# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Extension::BugModal::MonkeyPatches; 1; package Bugzilla; use strict; use warnings; use Bugzilla::User; sub treeherder_user { return Bugzilla->process_cache->{treeherder_user} //= Bugzilla::User->new({ name => 'tbplbot@gmail.com', cache => 1 }) || Bugzilla::User->new({ name => 'treeherder@bots.tld', cache => 1 }) || Bugzilla::User->new(); } package Bugzilla::Bug; use strict; use warnings; use Bugzilla::Attachment; sub active_attachments { my ($self) = @_; return [] if $self->{error}; return $self->{active_attachments} //= Bugzilla::Attachment->get_attachments_by_bug( $self, { exclude_obsolete => 1, preload => 1 }); } 1; package Bugzilla::User; use strict; use warnings; sub moz_nick { my ($self) = @_; if (!exists $self->{moz_nick}) { if ($self->name =~ /:?:(.+?)\b/) { $self->{moz_nick} = $1; } elsif ($self->name) { $self->{moz_nick} = $self->name; } else { $self->login =~ /^([^\@]+)\@/; $self->{moz_nick} = $1; } } return $self->{moz_nick}; } 1; package Bugzilla::Attachment; use strict; use warnings; sub is_image { my ($self) = @_; return substr($self->contenttype, 0, 6) eq 'image/'; } 1;