# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Feed; use 5.10.1; use IO::Async::Timer::Periodic; use IO::Async::Loop; use List::Util qw(first); use List::MoreUtils qw(any); use Moo; use Try::Tiny; use Bugzilla::Logging; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Search; use Bugzilla::Util qw(diff_arrays with_writable_database with_readonly_database); use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Constants; use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Policy; use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Revision; use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::User; use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Util qw( add_security_sync_comments create_revision_attachment get_bug_role_phids get_phab_bmo_ids get_project_phid get_security_sync_groups is_attachment_phab_revision make_revision_public request set_phab_user ); has 'is_daemon' => ( is => 'rw', default => 0 ); sub start { my ($self) = @_; # Query for new revisions or changes my $feed_timer = IO::Async::Timer::Periodic->new( first_interval => 0, interval => PHAB_FEED_POLL_SECONDS, reschedule => 'drift', on_tick => sub { try{ $self->feed_query(); } catch { FATAL($_); }; Bugzilla->_cleanup(); }, ); # Query for new users my $user_timer = IO::Async::Timer::Periodic->new( first_interval => 0, interval => PHAB_USER_POLL_SECONDS, reschedule => 'drift', on_tick => sub { try{ $self->user_query(); } catch { FATAL($_); }; Bugzilla->_cleanup(); }, ); # Update project membership in Phabricator based on Bugzilla groups my $group_timer = IO::Async::Timer::Periodic->new( first_interval => 0, interval => PHAB_GROUP_POLL_SECONDS, reschedule => 'drift', on_tick => sub { try{ $self->group_query(); } catch { FATAL($_); }; Bugzilla->_cleanup(); }, ); my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new; $loop->add($feed_timer); $loop->add($user_timer); $loop->add($group_timer); $feed_timer->start; $user_timer->start; $group_timer->start; $loop->run; } sub feed_query { my ($self) = @_; Bugzilla::Logging->fields->{type} = 'FEED'; # Ensure Phabricator syncing is enabled if (!Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_enabled}) { WARN("PHABRICATOR SYNC DISABLED"); return; } # PROCESS NEW FEED TRANSACTIONS INFO("Fetching new transactions"); my $story_last_id = $self->get_last_id('feed'); # Check for new transctions (stories) my $new_stories = $self->new_stories($story_last_id); INFO("No new stories") unless @$new_stories; # Process each story foreach my $story_data (@$new_stories) { my $story_id = $story_data->{id}; my $story_phid = $story_data->{phid}; my $author_phid = $story_data->{authorPHID}; my $object_phid = $story_data->{objectPHID}; my $story_text = $story_data->{text}; TRACE("STORY ID: $story_id"); TRACE("STORY PHID: $story_phid"); TRACE("AUTHOR PHID: $author_phid"); TRACE("OBJECT PHID: $object_phid"); INFO("STORY TEXT: $story_text"); # Only interested in changes to revisions for now. if ($object_phid !~ /^PHID-DREV/) { INFO("SKIPPING: Not a revision change"); $self->save_last_id($story_id, 'feed'); next; } # Skip changes done by phab-bot user my $phab_users = get_phab_bmo_ids({ phids => [$author_phid] }); if (@$phab_users) { my $user = Bugzilla::User->new({ id => $phab_users->[0]->{id}, cache => 1 }); if ($user->login eq PHAB_AUTOMATION_USER) { INFO("SKIPPING: Change made by phabricator user"); $self->save_last_id($story_id, 'feed'); next; } } with_writable_database { $self->process_revision_change($object_phid, $story_text); }; $self->save_last_id($story_id, 'feed'); } } sub user_query { my ( $self ) = @_; Bugzilla::Logging->fields->{type} = 'USERS'; # Ensure Phabricator syncing is enabled if (!Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_enabled}) { WARN("PHABRICATOR SYNC DISABLED"); return; } # PROCESS NEW USERS INFO("Fetching new users"); my $user_last_id = $self->get_last_id('user'); # Check for new users my $new_users = $self->new_users($user_last_id); INFO("No new users") unless @$new_users; # Process each new user foreach my $user_data (@$new_users) { my $user_id = $user_data->{id}; my $user_login = $user_data->{fields}{username}; my $user_realname = $user_data->{fields}{realName}; my $object_phid = $user_data->{phid}; TRACE("ID: $user_id"); TRACE("LOGIN: $user_login"); TRACE("REALNAME: $user_realname"); TRACE("OBJECT PHID: $object_phid"); with_readonly_database { $self->process_new_user($user_data); }; $self->save_last_id($user_id, 'user'); } } sub group_query { my ($self) = @_; # Ensure Phabricator syncing is enabled if ( !Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_enabled} ) { WARN("PHABRICATOR SYNC DISABLED"); return; } my $phab_sync_groups = Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_sync_groups}; if ( !$phab_sync_groups ) { WARN('A comma delimited list of security groups was not provided.'); return; } # PROCESS SECURITY GROUPS INFO("GROUPS: Updating group memberships"); # Loop through each group and perform the following: # # 1. Load flattened list of group members # 2. Check to see if Phab project exists for 'bmo-' # 3. Create if does not exist with locked down policy. # 4. Set project members to exact list # 5. Profit my $sync_groups = Bugzilla::Group->match( { name => [ split( '[,\s]+', $phab_sync_groups ) ] } ); foreach my $group (@$sync_groups) { # Create group project if one does not yet exist my $phab_project_name = 'bmo-' . $group->name; my $project = Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Project->new_from_query( { name => $phab_project_name } ); if ( !$project ) { INFO("Project $project not found. Creating."); my $secure_revision = Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Project->new_from_query( { name => 'secure-revision' } ); $project = Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Project->create( { name => $phab_project_name, description => 'BMO Security Group for ' . $group->name, view_policy => $secure_revision->phid, edit_policy => $secure_revision->phid, join_policy => $secure_revision->phid } ); } if ( my @group_members = get_group_members($group) ) { INFO("Setting group members for " . $project->name); $project->set_members( \@group_members ); $project->update(); } } } sub process_revision_change { my ($self, $revision_phid, $story_text) = @_; # Load the revision from Phabricator my $revision = Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Revision->new_from_query({ phids => [ $revision_phid ] }); my $secure_revision = Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Project->new_from_query( { name => 'secure-revision' } ); # NO BUG ID if (!$revision->bug_id) { if ($story_text =~ /\s+created\s+D\d+/) { # If new revision and bug id was omitted, make revision public INFO("No bug associated with new revision. Marking public."); $revision->set_policy('view', 'public'); $revision->set_policy('edit', 'users'); $revision->remove_project($secure_revision->phid); $revision->update(); INFO("SUCCESS"); return; } else { INFO("SKIPPING: No bug associated with revision change"); return; } } my $log_message = sprintf( "REVISION CHANGE FOUND: D%d: %s | bug: %d | %s", $revision->id, $revision->title, $revision->bug_id, $story_text); INFO($log_message); # Pre setup before making changes my $old_user = set_phab_user(); my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->new({ id => $revision->bug_id, cache => 1 }); # REVISION SECURITY POLICY # If bug is public then remove privacy policy if (!@{ $bug->groups_in }) { INFO('Bug is public so setting view/edit public'); $revision->set_policy('view', 'public'); $revision->set_policy('edit', 'users'); $revision->remove_project($secure_revision->phid); } # else bug is private. else { my @set_groups = get_security_sync_groups($bug); # If bug privacy groups do not have any matching synchronized groups, # then leave revision private and it will have be dealt with manually. if (!@set_groups) { INFO('No matching groups. Adding comments to bug and revision'); add_security_sync_comments([$revision], $bug); } # Otherwise, we create a new custom policy containing the project # groups that are mapped to bugzilla groups. else { my @set_projects = map { "bmo-" . $_ } @set_groups; # If current policy projects matches what we want to set, then # we leave the current policy alone. my $current_policy; if ($revision->view_policy =~ /^PHID-PLCY/) { INFO("Loading current policy: " . $revision->view_policy); $current_policy = Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Policy->new_from_query({ phids => [ $revision->view_policy ]}); my $current_projects = $current_policy->rule_projects; INFO("Current policy projects: " . join(", ", @$current_projects)); my ($added, $removed) = diff_arrays($current_projects, \@set_projects); if (@$added || @$removed) { INFO('Project groups do not match. Need new custom policy'); $current_policy = undef; } else { INFO('Project groups match. Leaving current policy as-is'); } } if (!