[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. #%] [% IF error == "invalid_phabricator_uri" %] [% title = "Invalid Phabricator URI" %] You must provide a valid Phabricator URI. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_phabricator_api_key" %] [% title = "Invalid Phabricator API Key" %] You must provide a valid Phabricator API Key. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_phabricator_projects" %] [% title = "Invalid Phabricator Projects" %] One or more Phabricator projects selected are invalid. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_phabricator_revision_id" %] [% title = "Invalid Phabricator Revision ID" %] You must provide a valid Phabricator revision ID. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_phabricator_build_target" %] [% title = "Invalid Phabricator Build Target" %] You must provide a valid Phabricator Build Target PHID. [% ELSIF error == "phabricator_not_enabled" %] [% title = "Phabricator Support Not Enabled" %] The Phabricator to Bugzilla library, PhabBugz, is not enabled in Bugzilla. [% ELSIF error == "phabricator_invalid_request_params" %] [% title = "Incomplete Information Provided by Phabricator" %] The parameters 'user_id' and '[% terms.bug %]_id' must be provided. [% ELSIF error == "phabricator_unauthorized_user" %] [% title = "Unauthorized User" %] You do not have permission to use this endpoint. [% END %]