/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as * defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. */ // Product and component search to file a new bug $(function() { 'use strict'; function hideNotifications(target) { var id = '#' + $(target).prop('id'); var that = $(id); if (that.data('counter') === 0) that.removeClass('autocomplete-running'); $(id + '-no_results').hide(); $(id + '-too_many_results').hide(); $(id + '-error').hide(); } function searchComplete(query, suggestions) { var that = $(this); var id = '#' + that.prop('id'); that.data('counter', that.data('counter') - 1); hideNotifications(this); if (document.activeElement != this) that.devbridgeAutocomplete('hide'); if (that.data('error')) { searchError.call(that[0], null, null, null, that.data('error')); that.data('error', ''); } if (suggestions.length === 0) { $(id + '-no_results').show(); $(document).trigger('pcs:no_results', [ that ]); } else if (suggestions.length > that.data('max_results')) { $(id + '-too_many_results').show(); $(document).trigger('pcs:too_many_results', [ that ]); } else { $(document).trigger('pcs:results', [ that, suggestions ]); } } function searchError(q, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var that = $(this); that.data('counter', that.data('counter') - 1); hideNotifications(this); if (errorThrown !== 'abort') { $('#' + that.attr('id') + '-error').show(); console.log(errorThrown); } } $('.prod_comp_search') .each(function() { var that = $(this); var params = { limit: (that.data('max_results') + 1) }; if (BUGZILLA.api_token) { params.Bugzilla_api_token = BUGZILLA.api_token; } that.devbridgeAutocomplete({ appendTo: $('#main-inner'), forceFixPosition: true, serviceUrl: function(query) { return 'rest/prod_comp_search/' + encodeURIComponent(query); }, params: params, deferRequestBy: 250, minChars: 3, maxHeight: 500, tabDisabled: true, autoSelectFirst: true, triggerSelectOnValidInput: false, width: '', transformResult: function(response) { response = $.parseJSON(response); if (response.error) { that.data('error', response.message); return { suggestions: [] }; } return { suggestions: $.map(response.products, function(dataItem) { if (dataItem.component) { return { value: dataItem.product + ' :: ' + dataItem.component, data : dataItem }; } else { return { value: dataItem.product, data : dataItem }; } }) }; }, formatResult: function(suggestion, currentValue) { var value = (suggestion.data.component ? suggestion.data.component : suggestion.data.product); var escaped = value.htmlEncode(); if (suggestion.data.component) { return '- ' + escaped; } else { return '' + escaped + ''; } return suggestion.data.component ? '- ' + escaped : escaped; }, beforeRender: function(container) { container.css('min-width', that.outerWidth() - 2 + 'px'); }, onSearchStart: function(params) { var that = $(this); params.match = $.trim(params.match); that.addClass('autocomplete-running'); that.data('counter', that.data('counter') + 1); that.data('error', ''); hideNotifications(this); }, onSearchComplete: searchComplete, onSearchError: searchError, onSelect: function(suggestion) { var that = $(this); if (that.data('ignore-select')) return; var params = []; if (that.data('format')) params.push('format=' + encodeURIComponent(that.data('format'))); if (that.data('cloned_bug_id')) params.push('cloned_bug_id=' + encodeURIComponent(that.data('cloned_bug_id'))); params.push('product=' + encodeURIComponent(suggestion.data.product)); if (suggestion.data.component) params.push('component=' + encodeURIComponent(suggestion.data.component)); var url = that.data('script_name') + '?' + params.join('&'); if (that.data('anchor_component') && suggestion.data.component) url += "#" + encodeURIComponent(suggestion.data.component); document.location.href = url; } }); }) .data('counter', 0); });