[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. #%] [%# link => url (can be relative to bugzilla.mozilla.org, or full url) # title => visible title # group => optional group name, if present the form won't be show to # users not in this group # hide => optional boolean, if true the form will not be shown on # enter_bug (but will be visible on the custom forms list) #%] [% custom_forms = { "addons.mozilla.org" => [ { link => "https://github.com/mozilla/addons/issues", title => "Report an issue with addons.mozilla.org on GitHub." } ], "mozilla.org" => [ { link => "form.moz.project.review", title => "Mozilla Project Review", group => "mozilla-employee-confidential", }, { link => "form.trademark", title => "Trademark Usage Requests", }, { link => "form.gear", title => "Mozilla Gear Request", group => "mozilla-employee-confidential", }, { link => "form.poweredby", title => "Powered by Mozilla Logo Requests", }, { link => "form.mozlist", title => "Mozilla Discussion Forum Requests", group => "mozilla-employee-confidential", }, ], "Marketing" => [ { link => "form.user.engagement", title => "User Engagement Initiation Form", group => "mozilla-employee-confidential", }, { link => "form.gear", title => "Mozilla Gear Request", group => "mozilla-employee-confidential", }, { link => "form.creative", title => "Brand Engagement Initiation Form", group => "mozilla-employee-confidential", }, { link => "form.poweredby", title => "Powered by Mozilla Logo Requests", }, { link => "form.comm.newsletter", title => "Mozilla Communities Newsletter", }, { link => "form.costume", title => "Firefox Costume Requests", }, ], "Finance" => [ { link => "form.finance", title => "Finance Request", group => "mozilla-employee-confidential", }, ], "Mozilla PR" => [ { link => "form.mozpr", title => "PR Project Form", group => "pr-private", }, ], "Infrastructure & Operations" => [ { link => "form.itrequest", title => "IT Request Form", group => "mozilla-employee-confidential", }, { link => "form.mozlist", title => "Mozilla Discussion Forum Requests", group => "mozilla-employee-confidential", }, ], "Tech Evangelism" => [ { link => "form.mobile.compat", title => "Mobile Web Compatibility Problem", }, ], "Air Mozilla" => [ { link => "https://air.mozilla.org/requests/", title => "Air Mozilla/Brown Bag Request", group => "mozilla-employee-confidential", }, ], "Websites" => [ { link => "form.web.bounty", title => "Web Bounty Form", }, ], "Firefox" => [ { link => "form.screen.share.whitelist", title => "Firefox Screen Sharing Whitelist Submission", hide => 1, } ], "Testing" => [ { link => "form.automative", title => "Automation Request Form", }, ], "Developer Engagement" => [ { link => "form.dev.engagement.event", title => "Developer Events Request Form", }, ], "developer.mozilla.org" => [ { link => "form.mdn", title => "MDN Web Docs Feedback", }, ], "Internet Public Policy" => [ { link => "form.ipp", title => "Internet Public Policy Issue", }, ], "Marketplace" => [ { link => "form.fxos.preload.app", title => "Firefox OS Pre-load App", }, { link => "form.third.party", title => "Third Party Applications Issue Form", }, ], "Data Compliance" => [ { link => "form.data.compliance", title => "Data Compliance Form", }, ], "Recruiting" => [ { link => "form.recruiting", title => "Recruiting Requests", }, { link => "form.intern", title => "Intern Requests", }, ] "Mozilla Labs" => [ { link => "https://github.com/mozilla/personas-plus/issues", title => "Report issue with Personas Plus on Github" } ], "Legal" => [ { title => 'Mozilla Foundation Vendor Request', link => 'enter_bug.cgi?product=Mozilla%20Foundation%20Operations', }, { title => 'Mozilla Corporation Vendor Request', link => 'form.moz.project.review' }, { title => 'Commercial (Partner) Agreement', link => 'form.moz.project.review' }, { title => 'Independent Contractor Request', link => 'form.moz.project.review' }, { title => "NDA Request", link => "form.nda", }, { title => "Name Clearance Request", link => "form.name.clearance", } ], } %]