[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. #%] [% USE Bugzilla; bug_modal = 1; # only edit one bug UNLESS bug.defined; bug = bugs.0; END; bugid = bug.id; # these are used in a few places is_cced = bug.cc.contains(user.login); unassigned = (bug.assigned_to.login == "nobody@mozilla.org") || (bug.assigned_to.login.search('\.bugs$')); # custom fields that have custom rendering, or should not be rendered rendered_custom_fields = [ 'cf_user_story', 'cf_last_resolved', ]; # all custom fields custom_fields = Bugzilla.active_custom_fields(product => bug.product_obj, component => bug.component_obj, bug_id => bug.id); # extract needinfo flags needinfo = []; FOREACH flag_type IN bug.flag_types; IF flag_type.name == 'needinfo'; needinfo_flag_type = flag_type; FOREACH flag IN flag_type.flags; IF flag.status == '?'; needinfo.push(flag); END; END; END; END; # count attachments active_attachments = 0; obsolete_attachments = 0; FOREACH attachment IN bug.attachments; NEXT IF attachment.isprivate && !(user.is_insider || attachment.attacher.id == user.id); IF attachment.isobsolete; obsolete_attachments = obsolete_attachments + 1; ELSE; active_attachments = active_attachments + 1; END; END; # count set bug flags (excluding needinfo) has_bug_flags = 0; FOREACH flag IN bug.flags; NEXT IF flag.name == 'needinfo'; has_bug_flags = 1; LAST; END; # count set project/tracking flags tracking_flags_has = 0; tracking_flags_set = 0; project_flags_has = 0; project_flags_set = 0; FOREACH flag IN tracking_flags; is_set = flag.bug_flag(bug.id).value != "---"; IF flag.flag_type == "tracking"; tracking_flags_has = 1; IF is_set; tracking_flags_set = 1; END; END; IF flag.flag_type == "project"; project_flags_has = 1; IF is_set; project_flags_set = 1; END; END; END; # build firefox flags subtitle firefox_flags = []; firefox_fixed_versions = []; tracking_flags_title = "Firefox Tracking Flags"; # project flags FOREACH row IN tracking_flags_table; NEXT UNLESS row.type == "project"; status_value = row.status.bug_flag(bug.id).value; NEXT IF status_value == "---"; firefox_flags.push(row.name _ ":" _ status_value); END; # tracking flags title and subtitle FOREACH row IN tracking_flags_table; NEXT UNLESS row.type == "tracking"; tracking_value = row.tracking ? row.tracking.bug_flag(bug.id).value : "---"; status_value = row.status.bug_flag(bug.id).value || "---"; NEXT IF tracking_value == "---" && status_value == "---"; blurb = row.name; IF tracking_value != "---"; blurb = blurb _ tracking_value; END; IF status_value != "---"; blurb = blurb _ " " _ status_value; IF status_value == "fixed" || status_value == "verified"; flag_name = row.name; IF flag_name.substr(0, 7) == "firefox"; IF firefox_fixed_versions.0 == ""; firefox_fixed_versions.0 = "Firefox " _ flag_name.substr(7); END; ELSIF flag_name.substr(0, 4) == "b2g-"; IF firefox_fixed_versions.1 == ""; firefox_fixed_versions.1 = "Firefox OS " _ flag_name.substr(4); END; END; END; END; firefox_flags.push(blurb); IF row.name.search("^thunderbird"); tracking_flags_title = "Thunderbird Tracking Flags"; ELSIF row.name.search("^seamonkey"); tracking_flags_title = "SeaMonkey Tracking Flags"; END; END; firefox_fixed_version = firefox_fixed_versions.join(", "); IF firefox_flags.size; firefox_flags_subtitle = firefox_flags.join(", "); ELSE; firefox_flags_subtitle = "Not tracked"; END; %] [% IF user.id %]
[% PROCESS bug_modal/navigate.html.tmpl %] [% END %] [%# === header === %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/module.html.tmpl title = "" %]
[%# bug id, alias, and summary %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl container = 1 no_label = 1 view_only = 1 %]
[% this_bug_href = "show_bug.cgi?id=$bug.id" %] [% IF cgi.param("format") %] [% format_uri = cgi.param("format") FILTER uri %] [% this_bug_href = this_bug_href _ "&format=" _ format_uri %] [% END %] [%~ terms.Bug _ " " _ bug.id FILTER none ~%] [% IF bug.alias %] ([% bug.alias FILTER html %]) [% END %]
[% END %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl container = 1 no_label = 1 hide_on_edit = 1 %]
[% bug.short_desc FILTER quoteUrls(bug) %]
[% END %] [%# alias %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.alias field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT hide_on_view = 1 short_width = 1 %] [%# summary %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.short_desc field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT hide_on_view = 1 %] [%# status summary %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl name = "status_summary" no_label = 1 hide_on_edit = 1 %] [% bug.bug_status FILTER html %] [%+ bug.resolution FILTER html IF bug.resolution %] [% IF bug.resolution == "FIXED" && bug.target_milestone && bug.target_milestone != "---" %] in [% firefox_fixed_version || bug.target_milestone FILTER html %] [% ELSIF bug.dup_id %] of [% terms.bug _ " $bug.dup_id" FILTER bug_link(bug.dup_id) FILTER none %] [% ELSIF bug.resolution == "" %]
