# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Util; use 5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; use Bugzilla::Bug; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::Util qw(trim); use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Constants; use JSON::XS qw(encode_json decode_json); use List::Util qw(first); use LWP::UserAgent; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw( add_comment_to_revision add_security_sync_comments create_revision_attachment create_private_revision_policy create_project edit_revision_policy get_attachment_revisions get_bug_role_phids get_members_by_bmo_id get_members_by_phid get_phab_bmo_ids get_project_phid get_revisions_by_ids get_revisions_by_phids get_security_sync_groups intersect is_attachment_phab_revision make_revision_private make_revision_public request set_phab_user set_project_members set_revision_subscribers ); sub get_revisions_by_ids { my ($ids) = @_; return _get_revisions({ ids => $ids }); } sub get_revisions_by_phids { my ($phids) = @_; return _get_revisions({ phids => $phids }); } sub _get_revisions { my ($constraints) = @_; my $data = { queryKey => 'all', constraints => $constraints }; my $result = request('differential.revision.search', $data); ThrowUserError('invalid_phabricator_revision_id') unless (exists $result->{result}{data} && @{ $result->{result}{data} }); return $result->{result}{data}; } sub create_revision_attachment { my ( $bug, $revision_id, $revision_title, $timestamp ) = @_; my $phab_base_uri = Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_base_uri}; ThrowUserError('invalid_phabricator_uri') unless $phab_base_uri; my $revision_uri = $phab_base_uri . "D" . $revision_id; # Check for previous attachment with same revision id. # If one matches then return it instead. This is fine as # BMO does not contain actual diff content. my @review_attachments = grep { is_attachment_phab_revision($_) } @{ $bug->attachments }; my $review_attachment = first { trim($_->data) eq $revision_uri } @review_attachments; return $review_attachment if defined $review_attachment; # No attachment is present, so we can now create new one if (!$timestamp) { ($timestamp) = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT NOW()"); } my $attachment = Bugzilla::Attachment->create( { bug => $bug, creation_ts => $timestamp, data => $revision_uri, description => $revision_title, filename => 'phabricator-D' . $revision_id . '-url.txt', ispatch => 0, isprivate => 0, mimetype => PHAB_CONTENT_TYPE, } ); # Insert a comment about the new attachment into the database. $bug->add_comment('', { type => CMT_ATTACHMENT_CREATED, extra_data => $attachment->id }); return $attachment; } sub intersect { my ($list1, $list2) = @_; my %e = map { $_ => undef } @{$list1}; return grep { exists( $e{$_} ) } @{$list2}; } sub get_bug_role_phids { my ($bug) = @_; my @bug_users = ( $bug->reporter ); push(@bug_users, $bug->assigned_to) if $bug->assigned_to->email !~ /^nobody\@mozilla\.org$/; push(@bug_users, $bug->qa_contact) if $bug->qa_contact; push(@bug_users, @{ $bug->cc_users }) if @{ $bug->cc_users }; return get_members_by_bmo_id(\@bug_users); } sub create_private_revision_policy { my ($bug, $groups) = @_; my $data = { objectType => 'DREV', default => 'deny', policy => [ { action => 'allow', rule => 'PhabricatorSubscriptionsSubscribersPolicyRule', } ] }; if(scalar @$groups gt 0) { my $project_phids = []; foreach my $group (@$groups) { my $phid = get_project_phid('bmo-' . $group); push(@$project_phids, $phid) if $phid; } ThrowUserError('invalid_phabricator_sync_groups') unless @$project_phids; push(@{ $data->{policy} }, { action => 'allow', rule => 'PhabricatorProjectsPolicyRule', value => $project_phids, } ); } else { push(@{ $data->{policy} }, { action => 'allow', value => 'admin', } ); } my $result = request('policy.create', $data); return $result->{result}{phid}; } sub make_revision_public { my ($revision_phid) = @_; return request('differential.revision.edit', { transactions => [ { type => 'view', value => 'public' }, { type => 'edit', value => 'users' } ], objectIdentifier => $revision_phid }); } sub make_revision_private { my ($revision_phid) = @_; return request('differential.revision.edit', { transactions => [ { type => "view", value => "admin" }, { type => "edit", value => "admin" } ], objectIdentifier => $revision_phid }); } sub edit_revision_policy { my ($revision_phid, $policy_phid, $subscribers) = @_; my $data = { transactions => [ { type => 'view', value => $policy_phid }, { type => 'edit', value => $policy_phid } ], objectIdentifier => $revision_phid }; if (@$subscribers) { push(@{ $data->{transactions} }, { type => 'subscribers.set', value => $subscribers }); } return request('differential.revision.edit', $data); } sub set_revision_subscribers { my ($revision_phid, $subscribers) = @_; my $data = { transactions => [ { type => 'subscribers.set', value => $subscribers } ], objectIdentifier => $revision_phid }; return request('differential.revision.edit', $data); } sub add_comment_to_revision { my ($revision_phid, $comment) = @_; my $data = { transactions => [ { type => 'comment', value => $comment } ], objectIdentifier => $revision_phid }; return request('differential.revision.edit', $data); } sub get_project_phid { my $project = shift; my $data = { queryKey => 'all', constraints => { name => $project } }; my $result = request('project.search', $data); return undef unless (exists $result->{result}{data} && @{ $result->{result}{data} }); return $result->{result}{data}[0]{phid}; } sub