/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as * defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. */ (function () { 'use strict'; YUI.add('bz-review-history', function (Y) { function format_duration(o) { if (o.value) { if (o.value < 0) { return "???"; } else { return moment.duration(o.value).humanize(); } } else { return "---"; } } function format_attachment(o) { if (o.value) { return o.value.description; } } function format_action(o) { return o.value; } function format_setter(o) { return o.value.real_name ? o.value.real_name + " <" + o.value.name + ">" : o.value.name; } function format_date(o) { return o.value && Y.DataType.Date.format(o.value, { format: "%Y-%m-%d" }); } function parse_date(str) { var parts = str.split(/\D/); return new Date(parts[0], parts[1] - 1, parts[2], parts[3], parts[4], parts[5]); } var flagDS, bugDS, attachmentDS, historyTable; flagDS = new Y.DataSource.IO({ source: 'jsonrpc.cgi' }); flagDS.plug(Y.Plugin.DataSourceJSONSchema, { schema: { resultListLocator: 'result', resultFields: [ { key: 'id' }, { key: 'requestee' }, { key: 'setter' }, { key: 'flag_id' }, { key: 'creation_time' }, { key: 'status' }, { key: 'bug_id' }, { key: 'type' }, { key: 'attachment_id' } ] } }); bugDS = new Y.DataSource.IO({ source: 'jsonrpc.cgi' }); bugDS.plug(Y.Plugin.DataSourceJSONSchema, { schema: { resultListLocator: 'result.bugs', resultFields: [ { key: 'id' }, { key: 'summary' } ] } }); attachmentDS = new Y.DataSource.IO({ source: 'jsonrpc.cgi' }); attachmentDS.plug(Y.Plugin.DataSourceJSONSchema, { schema: { metaFields: { 'attachments': 'result.attachments' } } }); historyTable = new Y.DataTable({ columns: [ { key: 'creation_time', label: 'Created', sortable: true, formatter: format_date }, { key: 'attachment', label: 'Attachment', formatter: format_attachment }, { key: 'setter', label: 'Requester', formatter: format_setter }, { key: "action", label: "Action", sortable: true, formatter: format_action }, { key: "duration", label: "Duration", sortable: true, formatter: format_duration }, { key: "bug_id", label: "Bug", sortable: true, allowHTML: true, formatter: '{value}' }, { key: 'bug_summary', label: 'Summary' } ] }); function fetch_flag_ids(user) { return new Y.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var flagIdCallback = { success: function (e) { var flags = e.response.results; var flag_ids = flags.filter(function (flag) { return flag.status == '?'; }) .map(function (flag) { return flag.flag_id; }); if (flag_ids.length > 0) { resolve(flag_ids); } else { reject("No reviews found"); } }, failure: function (e) { reject(e.error.message); } }; flagDS.sendRequest({ request: Y.JSON.stringify({ version: '1.1', method: 'Review.flag_activity', params: { type_name: 'review', requestee: user, include_fields: ['flag_id', 'status'], Bugzilla_api_token : (BUGZILLA.api_token ? BUGZILLA.api_token : '') } }), cfg: { method: "POST", headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }, callback: flagIdCallback }); }); } function fetch_flags(flag_ids) { return new Y.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { flagDS.sendRequest({ request: Y.JSON.stringify({ version: '1.1', method: 'Review.flag_activity', params: { flag_ids: flag_ids, Bugzilla_api_token: (BUGZILLA.api_token ? BUGZILLA.api_token : '') } }), cfg: { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }, callback: { success: function (e) { var flags = e.response.results; flags.forEach(function(flag) { flag.creation_time = parse_date(flag.creation_time); }); resolve(flags.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.id > b.id) return 1; if (a.id < b.id) return -1; return 0; })); }, failure: function (e) { reject(e.error.message); } } }); }); } function fetch_bug_summaries(flags) { return new Y.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var bug_ids = Y.Array.dedupe(flags.map(function (f) { return f.bug_id; })); bugDS.sendRequest({ request: Y.JSON.stringify({ version: '1.1', method: 'Bug.get', params: { ids: bug_ids, include_fields: ['summary', 'id'], Bugzilla_api_token: (BUGZILLA.api_token ? BUGZILLA.api_token : '') } }), cfg: { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }, callback: { success: function (e) { var bugs = e.response.results, summary = {}; bugs.forEach(function (bug) { summary[bug.id] = bug.summary; }); flags.forEach(function (flag) { flag.bug_summary = summary[flag.bug_id]; }); resolve(flags); }, failure: function (e) { reject(e.error.message); } } }); }); } function fetch_attachment_descriptions(flags) { return new Y.