[% IF unassigned; "Unassigned"; ELSE; "Assigned to "; INCLUDE bug_modal/user.html.tmpl u=bug.assigned_to nick_only=1; END; %]
[% END %] [% IF needinfo.size %]
[%~ IF needinfo.size == 1 %] [% ni = needinfo.0; activity_id = bug.find_activity_id_for_flag(ni); %] [% IF activity_id %] (NeedInfo [% activity_id ? "" : "" %] from [% IF ni.requestee; INCLUDE bug_modal/user.html.tmpl u=ni.requestee nick_only=1; ELSE; "anyone"; END; %]) [% ELSE %] (Needinfo from [% needinfo.size FILTER none %] people) [% END ~%]
[% END %] [% END %]
[%# buttons %]
[% IF user.id %]
[% END %]
[% IF bug.assigned_to.id == user.id || user.in_group("editbugs") %] [% END %] [% IF user.id %] [% END %]
[% END %] [%# === status === %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/module.html.tmpl title = "Status" %] [% WRAPPER fields_lhs %] [%# product %] [% can_edit_product = bug.check_can_change_field("product", 0, 1) %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.product field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT hide_on_edit = can_edit_product help = "describecomponents.cgi" %]
[% bug.product FILTER html %]
[% END %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.product field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT hide_on_view = 1 hide_on_edit = !can_edit_product append_content = 1 help = "describecomponents.cgi" %] [% INCLUDE prodcompsearch/form.html.tmpl id = "pcs" custom_select = 1 hidden = 1 throbber = "product-throbber" %] [% END %] [%# component %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.component field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT help = "describecomponents.cgi" %]
[% bug.component FILTER html %]
[% END %] [%# importance %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl label = "Importance" container = 1 hide_on_view = bug.priority == "--" && bug.bug_severity == "normal" %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.priority field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT no_indent = 1 inline = 1 %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.bug_severity field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT inline = 1 %] [% UNLESS cf_hidden_in_product('cf_rank', bug.product, bug.component, bug) %] [% rendered_custom_fields.push('cf_rank') %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.cf_rank field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER inline = 1 label = "Rank" hide_on_view = bug.cf_rank == "" hide_on_edit = !user.in_group('rank-setters') %] [% END %] [% END %] [%# status, resolution %] [% IF bug.assigned_to.id != user.id %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl name = "status-view" container = 1 label = "Status" hide_on_edit = 1 %] [% bug.bug_status FILTER html %] [%+ bug.resolution FILTER html IF bug.resolution %] [% IF bug.dup_id %] of [% terms.bug _ " $bug.dup_id" FILTER bug_link(bug.dup_id) FILTER none %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% WRAPPER fields_rhs %] [%# creation time %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.creation_ts label = "Reported" view_only = 1 %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/rel_time.html.tmpl ts=bug.creation_ts %] [% END %] [%# last modified %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.delta_ts label = "Modified" view_only = 1 %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/rel_time.html.tmpl ts=bug.delta_ts %] [% END %] [% END %] [%# status/resolution knob %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl name = "status-edit" container = 1 label = "Status" hide_on_view = bug.assigned_to.id != user.id %] [% INCLUDE status_block %] [% END %] [% END %] [% BLOCK status_block %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl prefix = prefix field = bug_fields.bug_status field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT editable = bug.choices.bug_status.size > 1 values = bug.choices.bug_status inline = 1 no_indent = 1 edit_only = 1 %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl prefix = prefix field = bug_fields.resolution field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT editable = bug.choices.resolution.size > (bug.resolution == "" ? 0 : 1) values = bug.choices.resolution inline = 1 edit_only = 1 %] [% UNLESS prefix %] [% END %] [% IF bug.choices.resolution.only("name", "DUPLICATE").size %]