create_project { my ($project, $description, $members) = @_; my $data = { transactions => [ { type => 'name', value => $project }, { type => 'description', value => $description }, { type => 'edit', value => 'admin' }, { type => 'join', value => 'admin' }, { type => 'view', value => 'admin' }, { type => 'icon', value => 'group' }, { type => 'color', value => 'red' } ] }; my $result = request('project.edit', $data); return $result->{result}{object}{phid}; } sub set_project_members { my ($project_id, $phab_user_ids) = @_; my $data = { objectIdentifier => $project_id, transactions => [ { type => 'members.set', value => $phab_user_ids } ] }; my $result = request('project.edit', $data); return $result->{result}{object}{phid}; } sub get_members_by_bmo_id { my $users = shift; my $result = get_phab_bmo_ids({ ids => [ map { $_->id } @$users ] }); my @phab_ids; foreach my $user (@{ $result->{result} }) { push(@phab_ids, $user->{phid}) if ($user->{phid} && $user->{phid} =~ /^PHID-USER/); } return \@phab_ids; } sub get_members_by_phid { my $phids = shift; my $result = get_phab_bmo_ids({ phids => $phids }); my @bmo_ids; foreach my $user (@{ $result->{result} }) { push(@bmo_ids, $user->{id}) if ($user->{phid} && $user->{phid} =~ /^PHID-USER/); } return \@bmo_ids; } sub get_phab_bmo_ids { my ($params) = @_; my $memcache = Bugzilla->memcached; # Try to find the values in memcache first my @results; if ($params->{ids}) { my @bmo_ids = @{ $params->{ids} }; for (my $i = 0; $i < @bmo_ids; $i++) { my $phid = $memcache->get({ key => "phab_user_bmo_id_" . $bmo_ids[$i] }); if ($phid) { push(@results, { id => $bmo_ids[$i], phid => $phid }); splice(@bmo_ids, $i, 1); } } $params->{ids} = \@bmo_ids; } if ($params->{phids}) { my @phids = @{ $params->{phids} }; for (my $i = 0; $i < @phids; $i++) { my $bmo_id = $memcache->get({ key => "phab_user_phid_" . $phids[$i] }); if ($bmo_id) { push(@results, { id => $bmo_id, phid => $phids[$i] }); splice(@phids, $i, 1); } } $params->{phids} = \@phids; } my $result = request('bugzilla.account.search', $params); # Store new values in memcache for later retrieval foreach my $user (@{ $result->{result} }) { $memcache->set({ key => "phab_user_bmo_id_" . $user->{id}, value => $user->{phid} }); $memcache->set({ key => "phab_user_phid_" . $user->{phid}, value => $user->{id} }); push(@results, $user); } return \@results; } sub is_attachment_phab_revision { my ($attachment) = @_; return ($attachment->contenttype eq PHAB_CONTENT_TYPE && $attachment->attacher->login eq PHAB_AUTOMATION_USER) ? 1 : 0; } sub get_attachment_revisions { my $bug = shift; my @revisions; my @attachments = grep { is_attachment_phab_revision($_) } @{ $bug->attachments() }; if (@attachments) { my @revision_ids; foreach my $attachment (@attachments) { my ($revision_id) = ( $attachment->filename =~ PHAB_ATTACHMENT_PATTERN ); next if !$revision_id; push( @revision_ids, int($revision_id) ); } if (@revision_ids) { @revisions = get_revisions_by_ids( \@revision_ids ); } } return @revisions; } sub request { my ($method, $data) = @_; my $request_cache = Bugzilla->request_cache; my $params = Bugzilla->params; my $ua = $request_cache->{phabricator_ua}; unless ($ua) { $ua = $request_cache->{phabricator_ua} = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 10); if ($params->{proxy_url}) { $ua->proxy('https', $params->{proxy_url}); } $ua->default_header('Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } my $phab_api_key = $params->{phabricator_api_key}; ThrowUserError('invalid_phabricator_api_key') unless $phab_api_key; my $phab_base_uri = $params->{phabricator_base_uri}; ThrowUserError('invalid_phabricator_uri') unless $phab_base_uri; my $full_uri = $phab_base_uri . '/api/' . $method; $data->{__conduit__} = { token => $phab_api_key }; my $response = $ua->post($full_uri, { params => encode_json($data) }); ThrowCodeError('phabricator_api_error', { reason => $response->message }) if $response->is_error; my $result; my $result_ok = eval { $result = decode_json( $response->content); 1 }; if (!$result_ok || $result->{error_code}) { ThrowCodeError('phabricator_api_error', { reason => 'JSON decode failure' }) if !$result_ok; ThrowCodeError('phabricator_api_error', { code => $result->{error_code}, reason => $result->{error_info} }) if $result->{error_code}; } return $result; } sub get_security_sync_groups { my $bug = shift; my $phab_sync_groups = Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_sync_groups} || ThrowUserError('invalid_phabricator_sync_groups'); my $sync_group_names = [ split('[,\s]+', $phab_sync_groups) ]; my $bug_groups = $bug->groups_in; my $bug_group_names = [ map { $_->name } @$bug_groups ]; my @set_groups = intersect($bug_group_names, $sync_group_names); return @set_groups; } sub set_phab_user { my $old_user = Bugzilla->user; my $user = Bugzilla::User->new( { name => PHAB_AUTOMATION_USER } ); $user->{groups} = [ Bugzilla::Group->get_all ]; Bugzilla->set_user($user); return $old_user; } sub add_security_sync_comments { my ($revisions, $bug) = @_; my $phab_error_message = 'Revision is being made private due to unknown Bugzilla groups.'; foreach my $revision (@$revisions) { add_comment_to_revision( $revision->{phid}, $phab_error_message ); } my $num_revisions = scalar @$revisions; my $bmo_error_message = ( $num_revisions > 1 ? $num_revisions.' revisions were' : 'One revision was' ) . ' made private due to unknown Bugzilla groups.'; my $old_user = set_phab_user(); $bug->add_comment( $bmo_error_message, { isprivate => 0 } ); Bugzilla->set_user($old_user); } 1;