#!/usr/bin/perl # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. use strict; use warnings; use FindBin qw($RealBin); use lib "$RealBin/../../.."; # if there are more than this many requests that a user is waiting on, show a # summary and a link instead. use constant MAX_SETTER_COUNT => 7; use Bugzilla; BEGIN { Bugzilla->extensions() } use Bugzilla::Attachment; use Bugzilla::Bug; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Hook; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Extension::RequestNagger::Constants; use Bugzilla::Extension::RequestNagger::Bug; use Bugzilla::Extension::RequestNagger::Settings; use Bugzilla::Mailer; use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::Util qw(format_time); use Email::MIME; use File::Slurp qw(read_file); use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use JSON qw(encode_json decode_json); use Sys::Hostname qw(hostname); Bugzilla->usage_mode(USAGE_MODE_CMDLINE); my $DO_NOT_NAG = grep { $_ eq '-d' } @ARGV; @ARGV = grep { !/^-/ } @ARGV; if (my $filename = shift @ARGV) { _send_email(decode_json(scalar read_file($filename))); exit; } my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $date = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP(0)'); $date = format_time($date, '%a, %d %b %Y %T %z', 'UTC'); # delete expired defers $dbh->do("DELETE FROM nag_defer WHERE defer_until <= CURRENT_DATE()"); Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db(); # send nags to requestees send_nags( reports => [ 'requestee' ], requestee_sql => REQUESTEE_NAG_SQL, setter_sql => SETTER_NAG_SQL, template => 'user', date => $date, ); # send nags to watchers send_nags( reports => [ 'requestee', 'setter' ], requestee_sql => WATCHING_REQUESTEE_NAG_SQL, setter_sql => WATCHING_SETTER_NAG_SQL, template => 'watching', date => $date, ); sub send_nags { my (%args) = @_; my $requests = {}; # get requests foreach my $report (@{ $args{reports} }) { # collate requests my $rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($args{$report . '_sql'}, { Slice => {} }); foreach my $request (@$rows) { next unless _include_request($request, $report); my $target = Bugzilla::User->new({ id => $request->{target_id}, cache => 1 }); push @{ $requests ->{$request->{recipient_id}} ->{$target->login} ->{$report} ->{$request->{flag_type}} }, $request; push @{ $requests ->{$request->{recipient_id}} ->{$target->login} ->{bug_ids} ->{$report} }, $request->{bug_id}; } # process requests here to avoid doing it in the templates foreach my $recipient_id (keys %$requests) { foreach my $target_login (keys %{ $requests->{$recipient_id} }) { my $rh = $requests->{$recipient_id}->{$target_login}; # build a list of valid types in the correct order $rh->{types}->{$report} = []; foreach my $type (map { $_->{type} } FLAG_TYPES) { next unless exists $rh->{$report}->{$type}; push @{ $rh->{types}->{$report} }, $type; } # build a summary $rh->{summary}->{$report} = join(', ', map { scalar(@{ $rh->{$report}->{$_} }) . ' ' . $_ } @{ $rh->{types}->{$report} } ); # remove links to reports with too many items to display my $total = 0; foreach my $type (@{ $rh->{types}->{$report} }) { $total += scalar(@{ $rh->{$report}->{$type} }); } if ($total > MAX_SETTER_COUNT) { $rh->{types}->{$report} = []; } } } } # send emails foreach my $recipient_id (sort keys %$requests) { # send the email in a separate process to avoid excessive memory usage my $params = { recipient_id => $recipient_id, template => $args{template}, date => $args{date}, reports => $args{reports}, requests => $requests->{$recipient_id}, }; my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(); print $fh encode_json($params); close($fh); my @command = ($0, $filename); push @command, '-d' if $DO_NOT_NAG; system(@command); unlink($filename); } } sub _include_request { my ($request, $report) = @_; my $recipient = Bugzilla::User->new({ id => $request->{recipient_id}, cache => 1 }); if ($report eq 'requestee') { # check recipient group membership my $group; foreach my $type (FLAG_TYPES) { next unless $type->{type} eq $request->{flag_type}; $group = $type->{group}; last; } return 0 unless $recipient->in_group($group); } # check bug visibility return 0 unless $recipient->can_see_bug($request->{bug_id}); # check attachment visibility if ($request->{attach_id}) { my $attachment = Bugzilla::Attachment->new({ id => $request->{attach_id}, cache => 1 }); return 0 if $attachment->isprivate && !