[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. #%] [% PROCESS global/variables.none.tmpl %] [% inline_style = BLOCK %] strong.required:before { content: "* "; color: red; } #yui-history-iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 1px; height: 1px; visibility: hidden; } #standard { margin-top: 2em; } #standard img { vertical-align: middle; } #standard a { cursor: pointer; } [% END %] [% inline_javascript = BLOCK %] var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom; var Event = YAHOO.util.Event; var History = YAHOO.util.History; var mdn = { _initial_state: 'initial', _current_state: 'initial', _current_type: 'bug', _required_fields: { 'bug': { 'bug_actions': 'Please enter some text for "What did you do?"', 'bug_actual_results': 'Please enter some text for "What happened?"', 'bug_expected_results': 'Please enter some text for "What should have happened?"', }, 'feature': { 'feature_problem': 'Please enter some text for "What problem would this solve?"', 'feature_identification': 'Please enter some text for "How do you know that the users identified above have this problem?"', 'feature_solution': 'Please enter some text for "How are the users identified above solving this problem now?"', 'feature_suggestions': 'Please enter some text for "Do you have any suggestions for solving the problem?"' }, 'change': { 'change_feature': 'Please enter some text for "What feature should be changed? Please provide the URL of the feature if possible"', 'change_problem_solving': 'Please enter some text for "What problems would this solve?"', 'change_audience': 'Please enter some text for "Who would use this?"', 'change_interface': 'Please enter some text for "What would users see?"', 'change_process': 'Please enter some text for "What would users do? What would happen as a result?"', } }, setState: function(state, request_type, no_set_history) { if (state == 'detail') { request_type = request_type || this._getRadioValueByClass('request_type'); if (request_type == 'bug') { Dom.get('detail_header').innerHTML = '

[% terms.Bug %] Report

'; Dom.get('secure_type').innerHTML = 'report'; } if (request_type == 'feature') { Dom.get('detail_header').innerHTML = '

Feature Request

'; Dom.get('secure_type').innerHTML = 'request'; Dom.removeClass('detail_feature_other_forms', 'bz_default_hidden'); } if (request_type == 'change') { Dom.get('detail_header').innerHTML = '

Change Request

'; Dom.get('secure_type').innerHTML = 'request'; } Dom.addClass('detail_' + this._current_type, 'bz_default_hidden'); Dom.removeClass('detail_' + request_type, 'bz_default_hidden'); if (request_type != 'feature') { Dom.addClass('detail_feature_other_forms', 'bz_default_hidden'); } this._current_type = request_type; } Dom.addClass(this._current_state + '_form', 'bz_default_hidden'); Dom.removeClass(state + '_form', 'bz_default_hidden'); this._current_state = state; if (History && !no_set_history) { History.navigate('h', state + (request_type ? '|' + request_type : '')); } return true; }, validateAndSubmit: function() { var alert_text = ''; var request_type = this._current_type; if (!isFilledOut('component')) alert_text += 'Please select a "Component".\n'; if (!isFilledOut('short_desc')) alert_text += 'Please enter a "Summary".\n'; for (require_type in this._required_fields) { if (require_type == request_type) { for (field in this._required_fields[require_type]) { if (!isFilledOut(field)) alert_text += this._required_fields[require_type][field] + "\n"; } } } // Feature audience radio input if (request_type == 'feature') { var audience = document.getElementsByName('feature_audience'); var found = 0; for(var i = 0, l = audience.length; i < l; i++) { if (audience[i].checked) { found = 1; if (audience[i].id == 'feature_audience_other' && document.getElementById('feature_audience_other_text').value == '') { alert_text += 'Please enter a value for "Other" in "Who has this problem?"'; } } } if (!found) { alert_text += 'Please select a value for "Who has this problem?"'; } } if (alert_text != '') { alert(alert_text); return false; } var whiteboard = Dom.get('status_whiteboard'); whiteboard.value = "[specification][type:" + request_type.toLowerCase() + "]"; if (request_type == 'feature') { Dom.get('bug_severity').value = 'enhancement'; } return true; }, _getRadioValueByClass: function(class_name) { var elements = Dom.getElementsByClassName(class_name); for (var i = 0, l = elements.length; i < l; i++) { if (elements[i].checked) return elements[i].value; } }, init: function() { var bookmarked_state = History.getBookmarkedState('h'); this._initial_state = bookmarked_state || 'initial'; try { History.register('h', this._initial_state, mdn.onStateChange); History.initialize('yui-history-field', 'yui-history-iframe'); History.onReady(function () { mdn.onStateChange(History.getCurrentState('h'), true); }); } catch(e) { console.log('error initializing history: ' + e); History = false; } }, onStateChange: function(state, no_set_history) { var state_data = state.split('|'); mdn.setState(state_data[0], state_data[1], no_set_history); } }; Event.onDOMReady(mdn.init); Event.on('show_detail', 'click', function() { mdn.setState('detail'); }); [% END %] [% PROCESS global/header.html.tmpl title = "Mozilla Developer Network Feedback" style = inline_style javascript = inline_javascript javascript_urls = [ 'extensions/BMO/web/js/form_validate.js' ] %]

Mozilla Developer Network Feedback

This form lets you to request new features on MDN. Please use the different specific [% terms.bug %] forms for…



What did you do?

What happened?

What should have happened?

What problem would this solve?

Who has this problem?

How do you know that the users identified above have this problem?
What experiment did you run? What data are you considering?
(If you did not run an experiment or do not have any data yet, that’s OK; please say so.)

How are the users identified above solving this problem now?

Do you have any suggestions for solving the problem? Please explain in detail.

What feature should be changed? Please provide the URL of the feature if possible.

What problems would this solve?

Who would use this?

What would users see?

What would users do? What would happen as a result?

Is there anything else we should know?

Switch to the standard [% terms.bug %] entry form
[% PROCESS global/footer.html.tmpl %]