# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Extension::BugModal; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(Bugzilla::Extension); use Bugzilla::Extension::BugModal::ActivityStream; use Bugzilla::Extension::BugModal::MonkeyPatches; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::User::Setting; use Bugzilla::Util qw(trick_taint datetime_from html_quote); use List::MoreUtils qw(any); use Template::Stash; use Time::Duration; our $VERSION = '1'; # force skin to mozilla sub setting_set_value { my ($self, $args) = @_; return unless $args->{setting} eq 'ui_experiments' && $args->{value} ne 'on'; my $settings = Bugzilla->user->settings; return if $settings->{skin}->{value} =~ /^Mozilla/; $settings->{skin}->set('Mozilla'); } sub show_bug_format { my ($self, $args) = @_; $args->{format} = _alternative_show_bug_format(); } sub edit_bug_format { my ($self, $args) = @_; $args->{format} = _alternative_show_bug_format(); } sub _alternative_show_bug_format { my $user = Bugzilla->user; if (my $format = Bugzilla->cgi->param('format')) { return ($format eq '__default__' || $format eq 'default') ? undef : $format; } return $user->setting('ui_experiments') eq 'on' ? 'modal' : undef; } sub template_after_create { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $context = $args->{template}->context; # wrapper around Time::Duration::ago() $context->define_filter( time_duration => sub { my ($context) = @_; return sub { my ($timestamp) = @_; my $datetime = datetime_from($timestamp) // return $timestamp; return ago(time() - $datetime->epoch); }; }, 1 ); # morph a string into one which is suitable to use as an element's id $context->define_filter( id => sub { my ($context) = @_; return sub { my ($id) = @_; $id //= ''; $id = lc($id); while ($id ne '' && $id !~ /^[a-z]/) { $id = substr($id, 1); } $id =~ tr/ /-/; $id =~ s/[^a-z\d\-_:\.]/_/g; return $id; }; }, 1 ); # flatten a list of hashrefs to a list of values # eg. logins = users.pluck("login") $context->define_vmethod( list => pluck => sub { my ($list, $field) = @_; return [ map { $_->$field } @$list ]; } ); # returns array where the value in $field does not equal $value # opposite of "only" # eg. not_byron = users.skip("name", "Byron") $context->define_vmethod( list => skip => sub { my ($list, $field, $value) = @_; return [ grep { $_->$field ne $value } @$list ]; } ); # returns array where the value in $field equals $value # opposite of "skip" # eg. byrons_only = users.only("name", "Byron") $context->define_vmethod( list => only => sub { my ($list, $field, $value) = @_; return [ grep { $_->$field eq $value } @$list ]; } ); # returns boolean indicating if the value exists in the list # eg. has_byron = user_names.exists("byron") $context->define_vmethod( list => exists => sub { my ($list, $value) = @_; return any { $_ eq $value } @$list; } ); # ucfirst is only available in new template::toolkit versions $context->define_vmethod( item => ucfirst => sub { my ($text) = @_; return ucfirst($text); } ); } sub template_before_process { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $file = $args->{file}; my $vars = $args->{vars}; if ($file eq 'bug/process/header.html.tmpl' || $file eq 'bug/create/created.html.tmpl' || $file eq 'attachment/created.html.tmpl' || $file eq 'attachment/updated.html.tmpl') { if (_alternative_show_bug_format()) { $vars->{alt_ui_header} = 'bug_modal/header.html.tmpl'; $vars->{alt_ui_show} = 'bug/show-modal.html.tmpl'; $vars->{alt_ui_edit} = 'bug_modal/edit.html.tmpl'; } return; } return unless $file =~ m#^bug/show-([^\.]+)\.html\.tmpl$#; my $format = $1; my $alt = _alternative_show_bug_format() // return; return unless $alt eq $format; return unless $vars->{bugs} && ref($vars->{bugs}) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar(@{ $vars->{bugs} }) == 1; my $bug = $vars->{bugs}->[0]; return if exists $bug->{error}; # trigger loading of tracking flags Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags->template_before_process({ file => 'bug/edit.html.tmpl', vars => $vars, }); # bug->choices loads a lot of data that we want to lazy-load # just load the status and resolutions and perform extra checks here # upstream does these checks in the bug/fields template my $perms = $bug->user; my @resolutions; foreach my $r (@{ Bugzilla::Field->new({ name => 'resolution', cache => 1 })->legal_values }) { my $resolution = $r->name; next unless $resolution; # always allow the current value if ($resolution eq $bug->resolution) { push @resolutions, $r; next; } # never allow inactive values next unless $r->is_active; # ensure the user has basic rights to change this field next unless $bug->check_can_change_field('resolution', '---', $resolution); # canconfirm users can only set the resolution to WFM, INCOMPLETE or DUPE if ($perms->{canconfirm} && !($perms->{canedit} || $perms->{isreporter})) { next if $resolution ne 'WORKSFORME' && $resolution ne 'INCOMPLETE' && $resolution ne 'DUPLICATE'; } # reporters can set it to anything, except INCOMPELTE if ($perms->{isreporter} && !($perms->{canconfirm} || $perms->{canedit})) { next if $resolution eq 'INCOMPLETE'; } # expired has, uh, expired next if $resolution eq 'EXPIRED'; push @resolutions, $r; } $bug->{choices} = { bug_status => [ grep { $_->is_active || $_->name eq $bug->bug_status } @{ $bug->statuses_available } ], resolution => \@resolutions, }; # group tracking flags by version to allow for a better tabular output my @tracking_table; my $tracking_flags = $vars->{tracking_flags}; foreach my $flag (@$tracking_flags) { my $flag_type = $flag->flag_type; my $type = 'status'; my $name = $flag->description; if ($flag_type eq 'tracking' && $name =~ /^(tracking|status)-(.+)/) { ($type, $name) = ($1, $2); } my ($existing) = grep { $_->{type} eq $flag_type && $_->{name} eq $name } @tracking_table; if ($existing) { $existing->{$type} = $flag; } else { push @tracking_table, { $type => $flag, name => $name, type => $flag_type, }; } } $vars->{tracking_flags_table} = \@tracking_table; } sub webservice { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $dispatch = $args->{dispatch}; $dispatch->{bug_modal} = 'Bugzilla::Extension::BugModal::WebService'; } sub install_before_final_checks { my ($self, $args) = @_; add_setting('ui_experiments', ['on', 'off'], 'off'); } __PACKAGE__->NAME;