$recipient->is_insider; } return 1; } sub _send_email { my ($params) = @_; my @reports = @{ $params->{reports} }; my $recipient_id = $params->{recipient_id}; my $requests = $params->{requests}; my $watching = $params->{template} eq 'watching'; my $recipient = Bugzilla::User->new({ id => $recipient_id, cache => 1 }); my $securemail = Bugzilla::User->can('public_key'); my $has_key = $securemail && $recipient->public_key; my $has_private_bug = 0; my $settings = Bugzilla::Extension::RequestNagger::Settings->new($recipient_id); if ($watching && $settings->no_encryption) { $has_key = 0; } foreach my $target_login (keys %$requests) { my $rh = $requests->{$target_login}; $rh->{target} = Bugzilla::User->new({ name => $target_login, cache => 1 }); foreach my $report (@reports) { foreach my $type (keys %{ $rh->{$report} }) { foreach my $request (@{ $rh->{$report}->{$type} }) { _create_objects($request); # we need to encrypt or censor emails which contain # non-public bugs if ($request->{bug}->is_private) { $has_private_bug = 1; $request->{bug}->{sanitise_bug} = !$securemail || !$has_key; } else { $request->{bug}->{sanitise_bug} = 0; } } } } } my $encrypt = $securemail && $has_private_bug && $has_key; # generate email my $template = Bugzilla->template_inner($recipient->setting('lang')); my $template_file = $params->{template}; my $vars = { recipient => $recipient, requests => $requests, date => $params->{date}, }; my ($header, $text); $template->process("email/request_nagging-$template_file-header.txt.tmpl", $vars, \$header) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); $header .= "\n"; $template->process("email/request_nagging-$template_file.txt.tmpl", $vars, \$text) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); my @parts = ( Email::MIME->create( attributes => { content_type => 'text/plain', charset => 'UTF-8', encoding => 'quoted-printable', }, body_str => $text, ) ); if ($recipient->setting('email_format') eq 'html') { my $html; $template->process("email/request_nagging-$template_file.html.tmpl", $vars, \$html) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); push @parts, Email::MIME->create( attributes => { content_type => 'text/html', charset => 'UTF-8', encoding => 'quoted-printable', }, body_str => $html, ); } my $email = Email::MIME->new($header); $email->header_set('X-Generated-By' => hostname()); if (scalar(@parts) == 1) { $email->content_type_set($parts[0]->content_type); } else { $email->content_type_set('multipart/alternative'); } $email->parts_set(\@parts); if ($encrypt) { $email->header_set('X-Bugzilla-Encrypt' => '1'); } # send if ($DO_NOT_NAG) { # uncomment the following line to enable other extensions to # process this email, including encryption # Bugzilla::Hook::process('mailer_before_send', { email => $email }); print $email->as_string, "\n"; } else { MessageToMTA($email); } } sub _create_objects { my ($request) = @_; $request->{recipient} = Bugzilla::User->new({ id => $request->{recipient_id}, cache => 1 }); $request->{setter} = Bugzilla::User->new({ id => $request->{setter_id}, cache => 1 }); if (defined $request->{requestee_id}) { $request->{requestee} = Bugzilla::User->new({ id => $request->{requestee_id}, cache => 1 }); } if (exists $request->{watcher_id}) { $request->{watcher} = Bugzilla::User->new({ id => $request->{watcher_id}, cache => 1 }); } $request->{bug} = Bugzilla::Extension::RequestNagger::Bug->new({ id => $request->{bug_id}, cache => 1 }); $request->{flag} = Bugzilla::Flag->new({ id => $request->{flag_id}, cache => 1 }); if (defined $request->{attach_id}) { $request->{attachment} = Bugzilla::Attachment->new({ id => $request->{attach_id}, cache => 1 }); } }