# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Extension::Ember::WebService; use 5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; use parent qw(Bugzilla::WebService Bugzilla::WebService::Bug Bugzilla::WebService::Product); use Bugzilla::Bug; use Bugzilla::Component; use Bugzilla::Product; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Field; use Bugzilla::Util qw(trick_taint); use Bugzilla::Extension::Ember::FakeBug; use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); use Storable qw(dclone); use constant FIELD_TYPE_MAP => { 0 => 'unknown', 1 => 'freetext', 2 => 'single_select', 3 => 'multiple_select', 4 => 'textarea', 5 => 'datetime', 6 => 'date', 7 => 'bug_id', 8 => 'bug_urls', 9 => 'keywords', 99 => 'extension' }; use constant NON_EDIT_FIELDS => qw( assignee_accessible bug_group bug_id commenter cclist_accessible content creation_ts days_elapsed delta_ts everconfirmed qacontact_accessible reporter reporter_accessible restrict_comments tag votes ); use constant BUG_CHOICE_FIELDS => qw( bug_status component product resolution target_milestone version ); use constant DEFAULT_VALUE_MAP => { op_sys => 'defaultopsys', rep_platform => 'defaultplatform', priority => 'defaultpriority', bug_severity => 'defaultseverity' }; sub API_NAMES { # Internal field names converted to the API equivalents my %api_names = reverse %{ Bugzilla::Bug::FIELD_MAP() }; return \%api_names; } ############### # API Methods # ############### sub create { my ($self, $params) = @_; Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED); Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db(); my $product = delete $params->{product}; $product || ThrowCodeError('params_required', { function => 'Ember.create', params => ['product'] }); my $product_obj = Bugzilla::Product->check($product); my $fake_bug = Bugzilla::Extension::Ember::FakeBug->new( { product_obj => $product_obj, reporter_id => Bugzilla->user->id }); my @fields = $self->_get_fields($fake_bug); return { fields => \@fields }; } sub show { my ($self, $params) = @_; my (@fields, $attachments, $comments, $data); my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $user = Bugzilla->user; Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db(); # Throw error if token was provided and user is not logged # in meaning token was invalid/expired. if (exists $params->{token} && !$user->id) { ThrowUserError('invalid_token'); } my $bug_id = delete $params->{id}; $bug_id || ThrowCodeError('params_required', { function => 'Ember.show', params => ['id'] }); my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->check($bug_id); my $bug_hash = $self->_bug_to_hash($bug, $params); # Only return changes since last_updated if provided my $last_updated = delete $params->{last_updated}; if ($last_updated) { trick_taint($last_updated); my $updated_fields = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT fieldid FROM bugs_activity WHERE bug_when > ? AND bug_id = ?', undef, ($last_updated, $bug->id)); if ($updated_fields) { # Also add in the delta_ts value which is in the # bugs_activity entries push(@$updated_fields, get_field_id('delta_ts')); @fields = $self->_get_fields($bug, $updated_fields); } # Find any comments created since the last_updated date $comments = $self->comments({ ids => $bug_id, new_since => $last_updated }); $comments = $comments->{bugs}->{$bug_id}->{comments} || undef; # Find any new attachments or modified attachments since the # last_updated date my $updated_attachments = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT attach_id FROM attachments WHERE (creation_ts > ? OR modification_time > ?) AND bug_id = ?', undef, ($last_updated, $last_updated, $bug->id)); if ($updated_attachments) { $attachments = $self->attachments({ attachment_ids => $updated_attachments, exclude_fields => ['data'] }); $attachments = [ map { $attachments->{attachments}->{$_} } keys %{ $attachments->{attachments} } ]; } } # Return all the things else { @fields = $self->_get_fields($bug); $comments = $self->comments({ ids => $bug_id }); $comments = $comments->{bugs}->{$bug_id}->{comments} || undef; $attachments = $self->attachments({ ids => $bug_id, exclude_fields => ['data'] }); $attachments = $attachments->{bugs}->{$bug_id} || undef; } # Place the fields current value along with the field definition foreach my $field (@fields) { if (($field->{name} eq 'depends_on' || $field->{name} eq 'blocks') && scalar @{ $bug_hash->{$field->{name}} }) { my $bug_ids = delete $bug_hash->{$field->{name}}; $user->visible_bugs($bug_ids); my $bug_objs = Bugzilla::Bug->new_from_list($bug_ids); my @new_list; foreach my $bug (@$bug_objs) { my $data; if ($user->can_see_bug($bug)) { $data = { id => $bug->id, status => $bug->bug_status, summary => $bug->short_desc }; } else { $data = { id => $bug->id }; } push(@new_list, $data); } $field->{current_value} = \@new_list; } else { $field->{current_value} = delete $bug_hash->{$field->{name}} || ''; } } # Any left over bug values will be added to the field list # These are extra fields that do not have a corresponding # Field.pm object if (!