Example ####### This is a sample documentation file for the Example extension. Like all of the Bugzilla docs, it's written in `reStructured Text (reST) format `_ and will be compiled by `Sphinx `_. If you build the docs yourself using :file:`makedocs.pl`, this file will get incorporated into the Extensions chapter, as will any documentation you write for your extensions which fulfils the following criteria: * In the :file:`extensions/YourExtension/doc/` directory * Has a :file:`.rst` file extension You are recommended to make the name of your reST doc file the same as the name of your extension, so that there is no clash when all the extension documentation is copied into the same directory. So, for example, this file is called :file:`example.rst`, as it's part of the Example extension. If you need multiple documentation files, prefix the filename with the name of your extension, e.g. :file:`example-extra.rst`.