# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Extension::MozReview; use 5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; use parent qw(Bugzilla::Extension); use Bugzilla::Attachment; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Extension::MozReview::WebService; use List::MoreUtils qw( any ); our $VERSION = '0.01'; my @METHOD_WHITELIST = ( 'User.get', 'User.login', 'User.valid_login', 'Bug.add_comment', 'Bug.add_attachment', 'Bug.attachments', 'Bug.get', 'Bug.update_attachment', ); BEGIN { package Bugzilla::User::APIKey; sub is_mozreview { my ($self) = @_; my $mozreview_app_id = Bugzilla->params->{mozreview_app_id}; return 0 unless $mozreview_app_id; return 1 if $self->app_id && $self->app_id eq $mozreview_app_id; } } sub template_before_process { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $file = $args->{'file'}; my $vars = $args->{'vars'}; return unless (($file =~ /bug\/(show-header|edit).html.tmpl$/ || $file =~ /bug_modal\/(header|edit).html.tmpl$/ || $file eq 'attachment/create.html.tmpl') && Bugzilla->params->{mozreview_base_url}); my $bug = exists $vars->{'bugs'} ? $vars->{'bugs'}[0] : $vars->{'bug'}; if ($bug) { if ($file eq 'attachment/create.html.tmpl') { if ($bug->product eq 'Core' || $bug->product eq 'Firefox' || $bug->product eq 'Firefox for Android') { $vars->{'mozreview_enabled'} = 1; } } else { my $has_mozreview = 0; my $attachments = Bugzilla::Attachment->get_attachments_by_bug($bug); foreach my $attachment (@$attachments) { if ($attachment->contenttype eq 'text/x-review-board-request' && !$attachment->isobsolete) { $has_mozreview = 1; last; } } if ($has_mozreview) { $vars->{'mozreview'} = 1; } } } } sub auth_delegation_confirm { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $mozreview_callback_url = Bugzilla->params->{mozreview_auth_callback_url}; return unless $mozreview_callback_url; if (index($args->{callback}, $mozreview_callback_url) == 0) { ${$args->{skip_confirmation}} = 1; } } sub config_add_panels { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $modules = $args->{panel_modules}; $modules->{MozReview} = "Bugzilla::Extension::MozReview::Config"; } sub webservice { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $dispatch = $args->{dispatch}; $dispatch->{MozReview} = "Bugzilla::Extension::MozReview::WebService"; } sub webservice_before_call { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($method, $full_method) = ($args->{method}, $args->{full_method}); my $mozreview_app_id = Bugzilla->params->{mozreview_app_id} // ''; my $user = Bugzilla->user; my $getter = eval { $user->authorizer->successful_info_getter() } or return; my $app_id = $getter->can("app_id") ? $getter->app_id // '' : ''; $full_method =~ s/^Bugzilla::Extension::(\w+)::WebService\./$1./; my $is_mozreview_method = $full_method =~ /^MozReview\./; if ($is_mozreview_method && (!$mozreview_app_id || !$app_id || $mozreview_app_id ne $app_id)) { ThrowUserError('forbidden_method', { method => $full_method }); } return unless $mozreview_app_id && $app_id; if ($app_id eq $mozreview_app_id && !$is_mozreview_method) { unless (any { $full_method eq $_ } @METHOD_WHITELIST) { ThrowUserError('forbidden_method', { method => $full_method }); } } } __PACKAGE__->NAME;