/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as * defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. */ $(function() { 'use strict'; var required_fields = { "initial_questions": { "comment": "Please enter a value for description in the initial questions section.", "key_initiative": "Please select a value for key initiative in the initial questions section.", "contract_type": "Please select a value for contract type in the initial questions section.", "mozilla_data": "Please select a value for mozilla data in the initial questions section.", "vendor_cost": "Please select a value for vendor cost in the initial questions section.", "timeframe": "Please select a value for timeframe in the initial questions section.", "contract_priority": "Please select a value for priority in the initial questions section.", "internal_org": "Please select a value for the internal organization in the initial questions section." }, "key_initiative_other": { "key_initiative_other": "Please enter a value for other key initiative in the initial questions section." }, "mozilla_data_explain_row": { "mozilla_data_explain": "Please enter a value for mozilla data access explanation in the initial questions section." }, "contract_type_other": { "contract_type_other": "Please enter a value for other contract type in the initial questions section." }, "contract_specific_questions": { "other_party": "Please enter a value for vendor name in the contract specific questions.", "vendor_services_where": "Please enter a value for the where the services will be provided in the contract specific questions.", }, "independent_contractor_questions": { "independent_contractor_prev_work": "Please select a value for previous work in the independent contractor section.", "independent_contractor_incorporated": "Please select a value for incorporated in the independent contractor section.", "independent_contractor_staff_agency": "Please select a value for staffing agency in the independent contractor section.", "independent_contractor_other_clients": "Please select a value for other clients in the independent contractor section.", "independent_contractor_dupe_services": "Please select a value for in the independent contractor section.", "independent_contractor_self_manage": "Please select a value for self management of time in the independent contractor section.", "independent_contractor_own_equipment": "Please select a value for use of contractors own equipment in the independent contractor section.", "independent_contractor_mozilla_facility": "Please select a value for use of Mozilla facility in the independent contractor section.", "independent_contractor_supervising": "Please select a value for contractor supervising Mozilla employees in the independent contractor section.", }, "independent_contractor_prev_work_bug_row": { "independent_contractor_prev_work_bug": "Please enter a value for previous work bug id in the independent contractor section." }, "independent_contractor_dupe_services_temp_row": { "independent_contractor_dupe_services_temp": "Please select a value for temporarily need duplicate services in the independent contractor section." }, "sow_details": { "sow_vendor_address": "Please enter a value for SOW vendor address.", "sow_vendor_email": "Please enter a value for SOW vendor email for notices.", "sow_vendor_contact": "Please enter a value for SOW vendor contact and email address.", "sow_vendor_services": "Please enter a value for SOW vendor services description.", "sow_vendor_deliverables": "Please enter a value for SOW vendor deliverables description.", "sow_start_date": "Please enter a value for SOW vendor start date.", "sow_end_date": "Please enter a value for SOW vendor end date.", "sow_vendor_payment": "Please enter a value for SOW vendor payment amount.", "sow_vendor_payment_basis": "Please enter a value for SOW vendor payment basis.", "sow_vendor_cap_expenses": "Please enter a value for SOW cap on reimbursable expenses.", "sow_vendor_payment_schedule": "Please enter a value for SOW vendor payment schedule.", "sow_vendor_total_max": "Please enter a value for SOW vendor maximum total to be paid.", }, "sow_vendor_mozilla_systems_explain_row": { "sow_vendor_mozilla_systems_explain": "Please enter a value for SOW vendor explanation for use of mozilla systems." }, "sow_vendor_onsite_where_row": { "sow_vendor_onsite_where": "Please enter a value for SOW vendor onsite where and when." }, "finance_questions": { "finance_purchase_inbudget": "Please enter a value for in budget in the finance questions section.", "finance_purchase_what": "Please enter a value for what in the finance questions section.", "finance_purchase_why": "Please enter a value for why in the finance questions section.", "finance_purchase_risk": "Please enter a value for risk in the finance questions section.", "finance_purchase_alternative": "Please enter a value for alternative in the finance questions section.", }, "total_cost_row": { "total_cost": "Please enter a value for total cost" } }; var select_inputs = [ 'contract_type', 'independent_contractor_prev_work', 'independent_contractor_dupe_services', 'key_initiative', 'mozilla_data', 