# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Extension::MyDashboard::Queries; use strict; use Bugzilla; use Bugzilla::Bug; use Bugzilla::CGI; use Bugzilla::Search; use Bugzilla::Flag; use Bugzilla::Status qw(is_open_state); use Bugzilla::Util qw(format_time datetime_from); use Bugzilla::Extension::MyDashboard::Util qw(open_states quoted_open_states); use Bugzilla::Extension::MyDashboard::TimeAgo qw(time_ago); use DateTime; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw( QUERY_ORDER SELECT_COLUMNS QUERY_DEFS query_bugs query_flags ); # Default sort order use constant QUERY_ORDER => ("changeddate desc", "bug_id"); # List of columns that we will be selecting. In the future this should be configurable # Share with buglist.cgi? use constant SELECT_COLUMNS => qw( bug_id bug_status short_desc changeddate ); sub QUERY_DEFS { my $user = Bugzilla->user; my @query_defs = ( { name => 'assignedbugs', heading => 'Assigned to You', description => 'The bug has been assigned to you, and it is not resolved or closed.', params => { 'bug_status' => ['__open__'], 'emailassigned_to1' => 1, 'emailtype1' => 'exact', 'email1' => $user->login } }, { name => 'newbugs', heading => 'New Reported by You', description => 'You reported the bug; it\'s unconfirmed or new. No one has assigned themselves to fix it yet.', params => { 'bug_status' => ['UNCONFIRMED', 'NEW'], 'emailreporter1' => 1, 'emailtype1' => 'exact', 'email1' => $user->login } }, { name => 'inprogressbugs', heading => "In Progress Reported by You", description => 'A developer accepted your bug and is working on it. (It has someone in the "Assigned to" field.)', params => { 'bug_status' => [ map { $_->name } grep($_->name ne 'UNCONFIRMED' && $_->name ne 'NEW', open_states()) ], 'emailreporter1' => 1, 'emailtype1' => 'exact', 'email1' => $user->login } }, { name => 'openccbugs', heading => "You Are CC'd On", description => 'You are in the CC list of the bug, so you are watching it.', params => { 'bug_status' => ['__open__'], 'emailcc1' => 1, 'emailtype1' => 'exact', 'email1' => $user->login } }, { name => 'mentorbugs', heading => "You Are a Mentor", description => 'You are one of the mentors for the bug.', params => { 'bug_status' => ['__open__'], 'emailbug_mentor1' => 1, 'emailtype1' => 'exact', 'email1' => $user->login } }, { name => 'lastvisitedbugs', heading => 'Updated Since Last Visit', description => 'Bugs updated since last visited', params => { o1 => 'lessthan', v1 => '%last_changed%', f1 => 'last_visit_ts', }, }, ); if (Bugzilla->params->{'useqacontact'}) { push(@query_defs, { name => 'qacontactbugs', heading => 'You Are QA Contact', description => 'You are the qa contact on this bug, and it is not resolved or closed.', params => { 'bug_status' => ['__open__'], 'emailqa_contact1' => 1, 'emailtype1' => 'exact', 'email1' => $user->login } }); } if ($user->showmybugslink) { my $query = Bugzilla->params->{mybugstemplate}; my $login = $user->login; $query =~ s/%userid%/$login/; $query =~ s/^buglist.cgi\?//; push(@query_defs, { name => 'mybugs', heading => "My Bugs", saved => 1, params => $query, }); } foreach my $q (@{$user->queries}) { next if !$q->in_mydashboard; push(@query_defs, { name => $q->name, saved => 1, params => $q->url }); } return @query_defs; } sub query_bugs { my $qdef = shift; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $user = Bugzilla->user; my $datetime_now = DateTime->now(time_zone => $user->timezone); ## HACK to remove POST delete $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}; my $params = new Bugzilla::CGI($qdef->{params}); my $search = new Bugzilla::Search( fields => [ SELECT_COLUMNS ], params => scalar $params->Vars, order => [ QUERY_ORDER ]); my $data = $search->data; my @bugs; foreach my $row (@$data) { my $bug = {}; foreach my $column (SELECT_COLUMNS) { $bug->{$column} = shift @$row; if ($column eq 'changeddate') { my $datetime = datetime_from($bug->{$column}); $datetime->set_time_zone($user->timezone); $bug->{$column} = $datetime->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %T %Z'); $bug->{'changeddate_fancy'} = time_ago($datetime, $datetime_now); # Provide a version for use by Bug.history and also for looking up last comment. # We have to set to server's timezone and also subtract one second. $datetime->set_time_zone(Bugzilla->local_timezone); $datetime->subtract(seconds => 1); $bug->{changeddate_api} = $datetime->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %T'); } } push(@bugs, $bug); } return (\@bugs, $params->canonicalise_query()); } sub query_flags { my ($type) = @_; my $user = Bugzilla->user; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $datetime_now = DateTime->now(time_zone => $user->timezone); ($type ne 'requestee' || $type ne 'requester') || ThrowCodeError('param_required', { param => 'type' }); my $match_params = { status => '?' }; if ($type eq 'requestee') { $match_params->{'requestee_id'} = $user->id; } else { $match_params->{'setter_id'} = $user->id; } my $matched = Bugzilla::Flag->match($match_params); return [] if !@$matched; my @unfiltered_flags; my %all_bugs; # Use hash to filter out duplicates foreach my $flag (@$matched) { next if ($flag->attach_id && $flag->attachment->isprivate && !$user->is_insider); my $data = { id => $flag->id, type => $flag->type->name, status => $flag->status, attach_id => $flag->attach_id, is_patch => $flag->attach_id ? $flag->attachment->ispatch : 0, bug_id => $flag->bug_id, requester => $flag->setter->login, requestee => $flag->requestee ? $flag->requestee->login : '', updated => $flag->modification_date, }; push(@unfiltered_flags, $data); # Record bug id for later retrieval of status/summary $all_bugs{$flag->{'bug_id'}}++; } # Filter the bug list based on permission to see the bug my %visible_bugs = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $user->visible_bugs([ keys %all_bugs ]) }; return [] if !scalar keys %visible_bugs; # Get all bug statuses and summaries in one query instead of loading # many separate bug objects my $bug_rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT bug_id, bug_status, short_desc FROM bugs WHERE " . $dbh->sql_in('bug_id', [ keys %visible_bugs ]), { Slice => {} }); foreach my $row (@$bug_rows) { $visible_bugs{$row->{'bug_id'}} = { bug_status => $row->{'bug_status'}, short_desc => $row->{'short_desc'} }; } # Now drop out any flags for bugs the user cannot see # or if the user did not want to see closed bugs my @filtered_flags; foreach my $flag (@unfiltered_flags) { # Skip this flag if the bug is not visible to the user next if !$visible_bugs{$flag->{'bug_id'}}; # Include bug status and summary with each flag $flag->{'bug_status'} = $visible_bugs{$flag->{'bug_id'}}->{'bug_status'}; $flag->{'bug_summary'} = $visible_bugs{$flag->{'bug_id'}}->{'short_desc'}; # Format the updated date specific to the user's timezone # and add the fancy human readable version my $datetime = datetime_from($flag->{'updated'}); $datetime->set_time_zone($user->timezone); $flag->{'updated'} = $datetime->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %T %Z'); $flag->{'updated_epoch'} = $datetime->epoch; $flag->{'updated_fancy'} = time_ago($datetime, $datetime_now); push(@filtered_flags, $flag); } return [] if !@filtered_flags; # Sort by most recently updated return [ sort { $b->{'updated_epoch'} <=> $a->{'updated_epoch'} } @filtered_flags ]; } 1;