[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. #%] [% SET selectable_products = user.get_selectable_products %] [% SET dont_show_button = 1 %]
Bugmail Filtering

You can instruct [% terms.Bugzilla %] to filter bugmail based on the field that was changed.

Field: the field that was changed
Product: the [% terms.bug %]'s current product
Component: the [% terms.bug %]'s current component
Relationship: your relationship with the [% terms.bug %]
Action: action to take when all conditions match

You are currently filtering on:

[% IF filters.size %] [% FOREACH filter = filters %] [% END %]
Product Component Field Relationship Action
[% filter.product ? filter.product.name : 'Any' FILTER html %] [% filter.component ? filter.component.name : 'Any' FILTER html %] [% filter.field ? fields.${filter.field.name} || filter.field.description : 'Any' FILTER html %] [% filter.relationship ? filter.relationship_name : 'Any' FILTER html %] [% filter.action ? 'Exclude' : 'Include' %]
[% ELSE %]

You do not have any filters configured.

[% END %]

This feature provides fine-grained control over what changes to [% terms.bugs %] will result in an email notification. These filters are applied after the rules configured on the Email Preferences tab.

If multiple filters are applicable to the same [% terms.bug %] change, include filters override exclude filters.

Field Groups

Some fields are grouped into a single entry in the "field" list. Following is a list of the groups and all the fields they contain:

[% FOREACH type = tracking_flags_by_type %] [% type.name FILTER html %]:
[% flag_count = type.flags.size %] [% FOREACH flag = type.flags %] [% IF flag_count > 10 && loop.count == 10 %] … (show all) [% END %] [% flag.description FILTER html FILTER no_break %] [% ", " UNLESS loop.last %] [% IF loop.last && flag_count > 10 %] [% END %] [% END %]
[% END %]


To never receive changes made to the "QA Whiteboard" field for [% terms.bugs %] where you are not the assignee:

Field: QA Whiteboard
Product: __Any__
Component: __Any__
Relationship: Not Assignee
Action: Exclude

To receive notifications of new [% terms.bugs %] in Firefox's "New Tab Page" component, and no other changes, you require three filters. First an exclude filter to drop all changes made to [% terms.bugs %] in that component:

Field: __Any__
Product: Firefox
Component: New Tab Page
Relationship: __Any__
Action: Exclude

Then an include filter to indicate that you want to receive notifications when a [% terms.bug %] is created:

Field: [% terms.Bug %] Created
Product: Firefox
Component: New Tab Page
Relationship: __Any__
Action: Include

And finally another include filter to catch when a [% terms.bug %] is moved into the "New Tab Page" component.

Field: Component
Product: Firefox
Component: New Tab Page
Relationship: __Any__
Action: Include