$last_updated) { foreach my $key (keys %$bug_hash) { my $field = { name => $key, current_value => $bug_hash->{$key} }; push(@fields, $field); } } # Complete the return data my $data = { id => $bug->id, fields => \@fields }; # Add the comments $data->{comments} = $comments if $comments; # Add the attachments $data->{attachments} = $attachments if $attachments; return $data; } sub search { my ($self, $params) = @_; my $total; if (exists $params->{offset} && exists $params->{limit}) { my $count_params = dclone($params); delete $count_params->{offset}; delete $count_params->{limit}; $count_params->{count_only} = 1; $total = $self->SUPER::search($count_params); } my $result = $self->SUPER::search($params); $result->{total} = defined $total ? $total : scalar(@{ $result->{bugs} }); return $result; } ################### # Private Methods # ################### sub _get_fields { my ($self, $bug, $field_ids) = @_; my $user = Bugzilla->user; # Load the field objects we need my @field_objs; if ($field_ids) { # Load just the fields that match the ids provided @field_objs = @{ Bugzilla::Field->match({ id => $field_ids }) }; } else { # load up standard fields @field_objs = @{ Bugzilla->fields({ custom => 0 }) }; # Load custom fields my $cf_params = { product => $bug->product_obj }; $cf_params->{component} = $bug->component_obj if $bug->can('component_obj'); $cf_params->{bug_id} = $bug->id if $bug->id; push(@field_objs, Bugzilla->active_custom_fields($cf_params)); } my @fields; foreach my $field (@field_objs) { # Skip any special fields containing . in the name such as # for attachments.*, etc. next if $field->name =~ /\./; # Remove time tracking fields if the user is privileged next if (grep($field->name eq $_, TIMETRACKING_FIELDS) && !Bugzilla->user->is_timetracker); # These fields should never be set by the user next if grep($field->name eq $_, NON_EDIT_FIELDS); # We already selected a product so no need to display all choices # Might as well skip classification for new bugs as well. next if (!$bug->id && ($field->name eq 'product' || $field->name eq 'classification')); # Skip assigned_to and qa_contact for new bugs if user not in # editbugs group next if (!$bug->id && ($field->name eq 'assigned_to' || $field->name eq 'qa_contact') && !$user->in_group('editbugs', $bug->product_obj->id)); # Do not display obsolete fields or fields that should be displayed for create bug form next if (!$bug->id && $field->custom && ($field->obsolete || !$field->enter_bug)); my $field_hash = $self->_field_to_hash($field, $bug); push(@fields, $field_hash); } # Add group information as separate field push(@fields, { description => $self->type('string', 'Groups'), is_custom => $self->type('boolean', 0), is_mandatory => $self->type('boolean', 0), name => $self->type('string', 'groups'), values => [ map { $self->_group_to_hash($_, $bug) } @{ $bug->product_obj->groups_available } ] }); # Add flag information as separate field my $flag_hash; if ($bug->id) { foreach my $flag_type ('bug', 'attachment') { my $flag_params = { target_type => $flag_type, product_id => $bug->product_obj->id, component_id => $bug->component_obj->id, bug_id => $bug->id, active_or_has_flags => $bug->id, }; $flag_hash->{$flag_type} = Bugzilla::Flag->_flag_types($flag_params); } } else { my $flag_params = { is_active => 1 }; $flag_hash = $bug->product_obj->flag_types($flag_params); } my @flag_values; foreach my $flag_type ('bug', 'attachment') { foreach my $flag (@{ $flag_hash->{$flag_type} }) { push(@flag_values, $self->_flagtype_to_hash($flag, $bug)); } } push(@fields, { description => $self->type('string', 'Flags'), is_custom => $self->type('boolean', 0), is_mandatory => $self->type('boolean', 0), name => $self->type('string', 'flags'), values => \@flag_values }); return @fields; } sub _group_to_hash { my ($self, $group, $bug) = @_; my $data = { description => $self->type('string', $group->description), name => $self->type('string', $group->name) }; if ($group->name eq $bug->product_obj->default_security_group) { $data->{security_default} = $self->type('boolean', 1); } return $data; } sub _field_to_hash { my ($self, $field, $bug) = @_; my $data = { is_custom => $self->type('boolean', $field->custom), description => $self->type('string', $field->description), is_mandatory => $self->type('boolean', $field->is_mandatory), }; if ($field->custom) { $data->{type} = $self->type('string', FIELD_TYPE_MAP->{$field->type}); } # Use the API name if one is present instead of the internal field name my $field_name = $field->name; $field_name = API_NAMES->{$field_name} || $field_name; if ($field_name eq 'longdesc') { $field_name = $bug->id ? 'comment' : 'description'; } $data->{name} = $self->type('string', $field_name); # Set can_edit true or false if we are editing a current bug $data->{can_edit} = $self->_can_change_field($field, $bug) if $bug->id; # description for creating a new bug, otherwise comment # FIXME 'version' and 'target_milestone' types are incorrectly set in fielddefs if ($field->is_select || $field->name eq 'version' || $field->name eq 'target_milestone') { $data->{values} = [ $self->_get_field_values($field, $bug) ]; } # Add default values for specific fields if new bug if (!$bug->id && DEFAULT_VALUE_MAP->{$field->name}) { my $default_value = Bugzilla->params->{DEFAULT_VALUE_MAP->{$field->name}}; $data->{default_value} = $default_value; } return $data; } sub _value_to_hash { my ($self, $value, $bug) = @_; my $data = { name=> $self->type('string', $value->name) }; if ($bug->{bug_id}) { $data->{is_active} = $self->type('boolean', $value->is_active); } if ($value->can('sortkey')) { $data->{sort_key} = $self->type('int', $value->sortkey || 0); } if ($value->isa('Bugzilla::Component')) { $data->{default_assignee} = $self->_user_to_hash($value->default_assignee); $data->{initial_cc} = [ map { $self->_user_to_hash($_) } @{ $value->initial_cc } ]; if (Bugzilla->params->{useqacontact} && $value->default_qa_contact) { $data->{default_qa_contact} = $self->_user_to_hash($value->default_qa_contact); } } if ($value->can('description')) { $data->{description} = $self->type('string', $value->description); } return $data; } sub _user_to_hash { my ($self, $user) = @_; my $data = { real_name => $self->type('string', $user->name) }; if (Bugzilla->user->id) { $data->{email} = $self->type('string', $user->email); } return $data; } sub _get_field_values { my ($self, $field, $bug) = @_; # Certain fields are special and should use $bug->choices # to determine editability and not $bug->check_can_change_field my @values; if (grep($field->name eq $_, BUG_CHOICE_FIELDS)) { @values = @{ $bug->choices->{$field->name} }; } else { # We need to get the values from the product for # component, version, and milestones. if ($field->name eq 'component') { @values = @{ $bug->product_obj->components }; } elsif ($field->name eq 'target_milestone') { @values = @{ $bug->product_obj->milestones }; } elsif ($field->name eq 'version') { @values = @{ $bug->product_obj->versions }; } else { @values = @{ $field->legal_values }; } } my @filtered_values; foreach my $value (@values) { next if !$bug->id && !$value->is_active; next if $bug->id && !$self->_can_change_field($field, $bug, $value->name); push(@filtered_values, $value); } return map { $self->_value_to_hash($_, $bug) } @filtered_values; } sub _can_change_field { my ($self, $field, $bug, $value) = @_; my $user = Bugzilla->user; # Cannot set resolution on bug creation return $self->type('boolean', 0) if ($field->name eq 'resolution' && !$bug->{bug_id}); # Cannot edit an obsolete or inactive custom field return $self->type('boolean', 0) if ($field->custom && $field->obsolete); # If not a multi-select or single-select, value is not provided # and we just check if the field itself is editable by the user. if (!defined $value) { return $self->type('boolean', $bug->check_can_change_field($field->name, 1, 0)); } return $self->type('boolean', $bug->check_can_change_field($field->name, '', $value)); } sub _flag_to_hash { my ($self, $flag) = @_; my $data = { id => $self->type('int', $flag->id), name => $self->type('string', $flag->name), type_id => $self->type('int', $flag->type_id), creation_date => $self->type('dateTime', $flag->creation_date), modification_date => $self->type('dateTime', $flag->modification_date), status => $self->type('string', $flag->status) }; foreach my $field (qw(setter requestee)) { my $field_id = $field . "_id"; $data->{$field} = $self->_user_to_hash($flag->$field) if $flag->$field_id; } $data->{type} = $flag->attach_id ? 