# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Serialise; use strict; use warnings; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Util; use Bugzilla::Version; use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; use JSON (); my $_instance; sub instance { $_instance ||= Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Serialise->_new(); return $_instance; } sub _new { my ($class) = @_; my $self = {}; bless($self, $class); return $self; } # given an object, serliase to a hash sub object_to_hash { my ($self, $object, $is_shallow) = @_; my $method = lc(blessed($object)); $method =~ s/::/_/g; $method =~ s/^bugzilla//; return unless $self->can($method); (my $name = $method) =~ s/^_//; # check for a cached hash my $cache = Bugzilla->request_cache; my $cache_id = "push." . ($is_shallow ? 'shallow.' : 'deep.') . $object; if (exists($cache->{$cache_id})) { return wantarray ? ($cache->{$cache_id}, $name) : $cache->{$cache_id}; } # call the right method to serialise to a hash my $rh = $self->$method($object, $is_shallow); # store in cache if ($cache_id) { $cache->{$cache_id} = $rh; } return wantarray ? ($rh, $name) : $rh; } # given a changes hash, return an event hash sub changes_to_event { my ($self, $changes) = @_; my $event = {}; # create common (created and modified) fields $event->{'user'} = $self->object_to_hash(Bugzilla->user); my $timestamp = $changes->{'timestamp'} || Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP(0)'); $event->{'time'} = datetime_to_timestamp($timestamp); foreach my $change (@{$changes->{'changes'}}) { if (exists $change->{'field'}) { # map undef to emtpy hash_undef_to_empty($change); # custom_fields change from undef to empty, ignore these changes return if ($change->{'added'} || "") eq "" && ($change->{'removed'} || "") eq ""; # use saner field serialisation my $field = $change->{'field'}; $change->{'field'} = $field; if ($field eq 'priority' || $field eq 'target_milestone') { $change->{'added'} = _select($change->{'added'}); $change->{'removed'} = _select($change->{'removed'}); } elsif ($field =~ /^cf_/) { $change->{'added'} = _custom_field($field, $change->{'added'}); $change->{'removed'} = _custom_field($field, $change->{'removed'}); } $event->{'changes'} = [] unless exists $event->{'changes'}; push @{$event->{'changes'}}, $change; } } return $event; } # bugzilla returns '---' or '--' for single-select fields that have no value # selected. it makes more sense to return an empty string. sub _select { my ($value) = @_; return '' if $value eq '---' or $value eq '--'; return $value; } # return an object which serialises to a json boolean, but still acts as a perl # boolean sub _boolean { my ($value) = @_; return $value ? JSON::true : JSON::false; } sub _string { my ($value) = @_; return defined($value) ? $value : ''; } sub _time { my ($value) = @_; return defined($value) ? datetime_to_timestamp($value) : undef; } sub _integer { my ($value) = @_; return defined($value) ? $value + 0 : undef; } sub _array { my ($value) = @_; return defined($value) ? $value : []; } sub _custom_field { my ($field, $value) = @_; $field = Bugzilla::Field->new({ name => $field }) unless blessed $field; if ($field->type == FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME) { return _time($value); } elsif ($field->type == FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT) { return _select($value); } elsif ($field->type == FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT) { return _array($value); } else { return _string($value); } } # # class mappings # automatically derrived from the class name # Bugzilla::Bug --> _bug, Bugzilla::User --> _user, etc # sub _bug { my ($self, $bug) = @_; my $version = $bug->can('version_obj') ? $bug->version_obj : Bugzilla::Version->new({ name => $bug->version, product => $bug->product_obj }); my $milestone; if (_select($bug->target_milestone) ne '') { $milestone = $bug->can('target_milestone_obj') ? $bug->target_milestone_obj : Bugzilla::Milestone->new({ name => $bug->target_milestone, product => $bug->product_obj }); } my $status = $bug->can('status_obj') ? $bug->status_obj : Bugzilla::Status->new({ name => $bug->bug_status }); my $rh = { id => _integer($bug->bug_id), alias => _string($bug->alias), assigned_to => $self->_user($bug->assigned_to), classification => _string($bug->classification), component => $self->_component($bug->component_obj), creation_time => _time($bug->creation_ts || $bug->delta_ts), flags => (mapr { $self->_flag($_) } $bug->flags), is_private => _boolean(!is_public($bug)), keywords => (mapr { _string($_->name) } $bug->keyword_objects), last_change_time => _time($bug->delta_ts), operating_system => _string($bug->op_sys), platform => _string($bug->rep_platform), priority => _select($bug->priority), product => $self->_product($bug->product_obj), qa_contact => $self->_user($bug->qa_contact), reporter => $self->_user($bug->reporter), resolution => _string($bug->resolution), severity => _string($bug->bug_severity), status => $self->_status($status), summary => _string($bug->short_desc), target_milestone => $self->_milestone($milestone), url => _string($bug->bug_file_loc), version => $self->_version($version), whiteboard => _string($bug->status_whiteboard), }; # add custom fields my @custom_fields = Bugzilla->active_custom_fields; foreach my $field (@custom_fields) { my $name = $field->name; # skip custom fields that are hidded from this product/component next if Bugzilla::Extension::BMO::cf_hidden_in_product( $name, $bug->product, $bug->component); $rh->{$name} = _custom_field($field, $bug->$name); } return $rh; } sub _user { my ($self, $user) = @_; return undef unless $user; return { id => _integer($user->id), login => _string($user->login), real_name => _string($user->name), }; } sub _component { my ($self, $component) = @_; return { id => _integer($component->id), name => _string($component->name), }; } sub _attachment { my ($self, $attachment, $is_shallow) = @_; my $rh = { id => _integer($attachment->id), content_type => _string($attachment->contenttype), creation_time => _time($attachment->attached), description => _string($attachment->description), file_name => _string($attachment->filename), flags => (mapr { $self->_flag($_) } $attachment->flags), is_obsolete => _boolean($attachment->isobsolete), is_patch => _boolean($attachment->ispatch), is_private => _boolean(!is_public($attachment)), last_change_time => _time($attachment->modification_time), }; if (!$is_shallow) { $rh->{bug} = $self->_bug($attachment->bug); } return $rh; } sub _comment { my ($self, $comment, $is_shallow) = @_; my $rh = { id => _integer($comment->bug_id), body => _string($comment->body), creation_time => _time($comment->creation_ts), is_private => _boolean($comment->is_private), number => _integer($comment->count), }; if (!$is_shallow) { $rh->{bug} = $self->_bug($comment->bug); } return $rh; } sub _product { my ($self, $product) = @_; return { id => _integer($product->id), name => _string($product->name), }; } sub _flag { my ($self, $flag) = @_; my $rh = { id => _integer($flag->id), name => _string($flag->type->name), value => _string($flag->status), }; if ($flag->requestee) { $rh->{'requestee'} = $self->_user($flag->requestee); } return $rh; } sub _version { my ($self, $version) = @_; return { id => _integer($version->id), name => _string($version->name), }; } sub _milestone { my ($self, $milestone) = @_; return undef unless $milestone; return { id => _integer($milestone->id), name => _string($milestone->name), }; } sub _status { my ($self, $status) = @_; return { id => _integer($status->id), name => _string($status->name), }; } 1;