$current_policy) { INFO("Creating new custom policy: " . join(", ", @set_projects)); my $new_policy = Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Policy->create(\@set_projects); $revision->set_policy('view', $new_policy->phid); $revision->set_policy('edit', $new_policy->phid); } $revision->add_project($secure_revision->phid); } # Subscriber list of the private revision should always match # the bug roles such as assignee, qa contact, and cc members. my $subscribers = get_bug_role_phids($bug); $revision->set_subscribers($subscribers); } my ($timestamp) = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT NOW()"); my $attachment = create_revision_attachment($bug, $revision, $timestamp); # ATTACHMENT OBSOLETES # fixup attachments on current bug my @attachments = grep { is_attachment_phab_revision($_) } @{ $bug->attachments() }; foreach my $attachment (@attachments) { my ($attach_revision_id) = ($attachment->filename =~ PHAB_ATTACHMENT_PATTERN); next if $attach_revision_id != $revision->id; my $make_obsolete = $revision->status eq 'abandoned' ? 1 : 0; INFO('Updating obsolete status on attachmment ' . $attachment->id); $attachment->set_is_obsolete($make_obsolete); if ($revision->title ne $attachment->description) { INFO('Updating description on attachment ' . $attachment->id); $attachment->set_description($revision->title); } $attachment->update($timestamp); } # fixup attachments with same revision id but on different bugs my %other_bugs; my $other_attachments = Bugzilla::Attachment->match({ mimetype => PHAB_CONTENT_TYPE, filename => 'phabricator-D' . $revision->id . '-url.txt', WHERE => { 'bug_id != ? AND NOT isobsolete' => $bug->id } }); foreach my $attachment (@$other_attachments) { $other_bugs{$attachment->bug_id}++; INFO('Updating obsolete status on attachment ' . $attachment->id . " for bug " . $attachment->bug_id); $attachment->set_is_obsolete(1); $attachment->update($timestamp); } # REVIEWER STATUSES my (@accepted_phids, @denied_phids, @accepted_user_ids, @denied_user_ids); unless ($revision->status eq 'changes-planned' || $revision->status eq 'needs-review') { foreach my $reviewer (@{ $revision->reviewers }) { push(@accepted_phids, $reviewer->phab_phid) if $reviewer->phab_review_status eq 'accepted'; push(@denied_phids, $reviewer->phab_phid) if $reviewer->phab_review_status eq 'rejected'; } } my $phab_users = get_phab_bmo_ids({ phids => \@accepted_phids }); @accepted_user_ids = map { $_->{id} } @$phab_users; $phab_users = get_phab_bmo_ids({ phids => \@denied_phids }); @denied_user_ids = map { $_->{id} } @$phab_users; my %reviewers_hash = map { $_->name => 1 } @{ $revision->reviewers }; foreach my $attachment (@attachments) { my ($attach_revision_id) = ($attachment->filename =~ PHAB_ATTACHMENT_PATTERN); next if $revision->id != $attach_revision_id; # Clear old flags if no longer accepted my (@denied_flags, @new_flags, @removed_flags, %accepted_done, $flag_type); foreach my $flag (@{ $attachment->flags }) { next if $flag->type->name ne 'review'; $flag_type = $flag->type if $flag->type->is_active; if (any { $flag->setter->id == $_ } @denied_user_ids) { push(@denied_flags, { id => $flag->id, setter => $flag->setter, status => 'X' }); } if (any { $flag->setter->id == $_ } @accepted_user_ids) { $accepted_done{$flag->setter->id}++; } if ($flag->status eq '+' && !any { $flag->setter->id == $_ } (@accepted_user_ids, @denied_user_ids)) { push(@removed_flags, { id => $flag->id, setter => $flag->setter, status => 'X' }); } } $flag_type ||= first { $_->name eq 'review' && $_->is_active } @{ $attachment->flag_types }; # Create new flags foreach my $user_id (@accepted_user_ids) { next if $accepted_done{$user_id}; my $user = Bugzilla::User->check({ id => $user_id, cache => 1 }); push(@new_flags, { type_id => $flag_type->id, setter => $user, status => '+' }); } # Also add comment to for attachment update showing the user's name # that changed the revision. my $comment; foreach my $flag_data (@new_flags) { $comment .= $flag_data->{setter}->name . " has approved the revision.\n"; } foreach my $flag_data (@denied_flags) { $comment .= $flag_data->{setter}->name . " has requested changes to the revision.\n"; } foreach my $flag_data (@removed_flags) { if ( exists $reviewers_hash{$flag_data->{setter}->name} ) { $comment .= "Flag set by " . $flag_data->{setter}->name . " is no longer active.\n"; } else { $comment .= $flag_data->{setter}->name . " has been removed from the revision.\n"; } } if ($comment) { $comment .= "\n" . Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_base_uri} . "D" . $revision->id; INFO("Flag comment: $comment"); # Add transaction_id as anchor if one present # $comment .