[% END %] [% END %] [%# === people === %] [% sub = []; sub.push("Reporter: " _ bug.reporter.moz_nick); sub.push(unassigned ? "Unassigned" : "Assigned: " _ bug.assigned_to.moz_nick); IF bug.mentors.size; sub.push("Mentored"); END; IF needinfo.size; sub.push("NeedInfo"); END; %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/module.html.tmpl title = "People" subtitle = sub collapsed = 1 %] [% WRAPPER fields_lhs %] [%# assignee %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.assigned_to field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_USER hide_on_edit = 1 %] [% IF unassigned %] Unassigned [% IF bug.check_can_change_field("assigned_to", 0, 1) %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/user.html.tmpl u=bug.assigned_to %] [% END %] [% END %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.assigned_to field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_USER hide_on_view = 1 action = { class = "take-btn" caption = "Take" hidden = bug.assigned_to.id == user.id || !user.in_group("editbugs") } append_content = 1 default = bug.component_obj.default_assignee.login %] [% END %] [%# mentors %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.bug_mentor field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_USERS name = "bug_mentors" label = "Mentors" value = bug.mentors.pluck("login") hide_on_view = bug.mentors.size == 0 %] [% IF bug.mentors.size; FOREACH mentor IN bug.mentors; INCLUDE bug_modal/user.html.tmpl u=mentor; END; ELSE; "---"; END; %] [% END %] [%# qa contact %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.qa_contact field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_USER hide_on_view = bug.qa_contact == "" hide_on_edit = 1 %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/user.html.tmpl u=bug.qa_contact %] [% END %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.qa_contact field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_USER hide_on_view = 1 append_content = 1 default = (bug.component_obj.default_qa_contact.id ? bug.component_obj.default_qa_contact.login : '') %] [% END %] [% END %] [% WRAPPER fields_rhs %] [%# reporter %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.reporter field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_USER view_only = 1 %] [%# needinfo %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl container = 1 label = "NeedInfo From" hide_on_view = needinfo.size == 0 hide_on_edit = 1 %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/flags.html.tmpl types = bug.flag_types.only("name", "needinfo") view_only = 1 %] [% END %] [% IF needinfo.size %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl container = 1 label = "NeedInfo" hide_on_view = 1 %] [% END %] [% END %] [%# cc %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl container = 1 label = "CC" hide_on_view = bug.cc.size == 0 %] [% IF user.id %] [% END %] [% IF bug.cc && bug.cc.size %] [% IF bug.cc.size == 1; is_cced ? "Just you" : "1 person"; ELSE; bug.cc.size _ " people"; END; %] [% ELSE %] Nobody [% END %] [% IF user.id %] [% END %] [% IF bug.cc && bug.cc.size %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [%# === tracking === %] [% col = (bug.version.lower == "unspecified" || bug.version.lower == "other" || bug.version == "---") && bug.target_milestone == "---" && !has_bug_flags && !project_flags_set && !tracking_flags_set; sub = []; open_deps = bug.depends_on_obj.only("resolution", "").size; IF open_deps; sub.push("Depends on: " _ open_deps _ " bug" _ (open_deps == 1 ? "" : "s")); END; open_deps = bug.blocks_obj.only("resolution", "").size; IF open_deps; sub.push("Blocks: " _ open_deps _ " bug" _ (open_deps == 1 ? "" : "s")); END; IF bug.keyword_objects.size; IF bug.keyword_objects.size <= 3; sub.push("{" _ bug.keyword_objects.pluck("name").join(", ") _ "}"); ELSE; sub.push(bug.keyword_objects.size _ " keywords"); END; END; %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/module.html.tmpl title = "Tracking" subtitle = sub collapsed = col %] [% WRAPPER fields_lhs %] [%# version %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.version field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT %] [%# milestone %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.target_milestone field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT label = "Target" %] [%# platform, op-sys %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl container = 1 label = "Platform" hide_on_view = (bug.rep_platform == 'All' && bug.op_sys == 'All') || (bug.rep_platform == 'Unspecified' && bug.op_sys == 'Unspecified') %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.rep_platform field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT inline = 1 no_indent = 1 %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.op_sys field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT inline = 1 %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl container = 1 inline = 1 %] [% Hook.process("after_op_sys", 'bug/edit.html.tmpl') %] [% END %] [% END %] [%# keywords %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.keywords field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_KEYWORDS hide_on_view = bug.keyword_objects.size == 0 help = "describekeywords.cgi" %] [% bug.keyword_objects.pluck("name").join(", ") || "---" FILTER html %] [% END %] [% UNLESS cf_hidden_in_product('cf_fx_iteration', bug.product, bug.component, bug) %] [% rendered_custom_fields.push('cf_fx_iteration') %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.cf_fx_iteration field_type = bug_fields.cf_fx_iteration.type hide_on_view = bug.cf_iteration == "" %] [% END %] [% UNLESS cf_hidden_in_product('cf_fx_points', bug.product, bug.component, bug) %] [% rendered_custom_fields.push('cf_fx_points') %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.cf_fx_points field_type = bug_fields.cf_fx_points.type hide_on_view = bug.cf_points == "" %] [% END %] [% UNLESS cf_hidden_in_product('cf_cab_review', bug.product, bug.component, bug) %] [% rendered_custom_fields.push('cf_cab_review') %] [% IF bug.cf_cab_review == "---" %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.cf_cab_review field_type = bug_fields.cf_cab_review.type container = 1 hide_on_view = 1 %] ServiceNow Change Request [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.cf_cab_review field_type = bug_fields.cf_cab_review.type %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% WRAPPER fields_rhs %] [%# depends on %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.dependson field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_BUG_LIST values = bug.depends_on_obj hide_on_view = bug.dependson.size == 0 %] [%# blocks %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.blocked field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_BUG_LIST values = bug.blocks_obj hide_on_view = bug.blocked.size == 0 %] [% IF bug.dependson.size + bug.blocked.size > 1 %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl container = 1 label = "" hide_on_edit = 1 %] Dependency tree / graph [% END %] [% END %] [%# duplicates %] [% IF bug.duplicates.size %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = "duplicates" field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_BUG_LIST label = "Duplicates" values = bug.duplicates hide_on_edit = 1 %] [% END %] [%# flags %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl name = "bug_flags" container = 1 label = terms.Bug _ " Flags" hide_on_view = !has_bug_flags %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/flags.html.tmpl types = bug.flag_types.skip("name", "needinfo") %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% IF tracking_flags.size %] [%# === tracking flags === %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/module.html.tmpl title = tracking_flags_title collapsed = 1 subtitle = firefox_flags_subtitle %] [% WRAPPER fields_lhs %] [% UNLESS tracking_flags_set || project_flags_set %]

This [% terms.bug %] is not currently tracked.

[% END %] [% IF tracking_flags_has %] [%# tracking flags %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl container = 1 label = "Tracking Flags" hide_on_view = !tracking_flags_set %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/tracking_flags.html.tmpl type = "tracking" %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% WRAPPER fields_rhs %] [% IF project_flags_has %] [%# project flags %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl container = 1 label = "Project Flags" hide_on_view = !project_flags_set %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/tracking_flags.html.tmpl type = "project" %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [%# === details === %] [% sub = []; IF bug.status_whiteboard != ""; sub.push(bug.status_whiteboard.truncate(256, '…')); END; IF bug.cf_crash_signature != ""; sub.push("crash signature"); END; IF bug.bug_file_loc != ""; loc_html = INCLUDE bug_url_link link_text="URL"; sub.push({ unfiltered => loc_html }); END; %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/module.html.tmpl title = "Details" collapsed = 1 subtitle = sub %] [% WRAPPER fields_lhs %] [%# whiteboard %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.status_whiteboard field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT help = "https://wiki.mozilla.org/BMO/Whiteboard" %] [% bug.status_whiteboard == "" ? "---" : bug.status_whiteboard FILTER html %] [% END %] [%# votes %] [% IF bug.product_obj.votesperuser %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl container = 1 label = "Votes" %] [% bug.votes FILTER html %] vote[% "s" IF bug.votes != 1 %] [% IF user.id %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [%# custom fields (except textarea) %] [% FOREACH field = custom_fields; NEXT IF field.type == constants.FIELD_TYPE_EXTENSION || field.type == constants.FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA; NEXT IF rendered_custom_fields.exists(field.name); NEXT IF cf_hidden_in_product(field.name, bug.product, bug.component, bug); cf_value = bug.