#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. # Migrate old custom field based tracking flags to the new # table based tracking flags use strict; use warnings; use lib qw(. lib local/lib/perl5); BEGIN { use Bugzilla; Bugzilla->extensions; } use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Field; use Bugzilla::Product; use Bugzilla::Component; use Bugzilla::Extension::BMO::Data; use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(indicate_progress); use Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Constants; use Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag; use Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag::Bug; use Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag::Value; use Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag::Visibility; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; Bugzilla->usage_mode(USAGE_MODE_CMDLINE); my ($dry_run, $trace) = (0, 0); GetOptions( "dry-run" => \$dry_run, "trace" => \$trace, ) or exit; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; $dbh->{TraceLevel} = 1 if $trace; my %product_cache; my %component_cache; sub migrate_flag_visibility { my ($new_flag, $products) = @_; # Create product/component visibility foreach my $prod_name (keys %$products) { $product_cache{$prod_name} ||= Bugzilla::Product->new({ name => $prod_name }); if (!$product_cache{$prod_name}) { warn "No such product $prod_name\n"; next; } # If no components specified then we do Product/__any__ # otherwise, we enter an entry for each Product/Component my $components = $products->{$prod_name}; if (!@$components) { Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag::Visibility->create({ tracking_flag_id => $new_flag->flag_id, product_id => $product_cache{$prod_name}->id, component_id => undef }); } else { foreach my $comp_name (@$components) { my $comp_matches = []; # If the component is a regexp, we need to find all components # matching the regex and insert each individually if (ref $comp_name eq 'Regexp') { my $comp_re = $comp_name; $comp_re =~ s/\?\-xism://; $comp_re =~ s/\(//; $comp_re =~ s/\)//; $comp_matches = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref( 'SELECT components.name FROM components WHERE components.product_id = ? AND ' . $dbh->sql_regexp('components.name', $dbh->quote($comp_re)) . ' ORDER BY components.name', undef, $product_cache{$prod_name}->id); } else { $comp_matches = [ $comp_name ]; } foreach my $comp_match (@$comp_matches) { $component_cache{"${prod_name}:${comp_match}"} ||= Bugzilla::Component->new({ name => $comp_match, product => $product_cache{$prod_name} }); if (!$component_cache{"${prod_name}:${comp_match}"}) { warn "No such product $prod_name and component $comp_match\n"; next; } Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag::Visibility->create({ tracking_flag_id => $new_flag->flag_id, product_id => $product_cache{$prod_name}->id, component_id => $component_cache{"${prod_name}:${comp_match}"}->id, }); } } } } } sub migrate_flag_values { my ($new_flag, $field) = @_; print "Migrating flag values..."; my %blocking_trusted_requesters = %{$Bugzilla::Extension::BMO::Data::blocking_trusted_requesters}; my %blocking_trusted_setters = %{$Bugzilla::Extension::BMO::Data::blocking_trusted_setters}; my %status_trusted_wanters = %{$Bugzilla::Extension::BMO::Data::status_trusted_wanters}; my %status_trusted_setters = %{$Bugzilla::Extension::BMO::Data::status_trusted_setters}; my %group_cache; foreach my $value (@{ $field->legal_values }) { my $group_name = 'everyone'; if ($field->name =~ /^cf_(blocking|tracking)_/) { if ($value->name ne '---' && $value->name !~ '\?$') { $group_name = get_setter_group($field->name, \%blocking_trusted_setters); } if ($value->name eq '?') { $group_name = get_setter_group($field->name, \%blocking_trusted_requesters); } } elsif ($field->name =~ /^cf_status_/) { if ($value->name eq 'wanted') { $group_name = get_setter_group($field->name, \%status_trusted_wanters); } elsif ($value->name ne '---' && $value->name ne '?') { $group_name = get_setter_group($field->name, \%status_trusted_setters); } } $group_cache{$group_name} ||= Bugzilla::Group->new({ name => $group_name }); $group_cache{$group_name} || die "Setter group '$group_name' does not exist"; Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag::Value->create({ tracking_flag_id => $new_flag->flag_id, value => $value->name, setter_group_id => $group_cache{$group_name}->id, sortkey => $value->sortkey, is_active => $value->is_active }); } print "done.