#!/usr/bin/perl -T # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. use strict; use warnings; use lib qw( . lib ); use Test::More; use Bugzilla; use Bugzilla::Extension; use Bugzilla::Attachment; use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; use YAML; BEGIN { eval { require Test::LWP::UserAgent; require Test::MockObject; }; if ($@) { plan skip_all => 'Tests require Test::LWP::UserAgent and Test::MockObject'; exit; } } BEGIN { Bugzilla->extensions; # load all of them use_ok 'Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Connector::ReviewBoard::Client'; use_ok 'Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Constants'; } my ($push) = grep { blessed($_) eq 'Bugzilla::Extension::Push' } @{Bugzilla->extensions }; my $connectors = $push->_get_instance->connectors; my $con = $connectors->by_name('ReviewBoard'); my $ua_204 = Test::LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua_204->map_response( qr{https://reviewboard-dev\.allizom\.org/api/review-requests/\d+}, HTTP::Response->new('204')); my $ua_404 = Test::LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua_404->map_response( qr{https://reviewboard-dev\.allizom\.org/api/review-requests/\d+}, HTTP::Response->new('404', undef, undef, q[{ "err": { "code": 100, "msg": "Object does not exist" }, "stat": "fail" }])); # forbidden my $ua_403 = Test::LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua_403->map_response( qr{https://reviewboard-dev\.allizom\.org/api/review-requests/\d+}, HTTP::Response->new('403', undef, undef, q[ {"err":{"code":101,"msg":"You don't have permission for this"},"stat":"fail"}])); # not logged in my $ua_401 = Test::LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua_401->map_response( qr{https://reviewboard-dev\.allizom\.org/api/review-requests/\d+}, HTTP::Response->new('401', undef, undef, q[ { "err": { "code": 103, "msg": "You are not logged in" }, "stat": "fail" } ])); # not logged in my $ua_500 = Test::LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua_500->map_response( qr{https://reviewboard-dev\.allizom\.org/api/review-requests/\d+}, HTTP::Response->new('500')); $con->client->{useragent} = $ua_204; $con->config->{base_uri} = 'https://reviewboard-dev.allizom.org'; $con->client->{base_uri} = 'https://reviewboard-dev.allizom.org'; { my $msg = message( event => { routing_key => 'attachment.modify:is_private', target => 'attachment', }, attachment => { is_private => 1, content_type => 'text/plain', bug => { id => 1, is_private => 0 }, }, ); ok(not($con->should_send($msg)), "text/plain message should not be sent"); } my $data = slurp("extensions/Push/t/rblink.txt"); Bugzilla::User::DEFAULT_USER->{userid} = 42; Bugzilla->set_user(Bugzilla::User->super_user); diag " " . Bugzilla::User->super_user->id; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; $dbh->bz_start_transaction; my $timestamp = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP(0)'); my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->new({id => 9000}); my $attachment = Bugzilla::Attachment->create({ bug => $bug, creation_ts => $timestamp, data => $data, attach_size => length($data), description => "rblink.txt", filename => "rblink.txt", isprivate => 1, ispatch => 0, mimetype => 'text/x-review-board-request' }); diag "".$attachment->id; $dbh->bz_commit_transaction; { my $msg = message( event => { routing_key => 'attachment.modify:cc,is_private', target => 'attachment', }, attachment => { id => $attachment->id, is_private => 1, content_type => 'text/x-review-board-request', bug => { id => $bug->id, is_private => 0 }, }, ); ok($con->should_send($msg), "rb attachment should be sent"); { my ($rv, $err) = $con->send($msg); is($rv, PUSH_RESULT_OK, "good push result"); diag $err if $err; } { local $con->client->{useragent} = $ua_404; my ($rv, $err) = $con->send($msg); is($rv, PUSH_RESULT_OK, "good push result for 404"); diag $err if $err; } { local $con->client->{useragent} = $ua_403; my ($rv, $err) = $con->send($msg); is($rv, PUSH_RESULT_TRANSIENT, "transient error on 403"); diag $err if $err; } { local $con->client->{useragent} = $ua_401; my ($rv, $err) = $con->send($msg); is($rv, PUSH_RESULT_TRANSIENT, "transient error on 401"); diag $err if $err; } { local $con->client->{useragent} = $ua_500; my ($rv, $err) = $con->send($msg); is($rv, PUSH_RESULT_TRANSIENT, "transient error on 500"); diag $err if $err; } } { my $msg = message( event => { routing_key => 'bug.modify:is_private', target => 'bug', }, bug => { is_private => 1, id => $bug->id, }, ); ok($con->should_send($msg), "rb attachment should be sent"); my ($rv, $err) = $con->send($msg); is($rv, PUSH_RESULT_OK, "good push result"); { local $con->client->{useragent} = $ua_404; my ($rv, $err) = $con->send($msg); is($rv, PUSH_RESULT_OK, "good push result for 404"); } { local $con->client->{useragent} = $ua_403; my ($rv, $err) = $con->send($msg); is($rv, PUSH_RESULT_TRANSIENT, "transient error on 404"); diag $err if $err; } { local $con->client->{useragent} = $ua_401; my ($rv, $err) = $con->send($msg); is($rv, PUSH_RESULT_TRANSIENT, "transient error on 401"); diag $err if $err; } { local $con->client->{useragent} = $ua_401; my ($rv, $err) = $con->send($msg); is($rv, PUSH_RESULT_TRANSIENT, "transient error on 401"); diag $err if $err; } } sub message { my $msg_data = { @_ }; return Test::MockObject->new ->set_always( routing_key => $msg_data->{event}{routing_key} ) ->set_always( payload_decoded => $msg_data ); } sub slurp { my $file = shift; local $/ = undef; open my $fh, '<', $file or die "unable to open $file"; my $s = readline $fh; close $fh; return $s; } done_testing;