# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::WebService; use 5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(Bugzilla::WebService); use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::Util qw(detaint_natural datetime_from time_ago trick_taint); use Bugzilla::WebService::Constants; use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Constants; use Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::Util qw( get_needs_review ); use DateTime (); use List::Util qw(first uniq); use List::MoreUtils qw(any); use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64); use constant READ_ONLY => qw( check_user_permission_for_bug needs_review ); use constant PUBLIC_METHODS => qw( check_user_permission_for_bug needs_review set_build_target ); sub check_user_permission_for_bug { my ($self, $params) = @_; my $user = Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED); # Ensure PhabBugz is on ThrowUserError('phabricator_not_enabled') unless Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_enabled}; # Validate that the requesting user's email matches phab-bot ThrowUserError('phabricator_unauthorized_user') unless $user->login eq PHAB_AUTOMATION_USER; # Validate that a bug id and user id are provided ThrowUserError('phabricator_invalid_request_params') unless ($params->{bug_id} && $params->{user_id}); # Validate that the user and bug exist my $target_user = Bugzilla::User->check({ id => $params->{user_id}, cache => 1 }); # Send back an object which says { "result": 1|0 } return { result => $target_user->can_see_bug($params->{bug_id}) }; } sub needs_review { my ($self, $params) = @_; ThrowUserError('phabricator_not_enabled') unless Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_enabled}; my $user = Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED); my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $reviews = get_needs_review(); my $authors = Bugzilla::Extension::PhabBugz::User->match({ phids => [ uniq grep { defined } map { $_->{fields}{authorPHID} } @$reviews ] }); my %author_phab_to_id = map { $_->phid => $_->bugzilla_user->id } @$authors; my %author_id_to_user = map { $_->bugzilla_user->id => $_->bugzilla_user } @$authors; # bug data my $visible_bugs = $user->visible_bugs([ uniq grep { $_ } map { $_->{fields}{'bugzilla.bug-id'} } @$reviews ]); # get all bug statuses and summaries in a single query to avoid creation of # many bug objects my %bugs; if (@$visible_bugs) { #<<< my $bug_rows =$dbh->selectall_arrayref( 'SELECT bug_id, bug_status, short_desc ' . ' FROM bugs ' . ' WHERE bug_id IN (' . join(',', ('?') x @$visible_bugs) . ')', { Slice => {} }, @$visible_bugs ); #>>> %bugs = map { $_->{bug_id} => $_ } @$bug_rows; } # build result my $datetime_now = DateTime->now(time_zone => $user->timezone); my @result; foreach my $review (@$reviews) { my $review_flat = { id => $review->{id}, status => $review->{fields}{review_status}, title => $review->{fields}{title}, url => Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_base_uri} . 'D' . $review->{id}, }; # show date in user's timezone my $datetime = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $review->{fields}{dateModified}, time_zone => 'UTC' ); $datetime->set_time_zone($user->timezone); $review_flat->{updated} = $datetime->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %T %Z'); $review_flat->{updated_fancy} = time_ago($datetime, $datetime_now); # review requester if (my $author = $author_id_to_user{$author_phab_to_id{ $review->{fields}{authorPHID} }}) { $review_flat->{author_name} = $author->name; $review_flat->{author_email} = $author->email; } else { $review_flat->{author_name} = 'anonymous'; $review_flat->{author_email} = 'anonymous'; } # referenced bug if (my $bug_id = $review->{fields}{'bugzilla.bug-id'}) { my $bug = $bugs{$bug_id}; $review_flat->{bug_id} = $bug_id; $review_flat->{bug_status} = $bug->{bug_status}; $review_flat->{bug_summary} = $bug->{short_desc}; } push @result, $review_flat; } return { result => \@result }; } sub set_build_target { my ( $self, $params ) = @_; # Phabricator only supports sending credentials via HTTP Basic Auth # so we exploit that function to pass in an API key as the password # of basic auth. BMO does not support basic auth but does support # use of API keys. my $http_auth = Bugzilla->cgi->http('Authorization'); $http_auth =~ s/^Basic\s+//; $http_auth = decode_base64($http_auth); my ($login, $api_key) = split(':', $http_auth); $params->{'Bugzilla_login'} = $login; $params->{'Bugzilla_api_key'} = $api_key; my $user = Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED); # Ensure PhabBugz is on ThrowUserError('phabricator_not_enabled') unless Bugzilla->params->{phabricator_enabled}; # Validate that the requesting user's email matches phab-bot ThrowUserError('phabricator_unauthorized_user') unless $user->login eq PHAB_AUTOMATION_USER; my $revision_id = $params->{revision_id}; my $build_target = $params->{build_target}; ThrowUserError('invalid_phabricator_revision_id') unless detaint_natural($revision_id); ThrowUserError('invalid_phabricator_build_target') unless $build_target =~ /^PHID-HMBT-[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/; trick_taint($build_target); Bugzilla->dbh->do( "INSERT INTO phabbugz (name, value) VALUES (?, ?)", undef, 'build_target_' . $revision_id, $build_target ); return { result => 1 }; } sub rest_resources { return [ # Set build target in Phabricator qr{^/phabbugz/build_target/(\d+)/(PHID-HMBT-.*)$}, { POST => { method => 'set_build_target', params => sub { return { revision_id => $_[0], build_target => $_[1] }; } } }, # Bug permission checks qr{^/phabbugz/check_bug/(\d+)/(\d+)$}, { GET => { method => 'check_user_permission_for_bug', params => sub { return { bug_id => $_[0], user_id => $_[1] }; } } }, # Review requests qw{^/phabbugz/needs_review$}, { GET => { method => 'needs_review', }, } ]; } 1;