'vendor_cost', 'sow_vendor_mozilla_systems', 'sow_vendor_onsite' ]; function init() { // Bind the updateSections function to each of the inputs desired for (var i = 0, l = select_inputs.length; i < l; i++) { $('#' + select_inputs[i]).change(updateSections); } updateSections(); $('#mozProjectForm').submit(validateAndSubmit); } function updateSections(e) { if ($('#key_initiative').val() == 'Other') { $('#key_initiative_other').show(); if ($(e.target).attr('id') == 'key_initiative') $('#key_initiative_other').focus(); } else { $('#key_initiative_other').hide(); } if ($('#vendor_cost').val() == '< $25,000 PO Needed' || $('#vendor_cost').val() == '> $25,000') { $('#finance_questions').show(); } else { $('#finance_questions').hide(); } var do_sec_review = [ 'Engaging a new vendor company', 'Adding a new SOW with a vendor', 'Extending an SOW or renewing a contract', 'Purchasing software', 'Signing up for an online service', 'Other' ]; var contract_type = $('#contract_type').val(); if ((contract_type && $.inArray(contract_type, do_sec_review) >= 0) || $('#mozilla_data').val() == 'Yes') { $('#sec_review_questions').show(); } else { $('#sec_review_questions').hide(); } if ($('#mozilla_data').val() == 'Yes') { $('#mozilla_data_explain_row').show(); if ($(e.target).attr('id') == 'mozilla_data') $('#mozilla_data_explain').focus(); } else { $('#mozilla_data_explain_row').hide(); } if (contract_type == 'Other') { $('#contract_type_other').show(); if ($(e.target).attr('id') == 'contract_type') $('#contract_type_other').focus(); } else { $('#contract_type_other').hide(); } if (contract_type == 'Engaging a new vendor company' || contract_type == 'Engaging an individual (independent contractor, temp agency worker, incorporated)' || contract_type == 'Adding a new SOW with a vendor') { $('#sow_details').show(); } else { $('#sow_details').hide(); } if (contract_type == "Extending a SOW or renewing a contract" || contract_type == "Purchasing software" || contract_type == "Purchasing hardware" || contract_type == "Signing up for an online service" || contract_type == "Other") { $('#total_cost_row').show(); } else { $('#total_cost_row').hide(); } if (contract_type == 'Engaging an individual (independent contractor, temp agency worker, incorporated)') { $('#independent_contractor_questions').show(); } else { $('#independent_contractor_questions').hide(); } if ($('#independent_contractor_prev_work').val() == 'Yes') { $('#independent_contractor_prev_work_bug_row').show(); if ($(e.target).attr('id') == 'independent_contractor_prev_work') $('#independent_contractor_prev_work_bug').focus(); } else { $('#independent_contractor_prev_work_bug_row').hide(); } if ($('#independent_contractor_dupe_services').val() == 'Yes') { $('#independent_contractor_dupe_services_temp_row').show(); if ($(e.target).attr('id') == 'independent_contractor_dupe_services') $('#independent_contractor_dupe_services_temp').focus(); } else { $('#independent_contractor_dupe_services_temp_row').hide(); } if ($('#sow_vendor_mozilla_systems').val() == 'Yes') { $('#sow_vendor_mozilla_systems_explain_row').show(); if ($(e.target).attr('id') == 'sow_vendor_mozilla_systems') $('#sow_vendor_mozilla_systems_explain').focus(); } else { $('#sow_vendor_mozilla_systems_explain_row').hide(); } if ($('#sow_vendor_onsite').val() == 'Yes') { $('#sow_vendor_onsite_where_row').show(); if ($(e.target).attr('id') == 'sow_vendor_onsite') $('#sow_vendor_onsite_where').focus(); } else { $('#sow_vendor_onsite_where_row').hide(); } } function validateAndSubmit(e) { var alert_text = '', section = '', field = ''; for (section in required_fields) { if ($('#' + section).is(':visible')) { for (field in required_fields[section]) { if (!isFilledOut(field)) { alert_text += required_fields[section][field] + "\n"; } } } } if (alert_text) { alert(alert_text); return false; } $('#short_desc').val('Contract for ' + $('#contract_type').val() + ' with ' + $('#other_party').val()); var component_map = { "Engaging a new vendor company,": "Vendor/Services", "Adding a new SOW with a vendor": "Vendor/Services", "Extending a SOW or renewing a contract": "Vendor/Services", "Purchasing hardware": "Vendor/Services", "Other": "Vendor/Services", "Engaging an individual (independent contractor, temp agency worker, incorporated)": "Independent Contractor Agreement", "An agreement with a partner": "Firefox Distribution or Other Partner Agreement", "Purchasing software": "License Review", "Signing up for an online service" : "License Review" } var contract_type = $('#contract_type').val(); if (component_map[contract_type]) { $('#component').val(component_map[contract_type]); } return true; } //Takes a DOM element id and makes sure that it is filled out function isFilledOut(id) { if (!id) return false; var str = $('#' + id).val(); if (!str || str.length == 0) return false; return true; } // date pickers $('.date-field').datetimepicker({ format: 'Y-m-d', datepicker: true, timepicker: false, scrollInput: false, lazyInit: false, closeOnDateSelect: true }); $('.date-field-img') .click(function(event) { var id = $(event.target).attr('id').replace(/-img$/, ''); $('#' + id).datetimepicker('show'); }) init(); });