= "#" . $params->{transaction_id} if $params->{transaction_id}; $bug->add_comment($comment, { isprivate => $attachment->isprivate, type => CMT_ATTACHMENT_UPDATED, extra_data => $attachment->id }); } $attachment->set_flags([ @denied_flags, @removed_flags ], \@new_flags); $attachment->update($timestamp); } # FINISH UP $bug->update($timestamp); $revision->update(); # Email changes for this revisions bug and also for any other # bugs that previously had these revision attachments foreach my $bug_id ($revision->bug_id, keys %other_bugs) { Bugzilla::BugMail::Send($bug_id, { changer => Bugzilla->user }); } Bugzilla->set_user($old_user); INFO('SUCCESS: Revision D' . $revision->id . ' processed'); } sub process_new_user { my ( $self, $user_data ) = @_; # Load the user data into a proper object my $phab_user = Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::User->new($user_data); if (!$phab_user->bugzilla_id) { WARN("SKIPPING: No bugzilla id associated with user"); return; } my $bug_user = $phab_user->bugzilla_user; # Pre setup before querying DB my $old_user = set_phab_user(); my $params = { f3 => 'OP', j3 => 'OR', # User must be either reporter, assignee, qa_contact # or on the cc list of the bug f4 => 'cc', o4 => 'equals', v4 => $bug_user->login, f5 => 'assigned_to', o5 => 'equals', v5 => $bug_user->login, f6 => 'qa_contact', o6 => 'equals', v6 => $bug_user->login, f7 => 'reporter', o7 => 'equals', v7 => $bug_user->login, f9 => 'CP', # The bug needs to be private f10 => 'bug_group', o10 => 'isnotempty', # And the bug must have one or more attachments # that are connected to revisions f11 => 'attachments.filename', o11 => 'regexp', v11 => '^phabricator-D[[:digit:]]+-url[[.period.]]txt$', }; my $search = Bugzilla::Search->new( fields => [ 'bug_id' ], params => $params, order => [ 'bug_id' ] ); my $data = $search->data; # the first value of each row should be the bug id my @bug_ids = map { shift @$_ } @$data; foreach my $bug_id (@bug_ids) { INFO("Processing bug $bug_id"); my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->new({ id => $bug_id, cache => 1 }); my @attachments = grep { is_attachment_phab_revision($_) } @{ $bug->attachments() }; foreach my $attachment (@attachments) { my ($revision_id) = ($attachment->filename =~ PHAB_ATTACHMENT_PATTERN); INFO("Processing revision D$revision_id"); my $revision = Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Revision->new_from_query( { ids => [ int($revision_id) ] }); $revision->add_subscriber($phab_user->phid); $revision->update(); INFO("Revision $revision_id updated"); } } Bugzilla->set_user($old_user); INFO('SUCCESS: User ' . $phab_user->id . ' processed'); } ################## # Helper Methods # ################## sub new_stories { my ( $self, $after ) = @_; my $data = { view => 'text' }; $data->{after} = $after if $after; my $result = request( 'feed.query_id', $data ); unless ( ref $result->{result}{data} eq 'ARRAY' && @{ $result->{result}{data} } ) { return []; } # Guarantee that the data is in ascending ID order return [ sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @{ $result->{result}{data} } ]; } sub new_users { my ( $self, $after ) = @_; my $data = { order => [ "id" ], attachments => { 'external-accounts' => 1 } }; $data->{before} = $after if $after; my $result = request( 'user.search', $data ); unless ( ref $result->{result}{data} eq 'ARRAY' && @{ $result->{result}{data} } ) { return []; } # Guarantee that the data is in ascending ID order return [ sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @{ $result->{result}{data} } ]; } sub get_last_id { my ( $self, $type ) = @_; my $type_full = $type . "_last_id"; my $last_id = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array( " SELECT value FROM phabbugz WHERE name = ?", undef, $type_full ); $last_id ||= 0; TRACE(uc($type_full) . ": $last_id" ); return $last_id; } sub save_last_id { my ( $self, $last_id, $type ) = @_; # Store the largest last key so we can start from there in the next session my $type_full = $type . "_last_id"; TRACE("UPDATING " . uc($type_full) . ": $last_id" ); Bugzilla->dbh->do( "REPLACE INTO phabbugz (name, value) VALUES (?, ?)", undef, $type_full, $last_id ); } sub get_group_members { my ($group) = @_; my $group_obj = ref $group ? $group : Bugzilla::Group->check( { name => $group, cache => 1 } ); my $members_all = $group_obj->members_complete(); my %users; foreach my $name ( keys %$members_all ) { foreach my $user ( @{ $members_all->{$name} } ) { $users{ $user->id } = $user; } } # Look up the phab ids for these users my $phab_users = get_phab_bmo_ids( { ids => [ keys %users ] } ); foreach my $phab_user ( @{$phab_users} ) { $users{ $phab_user->{id} }->{phab_phid} = $phab_user->{phid}; } # We only need users who have accounts in phabricator return grep { $_->phab_phid } values %users; } 1;