#!/usr/bin/perl # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. use 5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; use lib qw(. lib local/lib/perl5); use Bugzilla; BEGIN { Bugzilla->extensions() } use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Group; use LWP::UserAgent; use JSON qw(encode_json decode_json); Bugzilla->usage_mode(USAGE_MODE_CMDLINE); my ($phab_uri, $phab_api_key, $phab_sync_groups, $ua); if (!Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_enabled}) { exit; } # Sanity checks unless ($phab_uri = Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_base_uri}) { ThrowUserError('invalid_phabricator_uri'); } unless ($phab_api_key = Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_api_key}) { ThrowUserError('invalid_phabricator_api_key'); } unless ($phab_sync_groups = Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_sync_groups}) { ThrowUserError('invalid_phabricator_sync_groups'); } # Loop through each group and perform the following: # # 1. Load flattened list of group members # 2. Check to see if Phab project exists for 'bmo-' # 3. Create if does not exist with locked down policy. # 4. Set project members to exact list # 5. Profit my $sync_groups = Bugzilla::Group->match({ name => [ split('[,\s]+', $phab_sync_groups) ] }); foreach my $group (@$sync_groups) { my @users = get_group_members($group); # Create group project if one does not yet exist my $phab_project_name = 'bmo-' . $group->name; my $project_id = get_phab_project($phab_project_name); if (!$project_id) { $project_id = create_phab_project($phab_project_name, 'BMO Security Group for ' . $group->name); } # Get the internal user ids for the bugzilla group members my $phab_user_ids = []; if (@users) { $phab_user_ids = get_phab_members_by_bmo_id(\@users); } # Set the project members to the exact list set_phab_project_members($project_id, $phab_user_ids); } # Bugzilla sub get_group_members { my ($group) = @_; my $group_obj = ref $group ? $group : Bugzilla::Group->check({ name => $group }); my $members_all = $group_obj->members_complete(); my %users; foreach my $name (keys %$members_all) { foreach my $user (@{ $members_all->{$name} }) { $users{$user->id} = $user; } } return values %users; } # Projects sub get_phab_project { my ($project) = @_; my $data = { queryKey => 'active', constraints => { name => $project } }; my $result = request('project.search', $data); if (!$result->{result}{data}) { return undef; } return $result->{result}{data}[0]{phid}; } sub create_phab_project { my ($project, $description, $members) = @_; my $data = { transactions => [ { type => 'name', value => $project }, { type => 'description', value => $description }, { type => 'edit', value => 'admin'}, { type => 'join', value => 'admin' }, { type => 'icon', value => 'group' }, { type => 'color', value => 'red' } ] }; my $result = request('project.edit', $data); return $result->{result}{object}{phid}; } sub set_phab_project_members { my ($project_id, $phab_user_ids) = @_; my $data = { objectIdentifier => $project_id, transactions => [ { type => 'members.set', value => $phab_user_ids } ] }; my $result = request('project.edit', $data); return $result->{result}{object}{phid}; } # Members sub get_phab_members_by_bmo_id { my ($users) = @_; my $data = { accountids => [ map { $_->id } @$users ] }; my $result = request('bmoexternalaccount.search', $data); if (!$result->{result}) { return []; } my @phab_ids; foreach my $user (@{ $result->{result} }) { push(@phab_ids, $user->{phid}); } return \@phab_ids; } # Utility sub request { my ($method, $data) = @_; if (!$ua) { $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 10); if (Bugzilla->params->{proxy_url}) { $ua->proxy('https', Bugzilla->params->{proxy_url}); } $ua->default_header('Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } my $full_uri = $phab_uri . '/api/' . $method; $data->{__conduit__} = { token => $phab_api_key }; my $response = $ua->post($full_uri, { params => encode_json($data) }); $response->is_error && ThrowCodeError('phabricator_api_error', { reason => $response->message }); my $result = decode_json($response->content); if ($result->{error_code}) { ThrowCodeError('phabricator_api_error', { code => $result->{error_code}, reason => $result->{error_info} }); } return $result; }