\n"; } sub get_setter_group { my ($field, $trusted) = @_; my $setter_group = $trusted->{'_default'} || ""; foreach my $dfield (keys %$trusted) { if ($field =~ $dfield) { $setter_group = $trusted->{$dfield}; } } return $setter_group; } sub migrate_flag_bugs { my ($new_flag, $field) = @_; print "Migrating bug values..."; my $bugs = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT bug_id, " . $field->name . " FROM bugs WHERE " . $field->name . " != '---' ORDER BY bug_id"); local $| = 1; my $count = 1; my $total = scalar @$bugs; foreach my $row (@$bugs) { my ($id, $value) = @$row; indicate_progress({ current => $count++, total => $total, every => 25 }); Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag::Bug->create({ tracking_flag_id => $new_flag->flag_id, bug_id => $id, value => $value, }); } print "done.\n"; } sub migrate_flag_activity { my ($new_flag, $field) = @_; print "Migating flag activity..."; my $new_field = Bugzilla::Field->new({ name => $new_flag->name }); $dbh->do("UPDATE bugs_activity SET fieldid = ? WHERE fieldid = ?", undef, $new_field->id, $field->id); print "done.\n"; } sub do_migration { my $bmo_tracking_flags = $Bugzilla::Extension::BMO::Data::cf_visible_in_products; my $bmo_project_flags = $Bugzilla::Extension::BMO::Data::cf_project_flags; my $bmo_disabled_flags = $Bugzilla::Extension::BMO::Data::cf_disabled_flags; my $fields = Bugzilla::Field->match({ custom => 1, type => FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT }); my @drop_columns; foreach my $field (@$fields) { next if $field->name !~ /^cf_(blocking|tracking|status)_/; foreach my $field_re (keys %$bmo_tracking_flags) { next if $field->name !~ $field_re; # Create the new tracking flag if not exists my $new_flag = Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag->new({ name => $field->name }); next if $new_flag; print "----------------------------------\n" . "Migrating custom tracking field " . $field->name . "...\n"; my $new_flag_name = $field->name . "_new"; # Temporary name til we delete the old my $type = grep($field->name =~ $_, @$bmo_project_flags) ? 'project' : 'tracking'; my $is_active = grep($_ eq $field->name, @$bmo_disabled_flags) ? 0 : 1; $new_flag = Bugzilla::Extension::TrackingFlags::Flag->create({ name => $new_flag_name, description => $field->description, type => $type, sortkey => $field->sortkey, is_active => $is_active, enter_bug => $field->enter_bug, }); migrate_flag_visibility($new_flag, $bmo_tracking_flags->{$field_re}); migrate_flag_values($new_flag, $field); migrate_flag_bugs($new_flag, $field); migrate_flag_activity($new_flag, $field); push(@drop_columns, $field->name); # Remove the old flag entry from fielddefs $dbh->do("DELETE FROM fielddefs WHERE name = ?", undef, $field->name); # Rename the new flag $dbh->do("UPDATE fielddefs SET name = ? WHERE name = ?", undef, $field->name, $new_flag_name); $new_flag->set_name($field->name); $new_flag->update; # more than one regex could possibly match but we only want the first one last; } } # Drop each custom flag's value table and the column from the bz schema object if (!$dry_run && @drop_columns) { print "Dropping value tables and updating bz schema object...\n"; foreach my $column (@drop_columns) { # Drop the values table $dbh->bz_drop_table($column); # Drop the bugs table column from the bz schema object $dbh->_bz_real_schema->delete_column('bugs', $column); $dbh->_bz_store_real_schema; } # Do the one alter table to drop all columns at once $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE bugs DROP COLUMN " . join(", DROP COLUMN ", @drop_columns)); } } # Start Main eval { if ($dry_run) { print "** dry run : no changes to the database will be made **\n"; $dbh->bz_start_transaction(); } print "Starting migration...\n"; do_migration(); $dbh->bz_rollback_transaction() if $dry_run; print "All done!\n"; }; if ($@) { $dbh->bz_rollback_transaction() if $dry_run; die "$@" if $@; }