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var attachment_ids = Y.Array.dedupe(flags.map(function (f) { return f.attachment_id; })); attachmentDS.sendRequest({ request: Y.JSON.stringify({ version: '1.1', method: 'Bug.attachments', params: { attachment_ids: attachment_ids, include_fields: ['id', 'description'], Bugzilla_api_token : (BUGZILLA.api_token ? BUGZILLA.api_token : '') } }), cfg: { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }, callback: { success: function (e) { var attachments = e.response.meta.attachments; flags.forEach(function (flag) { flag.attachment = attachments[flag.attachment_id]; }); resolve(flags); }, failure: function (e) { reject(e.error.message); } } }); }); } function add_historical_action(history, flag, stash, action) { history.push({ attachment: flag.attachment, bug_id: flag.bug_id, bug_summary: flag.bug_summary, creation_time: stash.creation_time, duration: flag.creation_time - stash.creation_time, setter: stash.setter, action: action }); } function generate_history(flags, user) { var history = [], stash = {}, flag, stash_key ; flags.forEach(function (flag) { var flag_id = flag.flag_id; switch (flag.status) { case '?': // If we get a ? after a + or -, we get a fresh start. if (stash[flag_id] && stash[flag_id].is_complete) delete stash[flag_id]; // handle untargeted review requests. if (!flag.requestee) flag.requestee = { id: 'the wind', name: 'the wind' }; if (stash[flag_id]) { // flag was reassigned if (flag.requestee.id != stash[flag_id].requestee.id) { // if ? started out mine, but went to someone else. if (stash[flag_id].requestee.name == user) { add_historical_action(history, flag, stash[flag_id], 'reassigned to ' + flag.requestee.name); stash[flag_id] = flag; } else { // flag changed hands. Reset the creation_time and requestee stash[flag_id].creation_time = flag.creation_time; stash[flag_id].requestee = flag.requestee; } } } else { stash[flag_id] = flag; } break; case 'X': if (stash[flag_id]) { // Only process if we did not get a + or a - since if (!stash[flag_id].is_complete) { add_historical_action(history, flag, stash[flag_id], 'cancelled'); } delete stash[flag_id]; } break; case '+': case '-': // if we get a + or -, we only accept it if the requestee is the user we're interested in. // we set is_complete to handle cancelations. if (stash[flag_id] && stash[flag_id].requestee.name == user) { add_historical_action(history, flag, stash[flag_id], "review" + flag.status); stash[flag_id].is_complete = true; } break; } }); for (stash_key in stash) { flag = stash[stash_key]; if (flag.is_complete) continue; if (flag.requestee.name != user) continue; history.push({ attachment: flag.attachment, bug_id: flag.bug_id, bug_summary: flag.bug_summary, creation_time: flag.creation_time, duration: new Date() - flag.creation_time, setter: flag.setter, action: 'review?' }); } return history; } Y.ReviewHistory = {}; Y.ReviewHistory.render = function (sel) { Y.one('#history-loading').hide(); historyTable.render(sel); historyTable.setAttrs({ width: "100%" }, true); }; Y.ReviewHistory.refresh = function (user, real_name) { var caption = "Review History for " + (real_name ? real_name + ' <' + user + '>' : user); historyTable.setAttrs({ caption: caption }); historyTable.set('data', null); historyTable.showMessage('Loading...'); fetch_flag_ids(user) .then(fetch_flags) .then(fetch_bug_summaries) .then(fetch_attachment_descriptions) .then(function (flags) { return new Y.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { try { resolve(generate_history(flags, user)); } catch (e) { reject(e.message); } }); }) .then(function (history) { historyTable.set('data', history); historyTable.sort({ creation_time: 'desc' }); }, function (message) { historyTable.showMessage(message); }); }; }, '0.0.1', { requires: [ "node", "datatype-date", "datatable", "datatable-sort", "datatable-message", "json-stringify", "datatable-datasource", "datasource-io", "datasource-jsonschema", "cookie", "gallery-datatable-row-expansion-bmo", "handlebars", "escape", "promise" ] }); }());