'attachment' : 'bug'; $data->{attach_id} = $flag->attach_id if $flag->attach_id; return $data; } sub _flagtype_to_hash { my ($self, $flagtype, $bug) = @_; my $user = Bugzilla->user; my $cansetflag = $user->can_set_flag($flagtype); my $canrequestflag = $user->can_request_flag($flagtype); my $data = { id => $self->type('int' , $flagtype->id), name => $self->type('string' , $flagtype->name), description => $self->type('string' , $flagtype->description), type => $self->type('string' , $flagtype->target_type), is_requestable => $self->type('boolean', $flagtype->is_requestable), is_requesteeble => $self->type('boolean', $flagtype->is_requesteeble), is_multiplicable => $self->type('boolean', $flagtype->is_multiplicable), can_set_flag => $self->type('boolean', $cansetflag), can_request_flag => $self->type('boolean', $canrequestflag) }; my @values; foreach my $value ('?','+','-') { push(@values, $self->type('string', $value)); } $data->{values} = \@values; # if we're creating a bug, we need to return all valid flags for # this product, as well as inclusions & exclusions so ember can # display relevant flags once the component is selected if (!$bug->id) { my $inclusions = $self->_flagtype_clusions_to_hash($flagtype->inclusions, $bug->product_obj->id); my $exclusions = $self->_flagtype_clusions_to_hash($flagtype->exclusions, $bug->product_obj->id); # if we have both inclusions and exclusions, the exclusions are redundant $exclusions = [] if @$inclusions && @$exclusions; # no need to return anything if there's just "any component" $data->{inclusions} = $inclusions if @$inclusions && $inclusions->[0] ne ''; $data->{exclusions} = $exclusions if @$exclusions && $exclusions->[0] ne ''; } return $data; } sub _flagtype_clusions_to_hash { my ($self, $clusions, $product_id) = @_; my $result = []; foreach my $key (keys %$clusions) { my ($prod_id, $comp_id) = split(/:/, $clusions->{$key}, 2); if ($prod_id == 0 || $prod_id == $product_id) { if ($comp_id) { my $component = Bugzilla::Component->new({ id => $comp_id, cache => 1 }); push @$result, $component->name; } else { return [ '' ]; } } } return $result; } sub rest_resources { return [ # create page - single product name qr{^/ember/create/(.*)$}, { GET => { method => 'create', params => sub { return { product => $_[0] }; } } }, # create page - one or more products qr{^/ember/create$}, { GET => { method => 'create' } }, # show bug page - single bug id qr{^/ember/show/(\d+)$}, { GET => { method => 'show', params => sub { return { id => $_[0] }; } } }, # show bug page - one or more bug ids qr{^/ember/show$}, { GET => { method => 'show' } }, # search - wrapper around SUPER::search which also includes the total # number of bugs when using pagination qr{^/ember/search$}, { GET => { method => 'search', }, }, ]; }; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Bugzilla::Extension::Ember::Webservice - The BMO Ember WebServices API =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains API methods that are useful to user's of the Bugzilla Ember based UI. =head1 METHODS See L for a description of how parameters are passed, and what B, B, and B mean. =head2 create B =over =item B This method returns the necessary information for the Bugzilla Ember UI to generate a bug creation page. =item B You pass a field called C that must be a valid Bugzilla product name. =over =item C (string) - The Bugzilla product name. =back =item B =over =back =item B =over =back =item B =over =item Added in BMO Bugzilla B<4.2>. =back =back =head2 show B =over =item B This method returns the necessary information for the Bugzilla Ember UI to properly generate a page to edit current bugs. =item B You pass a field called C that is the current bug id. =over =item C (int) - A bug id. =back =item B =over =back =item B =over =back =item B =over =item Added in BMO Bugzilla B<4.0>. =back =back =head2 search B =over =item B A wrapper around Bugzilla's C method which also returns the total of bugs matching a query, even if the limit and offset parameters are supplied. =item B As per Bugzilla::WebService::Bug::search() =item B =over =back =item B =over =back =item B =over =back =back