${field.name}; IF field.type == constants.FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT; has_value = cf_value != "---"; ELSIF field.type == constants.FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT; has_value = cf_value.size != 0; ELSE; has_value = cf_value != ""; END; INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = field field_type = field.type hide_on_view = !has_value; END; %] [% END %] [% WRAPPER fields_rhs %] [%# url %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.bug_file_loc field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT hide_on_view = bug.bug_file_loc == "" %] [% INCLUDE bug_url_link %] [% END %] [%# see also %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = bug_fields.see_also field_type = constants.FIELD_TYPE_BUG_URLS values = bug.see_also hide_on_view = bug.see_also.size == 0 %] [% END %] [%# custom fields (textarea) %] [% FOREACH field IN custom_fields; NEXT IF field.type != constants.FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA; Hook.process('custom_field-' _ field.name); NEXT IF rendered_custom_fields.exists(field.name); INCLUDE bug_modal/field.html.tmpl field = field field_type = field.type hide_on_view = bug.${field.name} == "" || bug.${field.name} == "---"; END; %] [% END %] [%# === groups === %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/module.html.tmpl title = "Security" collapsed = 1 subtitle = bug.groups_in.size ? bug.groups_in.pluck("description").join(", ") : "public" hide_on_view = bug.groups_in.size == 0 hide_on_edit = bug.groups.size == 0 %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/groups.html.tmpl %] [% END %] [%# === user story === %] [% IF bug.user_story_visible.0 %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/module.html.tmpl title = "User Story" hide_on_view = bug.cf_user_story == "" collapsed = bug.cf_user_story == "" no_collapse_persist = 1 %] [% IF user.id %]
[% IF bug.check_can_change_field('cf_user_story', 0, 1) %] [% END %] [% IF bug.cf_user_story != "" && bug.check_can_change_field('longdesc', 0, 1) %] [% END %]
[% END %]
[% bug.cf_user_story FILTER quoteUrls(bug) %]
[% IF user.id %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [%# === extensions which are modules === %] [% Hook.process('module') %] [%# === attachments === %] [% IF active_attachments || obsolete_attachments %] [% sub = []; IF active_attachments; sub.push(active_attachments _ " attachment" _ (active_attachments == 1 ? "" : "s")); END; IF obsolete_attachments; sub.push(obsolete_attachments _ " obsolete attachment" _ (obsolete_attachments == 1 ? "" : "s")); END; %] [% WRAPPER bug_modal/module.html.tmpl title = "Attachments" subtitle = sub collapsed = active_attachments == 0 %] [% INCLUDE bug_modal/attachments.html.tmpl active_attachments = active_attachments obsolete_attachments = obsolete_attachments %] [% END %] [% END %] [%# === initialise module visibility === %] [%# === top (between modules and comments) actions === %] [% IF user.id %]
[% IF user.settings.comment_box_position.value == 'after_comments' %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [%+ Hook.process('top_actions') %]
[% END %] [% Hook.process('after_modules') %] [%# === comments === %] [% IF user.settings.comment_box_position.value == 'before_comments'; INCLUDE new_comment; END; INCLUDE bug_modal/activity_stream.html.tmpl stream=bug.activity_stream; IF user.settings.comment_box_position.value == 'after_comments'; INCLUDE new_comment; END; %] [%# === bottom actions === %]
[% IF user.id %] [% END %]
[% IF user.id %]
[% END %] [%# === blocks === %] [% BLOCK new_comment %] [%# === new comment === %] [% IF user.id; INCLUDE bug_modal/new_comment.html.tmpl; ELSE; %]
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this [% terms.bug %].
[% END; %] [%# === comment actions === %] [% IF user.id %]
[% IF bug.resolution == ""; seen_header = 0; FOREACH resolution IN ["FIXED", "INVALID", "DUPLICATE"]; NEXT UNLESS bug.choices.resolution.only("name", resolution).size; IF NOT seen_header; seen_header = 1; " Resolve as "; END; %] [% END; ELSE; IF bug.choices.bug_status.only("name", "VERIFIED").size && bug.bug_status != "VERIFIED"; %] [% END; IF bug.choices.bug_status.only("name", "REOPENED").size; %] [% END; END; %]
[% END %] [% END %] [% BLOCK fields_lhs %]
[% content FILTER none %]
[% END %] [% BLOCK fields_rhs %]
[% content FILTER none %]
[% END %] [% BLOCK bug_url_link %] [% IF !link_text.defined; link_text = bug.bug_file_loc FILTER truncate(40); END; %] [% link_text FILTER html %] [% END %]