# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Extension::MozProjectReview; use strict; use base qw(Bugzilla::Extension); use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::Group; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Constants; our $VERSION = '0.01'; sub post_bug_after_creation { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $vars = $args->{vars}; my $bug = $vars->{bug}; my $user = Bugzilla->user; my $params = Bugzilla->input_params; my $template = Bugzilla->template; return if !($params->{format} && $params->{format} eq 'moz-project-review' && $bug->component eq 'Project Review'); my $error_mode_cache = Bugzilla->error_mode; Bugzilla->error_mode(ERROR_MODE_DIE); # do a match if applicable Bugzilla::User::match_field({ 'legal_cc' => { 'type' => 'multi' } }); my ($do_sec_review, $do_legal, $do_finance, $do_privacy_vendor, $do_data_safety, $do_privacy_tech, $do_privacy_policy); if ($params->{mozilla_data} eq 'Yes') { $do_legal = 1; $do_privacy_policy = 1; $do_privacy_tech = 1; $do_sec_review = 1; } if ($params->{mozilla_data} eq 'Yes' && $params->{data_safety_user_data} eq 'Yes') { $do_data_safety = 1; } if ($params->{new_or_change} eq 'New') { $do_legal = 1; $do_privacy_policy = 1; } elsif ($params->{new_or_change} eq 'Existing') { $do_legal = 1; } if ($params->{separate_party} eq 'Yes' && $params->{relationship_type} ne 'Hardware Purchase') { $do_legal = 1; } if ($params->{data_access} eq 'Yes') { $do_privacy_policy = 1; $do_sec_review = 1; } if ($params->{data_access} eq 'Yes' && $params->{'privacy_policy_vendor_user_data'} eq 'Yes') { $do_privacy_vendor = 1; } if ($params->{vendor_cost} eq '> $25,000' || ($params->{vendor_cost} eq '<= $25,000' && $params->{po_needed} eq 'Yes')) { $do_finance = 1; } my ($sec_review_bug, $legal_bug, $finance_bug, $privacy_vendor_bug, $data_safety_bug, $privacy_tech_bug, $privacy_policy_bug, $error, @dep_bug_comment, @dep_bug_errors); if ($do_sec_review) { my $bug_data = { short_desc => 'Security Review: ' . $bug->short_desc, product => 'mozilla.org', component => 'Security Assurance: Review Request', bug_severity => 'normal', groups => [ 'mozilla-corporation-confidential' ], keywords => 'sec-review-needed', op_sys => 'All', rep_platform => 'All', version => 'other', blocked => $bug->bug_id, }; _file_child_bug({ parent_bug => $bug, template_vars => $vars, template_suffix => 'sec-review', bug_data => $bug_data, dep_comment => \@dep_bug_comment, dep_errors => \@dep_bug_errors }); } if ($do_legal) { my $component; if ($params->{new_or_change} eq 'New') { $component = 'General'; } elsif ($params->{new_or_change} eq 'Existing') { $component = $params->{mozilla_project}; } if ($params->{separate_party} eq 'Yes' && $params->{relationship_type}) { $component = ($params->{relationship_type} eq 'Other' || $params->{relationship_type} eq 'Hardware Purchase') ? 'General' : $params->{relationship_type}; } my $legal_summary = "Legal Review: "; $legal_summary .= $params->{legal_other_party} . " - " if $params->{legal_other_party}; $legal_summary .= $bug->short_desc; my $bug_data = { short_desc => $legal_summary, product => 'Legal', component => $component, bug_severity => 'normal', priority => '--', groups => [ 'legal' ], op_sys => 'All', rep_platform => 'All', version => 'unspecified', blocked => $bug->bug_id, cc => $params->{'legal_cc'}, }; _file_child_bug({ parent_bug => $bug, template_vars => $vars, template_suffix => 'legal', bug_data => $bug_data, dep_comment => \@dep_bug_comment, dep_errors => \@dep_bug_errors }); } if ($do_finance) { my $bug_data = { short_desc => 'Finance Review: ' . $bug->short_desc, product => 'Finance', component => 'Purchase Request Form', bug_severity => 'normal', priority => '--', groups => [ 'finance' ], op_sys => 'All', rep_platform => 'All', version => 'unspecified', blocked => $bug->bug_id, }; _file_child_bug({ parent_bug => $bug, template_vars => $vars, template_suffix => 'finance', bug_data => $bug_data, dep_comment => \@dep_bug_comment, dep_errors => \@dep_bug_errors }); } if ($do_data_safety) { my $bug_data = { short_desc => 'Data Safety Review: ' . $bug->short_desc, product => 'Data Safety', component => 'General', bug_severity => 'normal', priority => '--', groups => [ 'mozilla-corporation-confidential' ], op_sys => 'All', rep_platform => 'All', version => 'unspecified', blocked => $bug->bug_id, }; _file_child_bug({ parent_bug => $bug, template_vars => $vars, template_suffix => 'data-safety', bug_data => $bug_data, dep_comment => \@dep_bug_comment, dep_errors => \@dep_bug_errors }); } if ($do_privacy_tech) { my $bug_data = { short_desc => 'Privacy-Technical Review: ' . $bug->short_desc, product => 'mozilla.org', component => 'Security Assurance: Review Request', bug_severity => 'normal', priority => '--', keywords => 'privacy-review-needed', groups => [ 'mozilla-corporation-confidential' ], op_sys => 'All', rep_platform => 'All', version => 'other', blocked => $bug->bug_id, }; _file_child_bug({ parent_bug => $bug, template_vars => $vars, template_suffix => 'privacy-tech', bug_data => $bug_data, dep_comment => \@dep_bug_comment, dep_errors => \@dep_bug_errors }); } if ($do_privacy_policy) { my $bug_data = { short_desc => 'Privacy-Policy Review: ' . $bug->short_desc, product => 'Privacy', component => 'Privacy Review', bug_severity => 'normal', priority => '--', groups => [ 'mozilla-corporation-confidential' ], op_sys => 'All', rep_platform => 'All', version => 'unspecified', blocked => $bug->bug_id, }; _file_child_bug({ parent_bug => $bug, template_vars => $vars, template_suffix => 'privacy-policy', bug_data => $bug_data, dep_comment => \@dep_bug_comment, dep_errors => \@dep_bug_errors }); } if ($do_privacy_vendor) { my $bug_data = { short_desc => 'Privacy / Vendor Review: ' . $bug->short_desc, product => 'Privacy', component => 'Vendor Review', bug_severity => 'normal', priority => '--', groups => [ 'mozilla-corporation-confidential' ], op_sys => 'All', rep_platform => 'All', version => 'unspecified', blocked => $bug->bug_id, }; _file_child_bug({ parent_bug => $bug, template_vars => $vars, template_suffix => 'privacy-vendor', bug_data => $bug_data, dep_comment => \@dep_bug_comment, dep_errors => \@dep_bug_errors }); } Bugzilla->error_mode($error_mode_cache); if (scalar @dep_bug_errors) { warn "[Bug " . $bug->id . "] Failed to create additional moz-project-review bugs:\n" . join("\n", @dep_bug_errors); $vars->{message} = 'moz_project_review_creation_failed'; } if (scalar @dep_bug_comment) { my $comment = join("\n", @dep_bug_comment); if (scalar @dep_bug_errors) { $comment .= "\n\nSome erors occurred creating dependent bugs and have been recorded"; } $bug->add_comment($comment); $bug->update(); } } sub _file_child_bug { my ($params) = @_; my ($parent_bug, $template_vars, $template_suffix, $bug_data, $dep_comment, $dep_errors) = @$params{qw(parent_bug template_vars template_suffix bug_data dep_comment dep_errors)}; my $template = Bugzilla->template; my $new_bug; eval { my $comment; my $full_template = "bug/create/comment-moz-project-review-$template_suffix.txt.tmpl"; $template->process($full_template, $template_vars, \$comment) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); $bug_data->{comment} = $comment; $new_bug = Bugzilla::Bug->create($bug_data); $parent_bug->set_all({ dependson => { add => [ $new_bug->bug_id ] }}); Bugzilla::BugMail::Send($new_bug->id, { changer => Bugzilla->user }); }; if ($@) { push(@$dep_comment, "Error creating $template_suffix review bug"); push(@$dep_errors, "$template_suffix : $@"); } if ($new_bug) { push(@$dep_comment, "Bug " . $new_bug->id . " - " . $new_bug->short_desc); } } __PACKAGE__->NAME;