils qw(any); # set an upper limit on the *unfiltered* number of bugs to process use constant MAX_NUMBER_BUGS => 4000; use constant DEFAULT_OWNER_PRODUCTS => ('Core', 'Firefox', 'Firefox for Android', 'Firefox for iOS', 'Toolkit',); sub unconfirmed { my ($vars, $filter) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $input = Bugzilla->input_params; my $user = Bugzilla->user; if ( exists $input->{'action'} && $input->{'action'} eq 'run' && $input->{'product'}) { # load product and components from input my $product = Bugzilla::Product->new({name => $input->{'product'}}) || ThrowUserError('invalid_object', {object => 'Product', value => $input->{'product'}}); my @component_ids; if ($input->{'component'} ne '') { my $ra_components = ref($input->{'component'}) ? $input->{'component'} : [$input->{'component'}]; foreach my $component_name (@$ra_components) { my $component = Bugzilla::Component->new({name => $component_name, product => $product}) || ThrowUserError('invalid_object', {object => 'Component', value => $component_name}); push @component_ids, $component->id; } } # determine which comment filters to run my $filter_commenter = $input->{'filter_commenter'}; my $filter_commenter_on = $input->{'commenter'}; my $filter_last = $input->{'filter_last'}; my $filter_last_period = $input->{'last'}; if (!$filter_commenter || $filter_last) { $filter_commenter = '1'; $filter_commenter_on = 'reporter'; } my $filter_commenter_id; if ($filter_commenter && $filter_commenter_on eq 'is') { Bugzilla::User::match_field({'commenter_is' => {'type' => 'single'}}); my $user = Bugzilla::User->new({name => $input->{'commenter_is'}}) || ThrowUserError('invalid_object', {object => 'User', value => $input->{'commenter_is'}}); $filter_commenter_id = $user ? $user->id : 0; } my $filter_last_time; if ($filter_last) { if ($filter_last_period eq 'is') { $filter_last_period = -1; $filter_last_time = str2time($input->{'last_is'} . " 00:00:00") || 0; } else { detaint_natural($filter_last_period); $filter_last_period = 14 if $filter_last_period < 14; } } # form sql queries my $now = (time); my $bugs_sql = " SELECT bug_id, short_desc, reporter, creation_ts FROM bugs WHERE product_id = ? AND bug_status = 'UNCONFIRMED'"; if (@component_ids) { $bugs_sql .= " AND component_id IN (" . join(',', @component_ids) . ")"; } $bugs_sql .= " ORDER BY creation_ts "; my $comment_count_sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM longdescs WHERE bug_id = ? "; my $comment_sql = " SELECT who, bug_when, type, thetext, extra_data FROM longdescs WHERE bug_id = ? "; if (!Bugzilla->user->is_insider) { $comment_sql .= " AND isprivate = 0 "; } $comment_sql .= " ORDER BY bug_when DESC LIMIT 1 "; my $attach_sql = " SELECT description, isprivate FROM attachments WHERE attach_id = ? "; # work on an initial list of bugs my $list = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($bugs_sql, undef, $product->id); my @bugs; # this can be slow to process, resulting in 'service unavailable' errors from zeus # so if too many bugs are returned, throw an error if (scalar(@$list) > MAX_NUMBER_BUGS) { ThrowUserError('report_too_many_bugs'); } foreach my $entry (@$list) { my ($bug_id, $summary, $reporter_id, $creation_ts) = @$entry; next unless $user->can_see_bug($bug_id); # get last comment information my ($comment_count) = $dbh->selectrow_array($comment_count_sql, undef, $bug_id); my ($commenter_id, $comment_ts, $type, $comment, $extra) = $dbh->selectrow_array($comment_sql, undef, $bug_id); my $commenter = 0; # apply selected filters if ($filter_commenter) { next if $comment_count <= 1; if ($filter_commenter_on eq 'reporter') { next if $commenter_id != $reporter_id; } elsif ($filter_commenter_on eq 'noconfirm') { $commenter = Bugzilla::User->new({id => $commenter_id, cache => 1}); next if $commenter_id != $reporter_id || $commenter->in_group('canconfirm'); } elsif ($filter_commenter_on eq 'is') { next if $commenter_id != $filter_commenter_id; } } else { $input->{'commenter'} = ''; $input->{'commenter_is'} = ''; } if ($filter_last) { my $comment_time = str2time($comment_ts) or next; if ($filter_last_period == -1) { next if $comment_time >= $filter_last_time; } else { next if $now - $comment_time <= 60 * 60 * 24 * $filter_last_period; } } else { $input->{'last'} = ''; $input->{'last_is'} = ''; } # get data for attachment comments if ($comment eq '' && $type == CMT_ATTACHMENT_CREATED) { my ($description, $is_private) = $dbh->selectrow_array($attach_sql, undef, $extra); next if $is_private && !Bugzilla->user->is_insider; $comment = "(Attachment) " . $description; } # truncate long comments if (length($comment) > 80) { $comment = substr($comment, 0, 80) . '...'; } # build bug hash for template my $bug = {}; $bug->{id} = $bug_id; $bug->{summary} = $summary; $bug->{reporter} = Bugzilla::User->new({id => $reporter_id, cache => 1}); $bug->{creation_ts} = $creation_ts; $bug->{commenter} = $commenter || Bugzilla::User->new({id => $commenter_id, cache => 1}); $bug->{comment_ts} = $comment_ts; $bug->{comment} = $comment; $bug->{comment_count} = $comment_count; push @bugs, $bug; } @bugs = sort { $b->{comment_ts} cmp $a->{comment_ts} } @bugs; $vars->{bugs} = \@bugs; } else { $input->{action} = ''; } if (!$input->{filter_commenter} && !$input->{filter_last}) { $input->{filter_commenter} = 1; } $vars->{'input'} = $input; } sub owners { my ($vars, $filter) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $input = Bugzilla->input_params; my $user = Bugzilla->user; Bugzilla::User::match_field({'owner' => {'type' => 'multi'}}); my @products; if (!$input->{product} && $input->{owner}) { @products = @{$user->get_selectable_products}; } else { my @product_names = $input->{product} ? ($input->{product}) : DEFAULT_OWNER_PRODUCTS; foreach my $name (@product_names) { push(@products, Bugzilla::Product->check({name => $name})); } } my @component_ids; if (@products == 1 && $input->{'component'}) { my $ra_components = ref($input->{'component'}) ? $input->{'component'} : [$input->{'component'}]; foreach my $component_name (@$ra_components) { my $component = Bugzilla::Component->check( {name => $component_name, product => $products[0]}); push @component_ids, $component->id; } } my @owner_names = split(/[,;]+/, $input->{owner}) if $input->{owner}; my @owner_ids; foreach my $name (@owner_names) { $name = trim($name); next unless $name; push(@owner_ids, login_to_id($name, THROW_ERROR)); } my $sql = "SELECT products.name, components.name, components.id, components.triage_owner_id FROM components JOIN products ON components.product_id = products.id WHERE products.id IN (" . join(',', map { $_->id } @products) . ")"; if (@component_ids) { $sql .= " AND components.id IN (" . join(',', @component_ids) . ")"; } if (@owner_ids) { $sql .= " AND components.triage_owner_id IN (" . join(',', @owner_ids) . ")"; } $sql .= " ORDER BY products.name, components.name"; my $rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql); my $bug_count_sth = $dbh->prepare(" SELECT COUNT(bugs.bug_id) FROM bugs INNER JOIN components AS map_component ON bugs.component_id = map_component.id INNER JOIN bug_status AS map_bug_status ON bugs.bug_status = map_bug_status.value INNER JOIN priority AS map_priority ON bugs.priority = map_priority.value WHERE bugs.resolution IN ('') AND bugs.priority IN ('--') AND bugs.creation_ts >= '2016-06-01' AND (NOT( EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM bugs bugs_1 LEFT JOIN attachments AS attachments_1 ON bugs_1.bug_id = attachments_1.bug_id LEFT JOIN flags AS flags_1 ON bugs_1.bug_id = flags_1.bug_id AND (flags_1.attach_id = attachments_1.attach_id OR flags_1.attach_id IS NULL) LEFT JOIN flagtypes AS flagtypes_1 ON flags_1.type_id = flagtypes_1.id WHERE bugs_1.bug_id = bugs.bug_id AND CONCAT(flagtypes_1.name, flags_1.status) = 'needinfo?'))) AND bugs.component_id = ?"); my @results; foreach my $row (@$rows) { my ($product_name, $component_name, $component_id, $triage_owner_id) = @$row; my $triage_owner = $triage_owner_id ? Bugzilla::User->new({id => $triage_owner_id, cache => 1}) : ""; my $data = { product => $product_name, component => $component_name, owner => $triage_owner, }; $data->{buglist_url} = 'priority=--&resolution=---&f1=creation_ts&o1=greaterthaneq&v1=2016-06-01' . '&f2=flagtypes.name&o2=notequals&v2=needinfo%3F'; if ($triage_owner) { $data->{buglist_url} .= '&f3=triage_owner&o3=equals&v3=' . url_quote($triage_owner->login); } $bug_count_sth->execute($component_id); ($data->{bug_count}) = $bug_count_sth->fetchrow_array(); push @results, $data; } $vars->{results} = \@results; my $json_data = {products => []}; foreach my $product (@{$user->get_selectable_products}) { my $prod_data = {name => $product->name, components => [],}; foreach my $component (@{$product->components}) { my $selected = 0; if ( $input->{product} && $input->{product} eq $product->name && $input->{component}) { $selected = 1 if ( ref $input->{component} && any { $_ eq $component->name } @{$input->{component}} ); $selected = 1 if (!ref $input->{componet} && $input->{component} eq $component->name); } my $comp_data = {name => $component->name, selected => $selected}; push(@{$prod_data->{components}}, $comp_data); } push(@{$json_data->{products}}, $prod_data); } $vars->{product} = $input->{product}; $vars->{owner} = $input->{owner}; $vars->{json_data} = encode_json($json_data); } 1;